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HomeCat Hasn't Pooped In 5 Days

Cat Hasn’t Pooped In 5 Days

Give Them Fiber Supplements

5 Reasons Why Your Kitten Won’t Poop

When a low-fiber diet is the reason behind your cats constipation, providing them with fiber supplements can help immensely in restoring intestinal functioning to normal. Fiber plays a vital role in promoting gut flora and hydrates the intestines to allows stools to pass through easily.

Some great fiber supplements that help increase your cats fiber intake include wheat bran and psyllium husk. Both of these can be added to your cats regular meals to increase their fiber intake and relieve their constipation.

However, we recommend taking your vets advice on these supplements as some fibers can cause allergies in cats and further worsen their constipation.

Best Gel For Cat Poop Problems

Cats are naturally fastidious cleaners, so why not use that to your advantage and apply a gel to their fur that will also help them stay regular?


  • Available in a range of flavors
  • Easy to administer directly on your cats nose or paw to stimulate their own licking
  • Contains vet-formulated soybean oil, omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids for help with digestion

Things to Consider

  • May be slightly messier than other options
  • Be sure to consult with your veterinarian about how often your pet should receive this product

How To Help Your Constipated Cat

If your cat is straining to go to the toilet, you should ensure that they have passed urine recently. A blocked bladder can cause straining, which often looks pretty similar to constipation. If youre not sure whether they can pass urine, you should take them to see a member of our veterinary team without delay.

If your cat is constipated but is otherwise well, you can try increasing their water intake for a few days. You can do this by adding water to their food, leaving more water bowls around the house, and encouraging them to drink from running taps or cat water fountains. The extra fluid should help stop them from becoming dehydrated and help to soften the stools in the colon.

If your cat is constipated and may have eaten something foreign, or is acting unwell, vomiting, or bleeding from their bottom, you should contact the veterinary clinic right away.

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Magnesium Hydroxide/milk Of Magnesia

Magnesium draws water into the large intestine, softening the stool. This remedy is relatively safe, but it can be challenging to get a feline to take it since many are minty liquids. Its also easy to over-do it and cause diarrhea. Dont give more than ½ to 1 teaspoon by mouth per day without consulting your vet.

Why Is My Cat Not Pooping But Acting Normal

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To understand why your cat isnt pooping, we first need to understand the normal physiological processes for the formation of healthy stools.

This process is as follows:

  • Your cat chews and swallows the food. It passes down the esophagus and into the stomach.
  • In the stomach, enzymes start to break down and digest the food into smaller pieces that the body can later absorb.
  • This broken-down food leaves the stomach and enters the small intestine where more enzymes continue to break down the food. Simultaneously, the nutrients are taken up by the small intestine and enter the bloodstream.
  • The remaining indigestible food then passes to the large intestine, at which point water is absorbed from the mixture to form stools.
  • This dried waste collects at the rectum, at which point your cat poops it out.
  • If your cat hasnt pooped for several days, it is because too much water is removed from step four of this process. This causes any stools that do form to be much drier and harder than usual. As a result, it is much more painful for your cat to pass these stools out of the body. This leads to a reluctance in pooping and constipation.

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    My Cat Is Not Pooping What Can I Do

    As we get to know our cats, we begin to understand their litter box habits.

    Not only do we have an idea of how often our cats pass stool, but we generally know how much stool we will encounter each time we clean their box.

    So when you suddenly notice that you are not finding any poop in their litter box, this will typically raise some concern.

    While a change in your cats poop habits may not seem like a reason to worry, constipation in cats can lead to some serious complications in the long run.

    In this article we will discuss the details of constipation in our feline friends, and help you answer the question of why your cat is not pooping.

    Constipation Treatments To Help Your Cat Pass Stool

    While there are ways that you can treat your catâs constipation at home, the reality is that you should get a vet to take a look at your pet first. This will ensure that there is nothing more serious going on, and your home remedies for your catâs constipation will suffice.

    âConstipation can be managed effectively at home, but the initial diagnosis should really be done by a trained professional,â says Dr. Garside. This is for a critical reason: Just because you donât see your cat defecating doesnât mean itâs not happening â especially in the case of outdoor cats.

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    Signs & Symptoms Of Constipation In Cats

    Normally, cat feces is well-formed, rich brown in color, and moist enough that litter will stick to it.

    Signs of constipation in cats include hard, dry stools which end up either inside or outside of the litter box – the discomfort of trying to pass these stools may have your cat leaving the litter box before they are done their business.

    Here are some other signs and symptoms of cat constipation:

    • Not being able to poop at all
    • Straining or crying in the litter box
    • Avoiding litter box
    • Entering and exiting litter box multiple times when needing to go

    If you see your cat exhibiting signs of discomfort when they are using the litter box, call your vet because this could be a sign of a serious urinary tract problem.

