I Canine Vaccination Guidelines
Canine Core VaccinesCore vaccines are recommended for all puppies and dogs with an unknown vaccination history. The diseases involved have significant morbidity and mortality and are widely distributed, and in general, vaccination results in relatively good protection from disease. These include vaccines for canine parvovirus , canine distemper virus , canine adenovirus , and rabies. In addition, the leptospirosis vaccine is now recommended as a core vaccine for dogs in California because the disease has the potential to occur in any dog , can be life-threatening, and the vaccines are considered safe and efficacious, with recent improvements in safety over the last decade.
Canine Rabies Virus VaccinesIn accordance with California state law, we recommend that puppies receive a single dose of killed rabies vaccine at 12 weeks or 3 months of age. Adult dogs with unknown vaccination history should also receive a single dose of killed rabies vaccine. A booster is required one year later, and thereafter, rabies vaccination should be performed every 3 years using a vaccine approved for 3-year administration.
Will My Kitten Be Protected After The First Round Of Shots
Your kitten is not fully vaccinated until they have received all of their injections, at about 12-16 weeks of age. Once they have received all of those initial vaccinations your kitten will be protected against the diseases covered by the vaccines.
If you want to allow your kitten outdoors before they have received all of their vaccines, it is a good idea to keep them confined to low risk areas such as your own backyard.
Cat Vaccines And The Law
You might be wondering if there is a state law that requires cat vaccines. Most states do not have some laws pertaining to vaccinating cats, though any veterinarian will tell you that vaccinations are recommended.
In the majority of states, there is a minimum required age that cats will have to get their vaccinations. That tends to be between three and six months of age. Check your local laws to see how they apply to you. You will also find that your veterinarian will know what the local laws are and will make recommendations that line up with the local laws. If you adopt a cat, be sure she is all up to date on her vaccinations.
Even if a vaccination is not required by law where you live, you should still consider getting your cat vaccinated. Cats that have their vaccines at the recommended age will live longer and healthier and be less likely to contract common diseases. Talk to your vet about which vaccines are recommended for your area, as there may be specific diseases your cat needs to be vaccinated against where you live.
Core vaccines are vaccines that all cats should get.
The basic core starts with vaccination for calicivirus , herpes virus and panleukopenia , Dr. Eldredge told The Dodo. Feline leukemia and rabies are also considered to be core vaccines for most cats.
Herpes virus , calicivirus and panleukopenia are all covered in one combination vaccine called the FVRCP vaccine, while the vaccines for feline leukemia and rabies are administered individually.
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What Are The Necessary Shots For Kittens
Kittens and cats both typically receive the same vaccines. For most, this means protection against Cat Flu , Feline Panleukopaenia Virus, and Feline Leukaemia Virus . These are known as the core vaccines as they are the ones that protect against diseases that can cause significant health issues in our kitty population. While this may seem like a lot of jabs, luckily, most vets can administer these in one single injection .
There are also a number of non-core vaccines, which the majority do not receive. These include Rabies, Chlamydia felis, and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus .
1. Cat Flu
Signs of cat flu include runny eyes, sneezing, and a failure to thrive. Some kittens can become very ill and may pass away if severely affected. Cat Flu is highly contagious, so if one kitten in the litter is affected, the other will likely start to show signs soon. Frustratingly, even those that recover from flu will be infected for life and can suffer from flare-ups throughout their lifetime, especially at times of stress.
2. Feline Panleukopenia Virus
Also known as Feline Distemper, Panleukopaenia is akin to the better-known Parvovirus in puppies. It makes kittens very unwell and symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, and a reduced appetite. The mortality rate is high, and, as with other viruses, there is no cure. This means that affected kittens and cats are managed with intensive supportive care, usually in a hospital setting, hoping they will pull through.
4. Rabies
How Often Do My Kittens Need A Vaccine
It is recommended that kittens receive the core FVRCP vaccine at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age. The reason the vaccines are repeated is to boost the immune response. Ideally, the final vaccine is given around or after 16 weeks, to ensure that the maternal antibodies have left the system. Rabies can be given after 12 weeks of age and is usually given at the 16-week vaccine appointment.
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What Vaccines Does My Kitten Need
So you took a big step. You brought a new kitten home. Some kittens are obtained from rescue adoption groups some are adopted as strays who are foundlings some are obtained from private individuals whose cat had a litter and some are obtained from breeders of pure bred cats. From the kittens perspective it really doesnt matter since all kittens have similar health needs and vaccination requirements. It is important to discuss vaccination recommendations with your veterinarian since the timing of intervals between vaccinations may vary depending on the age of the kitten. Most kitten vaccination recommendations are the same regardless of the kittens origin but there may be some variables depending on whether or not the kitten will live a strictly indoor life . The first steps for a new kittenThere are a few things you should do right away to be sure your new kitten is free of parasites and viruses:
- First, request that your veterinarian perform a complete and thorough physical examination.
