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How To Get Cat Allergens Out Of House

How Do I Clean My House For Pet Allergies

Carpet Cleaning Pet Dander Removal

How to Clean Your House for Pet AllergiesRemove the animals favorite furniture.Remove wall-to-wall carpet.If you must have carpet, select ones with a low pile and steam clean them frequently.Scrub the walls and woodwork.Keep all surfaces throughout the home clean and uncluttered.More items10 July 2012

What Is The Difference Between Cat Dander Vs Dandruff

One of the biggest differences between cat dander vs dandruff is that cat dander is microscopic. Although dander is invisible to the human eye, it is made of skin cells that shed naturally from your pet. Dandruff, on the other hand, is visible, since its composed of skin cells that build up and clump together, sometimes along with bits of hair.

Photo by Karin Hiselius on Unsplash

Since cats are meticulous self-groomers, they will end up transferring cat saliva to their skin and coat which ends up shedding over time. Some people are allergic to the protein found in cats saliva, not the cat dander itself, but since cats spend so much time grooming, the saliva accompanying cat dander and dandruff can also cause allergic symptoms.

Treat Your Pets To Healthy Supplements

Certain supplements can improve the health of your pets skin and potentially minimize shedding. If your pet is a dog, consider adding supplements to their food. For dogs, supplements containing healthy fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals are best according to Dr. Sarah Skinny, a qualified pet vet.

Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acids are healthy fatty acids. So, choose supplements that contain these fatty acids. Always consult your vet before introducing your dog to any kind of supplements. Im no expert on pet supplements.

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Reduce Your Exposure To Pet Dander

What about keeping certain areas off-limit to pets? Having your lovely pet in your bedroom may be OK some of the time, but its probably not a good idea if you are allergic to pet dander.

Im not suggesting getting rid of your pet. Im suggesting that you should substantially reduce the amount of time your pets spend in your bedroom. If you desire nights free of coughing and wheezing, stop allowing shedding animals in your sleeping section.

Change Your Laundering Habits

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Regularly washing all washable fabrics in your home will help significantly reduce the allergens in the house. This includes your cats bedding and any washable fabrics that your cat spends time on, like blankets and sheets.

You should also wash your clothes after every wear to reduce the allergens that collect on your clothing. Make sure youre keeping your worn clothes in a laundry hamper or somewhere else that keeps them gathered in one space. This way, you can keep your worn clothes out of the way and not have to handle them before you wash them.

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How To Remove Cat Dander When House Cleaning

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Pet ownership has many wonderful benefits, but exposure to cat dander can lead to a variety of health problems for allergy sufferers. Whether you’ve recently moved into a home where a cat lived or you’re trying to manage symptoms caused by a beloved household pet, the best way to feel better is to eliminate dander from your surrounding environment. A few simple techniques help remove cat dander during house cleaning for healthier, happier living.

How Do I Know If I Have A Cat Allergy

Although the symptoms of a cat allergy may seem fairly obvious, it’s not always the cat that causes them. It’s a good idea to get confirmation from your doctor. After all, you wouldn’t want to blame Mr. Whiskers unjustly.

Your doctor can do a skin or blood test to see if you’re allergic. However, allergy tests aren’t always correct the doctor may also want you to try living without a cat for a few months to see how it affects your allergy symptoms.

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The Best Air Filter For Pet Dander

The filtering grade of your HVAC filter aids in removing pet dander from your HVAC system. The best air filter for pet dander is one that fits perfectly and has a Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value rating of 10-13.

A MERV rating of 10-13 is a sweet spot for residential use. At this rating, air filters can clear 95-98% of airborne particles, including pet dander. The other reason to go with a MERV rating between 10-13 is that you shouldnt have airflow issues. Air filters with a higher MERV rating can restrict airflow, which may affect comfort and damage HVAC equipment.

Filter fit is extremely important for air purification. An air filter thats too large will be loose, allowing air to pass without going through the filter. And an air filter thats too small can become damaged and bent, causing the same airflow problems. If not done correctly, no MERV rating will make a difference.

Even the best air filter for pet dander can only work for so long. Filters need to be cleaned or changed at least once every three months, but if pets are indoors, it should be closer to once a month.

Read More: How Often Do I Need To Change My Air Filter

Does Cat Dander Stick To Ceilings

How to Remove Cat Dander

Wash the walls and ceilings. Animal dander, especially from cats, will stick to and build up on walls and ceilings. Before you move into a new home, whether youre a renter or a homeowner, give the walls a scrub. According to, using hot, soapy water to clean your walls and ceiling will do the trick.

