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Home Remedies For Dry Skin On Cats

Create An Apple Cider Vinegar Mist

Dry Skin and Dandruff in Cats: 5 Quick and Easy Answers

Apple cider vinegar can be used to provide itchiness relief for cats, especially those suffering from allergies or problems like mange. The apple cider vinegar neutralizes pathogens and can even repel fleas when utilized regularly. Cats are not the biggest fans of apple cider vinegar, but luckily, it is easy to apply to cats without much fuss. You can add ACV to a bath, but it is easiest to make use of a spray bottle.

Just fill the spray bottle halfway up with apple cider vinegar, then add water to the fill line. Shake the spray bottle and it is ready to use. Simply spray the ACV solution on your cats fur while they sleep or are busy playing. Repeat the spraying process several times a day until your cats itching problems improve. Afterward, it is a good idea to keep spraying your cat once or twice a day to maintain those improvements.

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Attack Of The Bladder Cat

Cats, especially male cats, are susceptible to bladder/urethra issues and blockages. If your cat has had such problems, unsweetened cranberry juice may help prevent a reoccurrence. This is because cranberry increases urine acidity which means less chance of blockages or infections.

So try adding cranberry powder to your cat’s food, or cranberry juice to her water. If your cat is finicky, try a syringe of juice daily straight into your cat’s mouth or give her a cranberry capsule. However, consult your vet or the expert at the local holistic pet store for advice on the proper dosage.

Why Does My Cat Have Dry Scabby Skin

Fleas, mites, and lice are by far the most common cause of scabs on your cat. Regardless of whether your cat is allergic to bug bites, fleas and other blood-sucking pests can lead to scabbing and bleeding after they bite your pet. If you notice scabs on your cat, immediately check your cat for any type of parasite.

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Natural And Balanced Diet

The quality of your cats food can have a drastic effect on how their bodies are able to digest and use nutrients. Poor quality foods, foods cooked at extreme temperatures, and those that use heavily rendered ingredients offer limited nutrition compared to whole, natural, and minimally processed ingredients.

High heat cooking methods and ingredients that have been rendered down to pieces of the original food product are often lacking nutrition. These deficiencies can quickly influence skin and coat health.


Look for foods that usefresh, real food ingredients. Raw is a great example of a high-quality diet that offers highly digestible nutrients to support all the systems in your cats body.

If raw isnt your thing, then look for foods that limit synthetic additives, and offer nutrition from nutrient-dense ingredients like fresh meats, organs, and produce. Try to avoid carb-heavy diets for cats. After all, they are carnivores and are best at getting nutrients from animal protein.

Here are a few of our favourite natural brands for cats:

Another way to promote healthier skin and coat and reduce cat dandruff and dander is to look for foods that add fish oils and other omega 3 fatty acids. You can also add them yourself, too. Look for wild-caught fish oils like salmon, cod liver, and sardines.

Why Do Cats Get Dry Flaky Skin

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To resolve feline dandruff, you need to know what causes dry skin in cats. Different solutions will present themselves, depending on the cause of the issue.

Common explanations for dry, flaky feline skin include:

  • Obesity Overweight cats struggle to reach their backs and tails while grooming.
  • Arthritis Joint problems restrict a cats grooming mobility.
  • Allergy An allergic reaction to food, plastic, or dust can lead to dry, inflamed skin.
  • Diet Cats rely upon protein and omega 3 fatty acid for healthy skin.
  • Humidity The hotter and drier a cats environment, the likelier the skin is to dry out.
  • Dehydration Cats often fail to drink enough water and grow dehydrated, drying out the skin.
  • Fungal infection Ringworm leads to dry, flaky, reddened, and itchy skin.
  • Parasites Cheyletiella mites can cause dry skin .

The Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association explains that hyperadrenocorticism, a condition that impacts overweight cats, lists thin, flaky skin among the symptoms.

In most cases, dry skin, especially around the base of the tail and the back, is a lifestyle or environmental issue.

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Why Does My Cat Have Dandruff

There is no one cause of dandruff in cats, so finding the root cause for your cat’s flaky skin may require a little bit of trial and error. As we noted above, cat dandruff is the result of abnormal production of natural skin oils that create an environment suitable for bacteria and fungus to thrive, so rebalancing your cat’s skin pH and eliminating bacteria and fungus can help you ditch cat dandruff for good.

So what is causing your cat’s skin to freak out in the first place? Once you identify the cause of your cat’s dandruff, then you can treat the issues and prevent dandruff from coming back. Here are some of the most common causes of poor skin health in cats:

  • Poor Quality Diet
  • Bug Bites
  • Illness or Disease

If you suspect your cat has an ailment or disease that is causing dandruff, then it’s important that you speak to your vet about the best treatment. Home remedies can be effective in some cases, but it’s always best to seek proper diagnoses and treatment from your vet before you start treating the issue at home.

