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Why Is My Kittens Anus Protruding

Causes Of Rectal Prolapse In Cats

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Rectal prolapse can be caused by any medical condition that causes a cat to strain too hard while peeing or pooping. Straining weakens the tissue that supports the rectum.

These conditions could cause rectal prolapse in cats:

  • Intestinal parasites

  • Obstruction of the colon or rectum because of a foreign object

  • Rectal or vaginal mass

In kittens, diarrhea due to intestinal parasites is the most common cause of rectal prolapse.

Rectal Prolapse In Dogs And Cats

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  • Disorders of the digestive system that cause diarrhea, straining while passing stools, presence of worms or other parasites in the digestive system, and inflammation of the small or large intestines
  • Disorders of the urinary and genital systems, such as inflammation or enlargement of the prostate, inflammation of the bladder, urinary stones, and abnormal labor or birthing process


Veterinarian will perform a complete physical examination of your dog, including a chemical blood profile and a complete blood count. The results will usually return normal, though there may be high levels of white blood cells, similar to that seen when an infection is present. A test of stools samples may reveal the presence of parasites.

Further diagnostic procedures include X-rays or ultrasounds of the abdominal area, which may demonstrate a large prostate, foreign bodies, thickening of the bladder walls, or kidney stones.

Your Vet will also conduct a manual rectal examination to feel for displaced tissue masses. During pathological examination of the tissue , it may appear swollen, and will ooze red blood when incised. The tissue, if dead, appears dark purple or black and oozes bluish blood when incised.


If the disorder is found to be deeper in the dogs rectal canal, the intestine may require surgical repairing.

After Care:

Safely Cutting The String From Your Cat

If you can do so safely , you can use scissors to cut the protruding portion of the string prior to transport to the vet. This can help to decrease the chances that it will get tangled around something and cause problems of its own. Leave an inch or two hanging out and be sure to bring the cut portion with you to the vet so that they can see what type of material they are dealing with and gauge the approximate length.

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Is Blood In Cat Stool An Emergency

Blood in stool is not an emergency, but it is something to be concerned about. The most common cause of blood in stool is a problem with the intestines, such as a blockage.

If the blood is accompanied by abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea, then it is likely that there is a more serious problem and you should call a doctor.

Symptoms Of Rectal Prolapse In Cats

Rectal Prolapse In Cats Treatment Cost

Cats with rectal prolapse will often act very uncomfortable and may not want to move around much. They may lick at their rectum and continue to posture and strain to poop, pee, or give birth, depending on the cause of the prolapse.

The color of the exposed rectum is important. A recently prolapsed rectum will be dark pink but will quickly turn dark red as swelling and exposure progress.

If the rectal prolapse is not treated quickly, the rectum may turn very dark red to black. Darker colors may be a sign of tissue death . This is very serious and may result in long-term complications. The wall of the prolapsed rectum may also break and swell.

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Can A Cat Have A Polyp On Its Rectum

The growths called rectal polyps occur infrequently in cats. The polyps are usually benign and do not spread. Signs include straining to defecate, blood in the feces, and diarrhea. The polyp can be felt by a veterinarian during a rectal examination, and its surface tends to bleed easily.

What should I Feed my kitten with a rectal prolapse?

If you are able to feed grain free canned food, and add some pure pumpkin daily, it will greatly improve. Dont switch kinds/brands, and to start off did the vet explain how to settle his intestines down right away with bland foods such as nothing but chicken or turkey baby food for a few days?

What would cause kitten to have rectal bleeding?

About Rectal Bleeding in Cats Polyps and tumors. Unnatural growths near the end of your cats digestive tract obstruct the passage of waste and may cause sporadic bleeding and blood in cat poop. Tissue prolapse. Internal parasites. Physical trauma. Cat bleeding from rear end.

What to do if you experience a rectal prolapse?

A variety of more advanced tests might also be performed, especially if you have other related conditions. The most common treatment for rectal prolapse is surgery to put the rectum back in place, and there are several types.

How to reduce your rectal prolapse?

Recovery After A Simple Rectal Prolapse

Recovery from a simple rectal prolapse, where the rectal tissue was healthy and could be reduced without complication, requires that the purse-string suture remains in place for 5-7 days while your cat heals. During the recovery period, your cat must wear an E-collar to prevent licking, which can cause the suture to fall out early and increase the risk of infection.

Soft foods and stool softeners will be prescribed to reduce pressure on the purse-string suture while your cat poops. After your cat is healed, the purse-string suture should be removed by a veterinarian, who will clear your cat for regular food.

