Are All Cats Dangerous
It is important for anyone who wants to understand animals and their behavior to place things in the proper perspective. Cats are domesticated, but this term is useless when discussing propensity of aggression, whether or not a pet is capable of attacking, and basically anything else meaningful.
The fact that cats are domesticated and widely kept as pets often mislead people into thinking they do not have the instincts associated with so-called wild animals. All cats are products of their environment, and if a cat is not socialized with humans, it will become just as ‘wild’ as what they’ve descended from .
Humans and dogs are not the only victims of cat aggression
woodleywonderworks Via Flickr
Most domesticated cats , when socialized, will never severely bite or attack humans as long as they arent “provoked.” However, this comforting fact does not determine whether or not your pet might end up unexpectedly acting aggressively one day as animals, not being robots, are subject to the same shifts in mood that result from various factors that may be hormonal, stress-related, or a response to an environmental change.
It is all too common for pet owners to say “he’s never done this before” when they experience a bite from their pet. At any point, in any situation, there can be a first time for anything.
So, repeat the following mantra if you really want to understand animals: domesticated is meaningless, domestication is meaningless.
Why Is My Cat Hitting Me With Her Tail
If your cat is hitting you with its tail there may be several explanations. The first is that your cat may be looking to show interest. My cat is very interested in the everyday activities of a household like cleaning up the kitchen.
If you are trying to stop your cat from helping during times like this it may well hit you with its tail to indicate that it is interested in what you are doing and would like to be involved.
As cats can only tolerate being petted for a relatively short period of time compared to say a dog it has some interesting ways of showing its affections. A cat hitting you with its tail may well be a sign of its love for you.
If your cat is wrapping its tail around your legs rather than actually hitting you it may well be trying to tell you that it is nervous or concerned. This may happen if your cat is in a new environment or if you have new people like say workmen in your home. It is a little like your cat trying to hold your hand when it feels a bit scared.
An entertained cat is a happy cat. Check out my posts on 9 Best Treats for Cats, Ultimate Guide to Gifts for Cats, 6 Best Toys for Cats, 14 Best Cat Chew Toys, Clothing for Cats and Best Costumes for Pet Cats.
If this is a one-time incidence then it is probably nothing to be concerned about. However, if it happens several times it may be worth trying to understand what is causing this behaviour in your cat and to potentially seek some advice from a vet.
What To Do If Your Cat Bites His Tail Until It Bleeds
If the cause of the tail-biting is flea infestation then your vet will prescribe flea medicine in oral or topical form. If it was due to ringworm, then fungal treatment is the solution. For food allergies, your vet may recommend a hypoallergenic diet that should be strictly followed.;
For injuries or arthritis, your vet will most likely recommend antibiotics, steroids, and anti-inflammatory medication.
For FHS and behavioral causes, your vet may prescribe anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication and may recommend a cat behaviorist to correct the cats strange behavior. Anti-epileptic therapy may also be considered especially for extreme cases of FHS. Cat experts also recommend that you spend more quality playtime with your cats and to keep them busy by engaging them with the use of interactive toys. Some examples would be laser mice toys, feather wand toys, and toys that are attached to a string.
Encourage your pets to stay active by placing cat perches or even outdoor enclosures so they can roam in an outdoor area but within a secured perimeter. Your vet may also suggest that you train your cat to learn and perform at least a new trick each month to keep your cat mentally active. Click and treat training has been found to have positive outcomes.;;
For stud tail and cat acne, neutering your male cats may solve the problem and your vet may also prescribe an antiseborrheic shampoo to ease the irritation and hinder your pet from chewing and biting his tail.;
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What Does It Mean When A Cat’s Tail Stands Straight Up
When a cats tail is upright, they are feeling social and confident, and approaching in a friendly manner.
This cat tail language indicates a friendly greeting between cats, and its how kittens greet their mothers. A research study by Cameron-Beaumont in 1997 found that cats were willing to readily approach a cat-shaped silhouette if it had a raised tail but were reluctant to approach the silhouette if it had a lowered tail.1
If your cat approaches you with their tail up, this is a good time to pet them or play with them.
What If She Attacks Another Cats Tail
When kittens are playing, theyll often chase at each others tails. But the tail-biting can be aggressive when they are fighting.
Watch her body language as she chases the other cats tail. Is she tense? Is she flicking her tail and growling or hissing?
If you observe this aggressive behavior, separate the cats before they cause more damage to each other.
Do you have other ideas why cats attack their tails? Share with us below!
Barry Stingmore is a British content creator living in Fuerteventura, Spain. An animal lover at heart, he shares his home with a dog and four rescue cats.
Barry works with the islands animal charities to help manage and care for feral and abandoned animals. Alongside fieldwork, he works to support the charities with fundraising and raising awareness.
