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How To Get Rid Of Cat Litter Odor

Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Cat Urine Odor

Tips On How To Get Rid of Cat Litter Smell In Your House

You love your cat. But that love can be tested when you walk into a room and smell the unmistakable odor of cat urine. Why did your cat pee outside the box? How do you get rid of the cat urine smell? Heres how to clean cat urine and remove the cat pee smell from carpet, non-carpet surfaces and bedding.

First, there are 3 things you should know about why your cat might be peeing outside the litter box:

  • Cats often go outside the litter box to let you know about a health issue, their feelings about changes in the house, or their displeasure with their litter box. Another possible reason? Unneutered males spray urine to mark their territory, and unspayed females spray to let male cats know theyre in heat. Stopping cat urine odor before it starts is another good reason to spay or neuter your feline friends.
  • The sooner you clean up the cat urine, the sooner you will get rid of the odor and help prevent your cat from peeing in that spot again. Youll need to neutralize the cat urine odor, not just cover up the smell with perfumes or fragrances.
  • If youve found cat urine in your home, heres how to clean it up and get rid of the cat pee smell safely and effectively.

    Ask Your Vet Or Feline Nutritionist About Your Cats Diet

    If your cats droppings are exceptionally foul-smelling, consult with a specialist about making a safe and healthy food modification that may help to alleviate the odors in the litter box. It is critical to keep your house and litter box clean and fresh, both for the sake of your cats health and for your personal peace of mind as well. Approximately 10% of cats will abruptly refuse to use their litter boxes, and the scent of the litter box is one of the reasons behind this. By keeping your cats litter box clean and clear of odors, you may make it easier for him or her to excrete in the proper location, so assisting him or her in remaining healthy and happy.

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    Choose The Right Brand Of Litter

    Cat litter comes in a variety of styles, from corn and wheat to wood and clay. With so many choices, it can be challenge to determine which cat litter is right for your feline family. To find the best litter for odor control, you may need to set up a test. Purchase the smallest bags of several litter brands. Place a cup of each litter type in a different container. Add ¼ cup of ammonia to each container, and let it sit. After several hours, sniff the various types of ammonia-soaked litter. Your nose will tell you the best cat litter for odor.

    Remember not to select scented options. Cats hate the artificial smell, and scented litter does little to manage odors. Also, keep in mind that it’s easiest on your cat when you introduce a new litter slowly by mixing it in with the old brand.

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    Replace The Litter Twice A Week Or More

    Even if you scoop out your kitty litter box consistently, smells can still linger in the litter as you accidentally miss small specks of urine and feces. Thats why changing the litter at least twice a week can help to significantly reduce litter box smell.

    When you clean your litter box, make sure you not only dump the old litter, but also clean the box itself. Soap and water works well, but you can also use a bleach solution . Avoid ammonia-based cleaners, as it will make the pee smell worse. Make sure you clean your metal scooping spoon as well.

    One dried, add two to three inches of litter back into the box. Most cats do not like boxes teeming with too much litter and will refuse to use it.

    Tips To Make A Stinky Litter Box Smell Fresh & Clean

    How to get rid of cat litter smell

    Stinky litter box trouble? A foul-smelling litter box isn’t fun for you or your cat.

    That’s why your cat’s litter box needs the same attentive consideration you give your homes other bathrooms. After all, your kittys olfactory senses is 14 times stronger than yours, meaning a litter box that smells fine to you might cause your cat to turn up his nose and walk away.

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    Tips To Get Rid Of Cat Litter Box Smell:

    The normal cat will defecate once a day and urine three times a day on average, although this might vary based on a variety of circumstances, including the environment. If you have a large number of cats, you must clearly double this figure by the number of animals you have. Your cat will visit the litter tray four or five times a day, providing four or five opportunities for a foul odor to be released into the environment. However, if your cats litter box is emitting an unpleasant odor, you should increase the frequency with which you scoop the litter so that you are scooping at least once a day, and ideally twice or more, every time your cat goes to the bathroom.

    Replace The Litter Regularly

    Many owners simply scoop the dirty litter and refill the box when it gets low. The problem with this is that while it may contain messes, it does little to stop bacteria and other microbes from building up, and that can be the source of many odors.

    About once a month or so, you should dump out the entire box of litter and wash the box with soap and water. Then, refill it with completely fresh litter. Not only will your cat appreciate the fresh bathroom, but it will do a great job of preventing odors from starting.

    There are also subscription services that send you a fresh new box of litter every month with these, you can simply throw the box away at the end of the month, saving you the hassle of having to clean it.