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Full Rectal Prolapse In Dogs And Cats: Its An Emergency

So now that weve covered mucosal prolapse, lets look at the more serious version: the full rectal prolapse.

Lets say the worst has happened: You come home to find a pink sausage sticking out of your dogs butt. What do you do?

Your dog needs immediate veterinary treatment.

Dont delay contact an emergency vet and go to the clinic, but take steps to prevent damage to the delicate tissue of the rectum:

  • Stop the animal from licking the area.
  • Keep the prolapse moist. Saturate some cotton swabs in saline solution . Gently wrap this around the prolapse to protect the tissue. Then wet the swabs some more so they stay moist.
  • Dont feed your pet: The pet will need an anesthetic, so an empty stomach is essential.

Now, get to the vet!

Recovery After Prolapse Surgery

Swollen Eyes in Cat

Recovery after a prolapse repair that required surgical removal of part of the rectum will take a bit longer. After surgery, most cats will need to wear an E-collar and be on soft food and stool softeners for 10-14 days or longer.

Potential complications for prolapse repair include a recurrence of the prolapse , fecal incontinence, and infection.

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Can Worms Cause Bleeding In Cats

Worms can cause bleeding in cats if they are ingested and lodge in the small intestine. The worms can then release their eggs into the intestine which can cause inflammation and bleeding.

If the worms are large enough, they can block the intestine and cause significant bleeding. Worms can also release toxins that can cause damage to the intestinal lining and lead to bleeding.

Ways The Cat Butt Can Give You A Bigger Picture Of Your Kittys Health

What do a bunch of cat veterinarians talk about when theyre hanging out at a party together? Cat poop, of course, says Dr. Jean Hofve, holistic veterinarian, author, and founder of the site Little Big Cat. Why? Because the state of a cats poop is one of the fastest ways to help determine what might be wrong with an ailing kitty. Poop is important to your cats health, so it stands to reason that the place where it exits, the cat butt, would be, too. Here are four important things you should know about caring for the cat butt.

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Can You Treat Rectal Prolapse At Home

You may have read about possible homemade or natural treatments for rectal prolapse in dogs. Some claim that products like aloe vera will help soothe the area and treat the condition. However, this is ineffective. There is at least some evidence to suggest it can also be toxic.

The problem is that even mild cases can worsen with improper treatment. It is essential we go to the veterinarian to ensure the right course of action is taken. A poorly treated or neglected rectal prolapse can result in necrosis or infection, putting the overall well-being of the cat at risk. Between observing the prolapse and taking the cat to a veterinarian, we should cover the area in gauze soaked in saline solution.

We will also need to monitor the cat so they do not worsen the situation by licking or scratching at it. This may require the use of an Elizabethan collar, something the vet may also give after surgery.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Rectal Prolapse in Cats, we recommend you visit our Other health problems category.

1. Secchi, P., et al. . Laparoscopic-assisted Incisional Colopexy by Two Portals Access in a Domestic Cat with Recurrent Rectal Prolapse. Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 14, 169-170.

Treatment For Rectal Prolapse In Cats

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Milder cases of rectal prolapse usually resolve themselves with treatment of the underlying cause. Although the swelling may be mild, antiparasitics and antibiotics are usually required. For this reason, even with less severe cases, it is important to take the cat to the veterinarian. If the underlying cause is not treated, the prolapse may worsen. Direct and swift intervention is the best way to achieve a good prognosis.

Medications alone are considered a conservative treatment and will not solve all rectal prolapses. This is partly because the prolapsed tissue needs to be returned to its original position. To return the prolapsed tissue to its original position, surgical intervention is usually required. This is especially the case with complete rectal prolapse. The operation will be undertaken with the cat under anaesthetic.

Swift medical intervention is particularly important with complete rectal prolapse of a cat. If the internal tissue is outside of the body for too long, it can become necrotic . In these cases, part of the surgery will involve removing the necrotic tissue, before putting the rectum back in the body. In caes of recurrent rectal prolapse, it is possible a laparoscopic colopexy may be used as a quicker and more effective surgical method.

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Why Is My Kittens Bum Leaking

Kittens have a lot of fluid and waste coming out of their butts. This is normal and happens when they are cleaning themselves.

Sometimes, when the kittens are young, the butts may leak a little bit when they are being changed. If the kittens are having a lot of accidents, the butts may also leak because they are not getting the clean up they need.

