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How Often Should You Clip Your Cat’s Nails

Is It Important To Clip Your Cats Nails

How to trim a cat’s nails

The Humane Society states that trimming your cats claws is part of maintaining your pets health. Its a quick and effective alternative to , which is a surgical procedure that is considered cruel by many veterinarians.

If you dont cut your cats nails, there is a possibility of them growing too long. Trust me you dont want to see a cat with overgrown nails! The claw will curl on itself once it reaches a certain length. Whats worse, the nail can grow into your cats footpad and cause them a world of pain.

Nail trimming also keeps you, your family, and your furniture safe from your cats claws. Sure, your cat doesnt mean to turn your beautiful rug into a mess of shaggy fibers, but their claws might anyway. If your cat is a habitual couch scratcher, you definitely want to keep its claws short to prevent unsightly damage to your sofa.

If you still want to keep your cats nails short, clipping them is often the best option. Other cat owners put caps on their cats claws, which has mixed results. But, you can only put caps on once youve clipped your cats claws anyway.

Tips To Help With Clipping Your Cats Nails

  • Dont introduce clippers for the first time at trimming time. Leave them in places your cat can see and investigate them. Remove the mystery and make a happy fuss about them. This way, your kitty learns the clippers arent an instrument brought out for their torture!
  • Encourage your cat to embrace the handling of their paws with frequent paw massages. If cats are used to having their feet touched regularly, it will help the clipping cause for both you and them.
  • Choose a quiet space away from other animals for your cat nail salon. Make sure your spot offers plenty of light. Those claws are small for the seeing!
  • Try different positions if your cat is squirmy during their pedicure. Maybe kitty will like the process better laying on his side rather than being restrained in your arms.
  • Try clicker training to reinforce positive association when it comes to cutting a cats nails.
  • Start young. The earlier a cat experiences nail clipping, the easier of a time youll have as they age.
  • Trimming time should coincide with a calmer period in your cats day. Choose a time when your cat is usually relaxed rather than a high energy playtime. To be sure your cat feels calm for his trim, you could first engage him in a good play session.
  • Treats are a must!
  • Catnip makes everything better!

Though delicate work, trimming cat nails is one of those simple but necessary tasks that will keep you and your kitty living the good life together!

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How Often Should I Clip My Cats Claws

If you leave your cats claws to grow long they can damage furniture, carpets and scratch their owners unintentionally. It can also cause your animal discomfort, whilst they may get caught and damaged more easily. The frequency with which you trim their nails depends on their lifestyle. If they are an outdoor cat they will naturally scratch their fingers more often so you wont need to do it too much. Indoor cats should be checked every two weeks and trimmed if their nails look uncomfortably long.

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Should You Trim Your Cats Claws

Many dogs need to have their claws trimmed now and then, particularly if they are not very active or only walk on soft surfaces like grass, which does not wear the claws down naturally in the same way that walking on hard surfaces does. However, when it comes to cats, it can be hard to tell if their claws are getting overly long and are in need of a trim, as cats claws are naturally sharp even when they are an appropriate length and in good condition.

If your cat manages to draw blood every time they are kneading in your lap, the chances are that you have wondered if there is anything you can do to resolve the issue-but should a cats claws be trimmed, and how it can be done without turning into a fight that ends in a lot of scratches and a very disgruntled cat? In this article, we will answer these questions and provide some solutions.

Is It Bad To Not Cut Your Cats Nails

Trimming Your Cat

Maintaining your cats nails is an important part of your weekly grooming ritual with them. Most cats like getting their claws trimmed, as you might see your own cat chewing them or claiming your poor furniture to try wear the tips down when they get too long.

If not maintained, your cats nails can curl back towards their toe pad. This can cause discomfort when they walk or threaten to puncture their toe pad. Cats can sometimes even hook their nails on their lip while grooming their paws if they are too long.

Examining your cats claws periodically is a good thing. By following our tips above, more and more your cat can feel relaxed in this process.

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Get Them Used To You Touching Their Paws

Some cats are more tolerant of people touching their paws than others. Its always best to start handling their paws when they are a kitten, gently patting and holding them so they become familiar with the sensation. If they are older, you can still do this daily to get them used to you being around their toes.

