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HomeTreatHow To Treat An Infected Wound On A Cat

How To Treat An Infected Wound On A Cat

How Should I Manage The Wound After My Veterinarian Has Treated It

How to Treat a Cats Infected Wound Cat Care Tips

If your veterinarian has drained the abscess, the wound may deliberately be left open to allow for drainage. It is advisable to clean the wound twice a day for two to three days to keep it open, using cotton balls, gauze, or a washcloth and warm water. If a skin cleanser or surgical soap is necessary, your veterinarian will prescribe it. Use only products that are recommended by your veterinarian. NEVER use disinfectants containing phenols because these are toxic to cats. Never use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning a drained abscess, since this will delay healing and can worsen the problem.

Are Cat Bites Dangerous

Cat bites can be dangerous, with the level of risk depending on how deep the wound was, along with other factors.

Minor scratches or shallow bites that dont penetrate the skin often arent a cause for concern .

However, bites that puncture the skin ALWAYS warrant a doctor visit.

Thats because the infection process described above may turn very serious.

For example, infections of bones and joints may occur, especially if the bite occurred on the hand or fingera common spot for cat bites.

Also, infection may spread to the blood and then to other parts of the body, resulting in serious illness that requires hospitalization.

Symptoms of a more serious infection may include

  • Loss of sensation or mobility to the affected hand/fingers.
  • Red streaks extending from the bite area.
  • Fever and flu-like symptoms.
  • Swollen glands/lymph nodes.

These symptoms following a cat bite warrant an emergency room visit.

Individuals with a suppressed immune system, children, and the elderly are at a higher risk, but severe infections may happen to anyone.

What Should I Do If A Wound Is Bleeding

Initially attempt to stop the bleeding by applying direct pressure to the wound with an absorbent dressing such as dry gauze, followed by a layer of bandage material or a clean dry cloth. This will protect the wound during transport to the veterinary clinic and prevent any further contamination of the injury.

If possible, try to raise the affected area above the level of the heart. This will help reduce the flow of blood to the bleeding area.

Do not apply ointments, creams, disinfectants, or any other chemicals to the wound , as they can interfere with its eventual healing.

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What You Should Do If Your Cat Is Wounded

If you have examined your cat and notice any signs or symptoms of a fresh wound you should:

  • You will need to inspect your cat for any signs of infection infection can happen no matter how recently the injury occurred. Some of the most common signs of infection are:
  • Pus discharge
  • Noticeable pain or discomfort
  • Change in behavior
  • Determine the severity of the wound If the wound is serious, which will be easy to determine, then you should contact your vet immediately for veterinary attention. If the wound is less severe then you will still need to administer medical attention but you should be able to care for the injury at home.
  • Manage the flow of blood If your pet’s wound is actively bleeding then you will need to slow the blood flow. You can easily do this by using a clean cloth to apply pressure directly to the wound for approximately 5 – 10 minutes until the bleeding. however, if you have been applying pressure and cannot get the bleeding to slow you should contact your vet right away.
  • Flush the wound Minor wounds can be easily cleaned using a wet cloth along with iodine or a saline solution. If possible you should also remove any debris possible during this time without rubbing.
  • Apply an antimicrobial hydrogel After you have assessed and thoroughly cleaned the wound you should now apply an antimicrobial treatment product such as Vetericyn Plus® Feline Antimicrobial Hydrogel, in order to speed up healing and prevent infection.
  • Why Does My Cat Keep Getting Abscesses In The Same Place

    Cleaned abcess wound

    This may reflect inadequate treatment as discussed in the question above where the abscess never completely resolves. Alternatively, it may reflect an individual cat’s method of fighting the cat that runs away will tend to be bitten on the tail base, whereas the aggressive attacking cat will tend to be bitten on the head or forelimbs.

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    Determining The Risk Of Disease Transmission

  • 1Determine the catâs immunization status. Unvaccinated cats may be infected with diseases that can be transmitted through bites and are dangerous for people. XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • If the cat is a pet, consult the owner about whether the cat is up-to-date on its shots. If the cat is yours, check your records to see when it was last vaccinated.
  • Go to the doctor immediately if the cat is wild, feral, or you canât confirm that it was up-to-date on its shots. Even if the cat looked healthy, you should still go to the doctor if you can’t confirm that the cat had its shots. The cat could still have been carrying a disease, but just not have been symptomatic.
  • 2Get vaccinated if necessary. People who have been bitten by cats are at risk for several diseases. Your doctor may recommend you be vaccinated for:XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Rabies. While some animals with rabies may be clearly ill, including the classic symptom of foaming at the mouth, the disease can be transmitted before the symptoms become obvious. If there is a chance you were infected with rabies, the doctor will vaccinate you against the infection.XTrustworthy SourceMayo ClinicEducational website from one of the world’s leading hospitalsGo to source
  • Redness
  • Pus or fluid coming from the wound
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Diagnosis Of Bacterial Infection In Cats

    The diagnosis of a cats bacterial infection is based on symptoms.