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How To Get Rid Of Pet Dander From The Couch

Couches are a magnet for pet dander. Often pets like to sit on the couch which results in them leaving dander on the couch. Couches also catch any dander floating about in the air.

So you will need to clean your couch once a week to remove any dander from it.

  • Time: 20 minutes
  • Mild dye-free laundry detergent

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Deep Clean Or Replace The Carpeting

Carpeting is one of the most common places where dander will accumulate. And depending on the color of the carpeting, chances are you won’t even know that it’s there. To get rid of dander within the carpet fibers, it’s best to do a deep cleaning. You can hire a professional to do this or buy your own deep cleaning carpet cleaner.

You can also rent carpet cleaners from home improvement stores such as Lowe’s or Home Depot. If you find that the amount of dander on the carpet is extensive, you may even want to consider replacing it and installing new carpeting.

How To Remove Pet Allergens From Your New Home

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Youve found the home of your dreams, the paperwork is signed and the keys are in hand. What do you do if your new home was once shared with a four-legged friend that you or one of your family members are allergic to? Read on for tips and ideas to help everyone in your household breathe a little easier.

Use a HEPA vacuum cleaner

While bacteria, dust mites and pet dander are most often found in furniture and beds that get moved out of the home before new owners arrive, carpeting is often a haven for allergens that even thorough cleaning can leave behind. Using a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter can bring relief by removing irritants from carpeting.

Install washable window treatments

Window shades and washable drapes are also a better choice for allergy sufferers, compared to long drapes and blinds that can collect dust and are more difficult to clean, according to WebMD.

Invest in new flooring

Bare floors are the best bet if you want to reduce pet allergens in your home. Animal allergens are sticky. So you must remove the animals favorite furniture, remove wall-to-wall carpet and scrub the walls and woodwork, reports the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. Consider replacing old carpeting with hardwood floors or tile.

Get your air ducts professionally cleaned

Food for thought

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What Is Pet Dander

According to the American Lung Association, pet dander comprises small, microscopic flecks of skin. Animals with fur or feathers including dogs, cats, birds, and rodents naturally shed.

When dogs or cats lick or scratch their skin, you get pet dander. But why is pet dander a problem? Pet dander is known to trigger allergic reactions in some people. But the dander problem is a bigger issue than most people imagine.

How To Get Rid Of Pet Dander Smell

Pet dander has a smell. Have you ever walked into someones house and thought that it smells like a dog? This is the pet dander. You may not notice it yourself if youve been hanging out in a house with pet dander for a while, but anyone walking into your house will smell it. You can easily remove it using these steps.

  • Time: 15 minutes

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How Cat Allergies Develop

If you do suffer from cat allergies, you’re far from alone. In fact, people are twice as likely to be allergic to cats than they are to dogs, according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. But how do people develop cat allergies in the first place?

Your immune system works every day to find and destroy foreign substances . Some people’s immune systems are more sensitive than others. The immune systems of cat allergy sufferers react to what are essentially harmless microscopic proteins that have been released by your cat in her dander , saliva and urine.

Many people believe pet hair is to blame, but pet hair alone is not an allergen. Hair can, however, collect pet dander and allow it to be distributed willy-nilly throughout your house when your cat sheds. It can collect on furniture, bedding and carpets, and can even last a long time simply suspended in the air.

Some people are lucky enough that they eventually develop an immunity to cat allergies. While this is certainly possible, allergic reactions may also worsen with more exposure. It’s also possible that someone who has never suffered an allergy to cats before can develop one. If you suddenly find yourself sneezing, wheezing or sniffling when you are around your cat, you might want to ask your doctor to test you for an allergy.

How Pet Allergies Affect Health

Symptoms of an Allergy to Cats — From the makers of ZYRTEC®

People suffering from pet allergies will have symptoms consistent with swollen nasal passages. This includes a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, and shortness of breath. Coming into physical contact with pet dander can cause contact dermatitis, or a skin rash, hives or triggers a persons asthma.

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Use Air Purifiers And Neutralizers

In addition to odor absorbers, you can also use air purifiers or neutralizers to reduce the pet odors in your home. Air purifiers work by removing any small or microparticle contaminants from the air, leaving your home odor-free. Many air purifiers can eliminate up to 99.9% of airborne bacteria, viruses, mold, pet dander, and dust mite allergies. Depending on the size of your home, you may want to purchase more than one as one purifier typically covers a room up to 500 square feet.

