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When Can You Treat Kittens For Fleas

Tips For Getting Rid Of Fleas On Kittens

Kitten & Cat Care : How to Treat Newborn Kittens With Fleas

Making sure all pets in the house are treated for fleas, trying to manage fleas in the home and the environment, and washing bedding in hot water can all help reduce the transmission of fleas to kittens.

But when it comes to getting rid of fleas on kittens, here are some additional things to take into consideration.

How To Treat Fleas On Kittens Under 8 Weeks Of Age

If you have kittens under 8 weeks of age, it is important to treat them for fleas. Kittens that young are more susceptible to the negative effects of flea treatments, so using a product specifically designed for their age is crucial.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to treat kittens under 8 weeks of age for fleas and keep them healthy and happy!

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How Can I Treat My Home Environment

A number of different products are available which will kill the adult and larval stages of fleas and stop the flea life cycle, such as:

  • adulticide sprays for use in the house
  • sprays containing insect growth regulators for use in the house
  • insecticides applied by professional pest control companies

Sprays for use in the house should be used in places where the flea eggs, larvae, and pupae are likely to be. It is recommended that you treat the entire household first and then concentrate on the hot spots – your cat’s favorite napping spots – such as soft furniture, beds, and carpets. Once they hatch from the egg, flea larvae move away from the light and burrow deep into carpets and into other nooks and crannies where they are difficult to reach. Be sure to move cushions, furniture, and beds to spray underneath them. Other places larvae are likely to live include baseboards and the cracks and crevices between floor seams or floorboards.

“You will need to throw away the vacuum bag to prevent eggs and larvae from developing inside the vacuum cleaner.”

Flea eggs and pupae are extremely tough and resistant to the effects of insecticides. To remove these, as well as remove dead fleas, your pet’s bedding should be washed in hot water or replaced.

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Look For Flea Treatments That Are Approved For Kittens

The best options for getting rid of fleas on kittens depends on their age and weight. An 8-week-old kitten only weighs about 1.5-2 pounds.

Most products are safe for use in kittens older than 8-10 weeks or over 1.5-2 pounds, but every product is different. Typically, flea products havent been tested on kittens younger or smaller than that, so they may contain doses that are too high for very young, tiny kittens.

Always read the warnings and instructions very carefully to be sure that a flea product will be safe and effective for your kitten. Your veterinarian can also help you find products to get rid of fleas on your kitten, regardless of their size and age.

How To Check For Fleas

Adams Flea &  Tick Spot On Treatment for Cats, 3 Months Supply

Its important to make sure your small kitten doesnt have fleas on her due to their size, the risk of flea anemia is fairly high for kittens.

You can check your kitten for fleas by simply using your fingers to comb through their fur.

  • Fleas will most notably be seen on their belly, armpits or on the cats face.
  • The fleas will appear fast-moving, small and dark.

Did you know?

Fleas, which average between 1/6 to 1/8 of an inch in length, are capable of a vertical leap of seven inches, and a distance of more than a foot.

Whether youregetting a kitten for the first time or are a cat veteran, fleas can be a serious problem.

If your kitten is showing the following symptoms, seek immediate vet consultation!

  • If she seems lethargic
  • If she has pale gums
  • If she isnt eating or has a loss of appetite

The above can be symptoms of a larger problem as a result of flea bites.

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What Are The Signs That Your Kitten Has Fleas Or Worms

If your kitten loves to explore outside your home, then it is highly likely they will come into contact with fleas or worms while they are roaming outside. In this case, if you notice that they are scratching at themselves a lot more than normal, then you will need to get them some flea medication before the fleas can infest your home. If you notice that your kitten is vomiting up worms, then you should take them to the veterinarian in order to get dewormed. This is routine for newborn kittens up to 6 months old.

What Kind Of Worms Are Kittens Susceptible To

The most common types of tapeworms that infect cats are called Dipylidium caninum and Taenia taeniaeformis. However, there are other ways in which a kitten can come into contact with worms. Dipylidium is passed on to cats by fleas. Young fleas ingest the eggs of the worm and infection is passed on to a cat when it swallows an infected flea during acts like cleaning themselves.

