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How To Calm Kittens Down

How Can I Help My Kitten Enjoy Physical Contact

How to Get Kittens to Calm Down : Advice on Raising Kittens

Depending on his personality and early experiences as a kitten, your cat may either enjoy or dislike certain types of handling. In order for the cat to learn to accept and enjoy physical contact from people, it is critical that the human hand only be associated with positive experiences and that physical punishment is not used.

Begin with those types of handling that the cat enjoys like scratching him behind the ears. Speak to him in a kind voice while petting him. For reluctant cats, you may consider giving a treat during the petting sessions. This technique can be applied to other types of handling and can help the cat become accustomed to, and perhaps eventually enjoy, petting, grooming, teeth brushing, nail trimming, and even bathing.

Give Her Some Calming Pet Treats:

Believe it or not, pet treats make your cat feeling nervous breakdown. One of the most popular methods about how to calm an anxious cat is offering it delicious pet treats. Calming pet treats are manufactured to support the mental health and nervous system functionary in the cats brain which eventually calms down the tensed nervous system. You can use these treats daily or in times of stressful moment.

Pet treats are considered to be one of the natural remedies that help your kitten to fight against a kitten. There are wide ranges of pet treats in the current market which are offering different types of flavors. Cat treats are made up of ingredients that helps to decrease anxiety in feline. If you are using these treats for the first time, try something that has chicken, fish, and turkey.

Calming pet treats consists of ingredients like L-theanine, Biopeptide blend, C3 Blend or Colostrum calming complex Biopeptide Blend. All these supplements help to reduce anxious feelings in the animals. They have filtered mixtures of fatty acids and proteins which promotes calming sensations in the anxious brain activity. Give your kittens these treats whenever it needs and be careful with the number of dosages and keep in mind not to overdose your kitten.

When Do Cats Calm Down

Cats are fascinating creatures, and with a bit of understanding, they can be great pets. How hyper your kitten is will depend on many factors, including:

  • Age
  • Whether or not your cat has been spayed or neutered
  • Amount of daily exercise
  • Whether the cat has access to the outdoors

You may often find that youre losing your patience with your kitten as he rushes around the home, pouncing on anything that moves and generally making a nuisance of himself.

Kittens develop their hunting and life skills through exploration and play and may be slightly hyper for the first year of their life. In time your cat will calm down, and by the time a cat reaches 16 or 17 months, they are generally calmer and easier to live with.

A cat will be calmer if he can get enough mental stimulation and exercise throughout the day. Be aware that cats have different personality types, just like humans, growing and mature at different rates. They will also have varying energy levels some kittens are hyper but calm down in time, others are very active throughout their lives, some are chilled out from kittenhood.

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Address Any Hyperthyroid Issue

Sometimes, hyperactivity may not be behavioral. Yea, your cat may be living with a condition called hyperthyroidism- meaning an overactive thyroid gland, which controls energy levels. This condition can make your cat have a burst of energy, which leads to reduced sleep and a voracious appetite. So most times, your kitty tends to become restless and eat almost everything that comes her way. However, this condition is common among older cats.

Luckily, there are treatment options for hyperthyroidism, and it includes:

  • Surgical removal of the thyroid gland
  • Medication methimazole
  • Radioactive iodine therapy

Play With Your Cat But Do It Correctly

How to Make your Kitten Calm Down! Relaxing Music to Help Calm Your Cat ...

Not only does spending time playing with your kitten help you guys to bond, but it also helps wear them out! However, you shouldnt use your hands or feet to play with your kitten as that will make them think that parts of the human body are toys, leading to inappropriate play in the future. It may be adorable when they attack your ankles while tiny, but a full-grown cat doing that will be much less fun.

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What Is The Best Way To Introduce My New Kitten To My Home

A new home with new sights, new sounds, and new smells can be a scary place for a young kitten, but there are things you can do to make the transition easier. Your new kitten likely left behind a loving mother, playful siblings, and a familiar environment, so he needs a little special care when being introduced to his new surroundings and new family.

Getting started

Your kitty needs to feel comfortable with you as soon as possible, so start your relationship by interacting with him on his own turf where he feels safe and secure. Spend time playing and cuddling him before taking him away from his familiar environment. Bring home the comforting scent of his current home by petting his mother and siblings if they are present. Better yet, bring along a towel and rub his family members or even the inside of his kennel to carry these old scents to your kittys new home. Familiar smells warm the heart and steady the nerves.

