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What Do You Need For A Kitten

Super Premium Kitten Food

What Do You Need for a Kitten? : Pet Tips

As little bundles of energy, kittens need the right food to support their growth. Super premium kitten food has been scientifically formulated to contain all essential nutrients and vitamins for your kittens healthy development. Use our Cat Food Finder tool to discover the optimal diet for your unique kitten.

Preparing For Your Kittens Arrival

Youll need a cat carrier , a low-sided litter tray, a litter scoop, a cosy bed, shallow bowls for food and water, a scratching post and a few toys kittens love to chase and swat feather wands and pom-pom teasers.

Youll also need wet or dry kitten food, and a bag of litter ideally, you should choose the same kinds that your kitten has been eating and using already. If you want to change them at a later date, always phase in any changes gradually, advises Maeve.

Kitten Weight Gain And Developmental Milestones

Kittens should gain about ½ ounce every day or 4 ounces per week.; Weigh them at the same time every day with a kitchen or small postal scale. Lack of weight gain in a 24 hour period is cause for concern. Begin syringe feeding the kitten and have a plan in place for who foster parents should contact. To syringe feed the kitten, mix up the KMR as usual and then draw it up in a syringe. Put a nipple on the end of the syringe and place the kitten in the proper feeding position. Try to get the kitten nursing by slowly pushing KMR out of the syringe and through the nipple into its mouth. Make sure it swallows the formula before you push more into its mouth.

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Litter Tray Tray Liners And A Scoop

Providing your kitten with access to a litter tray is a must, and having accessories like tray liners and scoops on hand is essential for keeping your home clean and smelling fresh.

Now youre all set up, its time to introduce your kitten to the family. If theyre having trouble settling in, or you have any questions about their needs or behaviour, visit your local Petbarn store for more advice from our friendly and experienced team members.

Infections Cats Can Pass Along

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Cats can introduce;staphylococcus aureus,;campylobacteriosis;or;pasteurella;bacteria into your body.;;

Staphylococcus aureus;is commonly found on the skin of humans and animals and is spread between humans and animals through touching, according to the;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention . Be aware that cats dont often show signs of this infection, so it may be hard to tell just by looking at it.

People can contract the;campylobacter;infection by coming into contact with an infected cats poop or through contaminated;water or food. If you contract the;campylobacter;infection, symptoms may include stomach cramps, fever, nausea and diarrhea.;

If you contract;pasteurella;bacteria after a cat bites or scratches you, initial signs of infection can appear in a;few hours, says Dr. Sayles. Hands, joints and tendons are at greatest risk.

People can also contract cat scratch fever, also called cat scratch disease . This comes from cats infected with;Bartonella henselae;bacteria from flea bites, blood transfusions or fighting with other;infected cats. A bite, scratch or even the saliva of an infected cat can pass it along.

While it may be difficult to avoid petting unfamiliar cats , the CDC recommends being cautious with them, even if they seem friendly. This will help decrease your risk of contracting an infection. Always remember to wash your hands after touching or playing with a cat and after cleaning their litter box.;

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How Much To Feed Your New Kitten

Kittens that are bottle-fed should consume about a tablespoon , or 15 ml , of special kitten formula at each feeding. This is very time consuming for someone who is bottle-feeding a newborn kitten, so if at all possible, you will want to try to keep the kitten with its mother or a surrogate lactating cat who can nurse it.

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Comfort Zone Calming Diffuser

Moving into a new home with a new family is a very stressful event for most cats. They often need a lot of help adjusting to their new homes. The;Comfort Zone Calming Diffuser for Cats & Kittens;provides a sense of calm for the cat by releasing an odorless vapor that mimics a cat’s calming pheromones. These pheromones help communicate to your cat that the area is safe. Providing your cat with this sense of calm can help prevent stress-related issues such as urine marking on the walls or even destructive scratching, which can be signs that your cat is stressed. If your kitty needs more round-the-clock soothing, try the;Comfort Zone Calming Collar.

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How To Transport Your Kitten Home In The Car

  • Ask the person youre collecting the kitten from to limit food for a couple of hours before the journey to avoid vomiting or toileting on the way home.
  • Make sure the cat carrier is upright and secured with a seatbelt.
  • Keep your heating or air conditioning away from your cat when youre travelling.
  • Drive smoothly and safely with as little noise as possible.
  • Dont leave your cat in the car unattended, particularly if the weather is hot.
  • Travel straight home so that your kitten can get settled
  • Watch our video on how to settle your kitten into its new home

    Training And Socializing Your Kitten

    New Kitten? 10 things you NEED to know!