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Can You Use Anti

No, you cant use anti-flea spray that is made for dogs on your cats. The chemicals used might be slightly harsher for dog sprays than they are for cat sprays. Furthermore, since cats thoroughly groom themselves with their tongues, they might end up ingesting the poison.

That can have drastic consequences for its health. It would be ideal to use anti-flea sprays that are specifically manufactured for kittens and cats to drive away these stubborn parasites.

How To Identify Flea Infestation In Your Kitten

How To Spot, Treat and Prevent Fleas On Cats | Vets4Pets

If your kitten gets infested with fleas, you can see the kitten has

  • Itching and persistently chews, licks, or scratches the surfaces and ears.
  • Open sores or scabs on the skin that leads to secondary bacterial infection.
  • Skin irritation and redness.
  • Visible small dark spots on fur that move or flea eggs like tiny white grains.
  • Droppings that look like specks of dirt.
  • Lack of energy.

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The Best Oral Flea Control Product

Comfortis Chewable Tablets start killing fleas within 30 minutes and offer a full month of protection with one easy-to-give flavored pill.

Pros: Fast-acting treatment starts killing adult fleas within 30 minutes, safe for kittens 14 weeks or older, easy to give alone or in food

Cons: Does not kill flea eggs or larvae or prevent parasites other than fleas, not labeled for use in kittens younger than 14 weeks or breeding, pregnant, or nursing cats

Parasites prevented: Adult fleas

Duration of effectiveness: 30 days

Safe for: Cats and kittens 14 weeks and older, weighing at least 4.1 pounds

Not labeled for use: Breeding, pregnant, and nursing cats

Prescription: Yes

Our top choice for an oral flea control product for cats, Comfortis Chewable Tablets, is fast-acting and good for cats that cant tolerate topical flea preventives. Its active ingredient, spinosad, starts to work within 30 minutes and kills 98% of adult fleas on cats within four hours.

Although topical flea control products are typically easier to use , there are some cases when an oral preventive is a better choice. For instance, some cats with sensitive skin cant tolerate a spot-on treatment. An oral flea preventive product is better if a cat has had focal hair loss related to the application of a topical product or if it has a severe flea-related allergy, said Sawyer.

Does My Cat Have Fleas

When grooming, cats often ingest any fleas that they discover, which can make it difficult to find adult fleas in the hair coat. An itchy cat, or insect bites on human ankles, may be the only sign of an infestation.

The best way to demonstrate the presence of fleas is often to comb the cat meticulously with a fine-toothed flea comb. If you do this over a clean white surface such as a large piece of white paper, any fleas or flea dirt will be deposited onto the surface. If there is any debris , place this on some damp cotton wool if these are flea dirt, they will slowly dissolve leaving red-brown blood marks. This demonstrates the presence of fleas even if adults cannot be found.

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Flea Bathing Young Kittens

If a kitten has fleas, you should give him a flea bath. It is best to bathe him early in the day while the temperature is rising. Use warm water and test the temperature the same way you would for a baby. Put him in water up to his neck and watch the fleas run up his face. Use Dawn dish-washing liquid and lather over the top of his head while protecting his eyes. After rinsing wrap a clean towel around him and place him somewhere clean and warm.

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Hartz UltraGuard Topical Flea and Tick Prevention Treatment for Cats ...

3. Towel dry the kitten.

Dry the kitten right away and completely.

Place the kitten back into a warm environment, such as a heating disk or baby blanket, says Shaw. Kittens can easily become chilled from a bath, and it is of utmost importance that the kitten be kept warm.

4. Clean the bedding or blankets.

Place the dry kitten in an area free from fleas and grab a plastic bag or trash bag. Gather up all bedding and fabric the kitten may have come in contact with and wash them in hot water.

Vacuum any areas the kitten has come in contact with, and treat any other kittens .

Its important to clean the environment as well as the animals otherwise, the fleas will be a persistent problem.

Treatment of the whole house is essential, including soft furnishings, carpet pile, gaps between floorboards and other difficult-to-reach areas, according to International Cat Care.

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Worried About Fleas On Your Cat Find Out More In Our Guide Including How To Spot Them And How To Stop Them

Fleas are little parasites that bite your cat and cause a lot of itching. They can be a real problem, especially if your cat has a flea allergy.

