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Home Remedies For Fleas For Kittens

How To Get Rid Of Cat Fleas Naturally

Treating Fleas at Home – DIY Flea Treatment for Cat!

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Fleas are frustrating pests to treat especially when dealing with a flea infestation on your cat. Prescription flea prevention medication, combined with natural remedies, may be the best way to prevent and rid your cat of fleas.

While natural products may be helpful, the best way to rid your cat of fleas is to consult with your veterinarian for a safe and effective flea treatment plan.

Five Ways To Get Rid Of Cat Fleas

Cat got fleas? Fleas on cats are unfortunately common, especially when it comes to rescuing stray or feral cats. Cat fleas are the most common type of flea and can cause serious annoyance for both you and your feline. They can even carry diseases.

Getting rid of fleas on cats can be a difficult task, especially if you prefer natural remedies that minimize the use of chemicals in your house.

How Does A Kitten Get Fleas

Kittens can easily pick-up fleas outdoors. Female fleas lay about 40-50 eggs per day that lead to an infestation in days. Fleas jump from one pets fur to another. The kitten may get those fleas from their mother cat during nursing or breastfeeding.

Fleas often lay their eggs on your other pet animal, and some may fall off and hatch on your carpet, bed, or other furniture. Then, new fleas target your pet to feed on their blood and lay more eggs. Carpets and humid places contribute to the essential environment for flea growth.

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Homemade Flea Remedies For Your Home

To rid your home of a flea infestation, you can get a little creative and use some of the things that you have on hand anyway. Lets see what these are.

  • Herbal spray
  • This natural remedy is made from non-toxic products that can be found around your home. You can create a spray by mixing 2 liters of water, 4 liters of vinegar, 250 ml of witch hazel, and 500 ml of lemon juice.

    Before applying the product everywhere in your home, you should vacuum and wash any of the bedding or cushions that you suspect are infested. Once youve done this, you can apply the herbal flea spray using a spray bottle. Apply the solution on your carpets, furniture, window sills, pet bedding, and your floors.

  • Dish soap
  • You can trap and kill fleas using dish soap if you fill a shallow dish with warm and soapy water and then place it next to a source of light. Some people use a candle for this , but if you do this during the night, it can be a fire hazard.

    Use this option only when youre around. The fleas are drawn to the warmth and light, and they jump into the liquid and then drown .

  • Baking soda
  • One of the most convenient and effective ways of getting rid of fleas can be vacuuming. This can help you get rid of fleas by actually removing them from the fibers of your carpets or your furniture. But by using baking soda, you can increase the effectiveness.

  • Salt
  • Diatomaceous earth
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    Home Remedies For Fleas On Cats

    There are many common symptoms of flea infestation. They include:

    • Bald patches
    • Allergies and mouth sores

    Whilst not as serious, fleas also interfere with your quality of life.

    Cats with flea infestation experience pruritis, which means excessive desire to scratch. This can lead to hair loss, scaly skin, and wounds.

    For all these reasons, treating a flea infestation is a good idea. To learn more about treating fleas on your own body, check out this article on how to get rid of fleas on humans.

    Bottom Line: Fleas carry diseases such as tapeworms and also cause allergic reactions in cats.

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    Use Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Fleas On Very Young Kittens

    There are two ways to get rid of fleas on kittens that dont require the use of flea productsbathing and flea combing. But both treatments only get rid of the adult fleas living on your kitten. They wont prevent any new fleas living in the environment from getting on your kitten or other pets. So these methods are not long-term solutions but are safe for very young and small kittens that cant safely use flea products yet.

    Heres how you can help with fleas naturally.

    Use a Flea Comb

    For very young kittensunder 8 weeksthe safest option is using a flea comb on them once or twice a day. This will allow you to physically remove the adult fleas without exposing your young kitten to potentially toxic ingredients in products.

    Give Your Kitten a Bath

    Bathing your kitten is another pretty safe and effective option to help your kitten get rid of fleas. Follow these safety tips:

    Start a Topical Treatment When Your Kitten Is Old Enough

    Once kittens are 8-10 weeks and over 1.5-2 pounds, they can safely receive appropriate topical flea treatments. These products not only kill fleas on your kitten but can prevent new fleas from hitching a ride on your pet.

    There are numerous OTC and prescription options available for flea treatment that are safe and effective for kittens. If youre using an OTC product, remember to check all ingredients and be sure to use the right dose for your kittens weight.

    How To Prevent Fleas

    Your cat’s warm, furry coat and nourishing blood supply are a flea’s dream home. Protect your pet with a flea barrier to prevent these tiny pests from settling in. There are a few different types:

    Products you put on your cat. Spot-on treatments are safer, more convenient, and more effective than traditional dusts, shampoos, and sprays. You can buy them from your vet or online. Ask your vet where on your cat to put the product, how much to apply, and how often to use it. If youâre not getting the treatment from your vet, read the product label first to make sure it’s safe for cats. Some common active ingredients and brands include:

    • Fipronil
    • Fluralaner

    A flea collar with flumethrin and imidacloprid can also work well.

