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My Cat Pukes After Eating

Why Does My Cat Vomit After Eating The Scarf & Barf Kitty

Chronic Vomiting of undigested food in a cat

Why does my cat vomit after eating? I hear this question all the time from my clients. Often vomiting cats are sick. However, sometimes the cat is healthy, but the owner still frequently finds piles of vomited food around the house. These are the cats that I am discussing today.

Whenever a cat is vomiting, they should always be evaluated by a veterinarian. Your vet will take a thorough history and do a physical exam to look for abnormalities such as weight loss, dehydration, fever, or changes in how the organs feel in your cats belly. There are many serious illnesses that can cause a cat to vomit, so they will likely run tests to look for these diseases and may suggest different foods.

So what about the cat that checks out completely normal, but still chronically vomits undigested kibble soon after eating? I affectionately refer to these cats that binge and then purge as Scarf & Barf kitties. I find that many of these cats are simply eating faster than their body can handle. They will gobble the food, often barely chewing. Then within a few minutes, they will vomit or regurgitate most of that meal. You may see the pile of kibble laying on the flooror worse, step in it during the middle of the night. Yuck!

If these things arent helping, it is always a good idea to talk to your vet. Good luck! Hopefully your carpet will thank me.

Do I Need To Bring My Cat To The Vet For Vomiting

Vomiting in cats is not normal, but neither does all vomit warrant a trip to the vet. Here is a simple diagram to help you decide if a vet visit is necessary.

The diagram isnt perfect, and if you think your cats vomiting doesnt fit in here, be safe and call your vet.

The more information we have about your cat the better, but here is a list of some things you can do prior to your visit:

  • Write down your cats feeding habits. What types and what brands of food are you feeding? How much? How often?

  • Take a picture of the puke. Gross? Yes, but incredibly useful.

  • Take note of how many times your cat has vomited in the last week with approximate times after eating if possible.

  • Make sure your kitty has fresh water to drink. Vomiting is dehydrating.

  • Question about the diet

    First, your vet is going to ask you for all of the information in the what should I do before an appointment section. For the most productive visit, come prepared with that information.

    Thorough examination

    Once in the room, your vet will thoroughly examine your cat for signs of blockages, masses, and constipation, unfortunately though, examinations dont tell us much about the state of your cats kidneys, blood glucose, thyroid, or intestines.

    Diagnostic testing



    If It Is Normal Then How Serious Can Vomiting Be

    It depends on the cause of vomiting. Most cases of acute vomiting, when vomiting has been present for less than two to three days, resolve quickly with simple treatment, without the underlying cause being diagnosed. Severe or chronic vomiting is more serious. It can lead to secondary problems, particularly dehydration and disturbances in the levels of electrolytes such as sodium.

    Vomiting can be caused by minor intestinal upset, such as from eating plants, spoiled food, or foul-tasting things such as certain insects. However, vomiting can also be a sign of a more serious illness, such as bacterial or viral infection, intestinal obstruction from foreign bodies , urinary tract obstruction, liver disease, thyroid disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or cancer. Left untreated, these illnesses can lead to serious complications, including death.

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    Check Their Food Isnt Spoiled

    This one may sound obvious, but you need to remember to check the expiry date of the cat food you are using. If it is out of date, throw it away and purchase more. Eating out-of-date food could be what is making your cat sick!

    Storage is also essential food that is in date can spoil early if not stored correctly. When storing dry cat food, make sure its kept in an airtight container to keep it fresh. On the other hand, sealed wet cat food is fine in the cupboard. However, once open, put the can in the refrigerator and discard any that hasnt been used within five to seven days.

    Also, ensure the food in your cats bowl isnt left out for longer than it should be. This is especially likely if your cat throws up after eating dry food. Too often, owners will simply top up their cats bowl each day without discarding the old pieces of kibble at the bottom. These bottom bits of food will quickly become stale and could make your cat vomit.

    Any uneaten wet food should also be thrown away after an hour. After this time it becomes a breeding ground for bad bacteria. If your cat gulps their dinner down, this shouldnt be an issue. However, if your cat throws up after eating wet food slowly, check youre not feeding them spoiled food.

    Use Ingredients That Are Safe For The Cat

    Cat Throws Up After Eating Wet Food

    Your cat vomits when you use ingredients that are harmful to the cat. After getting a new cat, you need to learn and master what works best for your cat. You should use recipes that do not react negatively to your cat. When trying new cat food, ensure that you go through the ingredients to see if some of them are harmful to the cat. When cooking for your cat, ensure that the food is well cooked. If the food is ready to eat without cooking, be keen on the expiry dates.

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    Why Does My Cat Throw Up Food After Eating

    Why do cats throw up? What causes this phenomenon? Cats may vomit even if they are not sick. If your cat throws up after eating, you may want to limit their consumption to no more than they should. They could have reacted to a change in diet or eaten something they shouldnt have, such as a rubber band or string.

