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What Is This Beautiful Creature
Wondering what this beautiful creature is and how to care for a ponytail palm plant? Much like elephant ear plants and banana plants, ponytail palm plants are beautiful tropical-looking plants that can help you bring a touch of the jungle to your otherwise boring and lifeless suburban home. However, its a palm in name onlyits not actually a palm . Its more closely related to the yucca plant and is a succulent!
Its officially named Beaucarnea recurvata, which you will literally never hear it called. However, you might hear it called an elephants foot or an elephants foot palm. Thats because this plant has a rough trunk with an exterior resembling an elephants skin. The trunk has a large bulbous appearance at its base. This bulbous base resembles the elephants foot because it tapers up into the plants stem or trunk.
The ponytail palm originates from the Asparagaceae family in eastern Mexico. Its leaves grow from small rosettes that sprout from the stem/trunk. The leaves grow long, green, and curly, giving the plant its ponytail appearance. They tend to look like perky ponytails.
Outdoors growing in the wild in Mexico, the ponytail palm plant is an evergreen perennial that can grow over 15 feet tall. Indoors as houseplants, ponytail palms stay smallerthough they can still grow to multiple feet tall, with leaves that can grow to many feet long.
Additional Poisonous Plants I Need To Point Out
There are two more plants I really want to point out. They may not be that common to have indoors, but they may find a way into your house. Im talking about Lilies and Sago palm, and both are extremely toxic to cats.
Most palms that are commonly grown indoors are not toxic to cats, like the Areca palm and Ponytail palm, but the Sago palm is really toxic, it can even cause death. I dont have it in my house and even if my cats wouldnt be attracted to it, I still wouldnt have it!
Lilies are also really toxic to cats. They may not be commonly grown indoors, but they are a really common cut flower that you can easily receive as a gift. So, just be aware of its toxicity if you have a cat at home.
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Does Ponytail Palm Produce Flowers
If youre expecting your ponytail palm to flower when its indoors, youd probably need to give that hope up. It would take a really long time for ponytail palm to produce flowers. If they do, they have to grow big and tall first.
Thats why the only ponytail palms that flower are those planted outdoors. They produce clusters of creamy yellow flowers that are attached to their panicles. These flowers look like a crown on top of the ponytail foliage.
Why Are The Tips Of My Ponytail Palm Turning Brown
If you start noticing the tips of your Ponytail palms leaves starting to brown, it can be one of two things. You are either not giving the plant enough water or you are apply too much fertilizer.
Although a Ponytail palm is more forgiving of under-watering than overwatering, it is best to water when the top three of four inches of soil feels dry. When you water, be sure to water deeply and until it runs from the bottom drain holes.
When it comes to fertilizing, its best to use a half-strength, water-soluble formula applied once per month. If the soil mixture you used to plant your Ponytail contains a slow-release blend, theres no need to apply additional nutrients for about three months. Slow-release fertilizers continue to breakdown in the soil with each watering for about two to three months.
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Are Cardboard Palms Poisonous To Dogs
4.4/5cardboard palmtoxicdogstoxic
Regarding this, are cardboard palms poisonous?
Most often it is found in yards as an ornamental tree, but some people keep them as indoor plants. While the entire plant is poisonous, it is the seeds in the cones that are deadly. The cardboard palm is known by many other names including coontie plant, sago palm, and sago tree to name a few.
Subsequently, question is, are all palm trees toxic to dogs? Luckily for those with both palm trees and pets, the leaves of a true palm are not considered poisonous to domestic animals. However, the popular sago palm , hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 to 10, is extremely poisonous.
People also ask, what palms are poisonous to dogs?
Sago palms are one of these plants. The leaves from the sago palm can cause severe damage to the liver and potentially death when they are ingested by dogs. The sago palm is also known colloquially as coontie palms, cardboard palms, cycads, or zymias.
Are palm seeds toxic to dogs?
Also known as Cycas revoluta, this palm species is not only toxic to dogs, but also to humans. The seeds and nuts of sago are the most toxic parts of the palm. Other than this, diarrhea, dizziness, bleeding from orifices, hind-limb paralysis, and seizures are a few signs a dog will show after its ingestion.
Are Majesty Palms Toxic To Dogs
Even though dogs tend to find majesty palms far less attractive than cats do, you still dont need to worry if your dog takes a nibble on occasion.
Just like with cats, all parts of the majesty palm are safe for consumption. Again from the ASPCA, the majesty palm is listed as non-toxic for puppies and dogs.
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Is Majesty Palm Toxic To Cats
According to the ASPCA, majesty palm is listed as being completely non-toxic to cats. That means that no part of the plant- leaves, stems, trunk and roots- contain any substances that could harm your cat.