My Cat Wont Let Me Trim Nails What Should I Do

Since many cats do not like getting their nails cut, or are not used to the process, it may not be easy to cut your cats nails yourself. Your cat might try to squirm away from you, or worse bite or scratch. If youve already tried the steps above with a lot of patience, love and care, and its still not working, seek professional assistance. You could ask your vet to trim your cats nails, or look for a cat nail trimming service near you.

Remember, youre not the only one in fact, its quite the accomplishment being able to trim a cats nails!

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How To Trim A Cats Nails

When its time to trim your cats nails, you want to be patient. Speak sweetly and softly to your cat during the trim.

  • With your cat sitting comfortably in your lap and facing away from you, pick up the paw youre going to clip.
  • Lightly squeeze the toe pad of the nail youre going to trim so the nail protrudes
  • Clip the nail at the cutting line. If you look closely at your cats nails, youll see a pink or dark area. This is called the quick and has blood vessels and nerves. Clipping the quick or too close to the quick will hurt your cat. Trim only the white part of the nails.
  • If your cat is comfortable and does not panic when you trim the first nail, try another. Its advised to not cut more than two nails in a session when youre first starting out. Youll be able to build up to both paws the more comfortable your cat gets with having their nails trimmed but start slow.

Cut The Rest Of Your Cats Claws

How to Safely Trim a Cat’s Nails | Vet Tutorial

Repeat the above process to trim each of your cats nails. Dont forget the dewclaws! Theyre a little higher up your cats front paws, like thumbs. If you neglect them, they can grow long enough to curl around and poke into their legnot ideal.

Remember: If your cat gets agitated after youve cut a few of their nails, you can always end your session and cut the rest in a day or two. Breaking this task into smaller shifts is totally worth it to keep your cat happy.

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Before You Clip Your Cat’s Nails

Handle their paws

The first thing that you can do is get your cat used to you touching their paws and paw pads. You can start by gently touching, then work your way up to massaging. Do this a few times before you actually try to trim.

This is a good time to examine the paws for any abnormalities like redness, swelling, or odd coloring. If you do notice anything of concern, reach out to a vet.

Choose the right tools

It’s important to have the right tools for your catâs nail trimming.

You need to use nail clippers specifically made for cats . These should have a sharp enough blade, as dull blades can put too much pressure on the sensitive nerves.

Youâll also need treats and septic powder should there be any bleeding.

Pick the right time

You donât want to clip your catâs nails until they’re in a calm and relaxed mood. This is important, because if your cat is squirming, you could actually cut too much of their nail off, which could lead to bleeding and injury.

Once your cat is comfortable with you handling their paws and you have the right tools, it’s time to clip your catâs nails.

What You’ll Need To Trim Your Cats Nails

The most important thing youll need to effectively trim your cats nails at home is a pair of sharp, high-quality nail clippers. And when you begin your search, youll realize that theres more than a few options you can choose from but dont get overwhelmed.

I personally recommend avoiding the guillotine type as well as the nail grinding tools, Dr. Conrad told The Dodo. Guillotine nail clippers look similar to hole punches. They have two handles, one on top of the other, and a loop on the other end where your dog or cats nails are inserted for clipping by the guillotine-like blade. But they can be difficult to use on thicker nails or if nails are too overgrown.

Grinding tools can be too rough for thinner, smaller nails, so they arent usually the best option for cats. And although human nail clippers can be used in a pinch, beginners should stay away from them, as using human nail clippers wrong on cat nails can cause them to split.

The easiest I’ve found to use look pretty much like a very small pair of scissors, with one blade having a cutout area, Dr. Conrad said.

Also pick up a container of styptic powder or cornstarch. This will come in handy if you clip your cats quick by accident and her nail starts to bleed. You can dip her nail directly into the styptic powder or first dampen it with a moistened cotton swab to ensure the powder sticks and stops the bleeding.

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Pet Health Is Pet Happiness

Clipping your cats claws may be difficult, but these tips should make your experience a little less stressful. By catching your cat in a good mood and making sure they are used to having their paws handled, it should be much easier to keep your cats claws at the right length.

To avoid accidental scratches or discomfort for your cat, you should probably trim your cats nails every ten days or so. Not only will it benefit your cat, but it will also benefit you and your furniture.

Cats normally dont like being handled, but by holding them and their paws from an early age, and rewarding them with plenty of treats, you can help your cat get used to sitting still for at least a few trims. If you cant cut your cats nails safely, you can always take them to the groomer or even your DVM for a vet tech to help cut nails.