Treatment And Home Remedies

The best treatment for your cat depends on what is causing their dandruff. Its always best to have them checked by your vet before trying home remedies. If your cats dandruff is caused by a specific condition which is leading to their dandruff, your vet can usually prescribe a treatment to help.

If your vet is happy your cat is otherwise healthy, they may recommend some of the following home remedies for their dry skin:

  • Food – the right diet can make a big difference to your cats skin and coat. Read more about what to feed your cat
  • Skin supplements – pet skin supplements often contain ingredients such as fish oil that can help improve dry, flaky skin.
  • Creams and lotions – if your cat has a small area of dry skin, for example on their nose or an elbow, you could try using a small amount of a pet safe moisturiser to keep the area moist and prevent it cracking. Speak to your vet if you arent sure which product to use.

Consider insuring your cat as soon as you get them, before any signs of illness start. This will ensure you have all the support you need to care for them.

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How To Prevent Cat Skin Problems With Home Remedies

Cat skin problems may be avoided by doing simple things like taking your cat to the doctor on a regular basis and keeping an eye on their cleanliness.

To moisturise their skin, cats with dry skin and dandruff can benefit from a full omega 3 & 6 oil combination in their food. It’s simple to keep their coat allergen-free by grooming and maintaining it on a regular basis.

Overall, the greatest method to encourage healthy skin from the inside is to keep your cat clean and offer them a well-balanced diet. For instance, PetCubes Raw Cat Food is able to provide your cat with not only a diet that is well rounded but also filled with nutrients that can help nurse your cat back to its optimal health in no time.

Incorporating vitamins and supplements into their regular regimen might also help your cat maintain its good health. You can try PetCubes Wholistic Pet Organics Supplements, which contains no fillers, chemicals, artificial colours or preservatives.

Take Back Control Of Your Cat’s Skin

Caring for Cats : How to Cure Your Cat of Dandruff

There are a lot of reasons for cat dandruff, but with the right treatment, you should be able to get back your cats beautiful, luxurious coat. Just remember:

  • Cats need more liquid in their diet than you think. Get creative and find more ways to moisten up her food.
  • Stick to natural foods with real ingredients. They offer the most usable nutrients to support your cats skin and coat.
  • Cats are natural groomers, so for the most part, try not to interfere with her regular bathing rituals.
  • Brushing away dead skin and fur will have a positive effect.
  • Cats need fresh air. Try to avoid polluting her air with chemicals and smoke.
  • Check for pests every time you brush her, and make sure you talk to your vet about preventative treatments for pest control.

Now that you know why your cat has dandruff, you can start to treat it. Correcting imbalances in their skin takes time, so give each change or treatment a chance to work. If dandruff symptoms are getting worse, then its time to ask the vet for advice.

Does your cat suffer from dandruff or dry skin? Let us know your tips for ditching cat dandruff in the comments below!

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Does Your Cat Have Dry Skin

Before finding out if your cat has dry skin, its best to understand what it is first. Dry skin, or cat dandruff, is a condition that affects the dermal health. Cats with dry skin are characterized by flaky, dryness, and itchiness. For reasons not yet known, dandruff in cats is relatively common.

Dandruff on cats will look a lot like human dandruff. Its mostly dead or damaged skin scaling off, usually due to dryness. Although its a nuisance for cats, this disorder isnt usually a serious issue.

However, it should not go ignored by cat owners. If a cat is scratching excessively, it can harm their skin and lead to further damage like open sores and skin infections.

Why Is My Cat Itching And Licking So Much

The most common reason for your pet to be excessively itching, scratching, and licking themselves is due to an allergy. There are different types of allergies with the top 4 being reactions to fleas, environmental allergens, food, and contact allergies. It can be challenging to diagnose the exact cause of the allergy.

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Home Remedies For Cats With Dandruff

By: Shanna Freeman& Dr. H. Ellen Whiteley | Updated: May 4, 2021

Those same little white flakes that sell millions of dollars of medicated shampoo to human consumers can afflict cats as well. Since a cat has hair all over his body, dandruff is easy to spot. Dandruff is actually dead, dried-out skin cells. It is usually the result of some sort of allergic dermatitis — a reaction to something that makes the cat’s skin dry, itchy or scaly. But don’t confuse dandruff — the result of abnormally dry or itchy skin — with dander. Dander refers to normal shedding of dead skin cells, combined with proteins in the cat’s saliva left on the hair and skin when the cat grooms himself.

Obviously, a cat isn’t going to be worried about anybody seeing his dandruff, but it’s still important to figure out what’s causing it and treat the problem. If left untreated, dandruff may be so uncomfortable that the cat scratches his skin raw, running the risk of getting an infection. Or the underlying cause itself can be dangerous.

