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HomeWhy Does My Cat Throw Up After Eating

Why Does My Cat Throw Up After Eating

What Do I Do If My Cat Is Sick

My cat throw up after eating

If your cat is sick once or twice but appears otherwise well, remove their food for a few hours, then feed small amounts of a highly digestible food such as chicken, or a prescription diet from your vet. Allow them constant access to a small amount of water. After 24 hours go back to your usual routine.

Kidney Failure In Older Cats

A senior cat throwing up can be a symptom of kidney failure. After working 24/7 for 12-plus years, the kidneys begin to wear out. For most cats who live 15 years or more, kidney failure writes the last chapter in the cats medical history.

The kidneys job is not to make urine it is to get rid of waste products that are in the blood. When the waste products exceed the high end of the accepted normal range, we say the cat is in kidney failure.

To measure kidney function, we often look at two waste products in the blood: creatinine and the blood urea nitrogen. When they become elevated, the cat has lost about 75 percent of kidney function. That is the bad news. The good news is that cats are not small dogs. When dogs lose 75 percent of kidney function, we use the term kidney failure. These poor creatures are in real trouble and usually do not live more than a few months. However, cats are tougher than dogs. They can live quite well when the kidney values are mildly elevated.

The key is to find out about kidney insufficiency early on, so measures can be taken to prolong kidney function. Kidney insufficiency is a stage of life in which normal kidney function has passed, but in which kidney failure does not exist. The cats annual physical examination should include blood tests for kidney function .

So Do I Need To Worry If My Cat Vomits Regularly

Whilst it is always sensible to seek the advice of a veterinarian if you are concerned about your cat, there are some innocent reasons why your cat may be vomiting. Watch out for other signs that your cat is unwell, and consider whether your cat may be eating too fast, or having trouble with hairballs. Ultimately, a quick call to the veterinary clinic will help to put your mind at ease if you are unsure.

Want more free vet advice? Check out some of our other Ask-a-Vet posts:

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Is Vomiting Normal For Cats

Just like their people, our feline friends can suffer from an upset tummy for a number of reasons.

Some of the most common causes of upset stomach in cats include, a reaction to eating something bad, viruses and parasites, or more serious problems such as cancer or organ conditions.

Pet parents should be aware that if your cat vomits more often than once a month, or keeps vomiting repeatedly, it’s time to see your vet to determine the underlying cause of your cat’s vomiting.

What To Do If Your Cat Throws Up Foam

Why does my cat throw up after eating?

If your cat vomits foam, start taking notes to develop an understanding of what happened.

If you notice that your cat has thrown up foam, its important to make a few observations. Did your cat vomit red foam, which could indicate bleeding in the esophagus? Did your cat vomit yellow foam, which indicates the presence of bile? Taking note of the characteristics of your cats vomit can allow you to provide potentially valuable information to your veterinarian.

Next, monitor your cat carefully. A single episode of vomiting may not require immediate intervention, as long as your cat is otherwise acting normal. Confine your cat to a small area for ease of monitoring and keep an eye on her, but she may return to normal over the next several hours.

If your cat has been vomiting frequently or is showing signs of illness, take them to a veterinarian.

If your cat has three or more episodes of vomiting in a day, however, or if he or she is acting very lethargic or ill even after a single episode of vomiting, you should contact your veterinarian to schedule an appointment for your cat. A loss of appetite that persists for more than one day should also trigger a call to your veterinarian.

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How Pet Health Insurance Can Help

If your feline friend throws up regularly, you and your veterinarian will need to investigate. Your pal could require blood work, fecal analysis, X-rays, ultrasounds, and even biopsies.

Depending on the diagnosis, your kitty could be facing anything from antibiotics to surgery. Help yourself focus on care and not cost during this process by getting a quote for cat health insurance today.


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Causes Of Chronic Cat Vomiting

We want to make sure our readers understand that no kind of vomiting is considered to be normal, despite what you may have heard. Some reasons behind the vomiting are less severe than others, but no vomiting should be overlooked entirely.

In cases of chronic vomiting, pet owners should be on high alert, as continued vomiting can signal an unresolved medical condition.

Dietary Causes

Food intolerance and food allergies can cause chronic vomiting. Pet owners may not realize that their beloved cats and dogs can develop allergies just like people.

In fact, food allergies are often the underlying cause of cat vomiting that occurs intermittently over a long period of time.

If your cat has normal energy levels, is a healthy weight, and doesnt appear ill but throws up from time to time, you may want to look into whether they have developed a food allergy.

Over time, a cats digestive system can become sensitive to an ingredient and actually mount an immune response against that ingredient. This response can inflame the digestive tract and possibly lead to the development of food allergies.