    What Could Be The Reason For The Vomiting

    Occasional vomiting may be caused by:


    Cats often ingest hair while grooming. If it forms into clumps it may irritate the stomach, eventually being vomited up. If your cat vomits hairballsfrequently your vet may suggest treatments or diets to reduce hair build-up and grooming your cat regularly to reduce the volume of hair ingested.

    Eating too rapidly

    Cats that gobble food too quickly may regurgitate. If youve got multiple cats make sure you have separate feeding bowls in separate locations to reduce competition. Try serving dry food in a used egg carton, or putting kibble in plastic bottles with holes that dispense the food as it rolls. These puzzle feeders slow eating, create mental challenge, combat boredom and increase exercise which combats weight gain.

    Eating too much at once

    Cats naturally eat small amounts and often. While not always practical, specialists suggest 5 small meals a day. Dry kibble absorbs fluid in the stomach and swells which may cause vomiting, especially in older cats.

    Eating spoilt food or hunting

    Like us, they can be susceptible to the bacteria or spoiled food or something theyve caught. This may result in irritation of the stomach.

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    Difference Between Vomiting & Regurgitation

    Vomiting is not the same as regurgitation. Regurgitation doesnt involve strenuous muscle contracting and usually happens minutes to hours after eating or drinking. This issue is caused by a problem with the esophagus, such as a blockage or inflammation, or issues with the gastric sphincter. Less commonly, it can result from a hiatal hernia. As a result, the food, liquids or mucus come back up.

    Cat vomit usually pools on the floor and appears watery with bile in it. Regurgitated cat food, on the other hand, will contain undigested food and mucus without the presence of bile. It often comes out in a tubular shape, as it has just come from the esophagus.

    Avoid Cooking Foods That Are Hard To Digest

    Why Do Cats Vomit? A Vet Explains How to Help

    A cat has different feeding schedules. A young cat does not feed on the same meals as an adult cat. For instance, feeding your kitten with adult cat food may bring about digestion issues. The food may be hard to digest for them thus forcing them to vomit. You need to seek advice from vets and learn the type of food to feed your cat at different stages of life. This will ensure that your cat does not feed on inappropriate food. Also, check for food that does not have too many proteins that make it hard to digest.

    Also Check: How Much Are You Supposed To Feed A Cat

    When Should I Worry About My Cat Vomiting

    We start to worry about cats being sick when theyve vomited frequently in a single day or a couple of times over a few days. Its also a cause for concern when they stop eating altogether or will try and eat but bring the food and water back up. This can be considered an emergency because your cat isnt able to keep anything down and can quickly become dehydrated and lead to an issue with sugar. If your cats vomiting is accompanied by any other symptoms such as lethargy, diarrhoea or pale gums, if theres blood in their vomit or theyre showing signs of pain, dont delay in contacting your vet.

    • Allergic reaction to a food

    How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Throwing Up After Eating

    How can I stop my cat from vomiting food? If your cat eats quickly and gets sick frequently, you should slow it down and allow it to digest its food more thoroughly before overfeeding it. The best way to accomplish this is to feed them a smaller and more frequent diet.

    Vomiting is linked to a variety of health conditions, and throwing up multiple times per day is never a good sign. Your cat will not become ill if he or she vomits after eating wet food or kibble. They are most likely sick because they are consuming an excessive amount of food. A healthy cat requires approximately 30 calories per pound of body weight per day if he or she is active and weighs no more than 70 pounds. Check the packaging of the cat food to see how much is in it. The majority of cat food packages will also have a portion size option on the side. If your cat throws up after eating a slow-release wet food, make sure the food is still fresh.

    Inflammation of the digestive tract is one of the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease . Diabetes in cats is difficult to control because the hormone insulin is unable to be produced, or the animals blood sugar levels are too high. When blood sugar levels are out of balance following a large meal, the body causes diabetic ketoacidosis. The condition also causes an increase in thirst and urination, as well as an appetite and weight loss in its early stages. You should take your diabetic cat to the veterinarian if you notice any of the above symptoms.

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    Why Is My Cat Throwing Up Their Food

    It can be scary to find your cat throwing up their food, and vomiting can be a symptom of many different things. Lets look at some common reasons why your cat might be throwing up their food, and when you should contact a veterinarian.

    Food allergies

    Much like their human friends, cats can be allergic to different types of food. If your cat vomits up undigested food after eating something new, theres a chance they might be allergic to one of

    the ingredients. When it comes to food allergies, your veterinarian may recommend a simple diet to determine which foods your cat is allergic to. They may also recommend a hydrolyzed diet that breaks down proteins so that they are easier to digest.

    Eating too fast

    Sometimes our furry friends eat too quickly and this can cause them to throw up undigested food. Feeding your cat smaller portions or feeding them with a puzzle bowl can help slow down digestion. Your veterinarian may also recommend adjusting your cats feeding schedule.

