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When Can You Spay Kittens

How Long Does It Take A Cat To Recover From Spaying/neutering

Why Kittens Should Be Spayed at 4 Months : Pet Tips

Dr. Mar points out that animals are incredibly resilient and cats are no different. âThe first 24-48 hours your cat may be a bit painful and tired, which is expected after any surgery,â she explains. âHowever, pets are given pain medications before or during surgery in order to ensure your pet is not in pain when they wake up.â The pain medicine is generally taken for three to five days after the surgery. Neutered cats will recover much faster because removing an external organ such as the testicles does not open up the abdominal cavity and require stitching the way itâs done with spaying.

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How Old Can A Cat Get Fixed

While most veterinarians recommend spaying a cat between six and seven months of age, intact, mature cats can still be safely spayed. Cats can be spayed at any age, even as old as their late teens. Your veterinarian may recommend checking their bloodwork and an ECG to make sure theyre healthy enough to undergo anesthesia.

Not only can spaying an adult cat be done safely, but spaying your mature cat can help reduce the risks of them developing certain types of cancer and uterine infections.

Why Should I Have My Cat Spayed

It is recommended that all non-breeding cats be sterilized. Several health benefits are associated with spaying your cat. First, spaying eliminates the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers. Second, breast cancer is the number one type of cancer diagnosed in intact female cats. If your cat is spayed before her first heat cycle, there is less than ½ of 1% chance of developing breast cancer. With every subsequent heat cycle, the risk of developing breast cancer increases. After about 2½ years of age, ovariohysterectomy offers no protective benefit against developing breast cancer.

Unspayed female cats also carry the risk of developing pyometra a fatal condition of the uterus that requires surgery to treat.

Finally, cats with diabetes or epilepsy should be spayed to prevent hormonal changes that may interfere with medications.

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Spaying And Neutering: The Bottom Line

Spaying and neutering can help keep your cat healthier and safer and you dont end up with more kittens than you can count. To be on the safe side, get your cat spayed or neutered before theyre six months old. If youre wondering when to spay a cat or when to neuter a cat, speak to your local veterinarian.

Does Spaying Cause A Cat To Gain Weight

Spaying cat in heat. Spaying cat in heat.

Spaying a cat does may their metabolism to slow down slightly. As a result, spayed cats are more at risk of gaining weight. However, you can help keep your cat healthy by making adjustments to their diet if required and introducing more activity and exercise into their daily routine to prevent obesity.

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When Can I Get My Cat Spayed After Having Kittens What You Need To Know

Theres little more exciting than having a new litter of kittens at home! Watching your cat become a mom and watching new little kittens grow so rapidly is a truly rewarding experience. Of course, you likely dont want this to happen again in the near future, or at all if youre not a breeder! Spaying your cat will prevent her from getting pregnant again, but how soon after having kittens is the procedure safe?

Typically, you can get your female spayed after shes done weaning her kittens, which is usually around 68 weeks, but there are some important factors to consider. Read on below to find out more!

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Is 4 Months Too Early To Neuter A Cat

For most pet owners, is recommended to spay/neuter kittens by 5 months of age in order to prevent unwanted litters, according to the American Animal Hospitals Association. In the past, cats were normally neutered at 6 8 months old. But even kittens can have kittens, so this does not prevent unwanted litters.

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Can Cats Get Pregnant While Nursing

Its a common myth that cats cannot get pregnant while theyre nursing kittens, but this is simply not true. While its highly unlikely, its still possible. Some cats will have their first heat cycle after pregnancy as soon as 34 weeks after giving birth, so they may be in heat even while still nursing. While shes unlikely to be outside roaming or even want to breed at this time, if theres a male around, pregnancy is unlikely but certainly possible.

Should I Have My Cat Spayed

How To Neuter Your Cat

So, I have female cat who is about 3 years old and isnt neutered. On Sunday she managed to escape the house for about 5~6 hours and during this time we didnt really hear anything or see anything and she came back afterwards by herself . She is still in heat and wanting to leave the house. Im deeply scared that she may have gotten pregnant during this time but I guess theres no way to be sure for now.

Because of this, I was thinking about whether it would be a good idea to have her spayed next week or the one after that, in order to prevent or interrupt an accidental pregnancy, but Im not aware if there are any great risks or if a vet would accept to perform this sort of operation.

We really cant have these potential kittens at home when they grow up and the idea of finding a responsible owner sounds really hard where I live.

What do you guys think about this situation and should I have her spayed?

Thanks in advance and sorry for any English mistakes!

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Getting Your Boy Cat Snipped

If you have a male cat, he’ll need to have a simple operation called ‘the snip’. This can stop him from spraying in your house to mark his territory, which can be very smelly, and getting nasty injuries from fights. He’s also less likely to wander off and get run over, as cats who’ve been snipped tend to stay closer to home.

