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Home Remedies For Worms In Cats

Prevention Of Worms In Cats Is Easier Than Treatment

6 Amazing Home Remedies for Worms in Cat

According to Nichols, the best way to prevent intestinal worms is to keep your cat on year-round preventative medications. Many heartworm preventatives can also protect your cat from getting roundworms and hookworms, and flea preventatives play an important role in protecting cats from tapeworms. Your cat’s veterinarian can help you find the best options for your pet. Nichols adds that keeping your cat indoors and cleaning his litter box regularly can help guard your cat against intestinal worms.

Because cats can have intestinal worms without showing any signs, Nichols emphasizes the importance of having your cat screened once a year. This involves bringing in a poop sample from your cat so your veterinarian can perform a fecal float test to look for parasite eggs. “The test is often part of your cat’s yearly wellness visit,” she says, “and it can identify the presence of roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, and sometimes tapeworms.”

Prepare For The Unexpected

Treating and preventing worms the natural way is a great start to ensuring your pup stays healthy, but you should still schedule an annual vet visit where heartworm and parasite testing can be conducted, along with deworming if needed. Enrolling your dog in pet insurance with wellness coverage means you can receive reimbursement towards preventative treatments and your annual veterinary visit! Get a quote today.

Can Indoor Cats Get Worms

Because worm eggs may survive in soil which can be brought indoors on shoes and clothes, Indoor cats can get worms just as easily as those who love to roam outdoors, the only difference is theyre exposed less often to parasites so they might not need worming quite as regularly. Indoor cats usually require preventative treatment every three months while cats that hunt and love to scavenge will need a treatment once a month.

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Home Treatment For Cuts Scrapes Abrasions

  • Mix together 1 pint water, 1/2-teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon calendula tincture.
  • Soak an injured paw in the solution. If the wound is on the body, put the solution in a squirt bottle or large syringe and gently apply it to the injured area.
  • Repeat the soaking or application every 4 to 6 hours for the first 24 hours.

Can Humans Get Worms From Cats


Yes, humans can get worms from cats. As discussed above, many parasites are not species-specific. For example, tapeworms in cats can spread to humans, with fleas serving as intermediate hosts.

Some of the most common modes of transmission of cat worms to humans are:

  • Children playing in areas where cats are defecating and then putting their hands in mouths
  • Walking barefoot in such contaminated areas
  • Gardening in the soil where infected cats may have defecated.

Humans may contract hookworms as their skin comes in contact with the soil contaminated with infected dog feces. To avoid the accidental ingestion of parasites, we should adopt good hygiene practices.

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Diagnosis Of Intestinal Parasites In Cats

It is hard to know if your cat has intestinal worms and parasites, as worm infestation usually comes with no symptoms depending on the type of worm infestation.

However, some common symptoms of intestinal parasites in cats can include:

  • Dehydration
  • Weight loss

If you think your cat has intestinal parasites, you should consult your vet. And a proper diagnosis of intestinal parasites is confirmed by locating parasite eggs in the feces during the microscopic examination.

How To Treat Worms In Cats

The best way to treat worms in cats is with deworming medication, to kill both the larvae and adult worms within your cats intestines. In many cases, dewormers may be given in multiple doses to interrupt the life cycle of the intestinal parasite. Make sure to follow your vets instructions for dosage amounts and when to administer them. In many cases, the second dose is used to kill any worms that might have hatched after the first dose was administered.

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Types Of Worms That Affect Dogs

One of the primary reasons your vet checks your dogs stool sample every year is to ensure your pet does not have worms or intestinal parasites. The four types of worms listed below are the most common worms the vet will be looking for. Both roundworms and tapeworms can be seen with the naked eye, so you might see these before the doctor does!

  • Whipworms

    These thread-like worms will take up residence in a dog’s cecum, the first part of the large intestine. Infestations of this worm are the most difficult to diagnose as they shed fewer eggs than other types of worms. Their presence may not even be detected in the dogs stool. If your dog has chronic weight loss or stool that seems to have a mucous coating, your vet may still treat your dog for whipworms as this is enough circumstantial evidence to their presence. While whipworms are rarely fatal they are unpleasant for your dog and hard for your vet to diagnose.

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Apple Cider Vinegar Is Effective Against Fleas

Home Remedies For Worms In Catsð¾How to Get Rid Of Cat Worms

Will apple cider vinegar kill worms in cats? Well, when ingested apple cider vinegar creates an acidic environment in your pet’s stomach. But there is little scientific proof that apple cider vinegar strong enough to kill worms. Besides, giving apple cider vinegar, even diluted with water to your cat, might irritate her stomach and digestive tract.

Nevertheless, apple cider vinegar can help you in your fight with worms by getting rid of fleas. As you remember, the flea carries tapeworms and is a source of great discomfort for your pet.

So, mix apple cider vinegar with water and pour the solution into a squeeze bottle. Then spray your pet’s fur gently with the mixture. After that, take a flea comb and use it to remove the fleas.

In addition to this, you can also use apple cider vinegar to treat ringworm and fungus. It’s also suitable for your dog.