Once you’re treating the cause of your cat’s dandruff, you can help him feel more comfortable while his skin clears up. Look for grooming products designed for cats with dry skin. If your cat doesn’t tolerate bathing, you can at least use a lotion or step up your brushing routine to distribute the oils in your cat’s coat. You may need to make a change in his diet or add a fatty acid supplement as well.

Bring In A Humidifier

Home Remedies for Cats with Dry Skin

Dry air brings in all sorts of problems. Scratchy throat, cracking skin, dry eyes. Sometimes oils and supplements just arent enough and you need that extra help. Adding a humidifier to an arid indoor environment can make a big difference for humans and furry friends alike. If the indoor air is affecting your skin, its probably affecting your pets skin too.

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Symptoms Of Dry Skin On Cats

One of the more apparent signs your cat might have dry skin is continually itching and in the same area. If a cat scratches restlessly and targets the same area, it could indicate they have a dry patch of skin there. Sometimes the scratching can become so obsessive that it causes hair to become brittle or fall out.

Another symptom of cats with dry skin is dandruff or flakes on their fur. Some cats will over-groom themselves in efforts to alleviate their dry skin. Dandruff should not be mistaken for dander. Dander on cats is much smaller and happens as a natural skin shedding process. Dandruff is larger and is dry-looking, scaly skin.

White flakes of dandruff are usually noticeable on a cats coat. If you have a cat with longer fur, you might need to use a cat comb or brush to see any signs of dandruff. If you see any signs of irritation such as redness or inflammation of the skin, it may signify dryness as well.

Use A Natural Moisturizer

Another cat dry skin remedy is to make use of a natural moisturizer. Naturally moisturizing agents, like coconut oil or CBD oil, may have the potential to soothe your cats dry spots. Look for moisturizing shampoos or topical applications to use on your precious feline. Natural shampoos with oatmeal or aloe vera can help soothe dryness and irritation.

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Causes And Treatment Of Dandruff In Cats

If your cat has parasites, chances are he may have dandruff, too. Bites from fleas, lice and mites can all cause allergic dermatitis. One particularly nasty type, Cheyletiella mites, have been called “walking dandruff” since they’re large enough to see with the naked eye but too small to distinguish detail. All skin parasites can be treated fairly easily, but in order to stamp them out completely, you’ll have to treat all other animals in the home, the house itself and, sometimes, even the people. It’s best to get help from your vet so you can get the most potent and fastest-working product available.

A cat’s coat protects the sensitive skin underneath from the burning rays of the sun. But cats that spend a lot of time outdoors can still get sunburn, especially on the tips of their ears, eyelids, nose or lips. Any place where the hair is sparse is particularly sensitive. This is especially true of cats with white or very light-colored coats. Sunburn kills the top layer of skin, which dries up and flakes off . If you can’t keep your cat indoors all the time, at least keep him indoors during the most intense period of ultraviolet sun rays — generally from about 10:00 a.m. to 3 or 4 p.m. If your cat has a sunburn already, use a hypoallergenic lotion designed just for cats to help cut back on the peeling skin and dandruff.

Originally Published: May 20, 2011

What To Do If Your Cat Has Dry Skin

Natural Cat Care : Home Remedies for Cat Dermatitis

Dry, itchy skin can significantly impact pet health and make our feline companions uncomfortableand unhappy. Occasional itchiness is common and usually the result of dry air. But if your cats dry skin doesnt go away with simple DIY measures, or if your cat exhibits symptoms of an illness, your friends at Dupont Veterinary Clinic are here to help!

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How To Get Rid Of Dry Skin On Cats

This article was co-authored by Pippa Elliott, MRCVS. Dr. Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal practice. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in veterinary medicine and surgery. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 19 testimonials and 91% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 201,698 times.

Believe it or not, human beings aren’t the only animals that can suffer from dandruff. Cats can also get dried-out skin that flakes off when rubbed or petted just like people. While this is rarely a serious issue, it’s nice to know what to do when you notice that your cat has this problem .XResearch source Luckily, treatment usually just takes a few simple steps.

Make Grooming A Priority

Cats are known for being excellent self-groomers. However, sometimes, cats do not clean themselves as well as they should. If your cat seems to be a little lazy on the grooming front, the lack of grooming could be contributing to dry and/or itchy skin. The good news is that you can pick up the grooming slack for your cat and hopefully, get the itchiness to go away.

Use a fine comb to clean your cats fur every day. Take time to clean your cats ears out with cotton balls a couple of times a week. Two or three times a month, you can lightly dampen a washcloth and gently rub your cats fur with it to mimic licking and get rid of dander. All these actions should help keep your cat cleaner and less itchy, and it should help encourage your cat to clean themselves more often.

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