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    Commercial Kitty Litter Products

    • FON Spray – Stops odors in litter boxes, removes urine and fecal stains on rugs and furniture, and works on Tomcat spray. FON does not mask odors. It actually breaks down urine and fecal matter, therefore eliminating the cause of the odor. Spray F.O.N. daily in cat litter boxes. A light spray covering the surface area will suffice to eliminate odors. Maintain usual sanitary procedures for the litter box. F.O.N. is biodegradable.
    • Fresh Step Clay Cat Litter with Odor Eliminating Carbon – Fresh Step Clay litter contains everything you love about clay with one refreshing difference, it will help keep your home smelling even fresher.
    • Tidy Cats – Lightweight 4-in-1 Strength is the newest lightweight litter for Tidy Cats, the company that invented cat litter more than 50 years ago and reinvented litter in 2013 with the introduction of a truly lightweight clumping litter option. The Tidy Cats Lightweight portfolio solves a pet peeve cat owners have been dealing with for a long time – heavy cat litter.

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    Why My House Doesnt Smell Like Cats

    5 Top Cat Litters for Odor Control and Cat Smell

    Whenever friends learn that I live in a tiny studio apartment, they always ask how I can stand living with a cat, Doesnt he make it, well, stink? I always explain that unless weve been gone an unusually long period of time, we dont notice a litter box smell in our apartment. If we do, its a sign that we need to scoop, pronto!

    Even if your cat is as small as adoptable Zorro, you need to take proper care of the litter box.I might be lazy about putting away my own laundry or personal clutter, but Im never lazy about Tobys litter box!

    I used to be. When I first became Tobys cat mom, I knew very little about cats and how to care for their litter boxes. I hadnt grown up with one, but my roommate had so I followed her example. My roommate kept her cats covered litter box in a closed closet with a cat door. I thought the smell was inevitable. However, I soon got sick of the stink and developed a new routine.

    Now, Tobys litter is scooped at least twice a day. Dr. Stephanie Janeczko recommends at least once or twice a day in her article Cleaning the Litter Box: How Often Is Best. Given Tobys size and our apartments lack of ventilation, twice a day as a minimum works better for us. Here are a few other things we do to control the scent:

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    Use A Different Type Of Litter Box

    Litter boxes come in all shapes and sizes, and some have doors or hoods. These are usually better for odor control, as they keep the smell inside rather than letting it permeate the house.

    Regardless of what type of box you use, make sure its big enough for your cat. They should have enough room to completely turn around and sit down. This makes it easier for them to do their business, making it more likely theyll go on the litter rather than on the sides of the box.

    Try Vinegar And Baking Soda

    You can try vinegar to get rid of the ammonia smell. It neutralizes the bad odor from your cats litter box.

    Completely empty the box and keep stuff away. Gently wipe off the extra layer of litter from the bottom then rinse with water and tissue papers.

    Add one spoon of vinegar with two spoons of warm water in a container. Now, dip the cloth and wash the box and let it dry. Once done, now add 2-3 inches of fresh litter in a sparkling clean litter box, and it is ready to use!

    Wait, what still cant get rid of the ammonia smell?

    Then its time to use magical baking soda! Simply spread baking soda into the litter box and let it sit to absorb the odor for a while. Then wipe off the soda, and it is ready! One tip for you, you can also sprinkle baking soda on the carpet if it stinks!

    Just do it, no need to thank me!

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    Use Deodorizer To Freshen Up Your Litter Box

    While perfumes and fragrances only mask up the small of your cats litter box, A good deodorizer can eliminate the smell completely. There are plenty of retail deodorizers that you can choose from, but we recommend baking soda.

    Baking soda is a great all-purpose cleaner that can eliminate tough odors, including stubborn ammonia-based smells. A little goes a long way too, so sprinkling a small amount on top should be enough to clear out those bad smells.

    Whatever deodorizer you use, make sure its one that your cat likes as well. If your cat doesnt like the smell or feel of your deodorizer, they wont use their litter box. Dont be afraid to try out a few brands until you find one that works for you both.

    How To Keep The Litter Box From Smelling

    How To Get Rid of Cat Litter Box Smell

    Cats are cute and all, but their stench certainly isnt. Lucky for you, cat odor can often be controlled with the right cat litter, litter box set-up and cleaning schedule. The root of the problem often lies in the kitty litter itself, which is why its so important to find the best cat litter for odor control clumping and non-clumping cat litters, depending on your cats needs and preferences. But once you lay the foundation, its crucial that you, as their caretaker, maintain everything so it looks nice and smells fresh.

    Trust us, having cats doesnt mean that your cats litter box has to smell up the whole house. With the right system in place, you can prevent odors from happening in the first place and when the inevitable moment happens, youll know exactly what to do to get rid of them for good.