    Health exam: Veterinarians will check your cats health through a physical examination and review his medical history and symptoms for initial diagnosis.

    Additional tests: If required, they will suggest some blood tests, skin biopsies, sensitivity testing and cultures for your cat, too. These tests are performed to determine the cause of bacterial infections and diagnose the disease.

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    About Dr Tammy Powell Dvm

    Dr. Tammy Powell is a small animal veterinarian who earned her degree from the University of Georgia in 2010. After that, she spent several years practicing in Florida, followed by two years overseas in the United Arab Emirates. Passionate about both animals and writing, Dr. Tammy then transitioned from clinical practice to freelance writing on pet and veterinary topics. She also writes about animals in a fictional format and is working on a childrens book about cats with superpowers. Dr. Tammy lives in the West Valley of Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, two stepchildren, and a beautiful rescued Himalayan cat named Luna. You can learn more about Tammy at or

    Are There Any Other Possible Problems Associated With Fight Wound Infections

    How to treat infected skin wounds in cats

    Bite wounds are the main route of transmission of some important feline infections, most notably, feline immunodeficiency virus and feline leukemia virus . Blood tests should be performed after any bite wounds to diagnose these infections.

    Contributors: Ryan Llera, BSc, DVM Ernest Ward, DVM

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    Why Leave A Wound Open

    Sometimes the location or the amount of skin loss prevents surgical closure or bandaging . Sometimes, puncture wounds or other trauma force bacteria deep into the tissues. A contaminated wound that is more than a few hours old should never be closed without surgical debridement , and in some cases this may result in more permanent damage than treating the wound medically and leaving it open to heal.

    Most wounds are contaminated with bacteria, and often contain foreign material such as dirt, grit, or hair. When possible, your veterinarian will disinfect and stitch up the wound.

    If the wound is open for an extended period, it will often be left to heal without surgical closure, though a drain may be placed. Most of these wounds are treated using a combination of repeated flushing, bandaging, and antibiotics . Alternatively, some wounds have tissue removed and then are closed.

    Preventing A Wound Infection

    You may prevent an infection by treating a fight wound immediately after it occurs.

    Clean the wound with cold water to remove the cat saliva. Sterilize the wound with a disinfectant.

    Then the wound should be treated with a topical ointment thatcontains antibiotics. Cover the wound with bandages, to make sure thecat doesnt lick the wound and the antibiotic cream.

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    Can A Cat Die From An Abscess

    While abscesses are usually treated relatively easily, a cat abscess can sometimes be life-threatening, especially if its the result of a wound inflicted by another cat. Infectious diseases such as feline leukaemia, feline immunodeficiency virus or rabies can be transmitted to your pet by another cat through bites or scratches. In the case of rabies, this can also infect humans, so its important to keep on top of cat vaccinations to minimise the risk of infection.

    What To Know About Cat Bites And Infections

    Large Wound On The Skin Of A Cat After Antibiotic Treatment ...

    Cat bites are highly infectious, says Quinn. The deeper the bite, the greater the chances are that it can become infected.

    Cat bites are exceptionally dangerous and prone to infection because a cats needle-like teeth can push bacteria deep into flesh, tendons and joints. The small but deep puncture wounds are hard to thoroughly clean and tend to trap bacteria inside, where it quickly spreads.

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    How To Treat Fight Wounds On A Cat: 14 Steps With Pictures

    Spray Cat and Dog Wound Care Pet First Aid Spray Promotes Fast Healing and Soothing Relief Topical Animal Treatment for Hot Spots, Cuts, Burns, Itching, and Other Skin Irritations. by Stat! Spray. Free 5-8 day shipping within the U.S. when you order $25.00 of eligible items sold or fulfilled by Amazon A wound can take twice as long to heal, or not heal at all, if it doesnt get enough blood. Risk factors Almost 6.5 million people in the United States have wounds that dont heal well Puncture wounds heal very quickly so there is often nothing to see or feel. The most common sites of bites are on the head, forelimbs or at the base of the tail. If cats have been bitten on a limb, the leg is usually painful and lameness is seen. It may be possible to feel heat and swelling in the area of the bite How to Treat a Wound That Wont Heal: A Holistic Treatment Plan for Non-Healing Wounds Imagine getting a flat tire on your way to work. Its a huge nuisance and an unwanted expense, so instead of pulling over and calling a roadside service, you keep driving on that flat tire

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    How Do I Treat A Cat Abscess

    Now that you know all the science behind what an abscess is, how it forms, and how to spot one in your cat, its time for treatment. There are things you can do at home to safely and effectively treat a cat abscess and keep it from spreading infection to other parts of the body while you wait for the vet visit.

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    The Vetericyn Plus Difference

    The Science

    Vetericyn Plus is designed to keep your catâÂÂs wound bed clean and maintained moist without doing damage to the healthy tissue that remains to help repair and heal the injured skin. Unlike other products, our solution is non-cytotoxic and creates an ideal environment for the wound to heal properly.