    Litter box training should be near the top of your priority list on your kitten’s first day home. Kittens that stay with their mothers until they are fully weaned usually learn a litter box’s purpose by watching their mothers. Typically, your kitten will already know what to do, and your only job will be to show her the box. You may need to remind her where the box is and use positive reinforcement, such as treats and praise, until she gets used to using it on her own without any prompting. At this stage, it might be helpful to have a couple of litter boxes around the house, just to make sure she has easy access to one while she’s figuring things out.

    Beyond potty-training, training a kitten is usually about establishing and reinforcing boundaries and household rules. Again, rely on positive reinforcement to train your kitten, and avoid punishing her or speaking to her harshly. Never, ever hit or shake your kitten. Instead, ignore her when she’s behaving badly and give her affection, treats and praise to reward her good behavior. If ignoring isn’t an option, redirect her attention to something else. For example, if your kitten bites or scratches your hand, give her a toy to play with instead. If she scratches the furniture, patiently redirect her to a scratching post or pad. If all else fails, give her a time out by confining her to base camp until she calms down.

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    Things You’ll Need For Your New Cat

    • One food bowl
    • One water bowl; remember to place your food and water bowl away from each other
    • Food and water
    • A soft, warm and comfortable bed put somewhere quiet and safe
    • A litter tray, kept away from your cats food and water area
    • Access to a high spot where they can view their surroundings. A simple cardboard box should do the trick!
    • A sturdy scratching post
    • Cat toys
    • A cat carrier; choose something well ventilated and sturdy

    Remember: When providing beds, litter trays, scratching posts and food and water bowls, it is a good idea to provide one extra. When more than one cat is sharing the home, provide one of these items per cat plus one extra. For example, two cats should have access to at least three litter trays.

    Setting Up Your Kittens Space

    Before collecting your kitten, youll need to set up a designated space for them to settle in. Pick a quiet area away from busier areas and make sure they have the following items nearby.

    • An area for food and a separate one for water
    • A litter tray placed away from their food area
    • A place to hide a cardboard box or cat igloo will do
    • Access to a high spot kittens love to look around from up high. A sturdy shelf is perfect
    • A suitable space to sleep, either with blankets or a cosy bed
    • A scratching post
    • A few kitten-safe toys to keep them entertained – a fishing rod is ideal
    • remember to secure any areas in the room you don’t want a kitten to enter – from cupboards to secret hiding holes!

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    A Comprehensive Guide To Bringing Home A Kitten


    Bringing home and raising a new kitten is an experience that’s loaded with challenges and rewards. Whether you’re considering getting a kitten or have already welcomed a fuzzy little bundle of joy into your life, you no doubt want to be the best pet parent. Keep reading to learn all about kittens and how to give your tiny friend the best start in life.

    How Much Should A Newborn Kitten Weigh

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    Newborn kittens usually weigh about 3.5 ounces, depending on their breed and the litters size. A healthy kitten should gain at least 10 grams per day. If you dont see growth in their body size, this is often a sign of illness.

    Its essential to track and write down your kittens weight and how much they’re eating every day. You can use a gram scale for accuracy in weighing animals this small. If your kitten isnt eating or growing as expected, contact your veterinarian right away.

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    Kitten Socializing Best Practices

    Part of your job as a kitten parent is to help them experience new situations and become comfortable in varied environments. This can help make vet trips or finding them if they become lost much easier.

    The primary window of opportunity when kittens are most receptive to new experiences range from two weeks up to fourteen weeks. As most owners dont bring their kitten home till they are eight weeks old, this means youre working with a time budget.

    Find time to help you kitten experience the following situations:

    • Meeting other animals
    • Visiting a veterinary office
    • Handling their ears
    • Being held

    Dont give up on socializing your kitten, even if you dont get everything before they hit fourteen weeks. Time and effort can help your growing kitten become used to a variety of scenarios no matter their age.

    The Scoop On Litter Boxes

    Cats have an instinct to poop in soil or sand, so your kitten will likely use a litter box right away. Put it in a quiet spot, and show them where it is. Kitty litter choices include regular and clumping clay litter, crystal litter, as well as litter made from wood chips, grains, and newspapers. Some cat boxes are too high for kittens to get in and out easily, so you may need to start with a low-sided box until your kitten grows.

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    Animals You Can Keep With Goats

    If you do not have enough space to build separate enclosures for all the different animals you want in your yard, you are in luck because goats are generally very easy-going and get along well with other farm animals.

