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Hypoallergenic Cats That Don’t Shed

What Does It Mean People People Refer To Cats As Hypoallergenic

10 Cat Breeds That Don’t Shed Or Smell/ All Cats

Cats that are considered hypoallergenic are less likely to trigger allergies in people who are allergic. If they do, often times owners say the allergies arent as bad as with other cats.

However no cat breed, regardless of if they shed or not, is 100% safe from causing an allergic response.

This is because allergies are not caused from cat hair itself, but a protein called Fel-D1 thats produced in their saliva and skin .

Despite this, cat hair can still be a major source of the Fel-D1 protein in your home since cats spend so much time grooming themselves. The saliva is deposited onto the hairs, which float around your home and ends up on the floor, furniture, and even your bed.

Therefore, it makes sense that cats that dont shed, and cats that dont groom themselves as much will deposit less of the Fel-D1 protein on their fur, which means less of it throughout your home.

Depending on how sensitive you are to this specific protein, you may or may not find hypoallergenic cats more tolerable to live with than others.

What Causes Cat Allergies

Cat allergies are actually caused by the Fel d 1 protein in the saliva, dead skin and urine of cats. All cats produce this protein while all dogs produce dog allergens. The difference is that cats that dont shed much tend to produce less of it. In addition, male cats produce more of this allergy causing protein.

Hypoallergenic Cats For People Who Are Allergic But Love Felines

If youre allergic to cats, youd be forgiven for thinking you couldnt own one. It makes sense, right? Allergies impact your life and encourage avoidance, so how is it that a person whos allergic to cats can still own one?

The primary cause of allergies to cats is a glycoprotein known as Fel D1, which is produced by the sebaceous glands under the skin, and to a lesser degree is present in cats saliva.

A cat is constantly shedding minute particles of dander into the environment, and when they groom, they transfers saliva on to the coat, which is then shed around the home producing allergies to those susceptible.

People with allergies have over sensitive immune systems. Their bodies mistake harmless things like cat dander for dangerous invaders and attack them as they would bacteria or viruses. The symptoms of the allergy are the side effects of your bodys assault on the allergen or trigger.

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Technically Hypoallergenic Cats Dont Exist

Theres no way to completely eliminate dander or saliva from the cat equation, therefore theres no such thing as a 100-percent hypoallergenic cat. All catseven ones without hairwill shed dander and groom themselves. Breeds that shed less or only seasonally are better options for folks with cat allergies. If youre desperate for a pet, check out some hypoallergenic and low-shedding dog breeds, too!

Whether You’re An Allergy Sufferer Or Simply Don’t Want Cat Hair All Over The Place You Can Still Enjoy Being A Cat Owner With These Minimal Shedding Cats

Cats That Don

We all love our cats, but let’s face it: unless you have a hypoallergenic cat , you can really do without all the cat hair shedding everywhere — and when we say everywhere, we really do mean EVERYWHERE . Maybe you’ve always wanted to be a cat owner but are one of the millions of people with cat allergies. No matter the reason, don’t let that stop you from having a feline friend.

While there’s no real hypoallergenic cat breed, there are cat breeds that shed less than others, which equals less hair on your stuff! These minimal shedding cats produce significantly fewer allergens. and in turn, less allergic reactions: good news for your sinuses!

FYI: getting a hairless cat breed or a low-shedding cat might not solve all your allergy nightmares, as most cat allergic reactions are caused by the Fel D1 protein, found in your feline friend’s saliva, skin, and dander , which pretty much all cats have.

So, without further to do: we bring you 10 cats that don’t shed . Plus side: they’re also pretty low-maintenance

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Cats That Dont Shed Or Non

Getting down to the nitty gritty, we now know that the Fel d proteins secreted by cats and spread onto their coats through grooming are in fact the main cause of allergies. If this is the root of the allergies, a cat that does not shed is probably not likely to be the answer to every allergic reaction.

Truly non-shedding or 100% hypoallergenic cats do not exist, although some breeds are seen as lower shedding and less hypoallergenic. To eliminate allergens, a cat which does not produce the proteins that cause the allergies would have to be bred.

Breeders have claimed to have produced cats who produce low levels of Fel d 1, as well as those who produce none at all. After over more than 10 years, however, no evidence of truly low-allergen producing cats has been presented.

Peterbald Cats That Dont Shed

The elegant and slender Peterbald breed is a cross between the Don Sphynx and the Asian short hair. It had been consumed in 1994 at St. Petersburg in Russia. Many cats in this breed possess the most evident coating of all of the hairless cat breeds, obtainable in all kinds of colours and markings.

They may be categorized as bald , flock , velour , also brush . The majority of these cats shed their hair with time.

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Cat Breeds That Dont Shed Discussion

First things first, and that I hate to break this to you All cats drop, no matter the breed. So, theres just nothing like a non-shedding kitty. Losing is a natural occurrence in the life span of each cat.

Yes vacuuming all of the hair off the rug really doesnt earn a cat owner joyful but , its crucial to see that losing its fur is excellent for the kitty.