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What Home Remedy Can I Use To Deworm My Cat

You can also add fresh, minced garlic to your cats food to deworm it. This should only be done once per day. Even though garlic is known as a preventative, it can also be used to kill insects and parasites. It is important to start with small amounts of garlic so that you do not turn your cat off to eating the food.

How Do Felines Get Tapeworms In The First Place

As if tapeworms are gross-sounding enough, consider the most common way that cats get them in the first place:

From fleas.

You may not think that you have fleas in your home, but it’s actually relatively easy to come in contact with these little buggers on a day-to-day basis. Boarding kennels , grooming shops, pet stores, or even veterinary hospitals are often hotspots for fleas that may pass from one animal host to another.

Even the great outdoors can expose your cat to fleas. This is especially true if your cat goes outdoors and you live in a woody area.

Tapeworms, like a few other common parasites, require at least 2 animal hosts in order to survive. The first hostusually the common fleawill contain tapeworm larvae. Once the infected flea becomes ingested by the second hoste.g., your catthat the larvae will find their way to the animal’s small intestine, latch on, and begin to grow.

For cats specifically, they typically become infected by tapeworms after accidentally eating a flea while grooming, or after eating a tapeworm-infected rodent.

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Does Garlic Treat Tapeworms In Cats

¿El ajo trata las tenias en los gatos?

As of now, no study has demonstrated that garlic can treat tapeworms in cats. Garlic may temporarily inhibit the larval and egg development of the intestinal worm species studied.

Long and flat, tapeworms have a large number of segments. Mature segments of tapeworms, which contain eggs, are discharged and pass in feces.

Segments resembling rice grains are found in the cats hair below its tail area, in feces, and on the cats bed.

The tapeworm needs an intermediate host to complete its life cycle.

An intermediate host ingests the eggs from the environment, and then the cat eats the intermediate host to become infected.

Different animals serve as intermediary hosts for different tapeworm types.

Tapeworms most commonly found in cats are Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis.

A cats red blood cells can become fragile and burst when garlic contains compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates.

The cats blood cells may be destroyed if it ingests garlic, a condition known as hemolytic anemia.

Can Coconut Oil Be Used To Deworm Cats

6 Effective Home Remedies For Worms In Cats

Yes, coconut oil can be used to deworm cats as it can convert lauric acid to monolaurin.

Coconut oil is one possible natural deworming option for cats.

This has some appealing advantages, both in terms of being a natural remedy and the fact that it may be more enjoyable for your cat to swallow than a pill.

As a result, it may be easier for owners to encourage their cats to consume coconut oil rather than medication.

Coconut oil has become increasingly popular among cats and dogs due to its health benefits, particularly its natural antibacterial characteristics.

As a result, coconut oil is known to have anti-parasitic properties, assisting in killing worms and their larvae in cats.

However, some cats may be allergic to coconut oil, and it is not recommended for cats with certain medical issues.

Furthermore, consuming too much coconut oil can result in diarrhea.

You will need to have your cats stool professionally checked by your pets veterinarian to discover whether or not the coconut oil has resolved his worm problem.

Coconut oil for cat worms should only be used if your cats veterinarian recommends it. It could be insufficient or inappropriate for your cats condition.

Never use coconut oil or any other product on your cat without first seeking professional advice from your cats veterinarian.

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What Exactly Is Tapeworm

Imagine a long flat worm with multiple segments, similar to cars of a train or a string of pearls. This is your typical tapeworm. They don’t have mouths. Instead, they absorb nutrients through their skin.

Once tapeworms get inside of a cat, they do not want to leave. On their head end, tapeworms have little fish-hook-like devices that lodge into the wall of the small intestine. If left untreated, these parasites can live for years inside your cat.

So, how long are these little buggers anyway? While they initially enter cats and dogs as larvae, once they hatch and mature into adults they can typically reach up to 12 to 18 inches long. But they can be as short as 4 inches to as long as nearly 30 inches or more.

Considering that a typical adult cat can have a small intestine of up to 60 inches long, this just goes to show how big of a problem tapeworms can become. So, initiating treatment at the first sign of these parasites is key.

What Are Intestinal Parasites And Why Is This Important

Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms.

These are the most common internal parasites we see in our dogs and cats. Intestinal worms can be a serious problem for young dogs and cats.

Hookworms can lead to life-threatening anemia and roundworms can lead to malabsorption issues and poor growth and development.

In adult dogs, intestinal parasites are occasionally life-threatening.

Usually, animals that have a weakened immune system are more likely to experience severe intestinal parasitism and show clinical signs.

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How Do Cats Get Tapeworms

Most cats get tapeworms from fleas. Many types of tapeworm larvae are found in fleas.

If the cat ingests the flea, the tapeworm larvae begins to grow inside the intestines.

Cats can also get tapeworms if they eat feces infested with them. Its also possible for mothers to pass tapeworms to their kittens.

Are Worms Painful For Cats

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Worms in cats can potentially cause pain. The migration of larvae through the liver, stomach, eye, or lungs would cause discomfort as the affected tissues become inflamed from the disruption.