    Consider everything you need to know about how to keep any unwanted cat odors at bay, including the reason why it happens in the first place and what you should do when its getting out of control. Plus, find helpful tips on choosing the best cat litter for odor control, ranging from classic clay options to Skoons Diatom pebbles that change color when the litter box needs to be cleaned.

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    Cleaning Cat Urine Odour From Non

    Ceramic tile. Hardwood. Linoleum. If your cat is urinating on these non-carpet surfaces, heres how to get a deep clean that gets rid of odour.

    For a DIY solution:

  • Unlike cleaning carpet, cleaning non-carpet surfaces requires a non-ammonia and non-vinegar based detergent/cleaning product. It can be homemade, commercial or all-natural. Note: Make sure the product does not contain bleach, because mixing bleach with the ammonia in cat urine can create dangerous gases.
  • Use a mop or sponge with the product to clean the affected spot.
  • Rinse thoroughly, and repeat.
  • Make sure the room is well ventilated, then give the area a final wash with a bleach and water solution . Safe for ceramic tile, vinyl and linoleum floors.
  • Note:

    Choose The Right Litter

    Clumping litter forms balls when it comes into contact with urine and it ensures that these balls of urine can be easily removed. Stay away from scented litter or odor eliminating litter: they use perfume or other additives to cover the smell which can be overwhelming to cats and they just wont use it. When it comes to litter, however, experimenting is fundamental. Cats are picky and can be particular about which litter they will use.

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    Get Rid Of Any Odor Problem

    We care about your comfort and safety and that of your pets. We have safe and effective odor removers for virtually any odor problem. Got a question about our products? Write, call or live chat with us! Were here to help!

    Purodora odor neutralizers are available online and at many pet supply stores. Check out our Find Us section to find the retailer nearest you.

    How To Get Rid Of Cat Litter Smell Through Cleaning

    How to Clean a Litter Box & Stop Litter Odors with OdoBan [Cat Litter Deodorizer]

    Without a liner to protect the bottom of your cats litter box after a while of regular usage, the litter box may never smell fresh again. Scooping and adding fresh litter only goes so far as to conceal lingering odors, so clean the litter box after you dump all the litter inside for a more long-term solution.

    How often you dump the litter depends on the boxs traffic, but your sense of smell is the best way to know when to grab gloves and start scrubbing. When cleaning the litter box, its best to wear gloves and possibly a mask. Toxoplasmosis is a rare disease that humans contract from infected cat feces.

    • Gloves

    Start by dumping all the litter in the box into the trash use a scooper to scrape any clumps left until the box is empty. Fill the litter box less than halfway with hot water and add a few drops of unscented dish soap. Add one teaspoon of vinegar to the mix to eliminate cat litter odor.

    Leave the box to sit for 30 minutes before you start scrubbing with a brush made to clean litter boxes. Scour the sides of the box without damaging it and creating grooves or scratches that feces become stuck in. Dump the dirty water and dry the inside of the box with paper towels before adding fresh litter.

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    How To Stop Litterbox Odor

    Scoop it daily

    The first rule of litter boxes is this: scoop it out everyday. Your cat wont take its trash out, so might as well do it before the smellwafts all over your home. Remember that the litter box stinks because of theurine and feces inside. By taking it out, youre also removing the odor, atleast most of it.

    Aside from saving your nose from the murderous scent,removing deposits from the litter box is also for your cats sake. Some kittieswont go potty on a litter box unless you remove the bomb first.

    For some, an automatic scooping box might sound like a goodidea. But heres the catch: the mechanical sound may spook your cat. And sinceyour cat is afraid of the litter box, theres a high chance that youll dealwith accidents all over the house.

    Get the right type of litter

    The type of litter you use plays a big role in odor control. Litter products nowadays have their own claims of odor-fighting properties.

    Some litter brands have proprietary formulas that lock awaysmell once the fluids are absorbed into the material. You can also find litterwith activated carbon, crystals, and other odor-neutralizing add-ons.

    As for the type, clumping litters are ideal because itprevents the fluids from spreading all over the litter box and your home.Clumping litters are also easy to scoop since its already rock-solid.

    Moreover, you can find litter products with syntheticcrystals that offer better odor control. However, most of these arenon-clumping and quite costly.

    Scoop Your Kitty Litter Twice A Day At Least

    If you leave your toilet unflushed all day, its going to start to smell. The same goes with your kitty litter.

    Clean out your box at least twice a day, using a metal spoon to pick up both your cats poop and any wet urine spots. If your cat has trouble using their litter box consistently, cleaning it will encourage them to use it since many cats avoid pee smells, especially from other cats.

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