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Is Asparagus Fern Toxic To Cats

How To Serve Asparagus To Cats

Are Fern Plants Poisonous To Cats

While giving a cat asparagus may seem like a simple task, there are things you can do to ensure your cat receives the tastiest, most nutritious version of the vegetable possible. To do so, follow these tips:

  • Whether you choose to boil, grill, or steam the asparagus, ensure it is thoroughly cooked. Do not add any seasoning as this may upset your cats digestive system.
  • Keep an eye on your cat as it chews the asparagus, especially when giving it to your pet for the first time. Watch your cats body behavior. If it is having difficulty chewing or swallowing the vegetable, take it away. Observe their bowel movements over the next few days to check that the asparagus hasnt caused a sensitivity.
  • Only serve fresh asparagus. Vegetables that are past their use-by date may disrupt your pets digestive system. Wash it thoroughly with clean water before serving.
  • Moderate that amount of asparagus your cat eats each week dont go above the recommended amount.

Its worth remembering that cats need an animal-rich diet to survive, and asparagus doesnt contribute to an essential diet. Never season asparagus. If youre going to feed it to your cat, give it as it comes.

Common Ferns That Are Safe For Cats To Eat

It is vital to understand that your cat can get sick from eating any plant.

For example if they eat too much of any food they can get sick, or if they have a sensitive stomach to start with they could get sick.

Sometimes they even eat plants to make themselves sick. More on that later.

For the ferns listed below they are not toxic to cats. But remember if your cat eats some it still could get an upset stomach.

  • Boston Fern
  • Birds Nest Fern
  • Staghorn Fern

There are so many species of fern in the world. Far too many to list here.

Please note this is not a complete list, but does include the most common varieties of ferns that people often grow inside.

What Plants Are Toxic To Cats

Many pet owners keep common plants in their homes without realising that they are poisonous to cats. Not all of them will prove fatal if chewed or eaten, but some can definitely kill your much-loved feline friend. Never assume a cat will instinctively try not to eat a poisonous plantall too often, cats end up being rushed to the vet suffering from poisoning as a direct result of chewing on or eating toxic houseplants.

In this article, I hope to list many of the most common plants that pose health risks to cats so that you can ensure you don’t bring them into your home. If you already have any of these in your home, it may be a good idea to remove them. Many of these species are commonly kept as houseplants, so I am guessing that some will come as surprises to unsuspecting cat owners.

Safety Note

If your pet shows any signs of distress, contact your veterinarian immediately and make them aware of anything the animal may have consumed. Do not attempt to diagnose or treat any ailments yourself. This list is not exhaustive, so contact your vet before introducing new plants to your home.

Aloe Vera

  • Symptoms: Vomiting, salvation, diarrhea
  • Note: The bulbs are the most poisonous part of this plant.

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Poisonous Plants For Cats

The corn plant can produce the same symptoms as listed for the dog. The angel wing and asparagus fern are toxic to your cat, as well as the dog. Other house plants that are poisonous include split leaf philodendron , winter-hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11 and the Easter lily , winter-hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9. The split leaf philodendron causes mouth irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, and an oral burning sensation. Symptoms of the Easter lily include kidney failure, lethargy, and death.

What To Do If Your Cat Has Ingested A Fern


For the most part, you can rest easy if your cat has recently snacked on a true fern plant. Unless she helps herself to a particularly greedy serving, consumption of true ferns is unlikely to hurt your cat, and veterinary intervention isnt usually required.

If, however, your cat munches on an asparagus fern, its time to consult your vet. If you can, bring a sample of the plant to the clinic to confirm its toxicity. A quick snapshot on your phone will also work.

When you bring in your cat, your vet may rinse off her skin and/or mouth to remove all traces of the plant. To combat dehydration caused by excessive vomiting or diarrhea, your vet may also administer intravenous fluids. Prescription-strength topical creams can help with skin irritation as well.

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Which Plants Are Poisonous To Cats

Knowing which plant they have ingested is also extremely important in allowing your cat to have a successful recovery. Because there are so many plants that are harmful to cats, you cant trust just anyone with your cats care while you are away. Hire a professional cat sitter as they highly trained in the plants and their effects they can have on cats. You can trust them in your absence to keep your cat healthy and safe.

Causes Of Sprengeri Fern Poisoning In Cats

The sprengeri fern contains large amounts of substances known as ‘sapogenins’. These are one particular offshoot of the family of chemicals known as ‘saponins’, which are produced by a large variety of plants across the globe. The primary function of saponins is to act as a deterrent against being eaten by grazing animals. Some saponins accomplish this by reducing the animal’s ability to properly metabolize foodstuffs, causing them to forgo eating the plant in favor of more nutritious forage. Other saponins have a more direct effect, producing digestive upset and other unpleasant symptoms in an effort to ward off predators. The mechanism by which the sapogenin accomplishes this is by acting primarily as an irritant, which causes the vomiting, diarrhea and oral inflammation. The toxin also directly damages cells once it has been absorbed into the body, thereby producing the aforementioned dermatitis.

