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When Can I Get My Cat Spayed After Having Kittens

What Are The Complications Of Spaying A Cat

Should We Spay Pregnant Cats?

The Complications with spaying a cat are:

  • There is always a potential that your cat will experience negative side effects after being spayed, just as there is with any form of invasive surgery. Some animals react badly to the anesthesia used in surgery, and significant problems, including death, can result.
  • Infections might also develop at the surgical site. Infections will be treated with antibiotics, and keeping the operation site clean can help reduce infection risk.
  • If your cat eats her sutures, a no-chew cone may be placed around her neck to prevent her from accessing the operation site until it heals completely.

Keeping Unneutered Cats Safe

Its essential to keep your cat indoors until they are neutered. Unneutered cats can get pregnant from as young as four months old, are at a high risk of getting into cat fights, roaming, being hit by a car and catching diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus . If you have an unneutered male and female cat, youll need to keep them apart after they turn 4 months old, even if they are related. Check out our guide to keeping indoor cats happy and entertained.

How Will Spaying Affect My Cats Diet

As soon as your cat has been spayed, youll start to notice changes in their behaviorincluding their feeding habits. Their appetite can increase by 20-25%, but their actual energy expenditure reduces by 30%. This means its very easy for your queen to overeat and store the extra energy as fat. If you decide to spay your cat while they’re still a kitten, they will still be growing and therefore needs a food that supports this without encouraging them to put on weight unnecessarily. Specific food, formulated for spayed/neutered kittens, is one of the best things to feed them at this point.

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What Can I Expect Regarding Recovery Period/incision Care

One of the advantages of keeping cats overnight after spaying is that they usually go bouncing out of the hospital as if nothing has happened. Some cats will not eat for the first day or so but if the cat does not seem back to normal by the day following discharge, veterinarians would like to know about it.

Cats discharged on the same day as surgery may experience more soreness if not confined to a small area. Food and water are generally withheld until the next day or late that night and the cat should be kept quiet and not allowed outside. Cats should not be discharged while still groggy in any way from anesthesia as they are a danger to themselves and to their human handlers. Additional pain medication may be prescribed.

Later in the recovery period, it is not unusual to notice swelling at the incision site. Cats often react this way to internal sutures and this kind of swelling is common and resolves spontaneously. Such swellings are firm and there is no fluid drainage or bleeding from the incision. They generally resolve in 3 to 4 weeks and are a reaction to the dissolving of internal stitches. That said, it is prudent for any incisional swelling to be checked out. If the cat has been overly active, she can break internal stitches, which could be a problem.

Any fluid drainage from the incision is abnormal and if possible the cat should be rechecked by the veterinarian who performed the spay.

How To Tell If A Cat Is Nursing Kittens

8 Dumb Excuses Not to Have Your Cat Spayed or Neutered

Examine her nipples. If the cat is in a trap, you may have to prop the trap up in a way that you can see underneath the cat. Do not take the cat out of the trap to examine her.

If the mother cat is lactating or nursing kittens, her mammary area will be swollen and pronounced, and she may have less fur around her nipples.

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Can A Cat Be Sterilized After Giving Birth

When a cat goes into heat after giving birth to kittens, we need to stay on guard if we want to avoid another litter. Not only will it help improve the cat’s health, it will avoid unwanted pregnancy which is putting a strain on global resources to care for felines. For this reason, many of us will look into spaying a cat to prevent them becoming pregnant again.

In emergency cases, a cat can be spayed earlier, but generally veterinarians will wait until 2 months after giving birth before they are neutered. This is both to ensure the health of the mother cat and to allow her to look after the well-being of her kittens. For the kittens to be healthy, they should stay with their mother for a minimum of 8 weeks. This not only means their practical needs are covered, but they start their socialization period effectively.

Ideally, we should allow mother and kittens to remain closed off from other cats for at least 8 weeks. After this time, she can be taken to the veterinarian to be spayed. Spaying of female cats usually consists of an ovariohysterectomy where both uterus and ovaries are extracted surgically.

Spaying cats provides more benefits than simply avoiding unwanted pregnancies. It removes the risk of certain prominent diseases related to sexual reproduction, meaning they will have an extended life expectancy. By spaying the cat, we will also stop the heat cycle. This means they will have less behavioral problems and will not need to seek a mate.

Why Is Spaying Cats Crucial

Spaying cats is crucial to keeping your cat healthy and reducing the population of kittens. According to, approximately 3.7 million cats are put down at shelters each year due to a lack of willing and able adopters.

Spaying a cat refers to an ovariohysterectomy, which is the removal of parts of a female cats reproductive system to prevent her from becoming pregnant and giving birth to kittens.

Cat spaying is a surgical procedure that can only be performed correctly and safely by a veterinary surgeon.