    Goats can be kept in a pasture with donkeys, horses, cows, pigs, alpacas, and llamas, provided that there is enough space for the animals to keep to themselves if they want.

    Goats can also coexist peacefully with chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys. However, one must give the birds their own secure space away from the goats, as young, rambunctious kids can try to play with birds and inadvertently injure them.

    Sheep will also happily share a pasture or an overnight enclosure with goats. There is, however, one critical thing to remember when keeping goats and sheep together: goats can eat dietary supplements formulated for sheep, but sheep cannot consume mineral formulations designed for goats.

    Goat supplements contain copper, and sheep are highly sensitive to this mineral. They easily develop copper toxicity. It is vital that you keep their dietary supplements separate.

    What Type Of Food Does My Kitten Need Wet Or Dry

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    Its important that very young kittens have at least some canned food to eat as part of their diet. Very small kittens have very small teeth and cant chew dry food well. Without some canned food, they wont get enough nutrition to grow properly. If you are feeding your kitten both dry and canned foods, then twice a day canned feedings are sufficient. If theyre only eating canned food, they should be fed four times daily.

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    Give Kitty Time To Adjust

    Your kitten may need time to adjust to their new home, especially if you have other pets. Although we know you cant wait to show off your little fur ball, you may want to avoid having guests over for the first few days.;

    Keep any other pets apart from your new kitten for the first few days, too. Let your old pets and your new cat roam the house separately to get used to each others smells. Then, after a few days, you can slowly introduce them to each other. Supervise the first few interactions just in case things get out of hand.;

    Of course, some kittens may love their new surroundings immediately, declare themselves king of the jungle, and demand head pats from complete strangers. But its best to play it safe.

    Supplies To Have When Bringing Your New Cat Home

    Before;bringing your new kitty home, you need to purchase a few supplies prior to his arrival. Ideally, he should begin exploring and getting used to things as soon as he comes home.

    If you can, try to play with your new cat where he’s currently living before you bring him home. This helps him become used to your smell in a familiar surrounding.1;Be sure to take a few items with his scent on them home with you, like his favorite towel or toy. Having scents he’s familiar with can help him adjust more quickly to your home. Those familiar items, combined with the following must-have supplies, can make your home the “purrfect” fit for your new feline family member.

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    Microchipping And Identifying Your Kitten

    When your kitten is over six months old and ready to go out alone more often, you are advised to fit a collar holding some form of identification and perhaps to carry a magnet or key to an electronic cat flap. Collars must be fitted carefully as kittens are active and inquisitive while growing up. Injuries could occur if the collar gets hooked on a tree branch or fence, or the kitten gets its foreleg caught up in the collar. Quick-release collars, which snap open if they become caught on anything, are the safest option for all cats. For a young, rapidly growing cat, remember to check the fit of the collar often and increase its size accordingly.

    It is a really good idea to get your kitten microchipped. This is a permanent form of identification using a microchip , which is injected under the skin between the shoulder blades. The chip carries a barcode read by a scanner. The code number is registered along with your details on a national database so, if your kitten gets lost, you can be reunited quickly. Your vet will be able to advise you about microchipping.

    Faqs: Bringing A Kitten Home

    Socializing Your Cat 101: Hereâs What You Need To Do ...
    • What do you need to do before bringing home a kitten?
    • What age should a kitten be when you take them home?
    • When is the best time to bring a kitten home?
    • What questions should you ask a kittens previous owner?
    • What should you take with you to pick up a kitten?
    • How can you make the journey home more comfortable for a kitten?

    Make sure youve kitten-proofed your home and set up the room your kitten will be living in. Youll also need a cat carrier for the journey. And its best to find a vet in advance so you can book a check-up for your kitten a few days after they come home with you.

    Kittens should not be adopted before weaning is complete, and some caregivers may want to keep them with their mother and littermates until they are 12 weeks old. By that stage they should be weaned and have had learned the basic social skills they need to interact with other cats. Between eight and 16 weeks old is also when they begin to understand their position in the household, so it’s a good time to resettle them with you.

    It’s ideal to bring home your kitten when you have a couple of quiet days to spend at home with them and no visitors scheduled. Aim to bring them home in the morning so they have time to get used to your home before night time.

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    Seven Things To Do Before You Bring Your New Cat Home

    This is an exciting time. Youre about to bring home your very first cat. To get started on the right foot, heres a list of seven things you should do BEFORE you even bring the cat into the house. You are about to enter into a relationship that will hopefully last for many, many years and this new feline family member needs you to be prepared for his physical, mental and emotional needs.


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