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Predicting Cat Aggression During Petting
Cats typically show signs of agitation before they bite. While every cat is different, typical signs include stiffening of the body, flattening of the ears, and twitching of the tail. For most cats, the lashing tail is their final warning and indicates that a bite is imminent if the petting does not stop. Other signs include the cat moving away from you or staring intently at your hand. Knowing how to read your cats body language enables you to understand her state of mind and predict her behavior so that you can stop petting before her agitation is expressed as a bite.
What Does It Mean When A Cat Chases Their Tail
The answer to this can often depend on the age of your cat. If you have a kitten or a younger cat the reason is probably to play or to explore.
However, if you have an older cat and it is chasing its tail this could be for different and more concerning reasons. It is abnormal behaviour for an older cat to chase its tail.
A second factor to consider is if this behaviour is new or if it has changed in frequency. Any major changes in your cats behaviour such as suddenly chasing its tail or chasing its tail very frequently can be a sign of a bigger issue.
The third factor is your cats demeanor whilst playing with its tail. Is your cat playful or is it becoming aggressive? If your cat is growling or hissing then this may indicate a problem rather than your kitty behaving playfully.
Thinking about getting your favourite feline a new collar? Check out my posts on 6 Stylish Leather Cat Collars, 6 Spooky Halloween Cat Collars, 8 Fun Christmas Cat Collar options, 7 Best Cat Tracking Collars, 4 Best Cameras for Cat Collars,6 Best Flea Collars for Cats choices and 5 Best Designer Cat Collars.
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Why Do Cats Act Weird When You Scratch The Base Of Their Tail
Cats are notoriously unpredictable, but even more so during seemingly relaxing petting sessions. An accidental belly scratch or slightly longer strokes could land you on the receiving end of a swat, hiss, or bite. Yet, your cats response as you pet her lower back is flat-out bizarre, so why do cats act weird when you scratch the base of their tail?
Cats act weird when you scratch the base of their tail because of highly-sensitive nerve endings clustered at the tails base. A few gentle strokes might be soothing at first, but excessive tail petting could be overstimulating or painful. This scratching may mimic a sensual response in females.
Our feline friends may seem hasty or short-tempered from an outside perspective, but their actions make more sense when examined under a microscope. To learn about why cats act strange when you scratch their tails base, read on!
Confusing Kitties Why Does My Cat Purr Then Bite
Are you confused when your cat is snuggling on your lap, purring, seemingly content, you are gently stroking them and all is harmonious then they turn around and bite you?
Rest assured, this is not unusual! Some kitty lovers call this a love bite, others call it petting aggression. Its a controversial subject but its believed that if your cat suddenly bites you for no apparent reason, it could be because they are being overstimulated by the constant stroking – which you thought they were enjoying!
Another theory is that repetitive stroking creates static electricity on your cats coat, causing little shocks – which would of course make them react adversely. Or your cat may have a painful joint that you inadvertently touch when you are stroking – this could be the case if your cat is elderly.
Whatever the reason, petting induced aggression, or defensive biting can be prevented by promotion socialization from an early age. The amount of petting a cat tolerates can be influenced by their experiences with humans when they are a young kitten, so spending time with your kitty when they are small is key!
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Provide A Calm Environment
We know that cats dont like sudden noises or, indeed, any changes to their environment.
A FELIWAY Classic Diffuser will help to nurture your relationship with your cat, as it creates a loving environment at home and provides constant comfort and support for your cat by releasing happy messages. It is clinically proven, veterinary used and recommended.
Causes Of Sudden Aggression In Cats
Youre on the couch, petting your purring cat just like you have on many previous quiet evenings. She turns on her side as you rub her belly, and she kneads her paws in contentment. Then, before you know what happened, she hisses and bites your hand. What gives? What happened to turn your mild-mannered cat into Cujo?
Unfortunately, aggression is not uncommon in felines; in fact, its the second most common reason for a visit to a behaviorist. Sudden aggression in cats is a scary and frustrating problem for many owners, who fear the unpredictable nature of the kitty fury as well as the physical damage he or she can cause in the throes of an attack. In addition to the painful nature of cat bites and scratches, they can also transmit diseases such as cat scratch fever or serious bacterial infection. Cat aggression is truly no laughing matter.
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Question Mark Cat Tail
A cat that approaches you with an erect tail with a tiny hook at the end is saying, Im friendly and Im also just a tiny bit tentative and curious. May I come to you? I saw this a lot in my shelter cats, and my own kitty roommates do that when guests come over to visit. As soon as you say something like, Hello, darling, and reach out a hand, the tail straightens out and youre greeted with head bonks and love.