So theres no need for concern about your cats health if they just cant seem to get enough of your palm.
Costa Farms Majesty Palm Tree
Indoor Plants Safe For Dog And Cat Households
Picking the perfect houseplant is hard enough, but finding a plant safe for your pets can make it even harder.This makes them a popular, non-toxic holiday plant option for dog and cat owners.To add some beachy feel to your land-locked apartment or house, try a beautiful ponytail palm tree.The ponytail palm is actually not a palm but is instead a succulent.The baby rubber plant is yet another succulent, so it also thrives in indirect sunlight and needs only minimal watering.Note: The Baby Rubber Plants larger cousin, the Rubber Tree , is actually toxic to dogs and cats.Orchids are a stunning, graceful addition to any home that also happens to be non-toxic to cats and dogs.If youre looking for a lush, draping fern that is non-toxic to pets, try the Boston Fern.Give your Boston Fern this loving attention, and it will repay you by absorbing moisture from the air, making your home much more comfortable when humid weather strikes.Spider plants have lovely leaves that drape elegantly over the sides of a planter, like a gorgeous green creature with lots of long legs.And if you do pick up one of these stunning, pet-safe plants, share your photos with us on Facebook!Christmas Cactus by Christine H. .Phalaenopsis 2 by Thor Thorsson .Echeveria by Edward OConnor . .
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Which Houseplants Are Toxic To Cats
Unfortunately, there are also many houseplants that could make your cat sick if ingested, and some are even fatal.
Here are some common houseplants cat owners should keep well out of reach or avoid altogether:
- Pothos
- Poinsettia
- Peace lily
This list is by no means exhaustive. If youd like to review a full list of plants that can be harmful to cats, you can find it on the ASPCA website.
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Our Story With Beaucarnea Recurvata
I think it’s more common to stumble across this plant in a store than search one out. They’re just not overly popular or trendy houseplants at the moment. But when you do see it, it’s hard not to be drawn to it’s quirky and unusual look. It just stands out and attracts you.
This is what happened to me about 10 years ago, a very small Ponytail Palm, growing in a decorative pot. Looking like a lump of light brown wood with sprouting curly green hair! I had to have it, so the curious little plant came home with me and settled in.
10 years later and it’s bigger but not huge . Although it’s proven to be super simple and easy to care for, it’s painfully slow-growing.
Mature Ponytail Palm with a tall stem and very long leaves
I’m not the most patient person and after a few years of it hardly growing I decided to ship it out to my work office. This is where I normally take my, less loved plants shall we say. I can still admire them and look after them and still get all the benefits houseplants can offer but not lose valuable “plant space” at home which I reserve for more entertaining plants.
However, I’ll reiterate that this is a super easy houseplant and hard to get it wrong. Follow the care guide instructions above and pick a good looking plant from a store instead of a small one and hoping it will grow into something beautiful quickly, and you won’t go far wrong!
About the Author
Tom Knight
Does Vinegar Kill Palm Trees
White, household vinegar may not kill a tree directly, but by killing the leaves, you can prevent photosynthesis. * You can also pave over the roots of the tree so it becomes suffocated and gradually die. You can also pour a mixture of a couple of pounds of salt dissolved in water so you can kill the palm tree faster.
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Keeping Cats Away From Your Palm
However, the real question is how can you protect them from curious cats? Cats often mess with any plant in your home: a fern, a cactus, or pretty much anything thats green, popular, easy to grow, and makes you happy.
If youre choosing them as décor pieces around the house, you need to keep these plants in a safe, pet-free zone. Here are a few tips to protect your precious palm:
- Use cayenne pepper or citrus to deter ponytail palm cats by causing an unpleasant aroma
- Add pebbles or stones to the top of your container
- Add pinecones or crumbled aluminum foil
- Buy plants like catnip or lemon balm to attract them
- Lightly spray your cat with water every time it goes near to train it
- Grow your ponytail palm outdoors to avoid the problem entirely
Cats are extremely sensitive to smell, which is a great plus if you want to keep them away from Beaucarnea recurvata. There are many ways to make the plant smell unpleasant for the cat. Sprinkling some cayenne pepper around the leaves is a safe and effective way to keep away cats.
Cats also detest the smell of citrus. If you have any dried orange or lemon peels lying around in the kitchen, simply put some inside the plant pot. While this is a pleasant aroma for you, it can successfully deter cats. Make sure not to use a strong acid, like lemon juice as that may cause damage to the leaves.
