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1 Cat Year In Human Years

Caring For Your Cat At Every Stage

Funny Cat Birthday dance

As cats age, their needs, personality and temperament may change. From playful kittenhood to grouchy senior status, it’s important to know how to care for your cat at every stage of their life. This will ensure your kitty is getting the love, care and attention they deserve .

As well as buying specialist food for each stage of life, you should also think about the following:

Kitten : in cat to human years, this is like having a child under seven in your home. And just like a human child, they’ve got lots of energy and curiosity. They’re likely to get into mischief if you leave them unsupervised. Keep a close eye on them, be patient and show plenty of love.

: this is your cat’s adolescence in human terms, so it’s natural to feel like you’re living with a hormonal teen. And, just like with teenagers, nows the time to introduce certain rules and boundaries.

Prime : according to our cat to human years calculator, your feline friend is now like a 20- or 30-something human. They understand boundaries although might still act out from time to time and are happy doing their own thing.

Mature : as your cat reaches middle age in human years, you might need to pay a little more attention to their health. At this age they become more prone to conditions like obesity, high blood pressure and cancer.

How To Tell Cat Age By Teeth

If you just bought a meow home, You might be wondering how old is my cat? The most trusted and objective way of determining a cats age is by examining its teeth. Knowing a few anatomy facts is a good starting point.

  • A kitten that is 2 to 4 weeks old will have its baby incisors coming in.
  • A kitten that is 3 to 4 weeks old will have its baby canines coming in.
  • A kitten that is 4 to 6 weeks old begins growing its baby premolars on the lower jaw.
  • A kitten that is 8 weeks old has all of its baby teeth fully grown.
  • A kitten that is 4 months old begins growing its permanent incisors.
  • A kitten that is 5 to 7 months old has all of its permanent teeth fully grown.
  • A cat that is 1 year old has clean and pearly white teeth. There should be no signs of plaque formation and tartar buildup.
  • A cat that is 2 years old may have a dull yellow teeth discolouration.
  • A cat that is 3 to 6 years old has slightly worn out teeth. There may be signs of plaque buildup and tartar formation.
  • A cat that is 10 to 15 years old will have missing teeth, signs of gum disease, bad breath and moderate to severe plaque buildup on the remaining teeth.

Exactly How Old Is My Cat In Human Years

There are many myths when it comes to cats especially when its about their average lifespan and how fast they age. You might usually hear common statements like, one cat year is equal to seven human years or cats have nine lives. Well, its time to set the record straight when it comes to the myths associated with our favorite little furballs.

First things first, and it may come as a shock to some people, but cats do not actually live nine different lives! Just like Drake and the rest of us, they only live once. Shocking, I know. Now that weve established that one of these sayings is a myth, lets talk about the other. Is one human year really equal to seven cat years? Although many people believe in the 7:1 ratio, itsnot true. Its believed the idea behind this saying came about to highlight how pets age at a faster pace than we do. Do you think cats age quicker than we think? Well, it’s true! So, how do you figure out how old your cat is?

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The Problem With The Seven

The seven-year rule is a simple one. But thats part of the problem its too straightforward.

Not only do cats and dogs age differently than humans, they also age differently from one another.

Factors such as the breed and size determine the speed at which an animal ages. Broadly speaking, larger pets tend to have a shorter life span than smaller pets.

This doesnt have a huge bearing on cats as they tend not to vary greatly in size. However with dogs, the size and life expectancy can vary enormously. You only need to think about the size difference between a Chihuahua and an Irish Wolfhound and the seven-year rule suddenly seems a long way from exact science.

From a veterinary or insurance for pets perspective, dogs and cats are split into six different life stage categories:

  • Puppy or kitten
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    Why Is My 18 Year Old Cat So Skinny

    Top 1 Of: Cat Years Chart

    Well-recognized causes of weight loss in old cats include chronic renal disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease , exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, and dental problems. Most are readily suspected and confirmed based on physical examination and routine laboratory testing.

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    Here’s How To Figure Out Your Cat’s Age

    Is your cat wise beyond his years and he’s only 2? As it turns out, cats actually age way faster than humans. So how old is your cat, really?

    Well, theres no sense speculating !

    When it comes to cats, their age, average lifespan and even details on the oldest cat ever weve got you covered.

    If you want to know how old your cat really is, keep reading to find out how to calculate cat years to human years and how to figure out his age. You just might be surprised at the answer.

    How Long Do Cats Live On Average

    What are the facts on cats longevity? The ideal cat can or may live to 20 years and older. On average, wild, homeless, and feral cats live dramatically shorter lives than domestic cats. Outdoor cat lifespan ranges widely, anywhere from three to 10 years. Indoor cats live nearly three times as long as outdoor cats. The numbers varied widely ranging from 14 to 20 years.