Will A Humidifier Help With Pet Dander

When moisture levels are high, pet dander sticks to surfaces, which you can then pick up on clothing and skin. Proper humidity at ideal temperatures fixes that and can help clear stuffy noses and tickling throats, too. Other allergies, such as eczema, can also be kept under tighter control with a humidifier.2021/09/10

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Can Cat Dander Make You Sick

But symptoms such as fevers, chills, nausea, or vomiting should be considered related to an illness rather than allergies. If you are cat allergic and cat allergens get into your lungs, the allergens can combine with antibodies and cause symptoms. These can include difficulty breathing, coughing, and wheezing.

What Are Animal Allergens

10 Simple Home Remedies For Cats Allergies » EHome Remedies

Cats, dogs and other mammals produce proteins in their skin that can become airborne and cause allergic symptoms. Because of their very small size these particles remain suspended in the air for long periods of time. It is not the hair of the animal, but rather the dander produced by the skin, that causes the allergic reaction. Even a non-shedding pet produces dander, so the sad truth is that there is no such thing as a non-allergenic breed of cat or dog. However, it is true that some individual cats or dogs produce more allergenic dander than other individual cats or dogs.

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Wash Couch Cushions Every 6 Months

Wash all the couch cushions you can, but be sure to read the care tag first as some fabrics require special treatment and should not be tossed into the washing machine.

First, ensure that all the covers are zipped closed before you put them into the washing machine. Then use cold water, the delicate cycle, and mild dye-free detergent to wash your couch cushions.

When the washing machine is done, do not put the cushions into the dryer. This will cause the stuffing to become uneven and you wont be able to restuff the cushions correctly without opening up the cushions to replace the stuffing.

Instead, you will need to place the cushions on a drying rack, preferably in the sun if possible. Let the cushions dry, flipping them as needed. Be sure to fluff them up from time to time as well.

Is It Possible To Clean & Isolate Cat Dander In Buildings Enough To Avoid Cat Allergy Trouble

Reader question: I have a quick question I would really appreciate your opinion/best guess. I have a home that I created a basement apartment in a home with gas forced air heating.

potential tenant has 2 cats. My daughter who visits for as much as a week every couple months is allergic to cats she has lived in her in-laws home with cats for long weekends.

The result being a stuffy/plugged up nose. In your opinion, with

  • a central vacuum system ,
  • with a powered good electrostatic air cleaner ,
  • very good seal and good filter changing technique, and
  • the cats always contained to the downstairs area.
  • Do you feel this is enough isolation to prevent significant problems for my daughter?

    Thanks so much for your help. – B.A.

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    How To Get Pet Dander Out Of Air Ducts

    Pet dander isnt just in the air. Its also in your HVAC system and air ducts. It can be especially problematic if you dont have adequate air filters or your filter is overdue for a change.

    If you schedule an HVAC check annually, air duct cleaning may be part of the service. The technician has a specialty vacuum that can get into the ductwork and suck out dirt, debris, and pet dander. You can help keep the air ducts clean by wiping down air vents and registers that can collect dust and particles.

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    Home Remedies for Cat Allergies

    If you own a cat, you know there is cat hair and dander throughout your house. A lot of it you cant even see. But it is there and can cause allergies to the people that are in your home. Or even just make your home look dirty from the hair. Following these few tips can help with removing that cat dander and hair from your home. If you need help getting the pet dander away give, Carpet Care 2000 a call and we will come and deep clean your carpets and upholstery.

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    Make Sure To Brush Your Pet Regularly

    Most pet stores carry pretty much every pet grooming supply you need. Brushing a pet helps spread healthy oils on their fur and skin to the rest of the body. As a result, your pets skin and hair stay healthy, and that often means reduced shedding.

    Its a bad idea to brush your dog inside your home. All the dead skin and hair would end up on the floor only to get kicked into the air later.

    Whats the best brush for grooming a shedding dog to reduce pet dander? According to Pets.WebMD, its crucial to match the brushing tool to your pets coat type. Bristle brushes are the all-rounder choice for all coat types. For short-haired pups, use a brush with stiffer bristles and a long-bristle brush if theyre long-haired. As for pets with a curly or wooly coat, use a wire-pin brush. And if you own a short-haired dog who loves massages, go for a rubber comb.

    This video teaches how to brush a dogs coat correctly.

    Can you brush a cats fur? Yes, you can even though cats are naturally great groomers. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, brushing a cats coat removes dirt, grease, dead hair, and skin flakes the skin. Whats more, cat coat brushing promotes blood circulation while improving the health of the skin over the long term.


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