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Capstar 11.4 Mg For Cats

Do Vets Recommend Capstar For Cats

Capstar Fast-Acting Oral Flea Treatment for Cats, 6 Doses, 11.4 mg | PuppySimply

Veterinarians do often utilize and recommend Capstar for cats, but it is important to understand its use and limitations. It can be very safe to use for very young kittens as long as they are at least 4 weeks old and 2lb in weight. It can also be useful to use for pregnant or lactating queens.

Since it starts working in 30 minutes, we often use it as a quick kill method when a cat in the vet office is found to have fleas, as a way of killing the adults and limiting the risk of a flea outbreak in the hospital. It is also a good way of getting the ball rolling so to speak on treating fleas by quickly killing off all adult fleas in just a couple hours.

However, it is not great to use on its own to control a flea infestation in the home. Using a product like Revolution, Frontline, Advantage II, or other approved flea treatment/preventatives for cats that work for at least 30 days are more successful at addressing infestations because they work longer and target other parts of the flea life cycle.

Side Effects Of Capstar For Cats

Despite being a very safe drug, some adverse effects have been reported, including hyperactivity, panting, lethargy, itching, vocalizing, vomiting and decreased appetite.

Capstar tablets are labeled for use in cats and kittens weighing 2lb or more and older than 4 weeks of age.

Capstar is considered to be a very safe drug to use. Reportedly, nitenpyram is 3500 times more selective for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in insects compared to vertebrates like cats, dogs, and humans, making it very unlikely to exert any of its effects on a host kitty.

Capstar has also been studied using 10 times the labeled dosage for 30 days without adverse effects being seen.

All the same, adverse effects have been reported, including hyperactivity, panting, lethargy, itching, vocalizing, vomiting, decreased appetite, hypersalivation , incoordination, seizures, dilated pupils, elevated heart rate, and trembling.

It is thought that at least some of these signs may be more associated with the die-off process of affected fleas vs. being secondary to the medication itself. Because Capstar kills fleas quickly and has a short, 24 hour range of efficacy, the side effects are usually self-limiting and resolve without any treatment.

More serious side effects were more commonly seen in cats weighing less than 2 pounds, and those who are thin or emaciated. Although labeled for cats older than 4 weeks of age, Capstar should still be used cautiously in cats less than 8 weeks old.

Capstar Flea Tablets A Quick Look

  • Only kills adult fleas
  • Only lasts for 24 hours on your pet
  • Cannot be used in cats or dogs less than 4 weeks of age, or less than 2.2 pounds in body weight
  • An expensive product that only provides a short-term solution
  • May cause some temporary itching or irritation after administration
  • Does not provide long term protection against fleas and ticks

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What Is The Capstar Dosage:

The minimum effective dose is of 1 mg/kg with the following recommendations:

You should give a tablet to cats and small dogs weighing from 1 kg to 11 kg, when a flea infestation is identified.

The frequency of treatment depends on the degree of infestation. In the case of severe infestation, it may be necessary to treat the animals every day or every other day until the fleas are completely eliminated. Treatment can be repeated if the fleas reappear. No more than one treatment per day should be given.

The tablets /pills should be administered orally with or without food. To facilitate administration, the tablets can be hidden in a small amount of food just before taking.

The product has no persistent activity. To prevent re-infestation, it is recommended that it be combined with a drug to treat the immature stages of fleas.

The veterinarian may establish an appropriate treatment schedule.

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Description Capstar 114 Mg For Cats And Small Dogs Elanco

Capstar 11,4 mg für Katzen und kleine Hunde Tabletten 6 stk

Capstar is a special antiparasitic treatment for dogs and cats. It is taken orally in pill format and its composition is very complete and effective against fleas, as it kills them in approximately 1 hour.

Capstar acts directly through the blood, thanks to that it is one of the fastest antiparasitic products in the market, since with only 1 hour after its administration and 4 hours after having administered it, it has given results that 99% of fleas that lived on the animal die, when the other antiparasitic products normally take at least 24 hours.


Administer when a flea infestation is detected depends on the degree of infestation, if it is a very large infestation it is recommended to treat the animal every day or every other day until it is controlled.- If the fleas reappear, the treatment can be resumed, do not give more than one treatment per day.- You can mix the dose with food to make it easier to ingest and not be a nuisance to the animal.- When applying the treatment, the animal may scratch more than normal during the first hour this is due to the flea reaction.- It is indicated even in periods of gestation and lactation.

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When Is Comfortis Safe To Use

Comfortis is safe for dogs and cats over 14 weeks of age. The safety of Comfortis in pregnant females or those feeding their young has not been assessed so its best not to use it. Comfortis should be used with caution in male dogs or cats that are used for breeding. Its always sensible to discuss flea prevention with your veterinarian, and even more important to do so if your pets are used for breeding.

Comfortis is safe to give once a month, but not more often, because its effects are long-lasting.

Comfortis is safe to use alongside most of the commonly used medications, but not all. Your vet will be aware of this and prescribe accordingly. Comfortis should be used with caution in pets with epilepsy, for example.