This could present as:

  • Belly pain, including gastritis due to inflammation of the stomach lining

  • Eye irritation

  • A change in your cats breathing rate/pattern

The accumulation of fluid from protein loss can cause a distended abdomen in some animals, which can be uncomfortable due to the swelling of the abdominal muscles and skin.

It can also cause breathing issues if too much abdominal fluid is pressing on the diaphragm and restricting the normal lung capacity for proper breathing.

Yes, humans can contract worm infections from cats by coming into direct contact with contaminated feces or soil.

Common modes of transmission include:

  • Children playing in sandboxes where cats have defecated

  • Walking barefoot through contaminated soil

  • Gardening in soil without wearing gloves

Accidental ingestion of contaminated soil or feces can happen in humans as well, so good hygiene practices are vital for preventing transmission from cat to owner.

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Fasting Out The Parasites

Finally, you can put your cat on a one-day fast. You should first make sure your cat is healthy and strong. Fasting for a day can help clear out pesky parasites that simply can’t live without food. You can do this up to once a week without hurting your cat’s health.


Writer Bio

Krista Raye is a Steel Magnolia who began writing professionally in 2009 with eHow, Answerbag and Trails. She has 10 years teaching experience in middle and high schools. Raye holds a Bachelor of Arts in English, a Bachelor of Science in secondary English education and a Master of Arts in adolescent English education.

Enforce Clean Litter Boxes

When you have more than one cat in your home, the litter box may contribute to parasites.

In addition to maintaining good hygiene for your cat and preventing any worms from spreading, which can help protect your cat from existing worms.

Ingredients Needed


  • Pay attention to the places and surfaces where your cat likes to hang out when you vacuum your home.
  • To kill any eggs or larvae, clean all surfaces with disinfectant and bleach.
  • You can prevent the spread of worms by cleaning your home every day or every two days.
  • Also Check: Natural Remedies For Fleas On Cats

    Spread The Cost Of Worming Treatments With The Medivet Health Plan

    When you sign up to the Medivet Health Plan, your dogs worming treatments are included in the monthly cost. This enables you to spread the cost of worming treatments and receive reminders when a worming is due.

    Other benefits of the Medivet Healthcare Plan include:

    • Full course of vaccinations
    • Complete flea, worm and tick protection for the year
    • Six month health check by a vet
    • Discounts on vet care, dental and food
    • Microchipping

    What age should I get my kitten wormed for the first time?

    A lot of kittens dont show any signs of worms which is why its important to start worming within the first few weeks of birth. Most vets recommend worming them at two, four, six and eight weeks of age and then monthly until theyre six months old.

    Can indoor cats get worms?

    Because worm eggs may survive in soil which can be brought indoors on shoes and clothes, Indoor cats can get worms just as easily as those who love to roam outdoors, the only difference is theyre exposed less often to parasites so they might not need worming quite as regularly. Indoor cats usually require preventative treatment every three months while cats that hunt and love to scavenge will need a treatment once a month.

    How should I worm a cat?

    It all depends on what treatment your vet prescribes. They may administer the treatment themselvesut there are also treatments which can be given with their food at home or placed on their skin.

    Pumpkin Seeds Destroy Tapeworms

    Beaphar WORMclear Spot On Cat Kitten 2

    I’m sure you’re wondering how something as simple as pumpkin seeds can be effective against parasites. As it turns out, pumpkin seeds contain a compound that paralyzes parasites and helps the body to eliminate them. They are especially effective against tapeworms.

    Pumpkin seeds are also very easy to use. You just have to grind some raw pumpkin seeds and then add 1/4 of a cup to your cat’s wet food. Make sure that you mix them well with the food, or your kitty might not be tempted to eat them. Continue this for at least a week and ensure that your cat has access to fresh water.

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    Home Remedies For A Cat’s Intestinal Parasites

    Below you can see which home remedies you can use to effectively combat your cat’s intestinal parasites:

    • Fasting with apple vinegar: A day of fasting will be highly beneficial for your pet. This is because the body has a greater and better predisposition to detoxifying when it is not exerting energy on digestion. Add two spoonfuls of apple vinegar into your cat’s water. This is a potent antiseptic which will eliminate the presence of parasites when it passes through the digestive tract.
    • Garlic: Garlic is a highly medicinal food since it has potent antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties, and is also useful for eliminating intestinal parasites. Contrary to what you might believe, garlic isn’t one of the forbidden foods for cats. You should mix a tablespoon of garlic with its meal, twice a day for 15 days.
    • Ground pumpkin seeds: These act as an efficient and smooth laxative. They will help rid your cat’s body of parasites. You should add a tablespoon of ground pumpkin seeds in its food for one week.
    • Thyme: Thyme is a plant with a powerful antiseptic activity which will help to eliminate the parasites in your pet’s gastrointestinal tract. Besides, it is completely safe for cats. Crush it into a powder and add a tablespoon of ground thyme to its food once a day for several days.


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