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HomeFactsAge Of Kittens By Teeth

Age Of Kittens By Teeth

How Can You Help Your Kitten Through The Process

Cat Health & Care : How to Tell a Cat’s Age

Your kittens gum irritation should pass quickly once the new teeth have appeared. Check her mouth regularly for signs of persistent irritation, bleeding, or discharge from the teeth or gums. These symptoms can indicate a mouth infection, which will need to be checked out by a veterinarian. Adult teeth can grow in the wrong direction, become impacted, or cut the inside of the mouth. These problems should also be examined by your cats vet.

To relive some of the gum tenderness your teething kitten will experience, give her chew toys to play with. Some cat toy manufacturers make teething toys and rings for kittens. Or you can make a kitty pacifier by soaking a cloth toy or washcloth in chicken broth or tuna juice and freezing it. You also can try interactive toys like feather wands to help distract kittens from their teething pain.

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Introduction To Kitten Teething

Much like us, baby kittens are born without teeth. Their first baby teeth appear when they are around 2-4 weeks of age. These deciduous milk teeth will fall out when they are 3.5 4 months old, and the kittens permanent adult teeth then grow in.

This means that kittens teethe twice in their lives once for their set of 26 baby teeth and again when their 30 adult teeth come through. Teething does not typically cause a kitten any pain, but they may feel a bit sore as their sharp new teeth emerge from their gums. Compared to puppies, kittens will not engage in as much haphazard chewing throughout their teething process. You should still provide them with appropriate chew toys so they are not tempted to gnaw on other objects.

Determine Cat Age Based On Cat Teeth Diagram

As you can see the diagram of the cats teeth, you will notice two incisors in the front of their mouth, which are also called fangs which occur when they are 4-5 months of age.

And, when you see the diagram, the picture indicates 12 incisors that will develop by the end of 4 weeks, and you can also see 4 canines in the upper and lower jaw that will also emerge by the same tenure.

You will notice there are 10 permanent premolars, 6 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower this will come by the end of 4-5 months. And, 4 adult molars will erupt by the end of the 5th or 6th month.

This structure can serve you to explain how to tell a cats age by teeth easily, isnt it?

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Other Ways We Can Tell A Cats Age

Besides using the cat teeth age chart, there are some other ways we can learn how old a cat is. For example, we can learn a lot from a cats muscle tone while younger cats usually are muscular, older cats show much more extra skin.

Cats eyes can also be an important indicator of age. Young cats usually have very bright eyes.

On the other hand, an aging cat might show cloudiness in the eyes, which in some cases can also be a sign of serious health issues.

To be sure the cat is healthy and well, the best idea is always to consult a DVM .

Pet Dental Care: How Do Cats Lose Baby Teeth

Kitten Teeth Chart Age

Just like humans, cats have baby teeth that they lose before their permanent teeth erupt. Thats sometimes a very good thing, because kitten teeth can be extremely sharp.

Even though your kitten doesnt mean to hurt anyone, those needle-tipped teeth can cause their fair share of damage.

Lets talk about when cats lose their baby teeth, and what can you expect.

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Month 1: Your Kitten Is Almost An Adult Cat

Almost a year of growth has occurred already and now your kitten is just about full grown. It is sexually mature, eating adult cat food, has received all of its vaccinations, and you are consistently working on its social skills and training. It is equivalent to a teenage human at this point, so while it still has some mental maturing to do, it looks like an adult cat.

Determine Cats Age By Wear And Tear Power

Next, we will know how to tell the age of a cat by checking her tear and wear powers.

You will determine their age by checking her teeth well-worn teeth. The sharpness of the teeth will be higher when they are younger cats. After some time, a few teeth will become slightly smooth and lose tearing power. They either get fractured or get out of their mouth.

Your feline friend will start to reflect tooth wear symptoms when she reaches her5th year. And, when she reaches the 10th year of her life, you can clearly see symptoms of wear.

Further, after her 10th year and yonder, breaking down food heavily will be obvious, but she not have all her teeth by this age. This is because older cats are more prone to have dental problems like gum disease and tartar formation.

It is an uncertain method of determining a cats age because her dental condition will directly depend on you, what you feed her and how healthy her diet is.

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Know More About The Topic Other Ways To Determine A Cats Age

While by far the best indication of cats age is the teeth, there are other things that can help with the estimation. So if you are observing your cats age and have checked her teeth already but still not sure how old she is, you can do the following things:

  • Examine your cats body. As a cat ages, her body type and shape changes from lean and muscular shape to a bit rounder and fatter body and eventually to loose skin.
  • Check your cats fur. Depending on the age, a cats coat may be more or less thick with different texture: a smooth, thick fur will turn to a thinner coat with gray hair.
  • Look at your cats eyes. The degree of cloudiness and cleanliness in a cats eyes can also give a better understanding of her age. A younger cat has clear and bright eyes with no noticeable tears or discharge, while older cats may have cloudy eyes with apparent tearing or discharge.
  • Monitor your cats habits and behavior. As a cats age increases, her activity level decreases. While younger cats are more active and playful, older cats are less active and will spend more time sleeping.