Removing the offending protein from the diet is the best way to prevent vomiting due to food allergies. A food elimination trial, which is a lengthy and sometimes expensive process, will help your veterinarian determine which protein is causing your cats food allergies.

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What To Do If Your Cat Is Throwing Up Yellow Liquid

If your cat vomits yellow liquid one time and there are no other signs of illness, then it may not be a cause for concern. Watch your cat closely for a day or two to make sure he is eating, drinking, and behaving normally. If your cat stops eating, becomes lethargic, or continues to vomit, contact your veterinarian for advice. Your vet may recommend withholding food for 12-24 hours, feeding a bland diet, or coming in for an exam. If vomiting becomes frequent or your cat appears to be in distress, bring him to the nearest open veterinarian as soon as possible.

One Of The Primary Causes Of Throwing Up In Cats Is An Illness That Affects The Digestive Tract


There are many different possible causes of gastrointestinal upset in cats, including parasites, bacterial infections, food intolerance, indigestion, gastritis , pancreatitis , or constipation.

Some cats may vomit because they have ingested a foreign object, such as string or an insect. Other cats may vomit due to a more serious underlying intestinal disease, such as cancer or an autoimmune inflammatory condition.

Cats can also vomit due to systemic diseases, or conditions that occur outside of the gastrointestinal tract. A number of systemic illnesses can include vomiting as a clinical sign, such as diabetes, hyperthyroidism, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, and others. Toxin ingestion may also trigger vomiting, as well as some neurologic conditions.

When considering the potential causes of vomiting in cats, it can be helpful to distinguish between acute and chronic vomiting. Acute vomiting is vomiting that has developed recently and suddenly.

For example, a cat with no previous history of vomiting that vomits several times in one day is experiencing acute vomiting. Chronic vomiting, in contrast, is vomiting that occurs over a prolonged period of time.

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Why Do I Throw Up Water All The Time

This can happen because youve already thrown up all the food and fluid in your stomach, youve been drinking a lot of water, or you havent eaten in a long time. Often, it is a sign of a stomach infection, caused by a bacteria, virus, or parasite. Or it could be from food poisoning.

But this will have little effect on how rapidly your body absorbs the alcohol thats present. The most ideal situation to avoid any ill effects from drinking on an empty stomach is of course to avoid doing it by eating some food. Eat at least an hour before drinking if you plan on consuming more than one drink in a sitting.

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Kidney Or Liver Disease

If your cat experiences gagging along with vomiting, lethargy, itching, and increased thirst, he may be suffering from kidney disease. This is common in older cats, but it can occur at any time in a cats life and may or may not be related to an underlying condition such as urinary tract infections.

Cats with a bloated abdomen, lethargy, discoloration of the skin and eyes, and excessive thirst that goes along with gagging and vomiting may have liver disease. This can be caused by ingesting a toxin, but it is most commonly a disease of old age in cats.

Another potential cause for cat gagging can be Thyroid disease. Hyperthyroidism is very common and can lead to chronic and persistent gagging and vomiting.

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What Can I Give My Cat For Vomiting

Unless you are certain that your cat is vomiting due to gorging food, it would not be sensible to attempt any home remedies to treat your cats vomiting without seeking veterinary advice. If you are sure that the vomiting is resulting from your cat being a bit greedy and guzzling food, try feeding small amounts frequently rather than larger meals.

Common Causes Of Cat Gagging

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Right After Eating?

In this article, we will explore some of the potential causes of gagging in cats. Armed with this information, you can speak to your veterinarian more confidently about your cats issue and ensure you receive the right type of treatment in a timely fashion as well.

Some common causes of cat gagging include, but arent limited to:

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What Does Acute Vomiting Mean

Acute vomiting is vomiting that has been present for no more than two to three days. Most cases will respond quickly to simple symptomatic treatment. The cause of such cases is often never established and may be due to relatively trivial factors such as eating spoiled food or plants. In a small number of cases of acute vomiting, usually because the vomiting is severe and leads to complications such as dehydration, or because a more serious underlying cause is suspected, further tests, specific treatment, and aggressive supportive care will be required.

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up

Your veterinarian will ask a variety of questions to determine why your cat is vomiting. These include:

  • Have you switched your cats diet recently?

  • Have you started any prescribed or over-the-counter medications?

  • What diet, including all treats, is your cat on?

  • Do you have other cats in the house, and if so, are they also vomiting?

  • Is your cat indoor and/or outdoor?

  • How often is your cat vomiting, and what does the vomit look like?

  • Is your cat still eating?

  • Is your cat having other symptoms, such as diarrhea and/or weight loss?