- Second, be sure the kitten is tested for intestinal worms and treated if necessary. Some of these worms are potentially dangerous to people.
- Third, test the kitten for retrovirus infections like Feline AIDS and Feline Leukemia virus .
Do vaccinations have risks?As with any medical procedure there are some risks associated with vaccines. Those risks range from minor to extremely serious and have the potential to include side-effects like:
How Long Do Cat Vaccines Last
The length of vaccination protection depends on the disease, the type of vaccine used and your cats immune system. As a general rule, FeLV vaccination protection lasts for about a year, and herpes, calici and panleukopenia last for around three years. However, this can last a little longer if youve kept your cats vaccines up to date throughout their lives. If youre unsure whether your cat is still protected by their vaccines, speak to your vet to discuss their specific situation.
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Frequency Of Vaccinations For Adult Cats And Boarding Facility Requirements
The frequency of feline booster vaccinations varies from 1-3 years depending on the vaccine, the disease, and the risk of disease exposure to the individual cat. In general, it is recommended by expert panels on feline vaccination that cats who stay at a boarding cattery require an annual vaccination schedule as this can be a higher risk situation than a normal home environment . This is because boarding may be stressful for a cat and stress has immunosuppressive effects which may result in increased susceptibility to infection and disease and additionally there can be a higher risk of exposure to infectious disease.
For these reasons, it is still recommended that a cat should have a vaccination within 12 months of entering a boarding facility, and why almost all cat boarding facilities require cats to have received a vaccination booster within 12 months prior to admission to the facility.
It is best to speak to your vet about your cats individual needs. Your veterinarian will always do a health check before administering a vaccination to ensure your kitten or cat is healthy to be vaccinated. In addition, this provides an excellent opportunity for your veterinarian to fully examine your cat and discuss any health issues. This allows any health concerns that your cat may have to be addressed as early as possible, giving your cat the best chance possible to be healthy and comfortable.
How Do Vaccines Work
Vaccines or vaccinations work by stimulating the animals immune system, so that their bodies natural defences are prepared and fully equipped with antibodies to fight against any diseases. Unfortunately if your cat is not properly vaccinated, their bodies immune system will not be armed to fight off any virus or bacterial infection.
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Why Your Indoor Cat Needs To Be Vaccinated
Many states have laws that make certain vaccinations mandatory for cats, even if you think your indoor kitty doesnt require them. As an example, lots of states have a law stating that all cats must be given the rabies vaccine by the time they are 6 months old. After your cat receives their vaccine your vet will provide you with a certificate that states your cat was given the required shots.
There is 2 types of vaccines that are available for cats one is core vaccines the other is lifestyle vaccines.
Veterinarians recommend that all indoor cats should be given core vaccinations to keep them protected from a large range of extremely contagious diseases, so they are safe from illnesses if they escape from your house, go for a grooming or if they have to stay at a boarding facility, etc.
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Cat & Kitten Vaccinations
A vaccination appointment is a chance for your cat to get a thorough physical health check, as well as offering them protection against a range of diseases.
A routine procedure, a vaccination appointment is more than just a jab its a chance for your cat to get a thorough physical health check, as well as offering them protection against a range of diseases that can be debilitating, or even kill.
Vaccination appointments are performed by a vet, and should be a routine part of the care of all cats throughout their life even house cats. Although house cats may be less exposed to disease, many of the diseases we can vaccinate against are hardy, and can survive outside of a cat for some time. This means they can be transmitted inside the house, on people or objects, and are still a risk to cats via indirect exposure.
Keeping your annual vaccination appointment every year is really important for both you, and your cat. If you would like to learn more about vaccinating your cat, contact your local Vets4Pets practice here.
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Lifestyle Vaccines For Cats
Some cats will need lifestyle/ non-core vaccinations depending on the lifestyle they live. Your veterinarian will let you know which ones your kitty should get. This type of vaccine protects you cat from the following conditions:
- Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline Leukemia – These vaccines usually are only recommended for cats that are outdoors often and protects them against viral infections which are contracted from close contact exposure.
- Bordetella – A highly contagious bacteria that causes upper respiratory infections. Your vet might suggest this this vaccine if you are taking your cat to a boarding kennel or groomer.
- Chlamydophila felis – This vaccination is often part of the distemper combination vaccine. It protects your cat from Chlamydia which is a bacterial infection that causes severe conjunctivitis.