    Medicines your cat eats. The pill nitenpyram kills adult fleas on your cat within 30 minutes. It doesnât have any lasting effects, though. Spinosad is a fast-acting chewable that starts killing fleas before they lay eggs. It provides a full month of flea protection to help prevent future hatchings.

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    Exercise Caution And Consult Your Veterinarian

    In addition to the home remedies mentioned, there are many instructions and recipes for making supposedly natural flea treatments on the Internet. Essential oils are beneficial to humans, but they can be fatal to fleas because they inhibit their movement and breathing. However, when using them, keep in mind that some natural remedies for fleas are toxic to cats and can lead to side effects.

    Here is our advice on this matter:

    • A lavender essential oil should NOT be used on a cats skin.
    • Oils containing high amounts of phenol, such as thyme and oregano oil, should never be used on animals, and especially not on cats. Oregano oil can cause permanent liver damage in cats. Use olive oil instead.
    • Tea tree oil can cause symptoms of intoxication such as weakness, tremors, diarrhea, and vomiting.
    • Many homemade flea spray recipes include dish soap. However, like all cleaning agents, dish soap can cause symptoms of poisoning in cats. Never use dish soap directly on your pet to avoid side effects.
    • Some cats may be allergic to essential oils like for example cedar oil.

    Topical Flea Treatment For Cats

    Cat Flea Treatment (10 Natural Ways!)

    Topical treatments are applied to the skin on the back of the neck . They will kill fleas for either one or three months, depending on which brand you choose.

    The site of application is important because it prevents cats from licking the treated area and making themselves sick. These topical flea medications are safe when applied topically, but they can cause problems if ingested.

    Keep small children and other pets away from treated cats while topical flea medications are drying or being absorbed by the skin.

    Many different topical brands are available. Some are OTC, while others need a prescription. Here are some of your options:

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    Flea Remedies That Get Rid Of Fleas In Your Home

    If you are a pet owner, the thought of your beloved cat or dog catching is a constant strain on your mind. These parasites feed off the blood of animals and can easily become a problem in your home, biting both you and your furry friends.

    Did You Know? Relative to their size, fleas can jump further than any other insect. If an average sized human had the same jumping ability of a flea, they would be able to jump 295 feet across and 160 feet high!

    If you feel that you have a problem with fleas around your home or property and you truly want to know how to get rid of fleas, then you should and prevention experts at Ehrlich Pest Control.

    A Homeopathic Treatment For Animals

    Homeopathy is a complete system of medicine that treats patients by employing remedies that trigger a healing response. Homeopathic remedies contain nothing but water and are non-toxic. They can be taken in conventional medications without causing any drug interactions or side effects. Homeopathic remedies come in many forms, including tablets, tinctures, ointments, and sprays like those discussed below. There is no reason why your pet should suffer when safe and effective alternatives to conventional fleas treatments are available. Many homeopathic remedies are also safer than chemical pesticides because they use natural substances that cannot cause respiratory problems or allergies in pets.

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    Home Remedies For Fleas On Cats

    Fleas can be a natural part of life with a cat. Fortunately, between over-the-counter sprays, powders, and flea collars, there are endless solutions to help eradicate a flea problem in your cat.

    While commercial flea medications and treatments can certainly help tame a flea problem in your cat, there are also an array of do-it-yourself approaches that cat owners can take to banish the bugs. If youve already had a consultation with your veterinarian regarding your feline flea problem, here are some at-home remedies you can try that may help get rid of your cats flea problem for good.

    Soapy Water Flea Trap

    Best Home Remedies for Removing Fleas

    Fleas get easily attracted to light. We will use this fact to kill multiple fleas. Take a shallow bowl and fill it with warm soapy water. You need to place the bowl under a night light.

    When they jump or hop towards light, they will end up getting drowned in the water. Check the dish next morning. You will find a bunch of dead fleas. Empty the dirty water from that vessel and repeat it on a daily basis.

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    White Or Apple Cider Vinegar

    Vinegar has a huge range of uses around the house from cleaning, cooking and health standpoints but did you know that a good old dose of vinegar can also be effective against cat fleas?

    Both white vinegar and the more fashionable apple cider vinegar can be used against fleas due to the acidity of the acetic acid found in the vinegar.

    Does vinegar kill fleas? These kinds of vinegar destroy flea eggs and the aroma and taste repel adult fleas.

    When applied topically the fleas will literally jump off your cat and if you follow up with a flea comb you will find you kill off loads of fleas with these fleas you should dispose down the sink so that if they revive they are rehomed away from your pet, house or yard.

    You can use either type of vinegar but cats may prefer apple cider vinegar due to the taste and aroma.

    The best way to use the vinegar is to apply neat to your cats coat problem is that most cats wont allow this. If your cat just wont go there then water down the vinegar so you have a 50:50 solution with water or even lemon juice. Even at this concentration, the vinegar will effectively repel and knockout the fleas.