    According to the site, there are 6 life stages for cats:

    • Kitten the young cat is growing rapidly and is usually not quite sexually mature
    • the cat reaches full size and learns about life and how to survive it
    • Prime the cat is mature physically and behaviourally, and is still usually healthy and active, looking sleek and shiny and making the best of life
    • Mature the cat is what we call Mature, equivalent to humans in their mid-40s to mid-50s

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    How Do Outdoor Cats Age Differently Than Indoor Cats

    Did you know that environmental or external factors play a large part in the average length of our cats lives? When it comes to an outdoor cat lifestyle versus indoor cat lifestyle and how it affects your cats age, the AAHA says that this can be a controversial topic to talk about. Although, the reasoning for both cat types are valid. You might automatically think that indoor cats are less likely to be exposed to outdoor risks that can cause trauma and expose them to infectious diseases.

    However, it is also good to know that indoor cats have a greater risk of catching an illness because of the limitations of their environment. On the other hand, outdoor cats may have the benefit of a more stimulating and natural environment, the chances of them being exposed to dangers like diseases, predators, and injury are definitely higher. In the end, its ultimately up to you to figure out which lifestyle better suits your cats.

    Signs Of A Senior Cat

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    Just like in humans, there are some tell-tale signs of senior status among cats. While senior cats are often still healthy and full of life, they may begin to slow down a little. As your cat transitions into senior status, itâs important to take note of any changes as drastic shifts could be indicative of serious health conditions.

    Senior cats may exhibit:

    • Weight loss and loss of muscle tone
    • Frequent urination
    • Confusion or disorientation

    Beyond physical decline, senior cats may also exhibit dementia. Some common signs of feline dementia include frequent meowing, disorientation, and excessive sleeping.

    Senior cats can still have many wonderful years ahead of them, so donât be discouraged or distraught if your cat is starting to slow down. Simple lifestyle tweaks, such as specially formulated food can help your senior cat make the most of their twilight years.

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    How To Calculate Cat Age In Human Years

    Itâs commonly stated that one human year is the equivalent of 7 cat years. This is an effort to demonstrate that cats age more quickly than humans. However, they do not age proportionately.

    Cats reach maturity at a much faster rate than humans in the beginning of their lives. Once they reach adulthood, their aging slows down.

    Itâs difficult to draw a direct comparison between a catâs age and its human equivalent, but the general consensus is that a cat ages the equivalent of 15 human years in the first year of their life.

    From 2 years on, experts believe cats age at a rate of approximately 4 human years per cat year.

    How Do Cats Age

    As you can see, the common 1:7 ratio is very misleading cats age much more quickly in their first two years of life and then the aging process slows down and continues more steadily after that.

    How did veterinarians settle on this cat age to human age calculation?

    When it comes down to it, the AAHA states that their guidelines are based on the physical and behavioral changes that occur at different stages of a cats life and then these stages are matched to stages of human life.

    In other words, a one-year-old cat is physiologically similar to a 15-year-old human in their own respective ways, both the cat and the human are at similar stages of growth and development.

    Of course, as with humans , there will be some variation in the way your individual cat ages. But unlike dogs, there seems to be much less variation with different cat breeds and the way they age. With dogs, youre much more likely to see smaller breeds live longer. Even when we look at cats by breed, the variations dont seem large enough to contribute to these kinds of age differences.

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    How To Convert Cat’s Age To Human Years

    Brandi ediss/Getty Images

    You can understand your cat’s development more easily if you have a general idea of his age in human years.

    Variables such as genetics, diet, environment, and access to routine preventative medical care can alter your cat’s comparative human age. Although you might not have any control over the cat’s heredity, you do have options for controlling the other factors which control your cat’s aging process.

    How To Accurately Calculate Your Cats Age

    How Old Is Your Cat In Human Years?

    The American Animal Hospital Association worked with the American Association of Feline Practitioners along with the International Cat Care . Together, they have created and agreed a straightforward method to determine the age of our feline friends.

    The first year of your cat’s life is roughly equal to fifteen human years! After their first year, the next year is an additional nine human years. Their second year is equal to four additional years!

    So, how did these various cat experts all agree on the same cat-to-human year calculations?

    According to the AAHA, theyre based on physiological changes that happen during different stages of your cats life. Then they directly compare and match those stages with the different life stages of a humans life.

    A kitten thats 1 month old is similar in age to a 1-year-old human baby, as opposed to a kitten thats 6 months old, whose age is more approximate to that of a 10-year-old child.