Going home

The ride home should be as pleasant as possible. Place the scented towel in a cat carrier and gently place your kitten inside. If he resists, remove the top of the carrier rather than nudging him through the door. Cats prefer cozy spots so they usually like being in a carrier. By encouraging your kitten to ride within the confines of a carrier, you are providing safety and security, as well as starting a good routine that you can maintain for future car rides.

Arriving home

Preventing problems before they start

Determine The Root Of The Problemand Find A Solution

While all of the aforementioned strategies are helpful for dealing with cat fear, anxiety, and stress, its essential to look deeper, especially if your cat is experiencing severe stress. Its not enough to treat the symptom, as it were, Parry says. Knowing what triggers the fear allows you to build a plan to help the cat feel safe. She advises observing interactions between pets in your home to address any problems, and to be alert to potentially stress-causing environmental factors. Regular visits to the veterinarian are crucial, and you may even want to check in with a certified cat behavior consultant. If any of their essential needs and resources are out of whack, you could have a chronically stressed cat, Parry says.

Image:Africa Studio/

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Helping Adult Cats To Settle In

Preparation is the key to a calm introduction so you will already have prepared your home by purchasing all the necessary items, such as litter tray, food and water bowls, scratching post and bedding. It is advisable to keep a new cat indoors for at least two to three weeks to ensure it becomes fully acclimatised to the new home and less likely to panic and stray in search of somewhere else more familiar.

This will be a potentially challenging time for an adult cat adopted from a rehoming centre as a period of confinement often leaves them in a state of anxiety. The cat may retreat into a hiding place initially but is best left there as you go about your business to allow it to decide alone when it is safe to explore. Cats will occasionally in the first few days only eat and use their litter tray in the dead of night. The really anxious cat may even fail to do either for the first twenty-four hours. This is a part of the process that is best ignored by putting down fresh food and checking the litter tray regularly and letting nature take its course. If the situation persists beyond this period then it would be wise to consult a veterinarian.

If you already have a resident cat, dont rush the introductions as this is a very important step.

Feed Her Before Sleeping


Along with other factors, you should also consider providing essentials such as meals and water to your cat before going to sleep. Most of the time, cats start meowing in the middle of the night, and this could be their way of telling their owners that they are hungry.

Night-time crying for food should end if you feed your cat on time before going to sleep. Likewise, if you are not able to make the arrangements, consider getting a cat feeder that works automatically. By using an automatic feeder, you can not only know how often your cat is being given the cat food but also control the amount they are being offered.

Likewise, an automatic cat feeder makes taking care of cats much easier for parents, while also eliminating the concern of overfeeding your cat during your absence.

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How To Tell If A Cat Is Hyper/angry

It can be difficult to gauge a cats mood. There are other ways to find out about a cats emotional state. It is important to be able to read and understand feline vocalizations and body language.

Your cat may not be reacting to your commands, but that doesnt mean it is angry or upset. Current Biology says this means that your cat and you have strong affinity. Cats that are angry often make their unhappy feelings known.

Keep an eye out for any of the following features, or a combination of them:

  • Standing with a back arched
  • Hissing or growling is examples of agitated verbalizations.
  • The tail sweeps the ground, and the eyes are wide and looking.
  • The cats ears lie flat against his head, his jaw is tight, and his fangs are visible.
  • The claws have been unsheathed and are ready to use.

It is important to determine why your cat is acting strangely. There are many possible explanations. You or someone else could be to blame. Knowing what caused your cat to become upset can help prevent future problems.

The Strategy For Calming Down A Hyper Kitten

As you can see, the idea behind calming down a hyper kitten is all about redirecting their energy. Young cats are hyper because they are learning about the world around them and how to act like a cat, and its up to us as pet owners to create as fulfilling of an environment as possible for them. This includes regular playtime, lots of places to play, and space just for them to calm down.

In addition, how you play with your cat is just as important. Some important things to remember are to not use your fingers and toes as toys, try out many different toys to see which ones your cat likes the best, and mimic your cats natural hunting instincts by playing with them smarter, not always harder. Lastly, providing a cool-down for your cat when they are able to catch their prey and feel the satisfaction of their kill is helpful for both calming them down and making them feel accomplished.

And after all that playtime, its important to help your kitty to refuel with nourishing food. PrettyPlease, our ultra-premium nutrient rich cat food, contains everything kitties need to feel their best.

What are your favorite ways to play with your little hunter? Wed love to hear!

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Create A Kitten Space

In addition to providing plenty of enrichment, you can also create a space that is dedicated to your kitten. During those times when they just cant seem to get all their wiggles out and you have to hop on a video call, put your kitten in their own space with calming music , lots of toys, and some food and water. If youve been wondering where to put litter box in your house, this could also be an appropriate area.