Cost Of Kitten Vaccines
Each vaccine costs roughly $25 to $50 depending on the manufacturer and where you live. Your kitten will also usually need a physical examination to make sure that they are healthy enough to get vaccines.
The initial examination is usually with the veterinarian, and follow-up exams are either with the vet or a certified technician. The cost for the initial exam can range from $40-$60 on average. The follow-up visit cost might be lower with a technician.
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More About Vaccinating Your Cat
Kittens are old enough to be vaccinated once they are 8-9 weeks old. They will have an initial injection, and then a second about 3 weeks later, as well as a thorough health check, and discussion about all aspects of kitten-care, including neutering, flea and worm protection, diet and behaviour. This is known as the primary course. Kittens should then have an annual vaccination appointment each year, throughout their lives, in order keep their immunity topped up and maintain protection.
For adult cats, if you are not sure if your cat has had vaccinations previously, or if you know that they have not had a vaccination appointment within the last 12 months, your cat may need to restart their vaccinations with a primary course, just as if they were a kitten. Adult cats can start the primary course at any time, but if you know your cat is currently not protected by vaccination, the course should be started as soon as possible.
Although your cat will need a vaccination appointment every year, not all the vaccines will be given at every appointment. This is because different vaccines last for different amounts of time, and the need for some vaccinations may be lifestyle dependent. Your vet will be able to advise on the best schedule for your cat.
The medical exam also allows the vet to check if there are any visible reasons to delay vaccination, for example if your cat is already fighting an active infection.
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Vaccinations For Adult Dogs: Boosters And Titers
There is a difference of opinion about having your adult dog vaccinated every year. Some vets believe too many vaccinations in adult dogs pose health risks. But others disagree, saying that yearly vaccinations will prevent dangerous diseases such as distemper. Talk with your vet to determine what kind of vaccination protocol works for you and your dog.
Many dog owners opt for titer tests before they administer annual vaccinations. Titer tests measure a dogs immunity levels, and this can determine which, if any, vaccinations are necessary. One key exception to this is rabies: a titer test is not an option when it comes to the rabies vaccine. This vaccination is required by law across the United States. Your vet can tell you the schedule for your particular state.
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Cat And Kitten Vaccinations: Vets Guide To Everything You Need To Know
27 April 22
If youve got a new feline friend, heres everything you should know about kitten vaccinations
Are you a proud pet parent with some questions about kitten vaccinations? When you take on a new family member of the furry and purry kind, there are lots of things to think about.
Caring for a cat companion is a big responsibility, so you might find your head spinning trying to find the best pet insurance, the perfect cat litter and a comfortable cat carrier for your kitty.
Remember, your vet is always available to help with any questions that you might have, but heres some information about kitten vaccinations that should help.
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What To Expect At A Vaccine Appointment
- Your vet will give your cat a full health check to make sure they are fit to have their vaccination if they are concerned about anything, they may delay it until they are better.
- The vaccine will be an injection under the skin. You might be asked to hold your cat while its given let your vet know if you dont feel comfortable doing this.
- The vaccine is unlikely to be painful, but it might feel cold or sting a bit every cat reacts slightly differently.
- If you have any questions or concerns about your cat, the vaccination appointment is a good opportunity to discuss them for example, if you think they might be gaining weight, need a worming tablet, or youre having trouble with dental care.
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Why Does My Kitten Need Two Rounds Of Shots
When your kitten is nursing, he gets antibodies from his mothers milk. These antibodies protect your kitten from many illnesses and support his developing immune system. Sometimes these antibodies can cause the first round of shots to be ineffective. For this reason, vets recommend that kittens get their first round of shots at 10 weeks and second round of shots at 14 weeks. After the second round of vaccinations, kittens will need boosters at one year and every three years after for all of their recommended vaccinations.
Frequency Of Core Vaccinations
Kittens under 6 months of age are most susceptible to infectious diseases, so they are considered a primary focus of vaccination recommendations.
Maternal antibodies passed on from the mother are meant to confer some degree of protection against diseases, but they also interfere with, or even inactivate, the bodys response to vaccination.
For this reason, initial core kitten vaccinations occur at three- to four-week intervals until the cat is 16-20 weeks old and maternal antibodies are out of the system.
For any cat over 16 weeks old whose vaccine history is unknown, the initial series consists of two doses given three to four weeks apart.
Core vaccines should be boosted one year after the initial series.
The scientific community is still learning exactly how long these vaccines last. Currently, the recommendation for indoor/outdoor cats is to administer the FVRCP vaccine annually.
For indoor-only cats, the recommendation is to administer the vaccine every three years. Cats heading into stressful situations, such as boarding, may benefit from a core vaccine booster 7-10 days before.
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