Cat Teeth Age Chart: What Can We Find Out

Kitten Care : Determining the Age of Kittens

Many people are not owners of a cat from the moment she is born, so they cant always be sure exactly how old it is. In cases like this, some specific features can be helpful in determining a cats age.

One of these factors is the kittens teeth. When we are sure about the cats age, we can establish proper care for our beloved pet.

Lets look up the cat teeth age chart and see what the dental situation is for your kittens developmental stages.

Cats Age
Many cats have one or more teeth missing

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Are Cat Teeth And Cat Age

Yes, cats teeth and cat age are connected. You can know how to tell cats age by looking at their teeth. A specific tooth occurs in a certain period of time. This will help you to know how cat age is related to cats teeth.

When kittens are born, they have zero teeth. The tenure of incisors and canines are different from molar and premolar, and by this, you can easily know cat age by teeth.

How To Examine A Cats Mouth

To estimate your cats age by her teeth, you will need to lift her lips up gently and open her mouth. Please be aware that cats generally do not like this process and will not open their mouths willingly. Because of which opening your cats mouth might need some preparation, patience, and cautiousness. Here are the tips how to do it:

  • Approach your cat when she is at ease. Dont try to open her mouth when she is playful, upset or sleeping, and pick a time when she is calm, happy and wants to be around you.
  • Positionyour cat comfortably. Pick her up and place her ideally on a tabletop where the lighting is good and there is nothing breakable nearby as some cats fight and knock things over during the process. If necessary, use a towel or blanket to wrap your cat up so she cant move or get a helper who can hold her.
  • Open your cats mouth carefully. Hold her steady on the table and position your fingers: your thumb on one side and your forefinger on the other side of your cats mouth along the cheeks. Then, gently apply pressure until your cat opens her mouth and you can see all of her teeth.
  • Look inside your cats mouth. Maintain the same position and examine her teeth.
  • Release your cat and reward her for good behavior. Since you dont want your cat to injure herself while getting away, calm her down a bit by petting and praising her. In addition, you can also give her some tasty treats as a reward which will create a positive association with this procedure.
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    Kitten Care: Things To Do To Before You Get Your Kitten

    Register with a vet Buy a cat carrier Buy a bed, food and water bowls , litter tray, toys, brushes / combs. Buy a break-safe collar and have an identity disc made with your cats address details on it Prepare your home: Secure any trailing wires Ensure all toxic plants, human foods, medicines, cleaning chemicals are out of the kittens reach Create a scratching post or an area that it is ok for the kitten to fulfil its natural instinct to scratch Set aside a private area for the kitten to feel safe using a litter tray Place food and water bowls in separate locations, cats dont naturally like to eat and drink from the same area Create an area where your kitten can have peace and quiet and feel safe, such as a cardboard on its side, to the cat this is a safe haven, like a cave to retreat to. Litter tray: In the wild, big cats are careful about keeping clean. Thats why they dont eat and go to the toilet in the same place. Kittens are no different, please keep the litter tray well away from the places where the cat eats and drinks.

    What Do Kittens’ Eyes Look Like As They Grow

    How to tell the age of a kitten

    When kittens are born, they are blind and their eyes are shut. After about a week or so, they open their eyes. At ten days, the eyes should be fully open.

    Eye color is another indicator of a kitten’s age. All kittens are born with blue eyes. The color gradually changes as they grow and at as early as seven weeks , the color begins to change. Some breeds take longer for eye color to become permanent and sometimes, its just hard to tell the colorkittens dont hold still long enough to get a good look!

    Read more about your cat’s eyes here.

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    So What Does The State Of A Cats Teeth Say About The Cats Age

    Older cats usually have more stained teeth than younger cats. If a cat has white teeth, she is probably not older than a year.

    Between one and two years old, cats might have yellow teeth. If cats have tartar on their teeth, they are usually between 3 and 5 years of age.

    When we see that a cat is missing one or more teeth, we can conclude that the cat is old. Still, this doesnt always have to be true, because some younger cats might also lose their teeth due to trauma or health issues.

    All these rules are not universal since every cat and her history and health state are unique.