Hopefully, these tips will help make nail trimming time a little easier for you and less stressful for your cat. If you are looking for other tips or tricks on how to care for your fur baby, you can check out our blog.

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How To Restrain A Cat To Clip Its Nails Safely And Comfortably

Trimming Your Cat

Im speaking from experience when I say you should never attempt to clip your cats nails unless the kitty is calm and friendly. In case youre aware that your cat wont allow you to go through this process without trying to scratch and bite you, you should seek a veterinarians professional help. But if youre ready to tackle this task, consider the following methods.

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How Often To Clip A Cat’s Nails

How often you clip a cat’s claws will depend on different factors. These include their general levels of activity, how much opportunity they have to scratch, their age and others. An older cat will not be able to scratch as much due to muscle deterioration and less energy, so they will likely need trimmed more often.

In general, a healthy cat will need the nails on their front paws clipped twice a month, i.e. every 15 days or so. The rear legs will usually only need trimmed once a month.

However, the use of scratching posts can delay the time of nail clipping. As you get to know your cat, you will be able to tell when they are getting too long. If you are unsure, a good way to test them is to let a cat walk on a hard surface and listen if you can hear them as they run over it. If you can hear their nails, they are too long.

How Do You Know When Your Cats Claws Are Too Long

Its relatively easy to figure out if your cats claws are too long. Cats nails naturally retract. If you can see them when your kitty is relaxing like sleeping or just walking around then the nails are too long!

Just so you know, their claws should only be trimmed if theyre too long, not because theyre sharp. Cats will sharpen their nails after a trimming session anyway. They do this by scratching their posts, boards and pads to make them pointy again!

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How To Trim Cat Nails

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If youre a cat parent, one of your responsibilities is to regularly trim your cats nails . No pet likes having their nails trimmed, whether cat or dog, so it can be tempting to put off this essential duty.

Trimming your cats nails might not be the most fun activity, but it is necessary. Claws that are too long can be uncomfortable and even painful for cats. Sometimes a scratching post can help reduce the length of a cats nails, but clipping will probably still be necessary.

If youre looking for tips on how to clip your cats nails, youve come to the right place. At Spot Pet Insurance, we want to help pets live healthy and happy lives with their families. We know that there are a lot of challenges that come with being a pet parent, so were hoping that providing educational resources might help.

Being a good pet parent requires a lot of knowledge and dedication, but once you see that happy little face smiling up at you, its all worth it. So how can you accomplish one of the most difficult tasks: trimming your cats claws?

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How to Trim Your Cat’s Nails (Without Death Happening)

While trimming your cats nails can make you nervous, in most cases, its very doable with patience, consistency, and the right method. But if you truly cant trim your cats nails without hurting them , you might need to schedule a vet appointment to have their claws clipped.

Some cats are a bit more aggressive and defensive than others. If you know how to handle a cat properly, you can still safely hold them down while trimming their nails. Some cats may need to be sedated in extreme cases, in which case a vet must clip their nails. We dont recommend sedation if your cat is overweight or elderly.

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What Should You Do If You Cut Into The Quick

Dont panic. Cutting into the quick can happen during a nail trim. If you notice blood from a nail during a trim, apply light pressure to the very tip of the claw. The claw can be dipped in corn starch or styptic powder to help stop the bleeding faster.

Cutting into the quick can be painful for your furry friend. If your cat becomes too upset, stop the nail trim and give them time to cool down before starting again.

To create a less stressful experience, try having your cats favorite blanket or bed incorporated into the nail trim. Take your time and provide their favorite treats between cutting the claws.

Get Your Equipment Together

Before you start, its best to get your equipment together. You dont want to be frantically searching for your clippers whilst your cat is already restrained! Youll need:

  • Cat claw clippers
  • A styptic pen or similar, in case the nail bleeds
  • A towel, or method of restraining your cat
  • Gently restrain your cat

Before you trim anything, youll need to pick a foot. Starting with the side nearest you, and beginning with the back foot is often the easiest. Whilst back claws often dont need trimming as much as front ones, theyre further from your cats head. This allows you to gauge your cats reaction from a safer distance than the front paws.

Grasp the foot in your hand and gently apply pressure to the top of the foot and the pads this should cause the claws to extend. Youll want to continue applying this pressure, and this hand is also useful to control your cats foot and prevent it from moving too much when youre cutting.

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