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Why Is My Cat Eating My Plants

Prevention And Management Of Plant Poisoning In Cats

WHY Does My CAT Eat GRASS 4 Reasons

In general, cats are fairly careful about what they eat and plant poisoning is quite rare. However, young, curious or bored cats may nibble on plants, and any cat can ingest pollen, plant needles or seeds when grooming. This article gives you an overview of plant poisoning in cats for more information, . And if you think your cat may have eaten something toxic, dont hesitate to contact your local Healthy Pet Club practice immediately if you wait for signs of poisoning to develop, it may be too late.

Make Plants Inaccessible And Unappealing

To prevent your kitty from getting at your houseplants, move them out of reach. Hang them from the ceiling or place them on top of furniture that your cat can’t access. Cats are able climbers, so watch your kitty’s activities to make sure she isn’t able to get at your greenery despite the move. The ASPCA also recommends making the plants unappealing. Over-the-counter sprays such as bitter apple or bitter cherry will not harm your plants but taste bad to cats. If your plants can handle an extra dose of moisture, you can spray them with water and sprinkle them with cayenne pepper, which also deters cats.

Here Are Some Questions To Ask Yourself:

  • Has your own schedule changed such that you spend less time now with your cat?
  • Is there a new pet or a new baby in the house?
  • If your cat is indoor/outdoor and the weather been too inclement for regular roaming and outdoor fun, could your indoor houseplants be serving as a good substitute?
  • Is your intact female cat in heat ?
  • Has your cat been sleeping more than usual, eating less, or perhaps exhibiting other signs that she may be ill or in distress?
  • Is your cat taking a medication that is new and may be causing nausea or constipation?
  • Is your cat still a young kitten who is exploring her world and everything in it?
  • Does your cat only eat certain plants or does it seem like anything green is fair game?
  • Have you recently changed your cats food or treats?
  • Have you recently made any changes to the type of kitty litter used, bedding or other items in your cats personal area?

There may also be another reason entirely why you are observing your cat eating plants.

But hopefully by brainstorming through these questions you can at least rule out other types of environmental changes that may be causing your cats behavior.

It is always a good idea to talk with your veterinarian about these kinds of changes in your cats habits, especially if you see your cat eating plants regularly.

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Toxic Plants For Cats


There is nothing that adds colour like a bunch of fresh cut flowers around your house. They add a lovely welcoming touch to any home. But cat owners should be aware that those lovely flowers can potentially be toxic for cats.

Daffodils, for example, can cause stomach upsets, vomiting, or worse if your cat eats the foliage, flowers or pods. Other plants you may not suspect, like aloe vera, can be toxic for cats as well.

We have listed below some of the many plants that are potentially toxic for cats and should be avoided. Be especially careful with all lilies . All parts of these plants are extremely toxic to cats and have caused tragic deaths.

If your cat eats or comes in contact with any of these plants or any other dangerous items, you will need to seek immediate veterinary assistance. We also recommend that you take part of the toxic plant with you for easy identification to help with treatment.

Flowering Plants:

How Will I Know If My Cat Has Eaten A Toxic Plant

Why Does My Cat Eat Grass?

Plant toxins that will make your cat sick act as irritants or inflammatory agents, especially in the gastrointestinal tract. The most common symptoms will be redness, swelling, and/or itchiness of the skin or mouth. However, some plant poisons may affect a specific body part and produce the following signs of toxicity.

  • Breathing difficulties .
  • Difficulty swallowing or drooling .
  • Vomiting .
  • Diarrhea .
  • Excessive drinking and urinating .
  • Fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat .

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Set Your Cat Up For Litter Box Success

We have an excellent article series called Litter Box 101 that goes into greater detail on how to set your cat up for litter box success. There a couple things to keep in mind when you are trying to understand why your cat is pooping in unwanted areas.

Again, it’s important to FIRST ensure that your feline doesn’t have any underlying medical condition resulting in unwanted messes around the house. You should always check with your veterinarian about any changes in your cat’s litter box habits. After ruling out any medical issues, chances are your cat is probably not happy with their litter box situation.

  • Cats Like a Clean Litter Box. This should go without saying, but how many times have we all forgotten to clean out the litter box? Or we asked our kids to do the daily scoop and they forget? It happens, but if you aren’t cleaning your cat’s litter box regularly, they may be choosing to take their business elsewhere. You should clean the litter boxes every day. And you may have noticed that I wrote boxes, as in plural inside your home.
  • You Need One More Box Than Your Number of Cats. You should have one more litter box than the number of cats you have in your home. So, one cat equals two litter boxes. Two cats equal three boxes, and so on.If you have multiple levels, you should put a litter box on each level, as well. I don’t know any humans that like having only one bathroom in their home, so imagine sharing a small box with someone else! No, thank you.