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Poisonous Plants For Dogs

One of the most common house plants that can cause serious illness or death in your dog is the corn plant which is winter hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 through 11. Symptoms include hypersalivation, vomiting and anorexia. Other plants that are harmful include the angel wings plant , winter-hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11, and asparagus fern winter-hardy in USDA zones 9 through 12. Both of these plants cause an allergic reaction similar to dermatitis of the mouth. Your dog may have problems swallowing if he ingests either of these plants.

Are Ferns Poisonous To Cats

How to Care For Your Invasive Asparagus Fern, Fox Tail Fern

See files for Cats

Cats are not only curious, but they explore their environment in particular ways. Using their mouth is as important as using their paws, nose or eyes. Unfortunately, many of the plants we might think of as being perfectly safe, contain chemicals which are toxic to plants. Others are perfectly fine for them to ingest. Some common houseplants are known as ferns, many of which can be found both indoors and outdoors.

In this AnimalWised article we ask are ferns poisonous to cats? We reveal the risks involved in keeping ferns with cats and also discuss other toxic plants we need to avoid.

  • What are the risks of keeping ferns with cats?
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    Common Household Plants Toxic To Cats

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    Hopefully, you’ve already read our article Top 10 Household Plants Safe for Your Cat.

    But, it’s just as important to know what plants in your home or in your yard are toxic to cats.

    That’s why we have put together this list of popular and common houseplants found in many homes. If you have any of these plants, don’t be hard on yourself you’re not alone. You can easily replace your toxic plant with something much safer and still fits with your decor.

    Are Ferns Toxic To Cats

    Ferns are safe for cats to eat, hence why Garfield was such a fan. However, other houseplants and some plants with fern in the name can be highly toxic for your cat and may make him ill or even cause death. Above, we have listed five plants that are safe to keep with cats, as well as five that should not be kept with feline residents.

    Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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    What Plants Are Dangerous For Cats

    Some very common houseplants are toxic for cats and are best avoided if you have inquisitive cats that chew on items around the house. Some of the most common toxic household plants include:

    • Peace Lilies Peace lilies are especially popular around Easter time. They have appealing white flowers and are considered low maintenance plants. However, they contain calcium oxalates, which can cause vomiting and a host of other problems for your cat.
    • Aloe Vera Aloe vera is a popular houseplant, not least because of the health benefits it offers to people. However, the plant does not herald the same benefits for cats and can be toxic if ingested.
    • Money Plants The money plant, or crassula, is a succulent plant and easy to grow. As with most succulents, you dont have to worry about watering them too often. Also known as jade plants, these are toxic to dogs, cats, and even horses.
    • Snake Plants Snake plants grow very well in low light conditions, which makes them perfect for hallways and other areas in the house where there is no natural light. However, the saponins they contain can cause vomiting and other problems if consumed by cats or dogs.
    • Sago Palm The sago palm is a popular addition to homes because it can improve indoor air quality. However, it contains cycasin, which is toxic to cats. It can even lead to liver failure and death, so should be avoided completely, if possible.

    What To Watch For

    Asparagus Fern

    Though only the top seven houseplants that are poisonous to cats is listed above, the reality is that there are many other plants that are toxic to your cat. The most common symptoms that your cat has ingested a toxic plant are redness, swelling, and itchiness of the skin and mouth. However, some toxic plants can directly affect particular organs, so you need to keep an eye on the following symptoms as well your cat will have difficulty breathing if its airways are affected drooling or difficulty swallowing if the mouth, throat, or esophagus is affected, vomiting if the stomach or intestines are affected, diarrhea is the intestines or colon are affected, excessive drinking and urinating if the kidneys are affected fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat if the heart is affected.

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    Which Common House And Garden Plants Are Poisonous For Your Cat

    Todays guest post comes from Mike James:

    Which common house and garden plants are poisonous for your cat?

    Cats may have 9 lives but that doesnt mean theyre invincible. When it comes to your home and garden you may well think its a perfectly safe environment for Fluffykins to spend time in, but youd be wrong. Many plants are harmful or poisonous if eaten by your cat.

    Obviously, its a good idea to be very clued up indeed about the unsafe plants and flowers in and around your home, so you can protect puss from the danger or get rid of them altogether. Toxic plants are not necessarily deadly many are mere irritants that can cause unwanted and painful inflammation of the skin, stomach or mouth.

    There are literally thousands of plants that are harmful to felines here are a few of the more obvious ones you need to know about, supplied by Mike James who works with Totally Plants

    Asparagus Fern This fern is poisonous to both cats and dogs, the toxic agent in the plant being sapogenin, a steroid found in a number of plants. If Fluffballs ingests the berries of the asparagus fern, vomiting, loose stools and stomach pains will be the result. Skin inflammation is likely with repeated exposure.