    Since constipation can be a sign of another underlying health issue, your kitty may also have one or more of these symptoms:

    • Difficulty jumping up
    • Drinking more or less water

    Treatment For Cat Constipation

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    Treatment for constipated cats depends on the cause and severity. Constipation that is left untreated can lead to megacolon, a form of constipation that is not responsive to medical treatment and can be fatal.

    The first step in treatment is to remove the obstructing feces, which sometimes requires administration of fluids or an enema at the clinic. Never give an enema to your cat at home, as human enemas are not safe for cats.

    If the constipation is moderate or severe, your cat will need to be sedated for the enema or deobstipation .

    The next step is to determine the underlying cause of your cats constipation and address it. You may need to make changes in your cats environment, like moving the litter boxes, cleaning the water bowl or litter boxes more often, or trying a cat water fountain or a different type of water bowl.

    The vet may also recommend switching your cat to low- or high-fiber food and adding medication specifically for constipation.

    But more often, treating any underlying disease, such as kidney disease or arthritis, is the most important treatment to prevent a recurrence.

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    First Determine If It’s A Urinary Tract Issue Or Obstruction

    It is vital to rule out a UTI in a male cat. A urinary blockage can cause a life-threatening electrolyte imbalance and is a medical emergency. Here are two standard indications of a UTI:

  • Inadequate or blood-tinged urine. A cat with a UTI will be straining to pass urine instead of feces and you may observe small urine drops mixed with blood .
  • Incessant grooming of genitals. A cat with a UTI will lick his/her genital area often consider that some constipated cats may do the same.
  • Turn into a detective and investigate your kitty’s litter box by checking for feces and urine. Whichever is absent may help you understand why he/she is straining.

    What Should I Do If My Cat Is Pooping Frequently

    If your cat is pooping frequently, it’s likely a sign of diarrhea. Cat diarrhea is common among cats who have recently had a diet change or suffer from food allergies. However, your cat’s diarrhea should not last more than a few days. If your cat is having uncontrollable diarrhea and experiencing other symptoms, such as blood in the stool, see a vet as soon as possible.

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    Reasons You Cat Hasn’t Pooped In Days

    If you know for sure that your cat hasn’t defecated, then the problem is almost certainly due to constipation. Constipation is a gastrointestinal disorder when the cat’s feces is unable to travel all the way to the end of their digestive system.

    The feces will accumulate in their colon and it can cause serious problems for the cat. Even the straining of trying to poop when constipated can be very painful and if the cat keeps eating as normal, the problem will get worse.

    In general, the main causes of constipation in cats are:

    Best Way To Help A Constipated Cat Poop Again

    Cats Who Are Completely Unaware Of How Funny And Ridiculous They Are

    Take him to your vet. There! Easy! The Cornell Feline Health Center indicates a vet will evaluate your cat’s hydration levels, assess overall health, and eliminate other possible clinical causes.

    Another reason why a professional exam is the best remedy for cat constipation is if the condition is more serious, the vet team takes immediate action. “Constipated cats may need an enema at the vet clinic to help them defecate. This is a liquid that softens and lubricates the passage of feces,” Anthony says. “Some cats can get so ‘blocked up’ that they are unable to move the stool. This is called obstipation and requires fecal extraction by a doctor under sedation/anesthesia.”

    There are home remedies for cat constipation that you’ll probably find online, and your vet will likely recommend the safest and most effective options. “Often, adding fiber such as pumpkin or psyllium and/or stool softeners can help, as will increasing dietary moisture with canned food or low-sodium broths,” Anthony says. “No changes should be made prior to visiting a veterinarian, however, as dietary recommendations should be made with the whole cat in mind.”

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    So What Should You Do If Your Cat Is Not Pooping

    If your cat is not pooping but is acting normally otherwise, you should increase their water intake. However, if they dont pass any poop within two days or seem unwell, you should see the veterinarian straight away. With the help of our veterinary team, your cat should hopefully be back to their regular self in no time.

    Change Your Cats Litter Box

    Cats can become constipated when they hold their poop in and refuse to go. Often this is because they dont like their litter box. It might be too small, in the wrong location, filled with cat litter they dont like or be too dirty for their liking. Therefore, you need to tailor the litter box to the preferences of your feline to help encourage use.

    For example, litter boxes for senior cats are a great option if your elderly cat isnt going to the toilet. These have lower entry points and tend to be larger, making them easier on your cats joints. Similarly, an extra large litter box is needed for an extra large cat such as a Maine Coon. This ensures there is enough space inside the litter tray for them to use it comfortably.

    You also need to consider how many litter boxes you have in your home if you have more than one cat. Cats like their own litter boxes and value privacy. You need to have one litter box per cat as a minimum, otherwise, it can make your cat reluctant to use it and increase stress levels.

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    What To Do If Your Cat Is Constipated

    Adrienne is a certified dog trainer and former veterinarian assistant who partners with some of the best veterinarians worldwide.