    The best option for your cat

    Vetericyn Plus is as safe as it is effective. The product contains no antibiotics or steroids so there is no potential for adverse reactions over any length of time. From a newborn kitten to the old family cat, Vetericyn Plus can be kept on hand for all the skin problems that are bound to happen.

    Our Story

    Proudly manufactured in the USA under the highest and strictest quality guidelines in the animal industry. In 2008, we set out with the goal to continue to develop the most safe, effective, and innovative animal wellness products in the world. We strive to earn the respect and trust of the customers who support us and challenge ourselves to find new ways to give back to the animal community.

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    Signs Of Wound Infection

    Abscess and Bite Wounds: Treating At Home

    Very often, cat fight wounds get infected. Typical signs of infection include:

    • Swelling
    • Fever
    • Pus

    Cat saliva carries a lot of bacteria that may easily infect a bite wound. Even cat scratches may get infected.

    If the injury is a puncture wound, in case of an infection you willnotice pus and a foul odor. If the infection is not a puncture wound,it may spread in the nearby tissues and cause cellulitis. This willcause pain and swelling.

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    How To Care For An Injured Cat


    Have you ever come home at the end of a long day to find an injured cat? If you’ve lived with cats for any length of time, you’ll no doubt have a story or two to tell. Whether it’s a swollen face, a bleeding ear or an impressive limp, feline injuries are common even for indoor kitties. Learn the basics of cat wound care to help your cat immediately after an injury and while she’s recovering from veterinary treatment.

    What Other Options Are There For Suspected Infections Or Severe Multi

    There are occasions when you know it is the correct clinical decision not to give antibiotics, but you feel uneasy that you could have missed something or you are waiting for a culture result. In this situation, simple steps can help reduce the impact of the infection or even treat the infection. The use of Manuka honey as a wound dressing has become very popular. There are some data supporting its use in wounds and it is available as a veterinary licensed product. The honey contains bactericidal agents that are not affected by resistance patterns it also provides osmotic debridement of the wound surface, maintains hydration of the healthy parts of the wound and to top it all, has some analgesic effects. There is nothing to suggest that it will do any harm, although whether it actually accelerates healing is not entirely proven. In some situations, wounds affected by aggressive resistant strains of bacteria, perhaps nosocomial infections, or human hospital-acquired infections such as MRSA or MRSP , require prompt management. Antibiotic therapy will not help in this situation, but maggots can. Stage III Lucilia larvae grown in sterile conditions will eat bacteria and necrotic tissue at a cellular level and pass sterile faeces. Just three days of a maggot dressing can leave a healthy granulating wound bed with complete resolution of infection.

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    What Should I Do If My Cat Or Dog Has Wounds Over The Chest Or Abdomen

    If the wound is on your dog or cats chest and a sucking noise can be heard you should:

    • Attempt to bandage the wound with cling film or other similar material, tightly enough to keep air from entering the wound
    • Transport your pet immediately to the vet.

    If there is a protruding object, such as a stick:

    • DO NOT attempt to remove the object
    • If the object is large, you can cut the object leaving about two inches from the body
    • Then, if necessary, place a dressing around the object to control bleeding
    • Take them to a vet immediately

    If the abdomen is punctured and internal organs are exposed:

    • do not let your dog or cat dog lick at them
    • Wash the exposed organs immediately in clean, warm water if you can
    • Use a warm, damp sheet to wrap your pets abdomen
    • Take them to a vet urgently

    Side Effects Of Antibiotics For Cat Infections

    How to Treat Cat Abscesses at Home

    Since antibiotics inhibit cell function in some way, they are likely to cause side effects. Side effects of penicillin include rash, allergy, fever and white blood cell loss. Aminoglycoside treatment can cause the face to swell, loss of hearing, nerve and severe kidney damage. Tetracyclines and Erythromycin can cause liver or kidney disease, loss of hair and sensitivity to light. Cephalosporins are perhaps the least threatening and may cause diarrhea, allergy and gastrointestinal disease.

    Another concern that pet owners have about using antibiotics is its effect on the cat’s normal and healthily functioning cells. Breaking down healthy cells could cause the feline to be more vulnerable to infection than it was before treatment. Infection that manifests after antibiotic treatment is usually caused by pathogens, which cannot be killed with antibiotics. Further, bacteria shares genetic code for resistance of some antibiotics and could spread that resistant chain to its surrounding environment, including other pets or humans.

    Antibiotics are great compounds that can effectively attack bacteria to help your cat recover from an infection or illness. Correctly diagnosing the source of infection will help your vet determine which antibiotic will produce the best results and minimize harmful side effects.

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    Should I Cover The Wound

    Wounds do best if left uncovered, but this often means that cats may abide by their natural instinct of licking the wound. An Elizabethan collar may be fit around the cat’s neck if they will tolerate it and you can monitor them safely indoors.

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    This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately.


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