    Heres a helpful chart to figure out what life stage your cat is in:

    Cats Life Stage

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    How Old Is My Cat

    If you adopted your cat, you may not know their exact age. However, knowing the age of your cat can be important for you to properly care for them. Here are some characteristics to look for to help you estimate your cat’s age:

    • Fur: Kittens and young cats usually have soft and smooth coats whereas older cats might have thicker, coarser coats. You might even notice some grey in an older cat’s fur.
    • Teeth: Kittens usually dont get all their teeth until around 6 months of age, and younger cats tend to have much whiter teeth. You will likely notice increased wear and tartar build-up the older your cat gets.
    • Eyes: Young cats may have brighter eyes and older cats may have cloudier eyes .
    • Hormonal changes: As early as 5 months of age, an unspayed female kitten might start going into heat. Signs include territorial marking, mating calls, or wanting to escape outdoors.
    • Mobility and activity levels: Older cats tend to move less and be less playful than younger cats. Less activity can also contribute to more weight gain in older cats.

    Learn more about how to tell how old your cat is.

    How To Estimate The Age Of A Cat

    If you have adopted a stray cat, it might not be easy to estimate its age accurately. Still, there are a few indicators that might give you a hint about the age:

    • Cat’s teeth. If you had to settle for just one indicator, this should be it. Kittens have their first permanent set of teeth when they’re about four months old. If the cat’s teeth are white, you could assume it’s about a year old. A more yellowish color hints at the age of one to two years old, while tartar build-up or missing teeth indicate an even older cat.
    • Cat’s eyes. Young cats usually have bright, sparkling eyes. Some cloudiness might indicate that your cat is already 10 or more years old. Additionally, the iris of an older cat’s eye appears to be a bit jagged.

    • Cat’s coat. A kitten’s fur is soft and fine, while older cats tend to have a coarser coat. If you find some patches of gray or white, the cat might already be senior.

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    Calculate Your Cats Age

    Want to quickly calculate your cats age in human years? Use the dropdown box below to select your cats current age and then the box below will tell you how old your cat is in human years!

    Note that is is an approximation only.

    Nutmeg was from the UK and he led a really happy and uneventful life with a wonderful couple, Liz and Ian Finlay, who considered him their son. It wasnt until 2015 that he suffered a serious seizure and stroke. Nutmeg was treated by Westway Veterinary Centre in Newcastle and they helped him bounce back from the incident. Sadly, his health made a turn for the worse during the summer and he passed away on August 29, 2017. The Finlay family is completely heartbroken and do not plan to get another cat.

    Do you have a cat that has lived a really long and vibrant life? Be sure you tell us about it in the comments or on Facebook!

    What Are The Signs You Have A Senior Cat

    The famous dog rat cat failed animal stack attempted by Richard James Redd’s grandchildren 1.

    How can you tell if you have a senior cat?

    When cats age, there are some signs that can help us figure out how old they truly are.

    • Teeth: One of the indicators that you have a senior cat is changes in their teeth. These can be the built-up tartar, yellow stains, and missing teeth. Knowing how to brush your cats teeth properly is crucial for the duration of their life.
    • Eyes: When your cats age, their eyesight might also decline. They might experience some cloudiness or have discharges.
    • Coat: You might notice that your cats coat is much thicker and coarser. In fact, you might also be seeing more graying patches of fur than a younger cat might have. But if your cat is losing hair, be sure to check with your veterinarian.
    • Activity Level: As your cat ages, they will have less energy to do the activities they used to love. They might also be easily tired and lose muscle mass and weight. Arthritis is also one indicator that you have an aging feline.
    • Differences in Behavior: The older they get, the more they wander around. You might also notice that they meow more and have higher levels of anxiety and get disoriented, or confused easily. However, if your hear an elderly cat yowling, there might be something that is causing them distress.

    Want to figure out your cats age in human years quickly? Check out this other helpful chart!

    Cats Age

    Approximate Human Age

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    Two Ways To Look At Age

    Though the common perspective on cat years and human years is trying to figure out how old our cats are in human years, that conversion can be applied both ways.

    That is to say, if you consider the maximum age of a human to be 100 years, then, based on the Cat Calculator, the maximum age of a cat is 20.8 years. On the other side of the coin, if you consider that, as The Cat Bible suggests, 16 human years is comparable to 84 cat years, then a 100-year-old human could be said to be the equivalent of 525 cat years.

    Though this is a generally less practical way to consider the relative aging rate, it does serve as an important reminder The way we experience time, the length of our human years, and the meaning we assign to certain-numbered years , is a matter of perspective. Some other oft-quoted ideas come to mind: “Its not the years in your life, but the life in your years” and “Youre only as old as you feel.”

    How old is your cat according to the cat years to human years formula? Or perhaps we should ask, how old are YOU in cat years?


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