    Change in diet


    Cats groom themselves every day, meaning they spend plenty of time eating and licking their own hair. Most of that hair is digested, but sometimes it gets stuck and forms a hairball, which is normal but can cause vomiting. There are over-the-counter supplements that can help if this becomes a recurring issue.

    Gastrointestinal bleeding

    Other issues

    When To Let A Vet Investigate Why Your Cat Keeps Being Sick After Eating

    My Cat Is Throwing Up And Pooping Blood

    If your cat vomits often, you might wonder when the right time to get them checked professionally is. Your cat requires immediate medical attention if they:

    • Vomit several times in a row
    • Have one or more accompanying symptoms
    • Refuse to eat or drink for 12 hours after vomiting several times in a row
    • Are already diagnosed with a severe illness
    • Have pale or cold gums
    • Vomit a wormShould your cat vomit a worm, all animals in the household need to deworm. You will also have to take extra care of your cats litter box to avoid:
      • Your cat being reinfected after deworming
      • Having any of your other pets infected

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    How To Stop My Cat From Throwing Up After Eating

    Its hard to stop a cat from throwing up after eating unless you can find the cause of the problem. But for many cats, an identifiable cause is never found.

    Once you and your vet have ruled out some of the more serious diseases that can cause throwing up after eating, it may be that there are some things you can try at home to stop your cat from throwing up.

    The Fantastic Impact A Quality Diet Can Have On Your Cats Health

    A high-quality diet is your cats tummys best friend! As obligate carnivores, cats digest animal-based protein much better than plant alternatives, but the benefits of animal-based protein dont end there.

    Did you know that natural oils, like fish oil, are natural remedies for hairballs? If your furry friend has trouble with pesky hairballs, our meals can help! All Untamed meals are made with sunflower oil, but you can also opt for Tuck-in Tuna and Full On Fishy if you need that extra e-fish-iency!

    Our meals are a real catch!

    Image Untamed

    Cats whose diet provides enough essential nutrients show improvements not only in digestion but all other aspects, too. Some of the most noticeable changes are:

    • Softer and thicker coat, stronger clawsA hefty supply of protein will make your furry friend shine
    • Stronger bones and teethA mineral-rich diet will keep your kitty strong and sturdy
    • Increased immunity to allergensOur hypoallergenic recipes help your cats skin protect itself from airborne allergens

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    How Do I Stop My Cat From Throwing Up Undigested Food

    There are a variety of ways to stop a cat from throwing up undigested food. Some of the most common methods are to feed them a smaller meal more frequently throughout the day, to feed them a high-quality diet that is low in fiber, and to provide them with plenty of water.

    Some cats will also respond well to medications such as Nexium, Reglan, and Prevacid. If the vomiting is severe, a veterinarian may recommend a feeding tube to directly feed the cat food.

    Reasons For A Cat Vomiting

    My cat throw up after eating

    An infestation of worms, such as roundworm or tapeworm, can cause your cat to vomit. As always, prevention is better than cure, and its important to get into a regular worming routine to keep your cat worm free. .

    If your cat has a particularly sensitive stomach they may be unable to tolerate certain foods or sudden changes in their diet, both of which can trigger vomiting. Your vet can advise you on a suitably bland diet such as chicken with rice, or fish with pasta for cats with a delicate stomach. Its also best not to give your cat cows milk, which can trigger a reaction in the form of lactose intolerance.

    Stomach infections are a common cause of vomiting in cats and are often marked by both sickness and diarrhoea. A bland diet and plenty of water can help clear up the problem in a few days, but always consult your vet if your cat doesnt recover quickly.

    Your cat vomiting may be a symptom of a number of viruses that are common in cats, including feline parvovirus , feline coronavirus , feline infectious leukaemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus .

    Sickness accompanied by diarrhoea may be a sign of colitis in your cat. Colitis is often eased by feeding your cat a bland diet .

    Ingesting poisonous or harmful substances can cause your cat to be sick. If you believe your cat has come into contact with a toxic substance, get them to your local vet as quickly as possible.

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    Why Do Cats Throw Up

    Some people believe that cats throw up a lot and that its just part of being a cat but that is not true. An isolated incident of vomiting probably isnt cause for concern. Any cat can have a bad day. But repeated vomiting is cause for concern.

    Vomiting should not be considered normal, says Jo Ann Morrison, DVM, DACVIM, senior manager of medical quality advancement for Banfield Pet Hospital in Portland, Oregon. An isolated episode of vomiting that doesnt recur, especially if nothing else has changed in the cat, may not be cause for concern. But vomiting that is repeated, regular, excessive, protracted, predictable or blood-tinged should be promptly discussed with your veterinarian or, in some cases, an emergency veterinary hospital.

    Some reasons for a cat puking include:

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