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HomeTomcat Mouse Killer Safe For Cats

Tomcat Mouse Killer Safe For Cats

How To Get Rid Of Mice When You Have Pets

How to Use Tomcat® Mouse Killer Refillable Bait Station – Advanced Formula

A great option for households with pets is the Victor® Kill Vault Mouse Trap. This trap offers a 100% kill rate, and the kill is fast and humane. The trap also completely seals the dead rodent inside after the kill, preventing contamination from urine, feces and blood.

Rodents are known carriers of disease-carrying parasites such as fleas and ticks. The traps sealing action keeps parasites from finding their way out after the kill and latching onto your cat, dog or other household animal. Your pets also wont be able to get to the mouse while it is caught inside. Simply throw away the trap after the kill you wont ever have to see or handle a dead rodent!

The Victor Safe-Set Mouse Trap is a great option for pets too. With the design, the trap ensures that pets wont be able to set off the trigger accidentally. Only mice can set off these traps.

Symptoms Of Rat Poisoning

Unfortunately, there’s no way to know right off the bat if Frisky’s eaten a poisoned mouse. Like the mouse, your cat will wait a day or two before the poison has its effect on her system. Eventually, however, you’ll see symptoms alerting you to trouble. Depending on the poison ingested, you may notice a loss of appetite, slight muscle tremors, impaired movement or paralysis in the back legs, seizures, pale gums, bleeding from the nose, bloody urine or feces, swollen belly, red splotches on the skin, lethargy or weakness.

How Can I Remove A Sticky Mouse Trap From My Cat

If you buy sticky mouse traps, your cat can get trapped. If this happens, the situation can be stressful for you and your feline pet. There are some steps that you should follow in a case like this. If you want to know what you could do if a sticky mouse trap gets stuck on your cats skin, keep reading this step-by-step guide:

  • Grab some scissors: This can sound sad to you, but it is the only way to remove the sticky mouse trap safely. You need to be extremely calm and careful while doing this because you can reach too close to your cats skin. You only need to cut the affected fur or hair where the trap got stuck. If you think that cutting your cats hair at home is too dangerous or you are scared of doing it, you can go to your veterinarian, and they can help you out.
  • Take care of your cat: You can wrap your feline pet with a towel or a thick sheet because your cat might want to lick the affected area. As you know, some mouse traps can have some dangerous side effects.
  • Apply some oil: You can use cooking oil. You could also use olive, canola, sunflower, corn oil. Then, start massaging your cats hair. After massaging, let the oil penetrate and sit.
  • Avoid dangerous solutions: Acetone or thinner should not be options. This can be abrasive to your feline pets skin.
  • Use a clean piece of cloth to remove the glue: You will need to rub it until the glue is removed.
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    Secondary Poisoning Concerns With Rodent Baits

    If my cats eat mice that have died from your rodent baits, can they be secondarily poisoned? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by our residential clients. But similar questions are also of interest when we conduct rodent control around livestock farms, zoos, exotic animal farms and various animal-rearing facilities.

    What is secondary poisoning? How does it differ from primary poisoning, or from secondary ingestion? By understanding the basic terms and concepts associated with the hazards and risks of using rodenticides, PCOs can remain informed and decrease the occurrences of harming non-target animals during rodent control programs.

    PRIMARY VS. SECONDARY POISONING. Primary poisoning refers to an animal directly consuming a rodenticide bait. This can occur when a bait is installed unprotected into an area where non-target animals such as dogs or cats may encounter and feed upon the bait. Or, when a homeowner buys mouse bait in the supermarket and tosses the bait into a garage where his dog finds and eats the bait. Primary poisoning is the principle means by which companion animals and other non-targets are hurt by rodenticides.

    SECONDARY POISONING IS UNLIKELY. Back to the original question posed by the homeowner about the cat. Is secondary poisoning possible either via ingestion of the livers of dead rodents, or via secondary ingestion of rodent baits? Well, theoretically it is possible, but realistically, it is highly unlikely. Lets examine why.

    What To Watch For

    Tomcat Mouse Killer I Tier 1 Refillable Mouse Bait Station ...

    Typically, it takes 2 to 5 days for the following symptoms associated with anticoagulant poisoning to appear:

    • Bruising
    • Blood in urine, vomit, feces
    • Bleeding from gums, nose, rectum, eyes, ears
    • Weakness, staggering gait, depression
    • Blood accumulation in the chest , which may lead to shallow or labored breathing
    • Blood accumulation in the abdomen , which may cause the abdomen to distend

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    Rules To Reduce The Risk Of Pet Poisoning

    Whatever poison you choose, the primary task for you is to make sure that neither your pets nor children have access to the bait. The first thing to do is to read the product label carefully and follow all its directions. However, there are a number of useful tips that will help you prevent pet poisoning.