Where Does All The Energy Come From They Sure Are Cute But How Do You Dial Down A Hyper Kitten Try These Zen

How To Calm Down Your Cat When It

An overly hyper kitten can be a lot to deal with, especially since the average kitten is already a ball of furry energy that can be difficult to control and train. But its also important to keep in mind that it is totally normal for kittens to have a lot of energy, and to want to run around, climb, jump, chase, and play. In fact, if your kitten isnt behaving that way, consider having a chat with your veterinarian to be sure your little fur baby is feeling well.

If your kitty seems to have endless amounts of energy, and you want to help her mellow out a bit, there are ways to calm down a hyper kitten. Most of the solutions involve simply giving your pet a variety of ways to release her energy in a positive manner. That way, shell be ready to rest and recharge. So, before you lose your patience with your rambunctious little feline, continue reading for a few tips. And if youve tried several different strategies, but nothing seems to work and you think your kitten is way too hyper, consult a vet for some support and guidance.

Give Your Kitten a Space to Call Her Own

If your kitten is acting up, let her relax in her own private haven. This could be a dimly lit small room where she can unwind away from other pets, distractions, and people. It should also be a space in which she can play and let out her energy without having to worry about her destroying anything.

Play Soothing Music

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Play Regularly To Reduce Chronic Stress

While play is not a good option for cats in a highly aroused state, it can be a valuable tool for dealing with chronic, or long-term, stress in cats. Play decreases stress in cats and can increase their confidence in places previously associated with fear, Johnson says. She notes that cats afraid of large rooms or unfamiliar environments can better acclimate to these areas through play. She recommends interactive play with a lure toy in these spaces. Additionally, Parry underlines the importance of providing daily, not just occasional, opportunities for play in order to reap its calming benefits.

Image:Clare O’Connell/

At What Age Do Male Kittens Calm Down

When it comes to when most male kittens calm down, that usually depends on whether the cat has been neutered. This is because neutered male cats tend to calm down just after being neutered. As a result, your male kitten will usually calm down at around the age that you are planning to neuter them.

However, if you plan on keeping your male kitten intact, then there is some variability as to when they will calm down. Most male cats will calm down between two and three years of age if they havent been neutered.

Recommended Reading: Best Odor Reducing Cat Litter

Give Them Somewhere To Go

A nervous cat will want to be able to escape sometimes and climbing somewhere high is often appealing to them. Being up high and able to see whats going on below gives cats a sense of safety.

One of the best things you can do is buy a cat tree. This will allow your nervous cat to adopt the high ground where it will feel safe and also provide it with places to hide.

We love the Go Pet Club cat tree. It comes in several different heights and is really sturdy with perches, boxes, and plenty of scratching posts.

Its conveniently available on Amazon. See the size options and current prices by clicking this link.

How To Calm Your Cat Before And At The Vet

How to calm down a crazy kitteh!

Cats prefer to be left to their own devices in an area where they feel comfortable. Disrupting their sense of peace can be difficult for both you and your cat. One of the most stressful situations your cat may experience is a trip to the vet.

If your cat isnt accustomed to road trips and leaving the house, just the sight of their cat carrier can send them over the edge. They may run, hide, or even attempt to fight to avoid these annual road trips. Unfortunately, for cat owners, if their escape route is cut off, you often end up being the one on the receiving end of their punishment. Scratches and bites are hard on you but think about the stress and emotional hardships these scenarios put your cat through.

When you finally make it to the veterinarians office, your cat may still be on edge. Attempting to escape their carrier, lash out at the staff, or run away is a common reaction from cats of all ages and sizes. Luckily, there are ways you can calm your cat before and at the vet. Lets take a look at eight proven methods that make taking your cat to the vet easier for all those involved, especially your kitty.

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How To Calm A Cat At Night

To get a good nights rest and keep the cats calm, the pet parents must know that cats are crepuscular, which means they are most likely to be active at twilight and dawn. Cats tend to sleep most of the day, and the doctors recommend upping cats playtime in day time instead of playing at night. This may help them to fall asleep at night. Playing with them at the end of the day will ensure they get excess energy out. It is essential to feed them in the evening since hunger could be a reason to keep on meowing at night.

If it fails to keep the cat calm, one can get a timed feeder to help them out. Dimming the light where they sleep may also get them to sleep throughout the night. Since the cats are molded to behave in this way, one must not change immediately or control their behavior. Instead, one must keep the cat busy with other things to do. If the problem persists, a visit to the vet will help to figure out the reasons behind it and help the cats accordingly.


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