    REVIEWED BYDr. Jacob Vencil, Veterinarian, Palencia Pet Clinic

    Constipation in cats is a pretty common scenario, especially for obese, middle-aged, and senior cats.

    How Vets Diagnose Cat Constipation

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    First, your veterinarian will get a history of the problem. Youll describe the symptoms, when they started, and other factors that may be related to your cats constipation.

    Providing a full history is very important because straining in the litter box can also be a symptom of lower urinary issues and diarrhea.

    After getting your cats history, your veterinarian will perform a physical exam. In constipated cats, a vet can often feel the hard stool, but not always.

    Next, your veterinarian will recommend X-rays to evaluate the extent of constipation to determine the best initial treatment for your cat. Bloodwork is often required to assess underlying diseases that may predispose your cat to constipation.

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    How Often Do Kittens Poop

    Cats and kittens will pass faeces when they receive a signal from their bowel that faeces are present and ready to be passed. The exact frequency with which faeces are passed will depend on each individual, their diet, and if they are stressed or have any underlying problems such as bacterial, viral or parasitic infection.

    It is normal for kittens to pass faeces as often as they are fed a meal. So at eight weeks old, your kitten is probably being fed 3-4 times a day and could, therefore, be expected to pass faeces up to four times a day. However, as your kittens digestive system becomes more efficient and dealing with food and waste products, this may well decrease down to once or twice a day. An adult cat would usually pass faeces once or twice a day.

    More important than how many times a day your kitten is passing faeces is whether the faeces look normal, are passed easily and without any pain or distress.

    Spinal Or Pelvic Injuries

    If your pet has had a recent spinal or pelvic injury, it may be difficult for them to use the litter box. A pelvic injury can constrict a section of the pelvic canal, limiting the flow of feces through the digestive tract. Defecating may become uncomfortable as a result of a spinal injury, and your cat may get constipated instead.

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    Is It An Emergency If My Cat Cant Poop

    You should contact your veterinarian if your cat hasnt pooped in more than 48 hours. Although a visit to the veterinarian may not be necessary, chatting with your veterinarian over the phone will allow them to provide you with recommendations on how to assist your cat. Your veterinarian will also be aware of your pets medical history and will inform you if they have any other medical issues that might cause constipation.

    If you need to bring your pet in a hurry, contacting your veterinarian early will give them a heads up if anything is wrong. If your cat does end up pooping, you may always contact your veterinarian to inform them. Theyll be able to note the scenario in your pets file if the symptom reappears in the future.

    Ask Your Vet About Over

    Cats Who Are Completely Unaware Of How Funny And Ridiculous They Are

    The following over-the-counter products may treat symptoms of constipation, but make sure to consult your veterinarian before giving any new supplements or medications to your cat.

    There are several types of laxatives that work in different ways. Most over-the-counter options work by causing the body to pull more water into the intestines, which helps soften the stool so its easier to pass.

    Because they pull water into the intestines, laxatives can make other symptoms worse for cats with underlying chronic diseases, causing dehydration. You should ask your vet if theyre a good option for your cat.

    Miralax is commonly used in cats with constipation, and Colace is also an option. Other laxatives that are designed for people can cause issues for cats.

    Oil- or grease-based laxatives like Laxatone should only be used if a vet recommends them and should not be used long-term, as they can affect a cats ability to absorb nutrients from their food.

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    What Are Symptoms Of Constipation

    Normally, cat poop is well-formed, rich brown in color and is moist enough that litter will stick to it.

    Signs of constipation in cats include hard, dry stools which end up either inside or outside of the litter box .

    Other symptoms of constipation may include:

    • Entering and exiting litter box multiple times when needing to go
    • Straining or crying in the litter box
    • Avoiding litter box
    • Not being able to poop at all

    If you notice signs of discomfort when your cat uses the litter box, contact your vet as this may indicate serious urinary tract issues.

    Since constipation is a symptom of other health issues, you may also see signs of the underlying condition, which may include:

    • Drinking more or less water
    • Walking stiffly

    If your cat is displaying any of these symptoms with or without constipation, consult a veterinarian.

    Can I Give My Cat Olive Oil

    Giving a cat any kind of oil by mouth for acute bowel trouble can be tricky. As I mentioned above, mineral oil can be aspirated into the lungs and the same possibility exists for olive oil.

    While small doses of olive oil added to food probably wont hurt your pet, large doses of dietary fat can wreak havoc on a cats digestion since it makes the pancreas go into overdrive. If you give enough olive oil to soften stuck poo, your kitty could end up with a worse problem like diarrhea or pancreatitis.

    Regularly adding olive oil to your cats food will add a lot of calories which leads to weight gain. Obese cats have worse problems with sluggish bowels than those of a healthy weight.

    We have safer and more effective treatment options for cat constipation than olive oil, so just skip this one.

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