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What Is The Best Clumping Cat Litter

Don’t Be Fooled By Poor Value Bag Sizes On Supermarket Shelves

Top 10 Best Cat Litters of 2021 (We Tried Them All)

You can easily save money by buying cat litter in bulk online.

No doubt you want to find the best price for your favourite litter. Many savvy cat owners will naturally compare prices online to their local supermarket to ensure they get the best value possible. However, if you’re comparing prices, always be sure to check the size of the bag you’re looking at. While supermarket prices might seem cheap, you may be surprised to learn that many supermarkets only sell smaller bags than those available online. This means you may be purchasing a smaller volume of litter, which means the value per kilogram is not as great.

Benefits Of Using Clumping Cat Litter

Cat parents are attracted to clumping litter for several different reasons. A cat litter with the clumping feature has easily become the most popular type of cat litter. Here we explore why that is.

  • Widely available: Clumping cat litter seems to be available in almost any brand. This makes it easy to choose the brand of cat litter you prefer. Even then, many pet brands offer a wide array of clumping cat litters under their name. And that leads us to our next point.
  • Shopping convenience: Since clumping cat litters are the most sought after of all litter features, you can purchase a clumping litter wherever cat litter is sold. Even if youre out for your weekly grocery shopping you can pick up a box of clumping cat litter in the pet aisle.
  • Easy cleanup: The main attraction to using clumping cat litter is the ease of which you can scoop it. Tight clumps form in the litter to make scooping a breeze. When you can quickly scoop your cats litter without a crazy mess, the entire process becomes less stressful.
  • Odor control: When your cat uses their litter box, their elimination is almost immediately surrounded by the clumping litter. When this process occurs, it helps to trap and eliminate those odors, offering superior odor control.
  • Cost-effective: Clumping cat litter is typically a good choice for your wallet. Since it is so widely available in almost any brand you can imagine, its a cost-effective option for cat parents on any budget.
  • Arm & Hammer Feline Pine Platinum Cat Litter

    Curious kittens may decide to taste their litter. Clumping litter can cause intestinal blockages, explains Nicole Van Andel, cat behaviorist at Tuft + Paw. And geriatric cats have a more difficult time cleaning themselves. Theyll especially benefit from a litter that doesnt stick to their paws.

    Litter made of pine has a naturally pleasant scent that blocks eau de feline toilet without the need of artificial fragrances. Pine litter doesnt clump, yet it still gets the enthusiastic vote of many cat parents and vets. Jeff Smith, veterinarian at Danville Family Vet in Danville, Virginia, especially likes Feline Pine, which he has found to be naturally odor absorbent and attractive to most cats.

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    Smartcat All Natural Clumping Litter

    Smartcat clumping litter is made from 100% USA farmed grass and is ideal for cats with sensitive paws. This is because the texture is fine and feels soft to touch.

    This brand of liter is GMO free and contains no artificial fragrance. Great news if youre concerned about buying GMO products, or suffer from allergies. It also claims to be dust free, so no problems with tracking.

    If you want a litter that clumps well this is a good choice. In addition, as its biodegradable it wont harm the planet. As cat parents we wasnt the best for our fur babies, but at the same time a product thats eco friendly.

    You also have the option of different bag sizes which is great if you have multiple cats. In addition, this clumping litter is lighter in weight than many on the market. The heaviest is bentonite clay as previously mentioned which can be back breaking to lift

    The only downside with Smartcat is the price. If youre on a budget you may find one of the cheaper litters a better option. However, if you have a young kitten the soft texture of this litter is ideal. You could always try the small 5lb bag first if youre unsure.

    Key points

    Best Lightweight Cat Litter: 7 Picks For Easy Lifting


    Cat litter can be heavy. If you live in a city, a home with stairs or have a bad back, carrying big bags of litter can get oldfast. But buying smaller, more portable bags of litter isnt the most cost-effective or useful thing to do, either. Youll always run out of fresh litter when its time to scoop.

    So what do you do? Consider switching to lightweight cat litter thats much easier to carry and scoop.

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    What Are The Pros And Cons Of Clumping Cat Litter

    Using a clumping cat litter formula has several benefits:

    • Easy cleaning: The clumps in a litter box are easy to see and easy to pick up out of the litter pan.
    • Odor control: The tight clumps that are formed when a cat uses the litter box also trap and, in some cases, can neutralize odors.
    • More Sanitary: Clumping cat litter may be more sanitary than non-clumping due to its ability to quickly absorb and trap odors and moisture that may be contaminated with harmful bacteria.

    However, there are also some downsides to using clumping cat litter, and those are:

    • Dusty: Most clumping cat litter formulas are made of clay. This clay can produce a significant amount of dust when poured or scooped into a litter box. Although this is not dangerous to humans, it can be uncomfortable or irritating to some populations.
    • Not made of recycled material: The clay used in clumping cat litter is not recycled and does not degrade in any way. This means when it is thrown away, it simply sits in the landfill anddoes not decompose in any way.