  • How long has your cat been vomiting?

There are several possible causes of cat vomiting, and these questions will help guide your veterinarian in the right direction. Possible reasons why cats throw up can be broken into two categoriesgastrointestinal causes and non-gastrointestinal causes.

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How To Prevent Vomiting In Cats

You may or may not be able to prevent vomiting in your cat. Sometimes illnesses occur with no known cause. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize the risks.

  • Bring your cat to the vet for routine wellness check-ups every year
  • Feed a high-quality diet that is rich in meat-based protein
  • Keep objects that may become foreign bodies out of reach of your cat. This includes strings, ribbons, hair ties, and anything else small and appealing to cats that could be ingested.
  • Keep plants, chemicals, human food, and any other potential toxins out of reach.

Remember to contact your veterinarian in the early signs of illness delaying can only make things worse. When in doubt, head to the nearest open vet office.

Acute Or Chronic Vomiting: Illness Or Poisoning

Why Do Cats Throw Up?

If your cat occasionally throws up due to a hairball or eating too quickly, there is no reason to worry. However, if the frequency of vomiting changes, there may be something else going on. Two possibilities are:

Acute vomiting: There hen a cat suddenly vomits a lot and there are other symptoms of illness, it can be poisoning or illness. In addition to acute vomiting you also see listlessness, your cat has diarrhea, he drinks or eats very little or extra, a lot of pee or difficult pee then there is cause for concern. Call the vet right away – the risk of dehydration is high.

Read more about which house plants are toxic to my cat?

Chronic vomiting: If the cat vomits more and for longer than normal , this may indicate an underlying medical issue. There may be a problem with their organs or there may be an infection . If this happens, call your vet.

When you call the vet, it is important to pass on as much information as possible. Observe your cat’s behaviour and their vomit before you clean it up, in case the vet should ask for further details or a description of what you see. Read more about when to take your cat to the vet.

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Cat Vomiting: Overeating In Cats

The final reason your cat is vomiting could be due to overeating or eating too fast. When a cat overeats too quickly their stomach becomes overloaded and is unable to function properly, resulting in a cat vomiting undigested food right after eating. If you are asking yourself Why does my cat keep vomiting after eating? and you believe that overeating may be the primary cause, there are some way in which you can fix this. Interactive feeders for cats, for example, forces a cat to eat more slowly. If your cat eats too much too quickly, this cannot be ignored. Overeating can result in obesity in cats.

When Is Throwing Up Not Normal

Although there are plenty of reasons why your cat is throwing up food but acting normal, vomiting can be something to stress about. There are certain red flags that you should recognize and act fast the second they happen, including:

  • If your cat keeps throwing up numerous times during the day
  • If your cat is throwing up for 3 days or more
  • If there is blood in the vomit or if it is yellow in color
  • If they are vomiting in combination with other symptoms, such as lethargy or reduced appetite

When noticing any of these things, the first thing that you should do is call the vet. This is a concerning situation when you should get in touch with a professional. It could be a sign of a more serious health condition and will need to be accurately diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.


When your cat is throwing up food but acting normal afterward, theres usually no need to worry. In most cases, cats throw up because of hairballs. Other common reasons include eating too quickly, overeating, or not having a balanced diet. Your cat may also have eaten something that has caused an obstruction or toxicity, or perhaps they have worms or pancreatitis.

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Why Is My Cat Vomiting

Hairballs / Furballs

Hairballs are undigested, wads of fur that clump in your cat’s stomach as a result of the cat’s self-grooming. Hairballs are especially common in longhair cats, and cats that groom excessively. Hacking noises and spasms commonly accompany vomiting if your cat is trying to rid itself of hairballs.

In the majority of cases, hairballs are easily brought up by cats, but if your cat is experiencing difficulties when trying to expel a hairball it’s time to see a vet. Occasionally hairballs become trapped and can lead to intestinal blockages which may be fatal.

Eating Too Much & Too Quickly

If your kitty eats too much food, too quickly, vomiting will likely result soon after they eat. If your cat often eats quickly then vomits, there are a number of fun cat bowls available to help slow your cat’s eating and help to prevent vomiting.

That said, vomiting right after eating could be an indication of a more serious health issue such as hairballs, a digestive tract obstruction, dehydration, or esophageal issues. If your cat frequently vomits right after eating, it’s time to visit the vet.

Some Serious Conditions Which Can Cause Vomiting In Cats

It can be tempting to dismiss your cat’s vomiting as normal cat behavior, however vomiting can be a symptom of a serious underlying health condition. A few of the more serious causes of vomiting in cat include:

  • Poisoning
  • Metabolic Disorder


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