The procedure really helps a kitty replenish its own fur and Eliminate the dead hair out of its physique.

Additionally, the capability to drop an improper coat and construct a brand new one assist cats ready for cold or warm weather and endure major temperature changes within its own habitat.

That said, there are a number of breeds that shed less. These are normally the purebred hairless cats cats having fewer layers of a fur coat.

What To Look For When Adopting A Cat

Hypoallergenic Cats For People With Allergies

Getting a new cat is a wonderful opportunity to bring lots of joy and purrs into your home. But how do you know if you and your potential new best friend are the right fit for each other? If youre wondering what to look for when adopting a cat, consider the cats age, personality, breed, and how well shell get along with other pets and children in your household.

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Which Breeds Shed The Least

Though they’re not 100 percent hypoallergenic cats, low-shedding breeds may be a good option if you have cat allergies. Allergens are still present in their bodily fluids and dander, all of which can be transferred to their fur, but they’ll bring fewer allergens into your home simply because they have less fur. However, because a cat’s bodily fluids contain many allergens, you’ll still want to be conscientious about your interactions with any of these more allergy-friendly kitties.

Cornish Rex Cat Doesnt Shed Much

A Cornish Rex cat. .

Cornish Rex is a cat breed that has a very short, wavy and fine undercoat of hair.

Though these cats dont shed a lot of fur, they tend to lose hair. As a result, some Cornish Rex cats have bald spots all over their long and slender bodies.

This cat breed has an egg-shaped head that has large ears and big eyes. The allergy free cat has its origins in Cornwall .

They are very sturdy, intelligent, and playful. The cat loves attention from humans. This makes the Cornish Rex a great family cat. It requires little grooming. The cat breed is a result of a genetic mutation that happened in 1950 on a farm in Cornwall.

A Cornish Rex has some of the traits of the Siamese, Burmese and British Shorthair cats which were used to broaden its genetic base.

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Hypoallergenic Cats: Fact Or Fiction

Theres no such thing as a hypoallergic cat.

Let me repeat that again.

Hypoallergenic cats are a myth!

Specifically, the term hypoallergenic means that something is unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. In reality, theres never any guarantee that a cat will be allergy-proof. There are, however, some breeds of cats that are known to release lower amounts of the Fel d 1 protein that causes allergic reactions in humans. These breeds include:

If youre committed to the idea of adopting a cat and want to minimize your chances of experiencing an allergic reaction, one of these breeds will likely be your best bet.

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What About A Hairless Kitten The Benefits Of Owning Hairless Cat Breeds

Cats That Don

Cats typically grow three types of hair: the undercoat or down hair awn hairs that are the longer, thicker strands that are also most dominant and guard hairs which are the longest and protect the undercoat.

Hairless cats do have hair around the face, a soft down, and are the least hair-shedding cats to be found. The benefits of these breeds would definitely include less hair to be vacuumed up and otherwise eliminated from the home. These hairless breeds are also very smart, and of course, tend to be more hypoallergenic than most breeds.

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Can You Live With A Cat If You Are Allergic

About 10% of the worlds population is allergic to cats and dogs .

Unless you have severe allergic reactions to cat dander, you can still own a cat if you are allergic. Many people allergic to cats cant help but adopt one or more kitties despite the symptoms.

If you dont have a severe allergy to cats, you may find that you can tolerate the symptoms or even take over-the-counter medicine to reduce them further. Before taking any action, be sure to discuss owning a cat with your doctor.

Are There Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Unfortunately, there are no truly hypoallergenic cat breeds. Thats because an allergenic protein called Fel d 1 is created in cats sebaceous glands in their skin, as well as in their saliva, dander and urine. Since all cats have these things, they all produce Fel d 1and that means you expose yourself to them every time you touch any cat, says Chris Menges, DVM, MPH, chief veterinary officer of Basepaws in El Segundo, California. Even hairless cat breeds create this allergen in their saliva and skin.

Cat allergens also collect on carpets, walls and clothes, adds Estee Vogel, PA-C, an ear, nose and throat specialist with South Florida ENT Associates.

While Vogel says that even the tiniest amount of this protein can cause a reaction for some allergy sufferers, others may experience fewer allergy symptoms around cats that dont shed or shed less, since they arent spreading as many allergens throughout a home via saliva-contaminated hair.

So if you have a history of allergic reactions to cats but still wish to have one in your home, it might be worth looking into hairless cat breeds or cat breeds that dont shed as frequently.

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Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds

Many people are allergic to cats. There is no cure, as such, but there are several breeds that, in most cases, dont trigger the sneezing and wheezing associated with such allergies. These breeds are called Hypoallergenic, and the key fact is that they dont shed very much fur and dander the usual cause of the problem.

Many people have a violent allergic reaction to cats

It starts with a sneeze and ends with a wheeze It may surprise you to learn that its not actually the hair itself that most people are allergic to. Its down to certain proteins secreted onto the hair via the cats skin , and via its saliva .