    What Do We Look For In Clumping Cat Litter

    As a cat owner, its your responsibility to provide for your cats needs and that includes providing him with a clean litter box. If you prefer the convenience of clumping litter, you have plenty of options to choose from. Weve evaluated and tested many of the top brands on the market. Youll see our recommendations below but, first, lets talk about what we look for in a clumping cat litter.

    Here are some of the features we look for in clumping cat litter:

    In addition to these features, we also consider additional factors like the materials from which the litter is made. Many clumping cat litters are made from clay which clumps extremely well but isnt particularly good for the environment. Natural litters may not clump as well, but they are often biodegradable, compostable, and even flushable. You might also want to think about how heavy the litter is and, of course, think about the price.

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    Best Overall Lightweight Cat Litter

    If youre looking for a clay alternative, lightweight litter, this might be the one for you. This litter is made from biodegradable wood, which means its 70 percent lighter than clay and it is flushable. Its also free of any fragrances or synthetic chemicals and generally reduces less dust. However, wood-based litter can mold or feel wet on your cats paws, which means some cats dont like it or will track it around the house.


    • Less dust since it is clay-free
    • Wood-based litter is biodegradable and flushable
    • No artificial fragrance, synthetic chemicals, dyes or GMOs
    • 70 percent lighter than clay litter

    Things to Consider

    • Wood-based litter doesnt clump as well as clay
    • Can mold in humid environments
    • Doesnt absorb moisture as quickly as clay
    • Can stick to paws when wet

    Kocat Natural Wood Clumping Cat Litter

    What Is The Best Cat Litter To Use For Odor Control?

    Before you dismiss this product, it is worth knowing that it is focused on using eco-friendly materials. Having this cat litter inside your fur babys box is not only helping him get comfy as he excretes but it saves the environment as a whole.

    How exactly does this happen? Well, this product uses wood fiber, a biodegradable option that once or reintroduced to the environment decomposes thereby reducing pollution. In other words, you can flush it down your toilet once you are done cleaning or changing the litter.

    It is very light and absorbs a large amount of fluid and waste to form rock-solid clumps for quick cleaning. The wood fiber used is screened and dedusted rendering it free of any form of dust.

    Also, the fiber has natural enzymes that stop odors from escaping into the air surrounding the litter box. ÖKOCAT Natural Wood Clumping Cat Litter comes packed in varied sizes from small to large. This is the best alternative to clay clumping litter.


    • Lightweight and is highly absorbent
    • Made with screened and dedusted wood fiber
    • Contains natural enzymes to fight bad odor release
    • Is naturally scented. Free from harmful fragrances and chemicals

    Don’t Miss: Best Clumping Cat Litter For Automatic Litter Boxes

    What Does It Mean If A Cat Stops Urinating

    If a cat stops urinating altogether, it is likely they are experiencing a feline urinary tract disease such as bladder inflammation or urinary stones or crystals. Male cats are particularly susceptible to the latter. “Male cats have a very narrow urethra, so crystals and mucus can form a plug or a single tiny stone may become lodged anywhere along this narrow tube,” said Tannert.

    If a cat is unable to urinate, deadly toxins begin building up. Death can occur if the blockage isn’t removed by a veterinarian within 24 to 48 hours. If a veterinarian rules out medical problems like FLUTD, anxiety may be the culprit, a problem a veterinary behaviorist is best equipped to handle.

    What Is The Difference Between Scoopable And Clumping Cat Litter

    Many cat litter manufacturers use the terms scoopable and clumping interchangeably when discussing clay cat litters. Scoopable is the ability to remove cat waste, either urine or feces, with a cat litter scooper. Clumping refers to when cat urine is absorbed or dehydrated by clay or silica-based litter granules, and forms hard clumps that are easy to scoop. There are some types of cat litter that are only scoopable, not clumpable, like pine litters and recycled paper litters.

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    The Clumping Cat Litter: Our Top Picks Reviewed

    By Charles Grisham | Updated November 16, 2022

    • One 14 pound box of Fresh Step multi-cat clumping scented cat litter
    • For multi-cat homes and busy litter boxes
    • ClumpLock technology locks in liquid and odors on contact

    Why Trust The Spruce


    When looking into the best picks to include, we read dozens of product reviews from retailer sites and the Spruce Pets’ contributing reviewers. We also test top products.

    This article was originally written by Madeleine Burry, who has covered how to care for pets for more than a decade. Additional research and editing was contributed by Lily Sperry, a lifestyle writer and commerce editor at the Spruce.

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    Aren’t Some Litters Compostable

    The very first compostable litter was actually a type of clay called Fuller’s clay. American businessman Ed Lowe realized that since this clay is able to absorb its weight in water, it would make a great substrate for cat’s to do their business in. Since Lowe’s original eureka moment in 1947, a variety of different materials are used for different kinds of cat litter. Clay is no longer the only option. There are different biodegradable substrates, from compressed paper to corn to wheat. Some sources like these biodegradable options because, since they are biodegradable, they can be composted. However, there are real concerns I have with this.