    Dracaena A very popular houseplant also known as Corn Plant, it contains saponin which is toxic to both cats and dogs. If ingested, your cat may have dilated pupils, and loss of appetite and vomiting can occur.

    So, what should you do if you think Fluffy has eaten a poisonous plant?

    How To Discourage Your Cat From Eating House Plants

    There are some commercial sprays you can buy that will discourage pets from biting and chewing things.

    The non-toxic repellant spray is harmless for pets but they dont like the taste of it so is usually effective. Pet owners use it to stop animals from biting hot spots on their bodies, from chewing on furniture and also to stop them eating plants. It is not noticeable to humans.

    It is affordable but you need to spray every day or two. Also its not ideal for the health of the plant to be spraying it continuous. Still its a product that could be worth a try if your cat is really keen on eating your house plants. You can buy it online, at pet stores and some big supermarkets.

    For a DIY cat repellent you can mix some vinegar and water and put it on the plant leaves. Cats really dislike it and will stay away. If you use the homemade repellent for several weeks and then stop your cat might have learnt to stay away. Try cutting back on the repellant or stop using it and keep a close watch on your cat to see if it goes back for more.

    You can try to put some plants out of reach such as putting them in hanging pots that your cat cant reach.

    If your cat scratches up your expensive sofa you will surely say No! and shoo it away or clap loudly to give it a fright.

    Whatever your method is to growl at your cat for bad behavior you can use it when it eats plants too. Your cat is smart and will learn not to eat your plants.

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    Plants Outside Of Your Home

    There is a big wide world outside of your cozy home.

    Your cat may roam around your garden and never go further. But most cats are curious explorers by nature and will visit the neighbors and even further afield. There is no way to know what plants they might come in contact with if you have an outdoors cat.

    So you can start by taking a look at the plants in your garden and making sure its free of any toxic plants or flowers.

    Here is a list of some common plants and flowers that are dangerous for your cats health if digested.

    • Ivy there are many types of ivy, including the obvious poison ivy, and they are all actually poisonous to cats
    • Pothos likely to make your cat sick but not fatal
    • Philodendron likely to make your cat sick but not fatal
    • Kalanchoe
    • Christmasy Poinsettia not deadly but likely to cause illness
    • Tiger Lillies
    • Tulips
    • Cherry blossoms the cherries are fine but the stems, flowers, and cherry pits are toxic with cyanide

    Other fruit trees contain cyanide, such as apple trees, apricot trees, plum trees and peach trees.

    High levels of cyanide can be found in nectarine seeds, pits, leaves and stems.

    Cyanide poisoning symptoms can show up 15 to 20 minutes after you cat eats the plant.

    Symptoms include:

    • Nausea or vomiting
    • Muscle weakness

    If you suspect your whiskered friend has eaten cherry blossoms you should contact your veterinarian immediately and treat it as an emergency situation.

    How To Grow Your Own

    Are Fern Plants Poisonous To Dogs

    Asparagus ferns are considered invasive in some areas of the country, so Roethling advises gardeners check with their local townships and municipalities before planting them to see if they are on a banned list. If they are not, he says all you’ll need is a partially shaded area that doesn’t see the full afternoon sun in order to grow them. “They enjoy moist, well drained soils and are considered hardy into zone eight,” he says. “You can consider planting them outside in some protected areas of zone seven b.” Just be sure to avoid planting them in areas that stay wet, especially in the winter.

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    Is Asparagus Safe For Cats

    Asparagus is a vegetable with slender spears and is most commonly grilled, steamed, or roasted. It has an earthy flavor and is consumed for its many nutritional health benefits.

    Asparagus is a springtime vegetable that is primarily grown in California, Michigan, and Washington state. However, due to imports, it can be eaten all year long. The flavor of the vegetable will vary depending on where it comes from.

    Asparagus is OK for cats to eat and isnt considered poisonous. Asparagus is packed with nutrients, and just a tiny amount can help boost the number of vitamins and minerals your cat consumes.

    The following nutritional values are based on a 100-gram sample of raw asparagus, as recorded by the USDA :

    Total Vitamin K 41.6 micrograms

    Asparagus can also help prevent cats from eating houseplants and can combat constipation and diarrhea. This is because the dietary fibers found in asparagus can regulate the digestive system.

    However, cats are obligate carnivores whose diet requires animal nutrients found in animal flesh. As described in MDPI, evolution has caused the cats metabolism to adapt to this diet strictly composed of animal tissues.

    Studies also show that domestic cats balance macronutrient intake by selecting low-carbohydrate foods. Its even been suggested that high-carbohydrate diets could be detrimental to a cats health.


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