  • Store the bait safely and is a sealed package. We recommend keeping it in a locked cabinet, on the upper shelves. Never leave the pack of poison unattended.
  • Check your bait as frequently as possible and inspect your house for dead rodents. If there are dead rats or mice, remove them immediately. When disposing of dead rodents, place them in a tightly covered garbage bin or any place where your pets cannot access them.
  • Even though you are doing everything right, this may not be the case with your neighbors. Ask your immediate neighbors whether they use rodent poisons and whether they place the baits in bait stations.
  • If your neighbors use rodent poisons irresponsibly, install a fence. Repair the existing one if there are gaps. This will prevent your pets from getting into your neighbors property.
  • Kaput Rat Mouse Vole Bait 32 Place Packs 61305

    Unlike a number of other brands, this Colorado-based company continues to use warfarin. The problem with this ingredient is that many rodent populations have developed resistance to it. As a result, manufacturers switched to either more toxic formulas or chemicals based on the different modes of action.

    Developed in the 1950s, warfarin was a breakthrough in the pest control industry and became a safer alternative to dangerous poisons. At that time, warfarin provided rat control levels of 90% or better, compared with at most 80% that can be achieved with modern acute toxins, according to Rex Marsh from the University of California-Davis. Warfarin is a slow-acting blood thinner that has an antidote, Vitamin K, and prevents bait shyness. An animal needs to eat the poison for several days to get a lethal dose, which is why it is safer to place around pets than acute toxicants.

    The EPA ranks warfarin among the safest rodent poisons not just because of its slow action. This chemical compound is quickly metabolized and removed from the body. By the way, warfarin is also used in medicines for humans for blood clot prevention. Experts believe that pure, undiluted warfarin used with high-quality corn can still be as effective as it used to be years ago.

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    How To Eliminate Rodents With Mouse Poison

    Rodents need to be eliminated from the home and its surrounding areas. There are so many options to do so but it can be quite difficult to know and choose the right method.

    To help you a little, we enlighten you about one method using poisons. Poisons work well especially when mice are many and have kind of known the trap and avoided it. In times like this, you dont have an alternative other than use poison to eliminate them.

    Modern poison formulas are based on either disruption of the nervous system or anticoagulant properties. Once ingested, anticoagulant causes internal bleeding causing the mouses system to go into shock and cause loss of blood. The mouse feels no pain and succumbs within no time.

    The nervous system disrupts the basic electronics of life. Once the nervous system shuts down, the mouse is silenced once and falls.

    As you administer these poisons, you must exercise caution and care to keep them away from pets, children, and other wildlife so they dont consume them. Always wear gloves when distributing the poison and wash them with soap and water after that.

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    Farnam Just One Bite Ii Bait Chunks 8lbs

    How to Kill Mice and Rats Using Tomcat® Disposable Bait Stations

    This powerful poison contains bromadiolone, a poison that can be lethal from a single feeding. Because of its high toxicity, the chemical should be applied in agricultural settings. To use it in residential areas, you must package bromadiolone poisons in tamper-resistant bait stations, according to EPA requirements. Pets may also be exposed to bromadiolone by eating a poisoned rodent. This means that the risk of poisoning remains even though your pets have no direct access to the product.

    And yet, the reason many professionals opt for bromadiolone poison is its high efficiency. The chemical prevents the body from recycling vitamin K and, and as a result, the animal bleeds to death. Death occurs within several days, so other rodents will not associate the sickness of their relative with the bait. The 8-pound pail contains 64 ready-to-use bait chunks. They are made with holes and can be easily secured in a bait station. Their nibble edges will stimulate rats and mice into chewing.

    Farnam Just One Bite II Bait Chunks: Check the current price

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    Are Sticky Mouse Traps Poisonous To Cats

    Sticky mouse traps are one of the most common methods when it comes to getting rid of mice. But are these traps poisonous to your feline friend? Keep reading to find out if they are harmful or toxic for cats.

    No, but it could be. Sticky mouse traps are not poisonous for cats if they get stuck in their fur. Although they are not toxic for your cats skin, they can still cause injuries to them, and if your cat eats it, this can be poisonous.

    Aside from what you have seen to the moment, there are more important points that you should know about sticky mouse traps and what they can do to your feline pet. Continue reading below to understand this topic and learn relevant information like how you can remove a sticky mouse trap from your cats fur.

    How Rats And Mice Affect Your Home And Health:

    If you live near an open field or bushy area, rats will eventually make their way into your home.

    • They leave their presence everywhere they go. If you notice droppings and chewed-on wood and food items, you have a rat problem.
    • Rats chew on anything and everything in their path. Apart from food particles, rats can get into your vehicles electrical systems and gnaw on the wires and cables.
    • In the home, they can also chew up electrical wiring and cables, which can cause power shortages or outages.
    • Rats and mice can also bring in ticks and fleas into the home. Fleas and ticks can attack your pets or small children.
    • Several studies show the dangers of allowing rats to run free around the home. The risk of contracting a few viruses, diseases or illness is real.
    • Illnesses from rate droppings urine and feces include leptospirosis or
    • Lyme disease.