This is just a normal part of kitten development and should go away when the kittens are older. If it is happening more than occasionally, it may be a sign that there is something wrong with the kitten.

In this case, it might be necessary to take the kitten to the vet to be checked out.

Diagnosis Of Rectal Prolapse In Cats

The diagnosis of rectal prolapse is made during physical examination. A rectal prolapse must be differentiated from a prolapse of the small intestine, which is a much more serious problem. Your veterinarian will likely take a thermometer or blunt probe and insert it around the edge of the tissue. If the probe easily passes, then the tissue is likely small intestinal and the animal will need surgery. If the probe doesnt pass very far, it is likely rectal tissue.

In addition to determining if the tissue is small or large intestine, your veterinarian will likely try to find the underlying cause of the prolapse. A fecal exam should be performed to determine if any gastrointestinal parasites are present. Abdominal X-rays may also be recommended.

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Upon clinical examination, an intraluminal mass could be palpated rectally. A computed tomography scan examination revealed the mass was of a cystic nature and the cyst was surgically excised via a transanal approach. On histological evaluation, the cyst walls consisted of three of the layers of normal rectum: mucosa, muscularis of the mucosa and submucosa. These findings led to the definite diagnosis of rectal duplication.

Enteric duplication is among the differential diagnoses for straining and rectal prolapse in cats. This condition has previously been discussed in the veterinary literature, with a single case report describing a rectal duplication in a cat.

In that particular case, the authors described a perineal surgical approach. Here we present a novel approach whereby the duplicated material was excised transanally in order to limit intra- and postoperative morbidity. The clinical outcome was excellent in our case, with complete resolution of clinical signs and no recurrence 18 months after surgery.

Read more on this article below:

Treating The Underlying Cause

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To avoid recurrence of rectal prolapse, the underlying cause of the prolapse must also be treated. This treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

If the prolapse is due to birthing kittens, your cat must be spayed so it wont happen again.

Intestinal parasites can be treated by deworming, while a urinary stone or obstruction will need its own treatment, and so on.

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Transanal Surgery Prevents Recurrent Feline Rectal Prolapse

A 3-year and 8-month-old male entire European domestic short hair cat was presented with a history of recurrent rectal prolapse, straining and pain when defecating. Previous non-surgical and surgical treatments had not provided a satisfactory result. Rectal prolapse had recurred within 2 weeks of treatment.

Why Is My Cat Leaving Blood Spots

Most cats leave blood spots when they are marking their territory. When a cat rubs its face against something it has marked with urine or feces, the scent of these substances is transferred to the blood spot.

The spot then becomes the cats message to other cats that this is a place where they are allowed to roam.

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Can Tapeworms Be Passed From Cat To Human

Can I get a tapeworm infection from my pet? Yes however, the risk of infection with this tapeworm in humans is very low. For a person to become infected with Dipylidium, he or she must accidentally swallow an infected flea. Most reported cases involve children.

How do you treat tapeworms in kittens?

Luckily, treatment for cat tapeworms is pretty easy and effective. If your cat is infested, your vet will give you a tapeworm medicine called a dewormer. Typically, dewormers are oral medications, though they can also be given through an injection.

Can tapeworms go away on their own?

Some people with tapeworm infections never need treatment, for the tapeworm exits the body on its own. Others dont realize they have it because they have no symptoms. However, if youre diagnosed with intestinal tapeworm infection, medication will likely be prescribed to get rid of it.

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Home Care And Prevention

There is no home care for rectal prolapse. Keep the tissue moistened and do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the tissue. After treatment, animals are often prescribed stool softeners for a period of time. In some cases, a gel is recommended to be placed in the rectum to reduce pain and irritation.

Since the underlying cause of rectal prolapse is often not known, it is difficult to prevent. Have your pet dewormed routinely and have fecal examinations performed. Keeping your pet parasite free is one measure you can take to help prevent rectal prolapse.

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Rectal Prolapse In Dogs And Cats: As Unpleasant As It Sounds

If not treated immediately, this condition could require high-risk surgery for your pet.

Theres little mistaking a rectal prolapse in a dogs or cat because it looks like a long, pink sausage or pink donut hanging out of the patients backside.

Apart from the obvious inconvenience to the pet, this is a serious problem because the delicate lining of the bowel is exposed to the elements.

With prompt action, the prolapse can be popped back into place by a veterinarian and there are steps to take to stop it from happening again.

Without treatment, though, the prolapsed tissue can develop serious, life-threatening complications.

Muscosal Prolapse vs. Full Rectal Prolapse in Dogs and Cats

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