Spaying a cat is a routine surgical procedure that carries a low risk of serious medical complications.

Unless your cat is purebred, there is no reason to continue allowing her to have kittens.

The reality is that, despite efforts to educate the public about the importance of spaying and neutering pets, there is still a significant pet overpopulation problem in the United States.

Because kittens are so popular, most people will end up adopting kittens rather than adult cats.

This leaves the adult cats without homes and at risk of being put down. The greater the number of kittens available, the greater the risk of putting them down for adult cats.

Its best to have a female cat spayed after shes had kittens and weaned them. By the age of four months, all kittens should be neutered or spayed.

According to, shelters put down around 3.7 million animals each year owing to a shortage of willing and able adopters.

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Why Do Some Outdoor Cats Have More Frequent Litters Than Other Outdoor Cats

I had a cat long time ago, probably got her around ’93 she would only have one litter per year which made us think all cats did. The cat sadly passed away a few years ago and I got my mom another one and we thought she was going be an indoor cat. My family moved to another house and the cat was put outside, shortly she started having litters.

But she has had so many litters over the last 3 years.

Example: Cat gets pregnant, has litter, kittens reach 3 months of age and the cat is already pregnant again. It’s not annoying to take care of the kittens, but its hard to get them all new homes. Not that we haven’t, but it’s still somewhat of a hassle.

So, could someone explain the differences? I’m really confused.

Early Spay/neuter In Private Practice

Pregnant Cat Giving Birth to 6 Different Color Kittens

Most practices have defined kitten wellness protocols and schedule appointments for vaccinations and parasite control for kittens from about 6 weeks to 4 months of age. Early spay/neuter involves simply adding one more appointment 2 to 3 weeks after the last vaccination. In that manner, cats are fully immunized before being admitted to the hospital for surgery and sterilized before becoming sexually active.

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Side Effects Of Spaying A Female Cat

The side effects of spaying cats are overwhelmingly positive, such as reduced disease risk and positive behavioral changes. However, no surgery is completely without risk, andalthough very uncommoncomplications can sometimes occur.

Herniation may result if there is a breakdown in the abdominal wall, although this is rare. Uterine infections can occur if an ovariectomy is performed, but the uterus is left behind. In some cases, small portions of the uterus may be left behind, even during an ovariohysterectomy, which can then cause an infection. However, uterine infections are extremely rare if both ovaries have been removed.

More commonly, minor complications can arise from cats licking at the wound site, and inflammation of fluid buildup can occur.

How Many Days Until Your Cat Can Play Again And Why

Your cat may become normal after one to two days but it cannot play for at least seven days post-operation.

You need to keep your cat indoors until its wound recovers completely.

Your kept should be kept as quiet as possible for those days for a good recovery.

You should make sure your cat does not go out when wearing an E-collar or cone as it could be dangerous and can get caught on things they encounter while playing.

If your cat plays and does too much activity at a sooner stage it will disturb the healing process leading to loosening of stitches, swelling, and formation of a fluid pocket near or under the incision.

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Return Mother Cat To Her Kittens Asap After Spay

When you return the mother cat to the exact location where you trapped her, she will go back to her kittens and continue nursing and caring for them. Remember, the best practice for kittens born outdoors is to Leave Them Be with their mother. Allow the mother cat, the kittens best possible caregiver, to care for her kittens in her outdoor home, which is familiar and comfortable to her. Learn more about how to help mother cats and kittens at

How To Tell If A Cat Is Spayed

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If youve adopted a cat without any veterinary recordsor if a stray cat has adopted you!you might be wondering if your cat is already spayed. The best way to find out is to make an appointment with your veterinarian. They will examine your cat for a spay scar or tattoo some spay-and-release programs will notch the ears of cats that have been sterilized. However, ear notches are not always a guarantee that a cat has been spayed, as injuries in the wild can also remove the tip of a cats ear. There is also a blood test called an Anti-Müllerian Hormone Assay which is very effective in determining whether a cat is spayed or still intact.

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Can A Pregnant Cat Be Spayed

Yes, a pregnant cat can be spayed.

Spaying a pregnant cat is possible at any point throughout the pregnancy. The owner is frequently unaware that the cat is pregnant.

Tell your veterinarian what you want to happen if your cat becomes pregnant if you have any doubts. The incision can be closed to continue the pregnancy, or the spay can be performed, and the developing kittens, along with the rest of the uterus, will be removed.

Most vets will charge an additional cost for spaying a pregnant animal due to the extra effort and operation time. After a particular stage of pregnancy, some veterinarians will not knowingly spay a pregnant animal.

Experts are frequently questioned about what to deal with freshly adopted stray cats who are suspected of being pregnant.