    Cat feces can carry things a lot scarier than bacteria like E. coli. Cats that are infected by the protozoal parasite Toxoplasma gondii readily shed this parasite in their stool. Once shed into the environment, it can easily infect other animals and people as well. Some sources say that composting biodegradable cat litter for use in flower gardens only, never vegetable, is fine, it’s not recommended to be so cavalier about something that could be a potential pathogen.

    Dr Elseys Premium Clumping Cat Litter

    Dr Elseys premium clumping litter claims to be 99% dust free. This is good news if you suffer from a respiratory condition. One of the downsides of many clumping litters is theyre very dusty, and pouring it into a box can cause sneezing. Wheezing and shortness of breath may also be experienced if you have asthma.

    The grains are a mix of medium with larger size granules making it easy to sift. As its very clumpable, removing waste is easy with less chance of taking unsoiled litter as well. Whereas urine often pools with non-clumping litter, it forms solid blocks with clumping.

    Its also claimed that Dr Elseys clumping litter is low tracking. Track marks on flooring and furniture can be problem for cat owners. Unsightly marks on carpets and furnishings can be hard to remove, especially if litter becomes ground in.

    Made from 100% sodium bentonite clay, this clumping litter claims to eliminate bad odors. This is great if you want a fresh smelling home. Theres nothing worse than the overpowering odor of cat urine.

    Another good point about Dr Elseys ultra premium clumping cat litter is its unscented. While some cats are ok with scented litter, others may be put off by strong scents. As Ive mentioned previously in other posts, cats have a far superior sense of smell than humans. In addition, scented litter can trigger allergy symptoms if youre sensitive.

    Key features

    • Bentonite clay is very heavy

    Average rating 4.3 out of 5

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    Frisco Lightweight Floral Fresh Scent Multi

    This is the only lightweight cat litter that makes our list of best cheaper cat litters. Frisco makes dependable cat litter we recommend this option for cat parents on a budget who want a lightweight litter. The fine-grain litter weighs 50% less than traditional clay litter so its easy for you to carry and pour. Clumps quickly form on contact with liquid so scooping your cats box just became easier! This Frisco lightweight litter is formulated with a deodorizing system and fresh floral scent so you can maintain a pleasant cat litter space.

    Also Great: Arm & Hammer Cloud Control Clumping Litter

    World’s Best Cat Litter Review – Original Unscented

    *At the time of publishing, the price was $15.

    We like the Arm & Hammer Cloud Control Clumping Litter because it does a good job of trapping odors, and it has tiny litter granules that clump better than those of most cat litter brands we tested. Also, the Cloud Control litter doesnt gunk up the bottom of a pan, and it produces virtually no dust. But those tiny granules may track throughout the home, and the Cloud Control litters traditional cardboard-box container can be a hassle to carry and open.

    Even though Dr. Elseys Ultra had the best odor control, the Cloud Control litter did the best job of making tighter, defined litter clumps that were the easiest to scoop and clean during our tests.

    In our tests, the Cloud Control cat litter trapped stinky ammonia and sulfur-like hing odors better than the competition, and only a faint stench remained when we were sitting next to the dirty litter only Dr. Elseys Ultra beat it in this area by completely trapping the odors. The Cloud Control cat litter quickly negates odors if your cat regularly buries their waste, but itll take a few minutes for the smells to dissipate if your cat is rude and never covers things up.

    The Cloud Control litters smaller granules are easier to scoop and clean, but those tiny specks are also more likely to stick to your cats paws and track throughout the house. Invest in a good cat litter mat, like the Easyology Premium Cat Litter Mat, which traps fine granules better than any mat weve seen.

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    Tips For Using Lightweight Cat Litter

    As with any litter, its best to scoop once or twice a day to keep your cat happy with their litter box . You should change and clean the litter box about once a week.

    Go slow over two weeks when introducing your cat to new lightweight litter. For the first week, place two litter boxes side by side, one with the old litter and one with the new, Burch says. After the initial week, start mixing the litters for a week. Mix about ¼ new litter with ¾ old litter, then gradually increase the amount of new litter, phasing out the old.

    If your cat starts peeing or pooping outside of the litter box, your cat may not like the new litter. Keep trying different lightweight litter options until you find one that suits your cat.

    The 5 Best Clumping Cat Litters

    This page contains affiliate links. We may earn money or products from the companies mentioned in this post through our independently chosen links, which earn us a commission.

    All cat litters are not created equal. Though one cat litter may look the same as the next, there are some important differences that can affect everything from scoopability to odor control.

    When it comes to choosing a cat litter, the biggest decision you have to make is between clumping and non-clumping cat litter. To a certain degree, this choice is a matter of preference, but clumping litter does provide some benefits over non-clumping litter.

    It is, of course, up to you to decide which features are most important to you while also factoring in your cats preference.

    Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of clumping versus non-clumping cat litter. Youll also see our top 5 picks for the best clumping cat litters.

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