Comfortis is best fed to your pet with, or immediately after, food. If fed on an empty stomach its beneficial effects may not last as long.

What Does Capstar Do For Cats

Capstar kind of gets the ball rolling on treating a cat for fleas, but it only kills adult fleas and has no effect on flea eggs or larvae. However, it is considered very safe to use and starts working within 30 minutes. Reportedly, it has a 99% kill rate for adult fleas within 3 to 6 hours of being given.

Capstar is most often used as a fast-acting way of killing adult fleas on a kitty to provide some immediate relief from their biting, prevent adults from jumping over to other pets, and stop egg-laying and perpetuation of the flea life cycle.

Practically, a single dose of Capstar is often used in a veterinary office if fleas are seen on a cat, so that all the adult fleas can be killed and the risk of any jumping to other patients in the hospital is reduced, keeping any potential spread of fleas in a clinic or hospital isolated.

Capstar also makes it easier to bathe and clean a cat with a bad flea infestation, when all of the adult fleas are dead.

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Capstar is only effective for about 24 hours, making it not the best choice for eliminating a full flea infestation, because it is very short-acting and has no effect on eggs or larvae.

If Capstar alone was used to treat for fleas, all the eggs laid and larvae that exist on a cat or in the home environment would develop into adults days or a couple weeks later. When flea eggs or larvae are not being treated, it often takes much longer to rid a cat and the home environment of fleas.

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Dosage And Use For Cats

  • The minimum effective dose is 1 mg / kg with the following recommendations: one tablet should be administered to cats and kittens weighing 1 kg to 11 kg when a flea infestation is identified.
  • The frequency of treatment depends on the degree of infestation. In the case of a severe flea infestation , it may be necessary to treat the animals every day or every other day until the fleas are completely eliminated. The treatment can be repeated if the fleas reappear. Do not administer more than one treatment per day.
  • The tablets should be administered orally with or without food. For ease of administration, the tablets may be hidden in a small amount of food just before taking.
  • Give 1 tablet to cats weighing 1 to 11 kg,
  • In large cats over 11 kg, it is advisable to give 2 tablets.
  • Capstar can be administered with or without food.

Top Best Answers To The Question Can I Use Capstar For Dogs On Cats

Capstar Flea Treatment for Dogs and Cats 2 lbs and Up

Adverse Reactions. Laboratory and clinical studies showed that Capstar Tablets are safe for use in dogs and cats, puppies and kittens 4 weeks of age and older and 2 pounds of body weight or greater.

Those who are looking for an answer to the question «Can i use capstar for dogs on cats?» often ask the followingquestions:

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Flea Infestations On Cats

In addition to the common nuisance irritations associated with infestations, fleas can be responsible for skin conditions in the cat such as miliary dermatitis. Fleas also transmit other parasites, including tapeworms. The control of flea infestations is important to the pets health and reduces the problems associated with these parasites.

PROGRAM Flavor Tabs break the flea life cycle by inhibiting egg development. Capstar Tablets rapidly kill adult fleas on the cat. The concurrent use of these two products provides an effective flea management system.

The following diagram illustrates the fleas life cycle and where the combination of PROGRAM Flavor Tabs and Capstar Tablets work:

Life Cycle of the Flea

A single female flea may produce up to 2,000 eggs over her lifetime. Eggs hatch and can develop into adults within only three weeks. Adult female fleas feed by ingesting blood from the pet and subsequently lay eggs, which drop off the pets coat. Within days, larvae hatch from the eggs and live undetected in the pets surroundings, such as the carpet and bedding. Flea larvae spin a cocoon, and, when appropriately stimulated, a young adult flea emerges and jumps onto the pet to continue the life cycle.

After reading this insert, if you have any questions about the concurrent use of PROGRAM Flavor Tabs and Capstar Tablets in your cats, please call Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. Veterinary Product Support at 1-332-2761.

Capstar For Cats Dosage

In cats that are difficult to administer a tablet to, Capstar can be crushed or dissolved in a very small amount of water and given orally by syringe.

According to the manufacturer, cats weighing 2-25 pounds of body weight should get one of the 11.4mg tablets once by mouth. It is safe to repeat this dosage as often as every 24 hours, and may be given with or without food.

Anecdotally, in cats that are difficult to administer a tablet to, Capstar can be crushed or dissolved in a very small amount of water and given orally by syringe.

When Capstar is the sole method of flea treatment , protocols may range from giving it once per day to once per week to control the presence and re-emergence of adult fleas as eggs hatch and larvae mature.

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Ask A Vet: Capstar Vs Comfortis Flea Tabs Which Is Best For Your Pet

It can be challenging to choose an appropriate anti-flea product for your pet as there are so many options available. Even as vets, it can be mind-boggling. While the overall goal of all flea treatment is to stop your pet being bothered by fleas, there are a few different ways to achieve this, hence the broad range of products available.

Comfortis and Capstar are both effective flea treatments, but they are quite different from one another. In a direct comparison between Capstar and Comfortis, which should you choose?