Many people who work with a variety of rescue organizations are acutely aware of the pet overpopulation problem. Regardless of pregnancy, experts recommend spaying stray or recently adopted female cats.

There are already far too many kittens without homes.

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Getting Your Female Cat Spayed

To stop your female cat from having kittens, she’ll need to have a simple operation known as ‘spaying’ before she turns four months old. This is also known as ‘fixing’, ‘neutering’ or ‘being done’.

When your cat is about four months old, she’ll start to attract the attention of tomcats, who’ll want to mate with her. This is why it’s important to have her spayed before she reaches four months, so she doesn’t get pregnant while she’s still a kitten herself.

You may have heard that it’s good for female cats to have a litter of kittens before they are spayed, but this isn’t true. Once she’s been spayed, your kitten will be able to do all the things cats enjoy doing, like going outdoors, climbing trees and playing.

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How Soon After A Litter Can You Spay A Cat

It’s fair to say you’ll be surprised when you take the cat for a spaying only to discover your vet can’t spay her because she’s expecting. The surgery that would have prevented her pregnancy will have to wait. You wont be able to get her spayed right away after her litter is born. Shell be ready several weeks after delivery.

What Are The Benefits Of Spaying

Cat neutering: Our experience and practical care tips

Aside from overpopulation, there are quite a few benefits of having a spayed cat around. For starters, cats live longer after spaying. They are less likely to develop cancer, uterine infections, escape to the outdoors, and catch diseases from feral cats.

Another benefit of spaying is that it prevents unwanted behaviors. Unspayed cats often become anxious and noisy during heat and may try to escape outside. Spayed cats are more likely to be even-keeled, get along with other cats, and feel safe and comfortable. Unless you have a purebred cat and a breeding setup, its best to keep your cat spayed.

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What If I Dont Spay Or Neuter My Cat

Some people choose not to neuter their cats. If you decide to keep your cat intact, bear the following points in mind:

  • Unneutered cats roam away from home more often, so theyre at increased risk of being hurt in a traffic accident if you let your cat outdoors.
  • Male unneutered cats are more aggressive than their neutered counterparts.
  • Female cats go into season once every three months. While in season, theyre noisier, more anxious and far more demanding.
  • Unspayed female cats have up to three litters per year, with as many as six kittens in each litter and that can get expensive.
  • Many unspayed female cats develop mammary cancers by the time theyre six or seven years old. If you decide to leave your female cat intact, check her regularly for lumps and speak to your vet if youre concerned.

Why Spay/neuter Is So Important For Cats

While there might be some differing opinions about the proper age to spay or neuter your cat, theres no disputing that its one of the most responsible things a pet owner can do, not only for the life of a pet, but also to reduce pet overpopulation. Too often, we view spaying and neutering through our own eyes, and how it might affect us, and assume that our pets would look at it the same way. As Coates puts it, physiologically and behaviorally speaking, cats are made to reproduce as frequently as possible. Obviously, we have to put a stop to that. I think it is more humane to surgically eliminate the desire to mate than to block mating but leave the urge intact.

Of course no medical or surgical procedure is without risk, she adds. For instance, neutered male cats are at higher risk for developing urinary blockages, and cats who have been spayed or neutered do have a tendency to gain weight if their diets arent adjusted accordingly. Owners should always talk to their own veterinarian about what is best for their particular pet, but the benefits of spay/neuter almost always outweigh the risks.

It is our responsibility to take care of our pets to the best of our ability, Denish says. They live in our world, our homes and interact with our family and other pets. That means that if spaying/neutering is beneficial, it should be done at any safe time.

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Cat Pregnancy In A Spayed Female Cat Ask The Cat Doctor

Since both a fertilized egg and uterus are needed Ovarian remnant syndrome is a condition that occurs when ovarian tissue remains inside the body after a female cat is spayed while this could complicate a cat pregnancy, it jul 07, top best answers to the question can a spayed dog get pregnant. I took a kitten that I knew had been bred didnt verify that she was pregnant and I called the vet and had her in the next day q how soon after my dog/cat has answer of yes. Cat asks for mating only when it comes in heat have 2- litters in a lifetime with animals returning from the mobile spay/neuter clinic may also smell different to other animals in the household. Can my cat that was spayed still get pregnant?

Yamaha M 5000

When Can I Get My Cat Spayed After Having Kittens

Cat neutering

Veterinarians frequently perform surgical procedures such as spaying and neutering. These procedures keep cats from having litters of kittens. A female animals ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus are removed during spay surgery.

However, if you have a cat that just gave birth to kittens, you might wonder when you can get your cat spayed.

You can get your female cat spayed five and six weeks after delivering her kittens when the kittens are nearly weaned. Allow her no contact with tomcats during this time because she may become pregnant again.

This article will talk all about when to spay your cat and its benefits.

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