How Do You A Stop A Cat From Chasing His Tail
If your cat is chasing his tail and you suspect infection, hyperesthesia, stud tail or any injury, get your cat to the vet ASAP.
But, should you ever be concerned about a cat chasing his tail playfully?
If a cat is simply chasing his tail, but not biting or doing damage to the tail, it may be from boredom, Dr. Gibbons explains. If an owner witnesses their cat doing it, they can try to redirect the cat to chase a toy on a string or laser pointer.
If youre worried that your cat is bored because youre out of the house for long periods of time, Dr. Gibbons suggests using interactive toys such as Frolicat or Panic Mouse. This will help your cat focus more on the toys and less on playing with his tail.
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What Is Feline Hyperesthesia
Feline hyperesthesia is a poorly understood condition that has also been referred to as rippling skin syndrome, rolling skin syndrome, or twitchy skin syndrome. It may be a compulsive disorder but it is also possible that there is an underlying medical or neurological cause, behavioral cause or that the problem arises in situations of high arousal or anxiety. The normal response of many cats to having their back scratched can include rippling of the skin,an arched back and varying degrees of vocalization. In hyperesthesia, the affected cat may have a more exaggerated response to touching, rubbing, or scratching of the back. This behavior may then become a compulsive disorder as the frequency increases, the response becomes more intense and the signs begin to appear with little or no apparent stimuli. In addition to rolling skin, muscle spasms and vocalization, the cat may have dilated pupils, and may seem to startle, hallucinate, and dash away. Some cats will defecate as they run away. There may also be some grooming or biting at the flank, tail or back displayed along with the above behaviors.
“In hyperesthesia, the affected cat may have a more exaggerated response to touching, rubbing, or scratching of the back.”
What Is Feline Psychogenic Alopecia
Alopecia or hair loss can result when cats over-groom and remove fur. Overgrooming can take the form of excessive licking or the pulling out of tufts of hair. The diagnosis of psychogenic alopecia as a compulsive disorderis reserved for those cases in which no underlying medical problem is evident. Most cats with alopecia have an underlying skin disorder such as fleas or other external parasites, flea bite hypersensitivity, inhalant allergies, food allergies, infections or dysfunction of internal organs or the endocrine system. A steroid trial and an 8-week or longer food trial may often be recommended before considering the diagnosis to be purely behavioral.
“The diagnosis of psychogenic alopecia as a compulsive disorder is reserved for those cases in which no underlying medical problem is evident.”
“Attention should never be given to the cat when the compulsive behavior is exhibited.”
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How Common Are Cat Attacks
While most people find it shocking and amusing when a surprisingly severe cat attack is caught on video, such incidences probably occur more often than people realize. This is how domesticated pets can end up being more of a threat to the public because people don’t expect it of them. Dogs and cats do emit behavioral signs of impending aggression that are often missed or not taken seriously by their caretakers. Aggression is indeed common but not as common as aggression that results in severe injury.
Ever Wondered Why Curious Facts About Cats
Cats are unique creatures; very different from dogs. We share some fun and fascinating facts here!
Reading time: 5 minutes
Anyone with a cat knows it’s no surprise to see their favorite feline exhibit curious behaviors or watch them as they go through their entertaining daily rituals. We’ll share some fun facts about these antics and attitudes which seem crazy to us, but seem very normal to your cat.
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Why Do Cats Chase Their Tails
Its three in the morning and your cat is whirling around in a circle fast enough to make even the most seaworthy cat parent a little dizzy. He is chasing after that pesky tail again, and it seems that poor thing never gets a rest. While tail chasing may be cute and a little curious, you wonder if this is normal. For an active little kitten, their tail may look like the ultimate chase toy that is always with them. But for an adult cat, sudden tail chasing may indicate a medical issue. Knowing your cats normal behavior is the best way to determine if tail chasing is just something fun for you to watch or a sign of something more serious.
Stress And Boredom Leading To Tail Chasing
When a cat is stressed or bored, it may resort to all kinds of strange behaviors, one of them being chasing and attacking the tail. Some cats can become obsessed with their tail and exhibit excessive tail licking, biting and chasing.
What to do? First, you must make absolutely sure that the cat is healthy. Any change in behavior can indicate a medical problem. Even if youre sure that the tail itself is fine, you should still consult your veterinarian to rule out other more systemic conditions.
Once medical issues have been ruled out, try Six Strategies To Reduce Stress In Cats. It wont happen overnight, but once you find the right way to address the problem of stress, your cat will be less likely to attack its own tail.
If stress isnt the problem, boredom may be. Environmental enrichment is the key phrase here. Provide your cat with a more stimulating home environment where he or she can find forms of entertainment that do not involve the tail. You can find some great ideas in our article: Beating Boredom What Indoor Cat Owners Need To Know.
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