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What Is The Duration Of Action Of Capstar Anti Fleas


The veterinary product has no residual activity . It has an immediate duration of action , which explains why this veterinary medicinal product is not indicated for the prevention of flea infestations.

To prevent re-infestation , it is recommended to combine it with a medicine to treat the immature stages of fleas, such as the veterinary product Program F which sterilizes the eggs of the fleas . The veterinarian can establish an appropriate treatment schedule.

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A Quick Note On The Flea Life Cycle

Fleas exist in four life stages eggs, which hatch to larvae, develop to pupae, then mature into adult fleas. The adult fleas are what you see on your pet, wriggling and leaving little deposits of curly brown poo . Adult fleas feed on your pet but live in, and lay eggs around, your home. The larvae and pupae can also be found around your home. If left untreated, larvae and pupae mature to adult fleas, lay more eggs and your home is infested.

What Should I Use To Prevent Fleas In My Home

If you are looking to kill adult fleas and prevent breeding of fleas around your home, Comfortis gives you that extra function.

It pays to remember that Comfortis is designed for monthly dosing. Once you choose Comfortis as your monthly flea prevention treatment, keep up regular doses to maintain the beneficial effect. The flea life cycle can be as fast as 12 days in ideal conditions so an infestation can establish very quickly if theres a gap in treatment.

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What Are Capstar Flea Tablets For Dogs And Cats

  • Capstar Flea Tablets are a fast-acting, effective treatment acting as a quick kill solution for flea outbreaks.
  • Helps your pet to stop the discomfort caused by flea bites and stops the possible spread of the fleas to other pets, people, or your home.

Why do cats and dogs use Capstar Flea Tablets for Dogs and Cats?

  • These small tablets contain nitenpyram, a medication that begins to work quickly within 30 minutes.
  • Kills 90% of adult fleas on dogs and cats in just hours.
  • Small, easy to dose tablets.

What else should I know about Capstar Flea Tablets for Dogs and Cats?

  • Safe for dogs, cats, puppies and kittens older than four weeks of age and more than 2.2 pounds in body weight.
  • Capstar Tablets are safe for pregnant or nursing dogs and cats.
  • Store at controlled room temperature.

What problems could my dog or cat have with Capstar Flea Tablets for Dogs and Cats?

  • Capstar Flea Tablets do not kill flea eggs or work as a preventative against fleas. Consult with your veterinarian about using this medication in conjunction with other medications as part of a complete flea control program.
  • Your dog or cat may start scratching itself as fleas begin to die. The scratching behavior is temporary and is a reaction to the fleas, not the drug.
  • Read the label carefully for information about storage, possible side effects, and drug interactions.

How do you use Capstar Flea Tablets for Dogs and Cats?

What is in Capstar Flea Tablets for Dogs and Cats?

Will I get what I see in the picture?

Flea Infestations On Dogs And Cats

Capstar Fast-Acting Oral Flea Treatment for Dogs || Pets Ben

In addition to the common nuisance irritations associated with infestations, fleas can be responsible for skin conditions in your pet such as flea allergy dermatitis in the dog and miliary dermatitis in the cat. Also, fleas transmit other parasites, including tapeworms. The control of flea infestations is important to your pets health and also reduces the problems associated with these parasites.

Capstar Tablets do not have an effect on fleas in the pets environment. You may need to treat more than one time because immature fleas in and around the home will continue to develop into adults that can reinfest your pet.

In addition to killing adult fleas with Capstar, you can treat your pet with an insect development inhibitor like PROGRAM Flavor Tabs to prevent and control flea populations. Please see the separate PROGRAM Flavor Tabs/Capstar Tablets FLEA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM insert included in this package for information on how to use these two

products together to kill adult fleas and prevent flea eggs from hatching. For information on how to use SENTINEL® Flavor Tabs® with Capstar Tablets, see your veterinarian.

The following diagram illustrates the fleas life cycle and where Capstar Tablets work:

Life Cycle of the Flea

After reading this insert, if you have any questions about flea control or medical problems associated with flea infestations, consult your veterinarian, who is your pets health care expert.

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Capstar Tablets Dosage And Administration

CAPSTAR Tablets are available in two concentrations of nitenpyram for convenient dosing: 11.4 mg per tablet for small dogs and cats and 57 mg per tablet for large dogs. The minimum recommended dosage is 1 mg of nitenpyram per kg of body weight. The product can be given directly into the mouth, or mixed with the pets favorite food according to the following schedule:



1 to 11 kg

One large tablet per day, until fleas are no longer found on the host.

Dogs over 57 kg should receive the appropriate combination of tablets.

Flea detection can be achieved by examining the skin for signs of flea activity by parting the pets coat.

It is important to treat all dogs and cats in a household: fleas can reproduce on untreated dogs and cats and allow infestations to persist. Because immature fleas continue to develop into adult fleas for several weeks after the administration of CAPSTAR, repeated treatment may be necessary for optimal control of infestation.

Note: Effective long-term flea control demands an integrated approach. Monthly administration of an insect development inhibitor, such as lufenuron , will prevent the development of immature stages of the fleas life cycle.


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