These are among the top hypoallergenic breeds – the one that most people won’t be allergic to:

Allergies & Adapting To A Cat

10 Cat Breeds That Dont Shed or Smell | Wiggle Paw

If you’re ready to adopt a kitty but worried about your cat allergy, the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine suggests taking these actions to help alleviate allergy-related symptoms:

  • Choose hard-surface flooring over carpeting.
  • Vacuum often, including over any furniture made of soft materials.
  • Install a HEPA filter.

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Is It Possible To Find Cat Breeds That Are Hypoallergenic

There are no hypoallergenic cat breeds available, unfortunately. Because two allergenic proteins, Fel d1 and Fel d4, are produced in cats saliva and submandibular salivary glands, as well as the sebaceous glands in their skin, this is the case.

These proteins are produced by all cats since they have saliva and glands.

The proteins are typically deposited on a cats fur when brushing, according to Chris Menges, DVM, MPH, chief veterinary officer of Basepaws in El Segundo, California.

Are Hairless Cats Hypoallergenic

You may have seen the hairless Sphynx breed on our list, but dont let it fool youjust because a cat is hairless doesnt mean it is automatically hypoallergenic. The main allergen in cats is not its fur, rather a glycoprotein found mainly in the saliva of cats, called Fel d 1.

When a cat cleans itself, Fel d 1 is left all over its fur, and the furrier the cat, the more hair that gets left around the house, spreading the allergen around. Cats that do not have fur still have Fel d 1 in their saliva, but since they have no hair, they dont spread it around the home quite so much.

Someone who is severely allergic to cats may still find they are allergic to hairless cats but they are one of the best bets.

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Claims Of The Best Hypoallergenic Cats

Claims of breeding cats who are low-producing and non-producing of Fel d 1 have been made for more than 10 years. Yet none have been forthcoming with evidence of how they have created low-allergen producing cats.

Companies selling these allergy friendly cats claim their cats are tested for the amount of Fel d 1 protein they produce. Cats found to have low markers for the protein are either sold as is or are bred to produce similarly low-Fel d 1-producing kittens.

While that sounds like a good strategy, the results dont support it.

An ABC News report, Man Behind Hypoallergenic Cats, exposed the practices of the company Allerca Lifestyle Pets which sold hypoallergenic cats from 2004 to 2011. The claims of successfully providing hypoallergenic cats were eventually debunked as their cats were found to be no more hypoallergenic than any other cat.

Likewise, Felix Pets claims their cats will be truly allergen-free, but as of this date are only offering investment opportunities and a waiting list for their miracle cats.

If you decide to purchase a cat sold as hypoallergenic, be prepared to spend upwards of $5000 or more. And if you have an allergic reaction, be prepared for a stressful return process for you and kitty.

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Top Tips For Cat Allergy Sufferers

Cats That Dont Shed Hypoallergenic

Data as to what age and what level of exposure leads to allergy suffering is not conclusive but we can offer some tips for selecting the best cat and maintaining an allergen-reduced home.

  • Before accepting a new cat, spend some time in his environment. Exposing yourself to a cat and his environment exposes you to the greatest concentration of allergens. If you can tolerate this exposure, youre likely to have good results at home.
  • Select a male cat. Studies indicate males produce less Fel d 1 allergen than female cats, although reasons why are unknown.
  • Make sure cats tested for Fel d 1 are at least six months old. Protein levels are not yet established in young kittens.
  • Bath and brush your cat regularly to cut down on loose hair and dander.
  • Vacuum floors and wash surfaces, particularly those frequented by your cat. The more you reduce buildup of hair and dander, the more you cut back on allergen exposure.
  • Designate cat-free zones such as bedrooms or rooms with carpet.
  • Use air purifiers and change filters regularly.
  • Wash your hands after petting your cat.
  • Allow your cat to go outside to reduce allergens shed in your home.
  • If all else fails, you may have to consider not getting a cat or giving up your cat. While this is a hard choice for cat lovers, it is sometimes the only solution for both people and cats. Note that even after your house is cat-free, allergens can remain present for up to six months. Ridding your house of cat allergens is not a quick fix.

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How Do I Know If My Cat Is Stressed

Cats tend to shed less when theyre happy and healthy. And more when theyre stressed. It can be the simplest things that cause it too:

  • A new baby in the home
  • Lack of socialization
  • Competition for food, water, or litter
  • Building work/ moving
  • Changes to their environment

Luckily, there are a few indicators of their stress . Knowing them can help you ease their anxiety, with the benefit of also reducing that excess shedding.

  • Are they grooming more than their usual?
  • Are they spraying?
  • Are they acting more withdrawn? Hiding more often?
  • Are they more aggressive than normal?
  • How are their activity levels? Do they sleep more ?
  • Are they eating more than usual?
  • Increased time resting or hiding are two of the biggest indicators of excessive stress. And just like humans, they often turn to comfort foods or excessive eating if theyre stressed.

    If you notice these behaviors, you can work to reduce stress by:

    • Establish a routine
    • Be consistent with your interaction level with your cats
    • Dont try to hold them if they dont seem to want to be held
    • Provide scratching posts, plenty of food, water, and cat food in a private area
    • If your cat does go outside, let them decide when and for how long


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