How To Propagate Ponytail Palms
Ponytail palms cannot be propagated by stem or leaf cuttings, but mature specimens do occasionally grow offsets in the right conditions. If your ponytail palm produces an offset, you can remove it during the spring growing season. Wait until offsets are at least four inches tall, meaning that roots should already be growing beneath the soil. Here’s how to propagate this succulent:
Step 1: Gather a small plant pot, fresh succulent mix , a clear plastic bag, powdered rooting hormone, and a pair of clean, sharp gardening shears.
Step 2: Prepare the pot with your growing medium and moisten the mix lightly with water.
Step 3: Gently dig around your ponytail palm’s offset with your hands to expose its base, then use a sharp, sterilized blade to cut it from the mother plant below the soil. Be sure to include any roots the offset has grown.
Step 4: Dip the offset’s cut end in rooting hormone, then plant it standing up straight in the pot below the soil line.
Step 5: Place the new plant in a warm area with bright, indirect light and keep the soil moist . The offset will begin to grow new roots within a month.
Step 6: Once you see new growth, the plant has rooted and can be placed in a brighter spot. Care for it as usual.
SzB/Getty Images
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Plant Portrait: Indoor Palms
Palm trees are underrated. Theyre readily available at stores like IKEA and Lowes, safe and non toxic to cats, dogs, and birds, grow quickly, and are easy to take care of. While Instagram is flooded with Monsteras and Fiddle Leaf Figs, I, for one, would love to see some #palmlove.
Harold is my first Majesty palm, and one of my first indoor plants. Hes been through a mealybug infestation, scorching summer heat and a careless mom moment when I left him outside in freezing temperatures. Somehow he bounced back. Palms are pretty hardy and as long as you listen and love them, theyll be your favorite pet-safe large plant. Plus, they are one of the top air purifying plants for your home.
How Often Do You Water A Lady Palm
Water. Lady palms have average water needs and are somewhat tolerant of drought once theyre established. In the spring and summer, when most of the palms active growth is taking place, water whenever the top inch of soil feels dry. In the fall and winter, reduce watering to whenever the top 2 inches of soil feel dry.
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Is Pony Tail Palm Plant Cat Safe
- Toxicity Levels for Cats: Non-Toxic
- Toxicity levels for kittens: Non-Toxic
When you browse through the web for houseplants that are safe to keep for pets, the ponytail palm is listed on the number one spot. As per ASPCA , it is non-toxic to cats, dogs, and even ruminant pets such as horses, goats, etc.
Having houseplants around is challenging for most pet owners due to many factors. Some plants such as the Swiss Cheese Plant and Indian Rubber Plant ooze out extremely toxic saps that can cause major health concerns for your cats, while others like Spider plants have toxicity in their leaves and trunks that could harm your pets.
In contrast, the complete genus of the PonyTail Palm is nontoxic for all types of pets. This makes it one of the best plants to keep at home, especially if you have a curious pet such as a Cat!
How To Care For A Ponytail Palm Indoors
If you are looking to spruce up your home with a bit of tropical exoticness, then the addition of a Ponytail palm is the plant for you. Although not really a palm despite its name and really a succulent, it makes a hardy and low-maintenance addition to any indoor setting. Below is a quick summary of their care.
How Do You Care For A Ponytail Palm Indoors: Grow your Ponytail palm in well-drained soil and water when the top 3 or 4 inches of soil become dry. Spray weekly to create humidity, fertilize monthly, keep indoor temperatures around 60°F to 85°F and situate in bright light.
Continue reading for all the tips and details of their care to keep your Ponytail palm healthy and thriving for years to come.
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Why Does My Ponytail Palm Have Brown Tips
My Ponytail Palm has brown tips! This is often a result of over or underwatering. Too much water can cause brown tips with distinct yellowing, while not enough water turns the leaves brown and crispy. Prune the leaves with a clean pair of sheers and check the soil before adjusting watering as needed.
Safe House Plants For Cats
Thinking of starting your next indoor garden, but you also wonder about the safety of your pet cat? As you probably already know, cats are very curious animals, they will explore every single corner and inch of your house. You never know when theyll get into mischief, so its important to plan ahead when you set up your shared living space.
Many cats love to nibble on plants. Plants are more than just another object that your cat wants to rub their face on, as vegetation and grass have been known to help with internal kitty cleansing. In reality, however, many houseplants are toxic to cats and can cause great harm to them. Doing research ahead of time will help you decide what kind of plant would be safe for your cat. If you choose safe plants to start with, your cat wont get sick if they happen to nibble on your plant when youre not looking.
To help you in your search, I have compiled a list of which plants are safe for your cat. Luckily, there are plenty of options that will make your home look beautiful and keep your kitty safe.
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