    Lets Begin With Kittens

    It is easiest to tell the age of young kittens based on early developmental signs:

    • 1 Day Old: Ears folded and eyes are closed. Kittens wont be able to stand up.
    • 3 Days Old: Ears will start to unfold.
    • 6 Days Old: Eyes will start to open a tiny bit. Ears will open, but kittens will not be able to hear anything. Kittens will start crawling.
    • 10 15 Days Old: Eyes will be fully open, but pupils will not dilate.
    • 2 Weeks Old: Kittens will start walking, but they will be very wobbly and uncoordinated.
    • 3 Weeks Old: Kittens will now respond to sound because their ear canals are open. They will be walking better, able to use the litterbox, and their baby teeth will start coming in.
    • 4 5 Weeks Old: Playing, pouncing, rough- housing, and self-grooming begins.
    • 6 Weeks Old: Kittens eyes will change from blue to their permanent color.
    • 8 Weeks Old: Kittens should weigh 2 lbs and are big enough to be spayed or neutered. They will look like mini versions of full grown cats. Just like puppies, you can tell more about age when the animal is young.

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    At What Age Do Kittens Teeth

    Teeth take their time s Incisors usually show up at three or four weeks. The lower molars begin to come in at four to five weeks while upper molars show up at about eight weeks. Kittens can eat solid food as early as five weeks. If hes looking for the food bowl vs. the human putting soft food near his face, its a clue that hes a bit older.

    How To Tell Your Pets Age From Its Teeth

    How to Help Your Teething Kitten: Tips & Toys

    Do you know your pets age? If you adopted your furry friend, his or her age may be a mystery. Fortunately, a quick look in your pets mouth can help you narrow down a general age range.

    Puppies and Kittens

    Incisors, the pointed teeth used to tear food into bite-size pieces, usually appear at two to four weeks of age for cats and four to six weeks for dogs. These teeth are only temporary and will be replaced with permanent incisors very soon. At three to four weeks, baby canine teeth appear in both dogs and cats. Canines are the fang-like teeth that appear in the top of the mouth. At four to six weeks, baby incisors and premolars will appear in dogs, and baby premolars will appear in cats. Premolars are located at the back of the upper and lower mouth and are used to grind food.

    Adult Dogs and Cats

    From age one to two, your cat or dog may begin to look a little yellow, and tartar may appear. Plaque turns into tartar, a hard brown deposit, when it remains on the teeth too long. Daily tooth brushing reduces plaque and prevents it from becoming tartar. Regular dental cleanings at the veterinarians office will rid your pets mouth of both plaque and tartar and reduce the risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay.

    Determining age by the condition of the teeth isnt an exact science. Some breeds like pugs, Yorkshire terriers, greyhounds, poodles and Maltese dogs are more likely to experience dental disease or may lose baby teeth later than normal.

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    When Do Kittens Start Teething

    Just like humans, kittens do not have visible teeth when they are born. Your kittens 26 baby teeth only start to appear at around three weeks of age. Once the baby teeth start to break through and pierce the gums you may start to see your kitten behaving differently for example, they might begin to chew things. Dont worry, this is completely normal.

    At around six months of age most cats should have lost their baby teeth to make way for their adult teeth. As the baby teeth are slowly replaced by 30 adult teeth, this is when the majority of kitten teething issues begin. The new teeth that are beginning to poke through will replace the baby teeth and will be the final set of teeth your cat will have, so its particularly important to take care of them. If you find your kittens baby teeth on the floor during this time, dont worry kitten tooth loss a natural part of the growing-up process.

    Kitten Development From 6 Months To 1 Year

    The Spruce / Phoebe Cheong

    During 6 months to 1 year of age, your kitten will go through some notable changes although the major developmental milestones may have passed by six months. Your kitten will be more confident and comfortable to freely explore their environments and voluntarily play with other existing pets and you.

    Your kitten will start growing into its features and begin to look more like an adult cat. However, that doesn’t mean your kitten is done growing physically or mentally, so be sure to continue positively reinforcing good behaviors and gradually transitioning into adult cat food.

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    Stage : Your Cat Now Has All Of Her Permanent Teeth

    How can you tell if your cat has all of her permanent teeth? Well, if the teething process is done, your cat friend should have 30 permanent teeth in total:

    12 incisors

    10 premolars

    4 molars

    In both the upper and the lower jaws, cats have 6 incisors, 2 canines and 2 molars.

    The only difference is in the number of premolars while there are 6 of them on the upper jaw, a cat has just 4 premolars on the lower jaw.

    For cats to be able to hunt and eat, their teeth need to be highly evolved. Every tooth has its specific function. Cats use their incisor teeth to drag and tear the prey.

    Using their canine teeth, cats can kill their prey. While cutting up and chewing the food, cats use their premolar teeth. Finally, the function of cats molars is for chewing the prey.


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