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Why Do Cats Eat Vegetation

As obligate carnivores, eating greenery isnt beneficial to a cats health. Felines derive the nutrition they need from meat. Protein is critical to a cats development and wellbeing. Fiber, which is found in grass, is non-essential.

Despite this, many cats have an interest in eating foliage. This has nothing to do with sustenance, though. According to the British Journal of Nutrition, even feral cats are carnivorous. No cat will thrive by eating greenery.

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What Happens If My Cat Eats A Toxic Plant

A cat who comes into too close contact with or ingests a toxic plant will probably display signs of inflammation, swelling, and itchiness around the face. If your cat ate the plant, the reaction could be happening inside the stomach or intestines, and you will most likely see diarrhea and/or vomiting.

These are the least serious symptoms a cat will display. Depending on the plant, you may see failure of internal organs like the lungs, kidney, or heart. When this happens, the situation can turn fatal without proper immediate care.

These more serious signs include labored breathing, difficulty swallowing, drooling, excessive urinating, and irregular heartbeat. Get your cat some emergency help right away if you see these signs.

Aluminium Foil Simple And Effective

Why Do Cats Eat Grass?

You have certainly noticed that cats like cozy and comfortable places. They are very sensitive to materials and textures and some of them are particularly unpleasant for them.

To discourage your cat from approaching your plants, place aluminum foil in the areas where your cat must pass to gain access. After one or two attempts, he will give up.

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How To Stop Cats From Eating Plants

Cats are curious, and theyre known troublemakers. They get into everything, and since they believe that everything they see belongs to them, theyll tear things up without giving it a second thought. Sometimes, this includes your houseplants. You might find your cat ripping your plants apart or chewing on the leaves either way, its not something you want to see.

Aside from the obvious mess and damage to your plants, this behavior is potentially harmful to your feline. Many plants are toxic to cats, and you might not realize that one of your houseplants is poisonous to your cat until it nibbles on one of its leaves!

How can you stop a cat from eating plants? And why is it doing so in the first place? In this article, well answer these questions, and well even provide eight methods you can use to stop your cat from eating any more plants.

Fortunately You Can Do Some Things To Protect Your Cat

  • Once you are familiar with some house plants that are safe for cats, you can include a few around your home. We love spider plants. They are pretty for you to look at, and fun for cats as well. Their long, dangly spiderettes are irresistible, and perfectly harmless for kitty.
  • Consider keeping a couple plants specifically targeted to cats. Grow a patch of wheatgrass. Cats love the stuff. Of course, you may occasionally step in an annoying little wet patch of it that they throw up, but it wont actually harm them. All you need to grow your own wheatgrass is some wheat berries, a little potting soil, and a tray. Another option is to grow your own catnip! Your kitty will thank you for it, and you dont even need a medical catnip card to grow your own!
  • Keep kitty engaged in other ways. The downside of a cats curiosity is that when the environment is under-stimulating, cats can quickly become bored. Provide plenty of appropriate cat toys around your homeand switch them out from time to time to keep things exciting. Hide treats in fun places in the rooms where you allow kitty to explore.

If you ever have reason to suspect that your cat has been poisoned by a toxic plant, act immediately. It is always wise to call the ASPCA Poison Control Center 888-426-HELP as soon as you notice symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or trouble breathing and walking.

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How To Keep Cats From Eating Plants In The Back Yard

Some plants are simply toxic.

Whether or not you have ever witnessed your kitty eating any plant matter outdoors or indoors you should make sure to do an initial sweep of your lawn, garden and houseplants to ensure none of your plants are on the no-no list for cats.

But that still leaves lots of green for your curious cat to explore!

If you have ever watched your cat attacking yet another helpless green being and thought in despair, My cat keeps eating my plants and I dont know how to stop him!, that is what we are going to talk about now!

Here are some creative ways to deter your feline from his next foray into the wild green garden in your backyard:

What To Do If Your Cat Has Eaten A Poisonous Plant

Why Does My Indoor Cat Keep Eating My Plants?

According to the Pet Poison Helpline, its imperative to get help quickly if you know that your cat has ingested a toxic substance. Bring your cat and the plant to the vet as soon as you can. If youre not sure if your cat has eaten a plant, you might want to consult with your veterinarian to be safe. Get your cat checked out if he is showing any symptoms of plant poisoning, including:

  • Refusal to eat or drink

  • Weight loss

  • Difficulty breathing, chewing or swallowing

  • Diarrhea

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Take Your Cat In For A Vet Visit

As mentioned earlier here, this first action is simply to ensure your cat is not sampling the greenery because of some dietary deficiency, infection or illness.