What’s more, having your cat snipped will protect him from a nasty disease called FIV, which is the cat version of HIV. It’s spread through cat bites, often between males fighting over a female. It can’t be caught by people.

What Happens If You Spay A Cat Too Early

Actually, early neutering delays closure of the bone growth plates making for a slightly taller cat. Early neutered kittens will have a narrowed urethra which will predispose them to urinary blockage. This has not borne out, either. Urethral dimensions in male cats do not vary based on the age at neutering.

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When Can Cats Get Pregnant

You might think that your kittens need to be close to a year old before they can get pregnant, but thats not true. Kittens grow up quickly, and they can get pregnant long before they reach full size. In fact, kittens can reach sexual maturity at around four months old. Once that happens, your kitten will go into heat every few weeks until shes spayed or pregnant. It is less common for kittens to have a successful pregnancy than adult cats, but its still possible.

Cats can also get pregnant shortly after giving birth. Your cat will enter her first heat cycle within days or weeks of having kittens. Even if your cat is actively nursing her kittens, this might not prevent pregnancy. Back-to-back pregnancies like this arent very healthy for your cat, but they do happen. This means that while youre waiting for your cat to get spayed, youll have to keep her safe from male cats that might impregnate her again.

Can You Spay A Kitten At 4 Months

Spay and neuter kitten weight

First, kittens can get pregnant as young as 4 months old, so spaying or neutering them earlier is the best way to prevent litters. Also, studies have found that kittens spayed or neutered at younger ages have fewer surgical complications, recover more quickly, and have a lower risk of mammary tumors.

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What Are The Benefits Of Spaying

Aside from overpopulation, there are quite a few benefits of having a spayed cat around. For starters, cats live longer after spaying. They are less likely to develop cancer, uterine infections, escape to the outdoors, and catch diseases from feral cats.

Another benefit of spaying is that it prevents unwanted behaviors. Unspayed cats often become anxious and noisy during heat and may try to escape outside. Spayed cats are more likely to be even-keeled, get along with other cats, and feel safe and comfortable. Unless you have a purebred cat and a breeding setup, its best to keep your cat spayed.

Why Should I Spay/neuter My Cat

There is more than one good reason, so we leave you with a complete list:

  • Behavior It reduces undesirable displays such as, for example, territory markings with urine, repetitive and very loud meows, or escape attempts in search of a partner . It can also facilitate socialization, especially for cats that live indoors and share it with other animals.
  • Female health Prevents uterine infections and reduces the risk of mammary tumors.
  • Male health Prevents testicular tumors and reduces prostate problems.
  • General health for both genders Reduces the likelihood of spreading infectious diseases such as Feline Immunodeficiency and Feline Leukemia.
  • Specific conditions Surgery may be especially recommended for particular health conditions, such as testicles with abnormal locations or mammary hyperplasia.
  • Litters Because it prevents unwanted pregnancies, spaying/neutering is the most effective measure to decrease the numbers of stray animals that end up on the streets or in shelters.
  • Investment The cost of the surgical procedure varies between males and females, as well as with the technique used and even the veterinary clinic you go to. However, one thing is certain the price of surgery will always be lower than treating any of the problems it prevents.
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    Is Spaying Or Neutering Dangerous

    While every surgery comes with some risk, both neutering and spaying are incredibly common and provide important lifelong benefits. Your veterinary team will explain the process, run tests to make sure your cat is cleared for the procedure, and discuss post-op care with you before they begin. Any concerns, just ask were here to help you and your kitty have the best possible outcome.

    Your veterinary team will work with you to plan your kittens procedure, properly prep your kitten before they begin, and tell you how to take care of them, both before and after they leave the vet.

    Is Early Spay/neuter Associated With More Surgical Or Anesthetic Complications

    Neutering Your Cat – Video Tips from Specially4Cats

    In 2000, Land reported on a survey of 85 veterinarians who had collectively performed approximately 200000 early spays/neuters .12 The veterinarians unanimously stated that early spays/neuters were safer, faster, and easier than the same surgeries in dogs and cats 6 months of age or older.

    In a prospective study of dogs and cats, Howe compared short-term complication rates among 3 groups of animals: sterilized at younger than 12 weeks, at 12 to 23 weeks, and at 24 weeks or older.13 Researchers measured complications during anesthesia, surgery, and the immediate postoperative period and classified complications as being major or minor . For incidence of major complications, they found no differences among the 3 groups. However, for incidence of minor complications, they found a significant difference rates were highest among animals in the oldest group and lowest among those in the youngest group.13

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    How To Keep The Spay Incision From Opening Or Getting Infected

    Opening of your cats incision could lead to medical issues that may require emergency attention. You should call your veterinarian immediately if you notice any:

    • Opening of the incision

    A small amount of blood-tinged discharge and mild redness at the incision line is normal up to 24 hours after spay surgery. Continue to give your cat all prescribed medications.