    You should ideally spray your cat and let the solution dry naturally. You should also treat your house with the same spray. Your cat and house will smell of vinegar initially but this will dissipate as the solution evaporates.

    Help Im Finding Fleas Every Time I Comb What Should I Do

    Sometimes, flea combing is not enough to control fleas. If you are constantly finding fleas on your dog, then you need to launch an all-out assault on these blood suckers. Most times, this requires a multi-pronged approach of flea killing, stopping flea reproduction, and removing all flea eggs and fleas from the environment.

    Rememberthe adult fleas you are finding on your dog are only the tip of the iceberg and usually represent a much bigger problem. A single female flea can lay 40 eggs every day, and these eggs can hide in couch cushions, dog bedding and carpets.

    If you find that your dog is constantly infested, then you will need to treat the home and/or yard for flea infestations daily for a couple of weeks until all flea eggs hatch. I recommend vacuuming daily for a couple of weeks to catch any flea eggs that might be hiding in carpet.

    I also recommend vacuuming under couch cushions and washing your pets bedding in hot water at least every other day for two to three weeks. You may also need to treat the yard if your dog is getting infested from wildlifefleas like to hide in piles of leaves, in mulch and under decks.

    Combining these strategies for four to six weeks usually eliminates most flea infestation problems. If you are following all the rules and still having flea problems, consult your veterinarian for additional strategies to keep your dog flea-free.

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    Skin Problems And Hair Loss

    A flea infestation can escalate quickly, forcing your cat into a scratching frenzy! This can often lead to loss of hair and other skin issues. If you notice these symptoms, you dont want to hesitate in taking your cat to the vet for proper treatment.

    Theyll also be able to rule out any other serious problems, such as Flea Allergy Dermatitis . This condition affects both pets and humans. It results from an allergic reaction to a fleas saliva that causes an extremely itchy and painful rash.

    Making A Rosemary Flea Dip

    How to get rid of fleas on a cat and in your house

    A rosemary flea dip is excellent for fighting fleas, and this specific flea dip is safe for use on cats.

    Required Ingredients:

  • Add the fresh rosemary to the boiling water and let boil for three minutes.
  • Let cool and add to a bath of warm water.
  • Dip your cat in this mixture and let them sit for two to four minutes.
  • Rinse and dry your cat, repeating the flea dip once every other day until there are no longer any fleas present.
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    Top 27 Home Remedies For Fleas And Ticks In Puppies And Dogs

    Here we divide the article into several sections, including home remedies for fleas in puppies, home remedies for fleas in adult dogs, and home remedies for fleas bites. Lets check out!

    I. 5 Effective Home Remedies For Fleas In Puppies

    The puppy’s immune system is very weak, so you need to adopt some special ways to remove fleas for them. Check out below!

    1. Do Not Use Common Flea Treatment Products For Puppies

    Newborn puppies are the perfect environment for fleas because they are warm, moist and easy to suck blood. Unfortunately, there are no flea safe products for newborn puppies. The puppy’s internal organs are more sensitive than the adult dog, so it is easy to see the side effects of flea medication.

    Depending on the drug, the possible effects are excessive diarrhea, vomiting, and respiratory problems. In addition, they can become extremely sensitive to stimulants and suffer from severe depression.

    Some anti-flea products also explicitly recommend labeling as inappropriate for puppies. Other products have never been tested in puppies, so manufacturers are usually not recommended for puppies.

    2. Bath Them With Warm Water

    Since no product is suitable for puppies, the only solution is to remove fleas by hand. First, you need to bathe it with warm water. To bathe your puppy, you need:

    3. Brush Their Hair
    4. Prevent Re-Infection
    5. Know When To Start Using Dog Flea Products
    II. 13 Must-Try Home Remedies For Fleas In Dogs
    1. Start By Thoroughly Bathing Your Dog


    Drops Thyme Essential Oil

    Thyme is a natural flea repellent. Thyme essential oil can repel mosquitoes, gnats, fleas, and ticks. Add 15 drops of thyme essential oil to 1 cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray your cats coat thoroughly with your homemade spray every 2 to 3 days. The scent of thyme will naturally deter ticks, fleas, and other pests from biting your cat and will effectively discourage them from coming back around searching for food or shelter. To further prevent infestation by these pesky insects, combine 10 drops each of eucalyptus, lemongrass, and citronella essential oils with 1 cup water add 20 drops of cypress oil if you have cats that are frequently outdoors or often bitten by mosquitoes.

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    Can Indoor Cats Get Fleas

    Yes, all cats, be they indoor or outdoor, are prone to catching fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms.

    It is wrongly believed that indoor cats cannot catch fleas and ticks, etc., but that is just not true. No doubt, our indoor cats who spend their whole day lounging on a sofa or their window cat hammock watching birds, are at a lower risk of inviting fleas, but it is not impossible to find fleas on indoor-only kittens.


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