If your vet can rule out these health issues, you will at least have the reassurance of knowing that your kitty is okay health-wise, and you can then get to work on other creative ways to separate him from the local grass and plant life.

Grow An Indoor Cat Garden

Cat grass is one way to satisfy your indoor cat’s desire for greenery while protecting your houseplants. The Humane Society of the United States recommends growing cat grass from seeds and offering it to your kitty when it is about 3 to 4 inches tall. Cat grass can be purchased already sprouted from pet stores. The ASPCA states that oat grass, wheat grass and catnip are all safe alternatives for your kitty. In addition to providing greens, you can give your cat pieces of rawhide or food through an interactive feeder that satisfies your cat’s need to hunt and play.

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Get Your Cat A Plant Of Its Own

Since your cat seems so attracted to your plants, you might consider giving it a plant that it can play with and using other methods to ensure it doesnt play with the other plants. Some plants are completely safe for cats, such as wheat or rye. While you dont want your cat to consume too much of any plant, these plants can be safely played with and eaten to keep your cat away from your other plants.

Other Options To Keep Cats From Eating Plants

Why Munchkin Cat Likes Eating My Plant? #shorts

A quick browse through products advertised to deter household pets from sampling everything from furniture legs to orchid blossoms should be enough to reassure you that the problem you are having is quite a common one!

You just have to find the right product to deter your particular cat from chowing on her green leafy neighbors. Here are some cat-safe commercial repellant options you can try:

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Distraction And Aversion Techniques

If you do find your cat going after your plants, distracting her from her mission is the goal. Toss a soft toy to her so shell be distracted and go after the toy instead. If you have no toy handy, clap your hands and loudly say her name or No! to get her attention. She will stop what she was doing or forget what she was about to do. Use of a squirt from a water bottle to deter cats from going after your plants is a last resort to be used only when all else fails and never aim for the face.

Once your cat learns that eating and playing with your plants is unacceptable and even unpleasant, she will stop doing it. It will take time and patience for her to learn, but with consistency and repetition, she will forget all about how fun and delicious she once found your plants.

Featured Image: Gina Cioli/I-5 Studio

Treatment For Aloe Toxicity In Cats

When you reach the vets, they will perform a complete physical exam of your cat. This may include lab work and other tests, such as x-rays. The vet will try to see if your cat has developed organ damage from the aloe poison.

There is no antidote for aloe poisoning, so the vet will focus on treating the symptoms. Treatment may include inducing vomiting, the use of activated charcoal, and more. Your fur baby may also need an IV to help rehydrate her and to administer other medications if needed.

The good news is that if your cat receives prompt medical treatment, she will go on to make a full recovery.

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How Do I Keep My Cat From Eating Toxic Plants

One surefire way to keep your cat from eating toxic plants is to remove the plant from your home, or placing it in a spot that is completely out of reach from your cat. This may prove to be a difficult task, though, as cats are known to get into every nook and cranny of any certain space.

Another way to discourage this behavior is by offering plants that are safe for your cat to eat, like catnip or wheatgrass. Plant it in a spot where your cat will see and enjoy it.

One final way to keep cats from eating toxic plants is by preventing boredom. Make sure theres plenty of toys to keep your cat occupied and out of trouble.

Which Cats Are Likely To Develop Pica

Why Do Cats Eat Plants And How To Stop Them Doing It

Certain cat breeds are actually genetically predisposed to developing pica.

Oriental cats, Siamese cats, and Birman cats all seem to be more likely to start sucking on wool, which can lead to chewing and eating.

Additionally, cats who were weaned too early in life sometimes start to nurse on fuzzy items like wool or stuffed animals. Sucking or nursing might not lead to full-blown eating of materials like plastic, but it is a precursor.

Though pica tends to develop in younger cats, it can appear in older cats, too.

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Why Do Cats Love Cannabis Leaves

Did you know a lot of cats love cannabis leaves? Every cat Ive owned loves to nibble on my plants if given a chance. Ive heard the same from many other growers. One day you check on your garden only to see cat-sized bites all over your plants!

No kitty! Not my weed plant!

This cat is 2 seconds away from taking a bite

Why Do Cats Eat Plants

Speculating on why cats eat plants is very interesting, of course. But it still doesnt address the most pressing question you have, which is Why does MY cat eat plants?

Whether you want to learn how to stop cats from eating plants because your feline seems to have it in for the gentle young pansies in your kitchen window boxes.

Or because every time you catch your cat eating plants, he comes inside and vomits them up for you as a present.

This is a valid question well worth addressing.

If this behavior is brand new, you can first ask yourself what, if anything, has changed for your cat in his day-to-day life or routine.

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