    On average, sutures will remain in place for 10-14 days, which is the amount of time it takes a cat to heal after being spayed.

    Do Not Let Your Cat Lick the Incision

    Cats licking their incision is one of the leading causes of infections and premature suture removal. An E-collar or bodysuit will be required for your cat after spaying surgery to protect the incision site and prevent her from licking her sutures.

    Do Not Let Your Cat Do High-Impact Activities

    The second leading cause of opening an incision is increased activity or movement after spay surgery. Sutures will stay closed if your cat is only doing normal, low-impact movements.

    Jumping, running, and playing with other cats are high-impact activities that can cause the sutures to rupture. Typically, activity restrictions are in place for at least 10-14 days after surgery.

    How Does It Work

    Spaying a pet consists of surgically removing the reproductive organs in a female dog or cat. By contrast, a neuter is removal of a male dog or cats testicles so he becomes impotent. Both surgeries produce a positive hormonal change in your pet. They no longer engage in hormone-related, blind behavior, and instead become a loving member of your family.

    The process begins with general anesthesia. While male cat neutering is extremely rapidonly requiring about two minutesall other pets require a breathing tube in their mouths to ensure their stability. A male dog neuter or female cat spay can take up to twenty minutes, while a female dog spay is often up to ninety minutes, requiring the highest level of attention.

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    Cats With One Or Two Retained Testicles

    If your cat has one or two retained testicles , a surgical incision may be made in multiple locations.

    Sutures are often used to close the abdomen after the testicle are removed. Non-dissolvable skin sutures will require removal in 10-14 days, while intradermal sutures will dissolve on their own with time.

    An E-collar or recovery bodysuit may be used to prevent licking or chewing the incision after surgery. Sutures can become itchy to many cats following surgery, and even if your cat doesnt start chewing at the incision right away, they may as time progresses.

    Enforce any activity restrictions from your veterinarian to ensure proper healing.

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    Side Effects Of Spaying A Female Cat


    The side effects of spaying cats are overwhelmingly positive, such as reduced disease risk and positive behavioral changes. However, no surgery is completely without risk, andalthough very uncommoncomplications can sometimes occur.

    Herniation may result if there is a breakdown in the abdominal wall, although this is rare. Uterine infections can occur if an ovariectomy is performed, but the uterus is left behind. In some cases, small portions of the uterus may be left behind, even during an ovariohysterectomy, which can then cause an infection. However, uterine infections are extremely rare if both ovaries have been removed.

    More commonly, minor complications can arise from cats licking at the wound site, and inflammation of fluid buildup can occur.

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    How Much Does A Kitten Have To Weigh To Be Spayed

    The other two, early versus standard.

    A lot of times shelters will spay kittens as early as eight weeks.

    This allows them to be spayed prior to adoption and still be adopted as early as possible.

    I would only recommend this option for shelters. Lets face it, most people want young kittens.

    And if spaying kittens early allows more to be adopted, then I am for it.

    However, if you COULD wait! I would always recommend waiting until about five to six months. They are old enough to know their owners and begin to trust them.

    This age is also far enough away from the first time they go into heat.

    You want your kitten to be large enough and healthy enough for the surgery, but not so old that they have to go through heat a few times.

    So, in my opinion, the best time to spay and neuter your kitten would be between five and six months!

    Does Spaying Or Neutering Hurt My Cat

    Like humans, cats are given anesthetics during operations. Cats are completely unconscious while theyre spayed or neutered, so they dont feel any pain. A long-acting pain relief injection administered immediately after the procedure eliminates post-surgery discomfort. Your vet will give you anti-inflammatories and painkillers to give to your cat at home, too.

    Generally speaking, cats bounce back quite quickly after theyre neutered. Male cats usually only need painkillers for a day after castration. Female cats usually need medication for three days after being spayed.

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    How Young Can My Cat Or Dog Be Spayed Or Neutered

    While no scientific evidence concludes the best age to spay or neuter a pet, research does indicate that spaying before first heat can prevent the development of tumors in the mammary glands. Female kittens can go into heat as early as four months, and are therefore are able to be spayed by that time. Neutering puppies and kittens is typically done once they are six to eight weeks old and weigh at least two pounds.

    Most owners get their pets after this time, so it is not usually a factor. However, it is important to note the sooner you spay or neuter your pets, the better it is for the animal. There is less bleeding, less body fat, and your pet will awaken much more quickly after surgery. Additionally, they can be fed and sent home the same day. This is one of our specialties here in Southern California.


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