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    Should You Use Poisons Or Snapping Traps To Keep Mice Away

    Products containing poisons and chemicals can be extremely effective for getting rid of rodents. Spring-loaded snapping traps can also efficiently catch and kill mice. Neither option is considered a safe pest control method to use around children or pets. The accidental ingestion of mouse poison could potentially harm a child or animal, and curious fingers, paws or snouts could be injured by a traditional snap trap.

    Is It Safe To Have Mouse Traps With Cats

    Tom Cat Mouse Killer Bait Station

    Dont let your pets run around with Victor traps While Victor traps wont harm your pets, they can still cause them to be curious. You can avoid temptation by placing the trap inside a closed or covered cardboard box and cutting a small opening at either end to allow the mouse plenty of room to enter.

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    Victor Electronic Mouse Trap

    If you are looking for a lethal trap for mice but wont hurt your kitty, then take a look at the Victor electronic mouse trap.

    The electronic mouse trap from Victor has a small opening that lets a mouse enter the main chamber. When the mouse makes contact with the two metal plates inside the chamber, it is instantly electrocuted by 8000 volts of electricity.

    This trap is safe to use around pets since the opening is too small for a cat or dog to enter. The trap even has a series of internal baffles that prevent a cat from being able to reach inside with its paw. While a determined cat MIGHT be able to reach in and touch ONE of the metal plates, the trap doesnt activate until BOTH plates are touched simultaneously.

    Once the trap kills the mouse, you can simply remove the lid, dump the deceased rodent into the trash and reuse the trap as needed.

    If you decide to go with an electronic trap, make sure you get the ones designed for mice and not rats. An electric rat trap will typically have an opening that is large enough for a cat to enter, and you do NOT want that.

    Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Refillable Bait Station

    What separates this Tomcat product from others on the list is that it is a pre-baited station. No need for touching dangerous substances, just place the box where rats travel somewhere within 20 to 100 feet between their nests and the source of food. More importantly, neither kids nor dogs will be able to open the bait station because it is tamper-resistant. However, the product is reusable, meaning it needs to be refilled with bait if you are going to continue to use it after rodents eat all that is inside.

    The pack includes one station with 15 bait blocks, with each block killing up to 3 rats. Since the box can hold up to 2 blocks simultaneously, you can refill it up to eight times. The bait is made with bromethalin, a highly poisonous neurotoxin. The baits station is weather-resistant and can be safely placed outdoors. It is made with a transparent window allowing you to easily check whether there is enough bait in the box.

    The Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer has received 4 out of 5 stars in customer reviews. Buyers draw attention to the fact that it is made with a dangerous poison that has no antidote, so it is important to handle it very carefully. But this bait station is worth using as it really helps eliminate a rat problem. Besides, it is easy to use. Just load bait chunks and monitor them through the built-in window without opening the box.

    Tomcat Rat & Mouse Killer Refillable Bait Station: Check the current price

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    Neogen Havoc Rodenticide Rat & Mouse Bait Pellet Pack 8 Lbpail

    Based on brodifacoum, the strongest blood-thinning rodenticide available, this product poses a lethal danger to non-target animals and humans as well. This poison requires much less intake compared with other blood thinners and one feed may be enough for an animal to take the fatal dose. Besides, brodifacoum residues are found in the liver and tissues of the poisoned rodent, meaning any predator that consumes it, will get a toxic dose as well.

    In 2008, brodifacoum was made a restricted-use product by the EPA. Later, that decision was challenged by one of the manufacturers and now this poison remains available to the general public. The demand for brodifacoum is due to its efficiency. In addition to being potent, the Neogen Havoc Rodenticide is made with a mixture of highly attractive ingredients, offering excellent palatability. This product is available in pellets, but there are also options in blocks and meal baits. For safety reasons, the bait contains Bitrex, a bittering agent that makes it distasteful to humans and non-target animals.

    Neogen Havoc Rodenticide Rat & Mouse Bait Pellet: Check the current price

    How Long Does It Take For Rat Poison To Affect Cats

    How to Use Tomcat® Repellents Rodent Repellent Ready-to-Use

    It takes 1-2 days for vitamin K1 to be absorbed by the body after ingesting this bait, and clotting factors to be released. After that, the blood loss will take 3 to 7 days to cause poisoning. In most cases, bleeding is not obvious due to the fact that it occurs in the abdomen, chest, lungs, joints, and gastrointestinal tract as well.

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    Why Are Sticky Mouse Traps Harmful To Cats

    Sticky mouse traps are dangerous for cats. The main reason for this is that these flat pieces of cardboard have a strong coat of tacky glue. This is designed for immobilizing mice and not letting them go. This adhesive but powerful glue sticks to their fur and hurts them. Yet, this can happen to your feline pet too.

    As you know, mice are small, and they can fit entirely in the sticky trap. Although cats cannot fit in the glutinous piece, they can get adhered to it. If your cat encounters one or more traps, this can result in a big issue that can put your pet under distress. At the same time, your cat can lose its fur. This is the primary reason why you should stop using too many sticky mouse traps.


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