Youre more likely to find fleas on your pet during summer when its warm, but their eggs can be in your home at any time. Centrally heated homes with fitted carpets provide ideal conditions warm and humid for fleas to develop all year round.

Why Your Cat Is Still Flea

There are several reasons why your cat is still flea-infested after two treatments with the flea control product you purchased. The most likely explanation is that the adult fleas that were killed in the first treatment were replaced by new, immature fleas that developed right away. Because these immature fleas lay eggs in one day, if the infestation is severe, you may need to treat your cat more than once to get rid of the fleas. Wait at least 30 days after the product was used before reapplying it, as this will give the product time to work. In the event of an infestation that is still severe, you can bathe your cat in a detergent shampoo and reapply within 24 hours.

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The Worst Thing You Can Do: Nothing

A flea infestation can cause anemia in kittens.

A flea doesnt actually bite, explains Dr. William Miller Jr., VMD. It sticks its proboscis into the skin and sucks blood. It doesnt take too much of this sucking to cause anemia in a kitten that is carrying innumerable fleas. You dont see this problem very often in adult cats, but its frequently seen in kittens.

  • Make sure your kittens gums are pink since this condition can be deadly, and bring your kitten to the veterinarian if you notice a discoloration.
  • Fleas on kittens can also cause excessive scratching and skin irritation.

Kittens are especially delicate, and some flea treatments are not safe. Follow the advice of your vet. Also, never use medication designed for dogs or adult cats these could be deadly to a kitten.

If you are removing fleas from a newborn kitten: Treat the mother. Then remove the fleas from the kitten. A kittens body is small so there isnt a large area to cover, and you should be able to remove the fleas with your fingers or tweezers easily. Because of newborn kittens young age and fragility, do not apply any type of detergent or medication on them.

Where Did My Cat Get Fleas

How To Deal With Fleas on Young Kittens

The most important source of cat fleas is newly emerged adult fleas from flea pupae in your house or yard.

Homes with carpets and central heating provide ideal conditions for the year-round development of fleas. The highest numbers of flea eggs, larvae, and pupae will be found in areas of the house where pets spend the most time, such as their beds and furniture. Even though fleas may be in your house, you probably will not see them.

The eggs are tiny white specks the size of dust particles, while the larvae, which are somewhat larger, with dark heads and lighter bodies, migrate deep down in carpets, furniture, or cracks in floors away from the light.

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How To Deal With Fleas And Ticks With Newborn Kittens

This article was co-authored by Daniel Lioy-Ryan, PhD. Dr. Daniel Lioy-Ryan is an Animal Behaviorist and the Co-Founder of Cats in the City. With over a decade of experience, he specializes in understanding animal behavior, safely grooming cats, and working with cats at all life stages. Dr. Lioy-Ryan holds a PhD in Neuroscience from The Oregon Health & Science University. This article has been viewed 50,518 times.

Newborn kittens with fleas or ticks should be treated immediately. Blood sucking parasites can be fatal to kittens as they can cause anemia, or a low red blood cell count, or carry Lyme disease.XResearch source However, most professional flea and tick products contain toxic ingredients that can be fatal to kittens.XResearch source Focus on removing the fleas and the ticks from the kitten using kitten friendly methods, and then get rid of any fleas or ticks still in your home to prevent another infestation.

How To Treat Fleas On Your Kitten

Its natural to feel worried about using flea shampoo or medications to get rid of fleas on your cats. However, as long as you read the instructions fully and carefully, and follow your veterinarians advice, there are many safe options for killing fleas on cats.

To treat fleas, you will need to treat your kitten, all any other pet you have, in the house. Otherwise, a fleas life cycle means that your kitten will keep struggling with an infestation from your other pets or your home.

Before we talk about how to safely treat fleas in kittens, here are a few important dos and donts:

  • NEVER use a flea product designed for dogs on a cat. These often contain ingredients such as permethrin, which are toxic to cats and can be fatal.
  • ALWAYS read the package insert or data sheet and be sure the product is safe for the age and weight of your kitten.
  • NEVER use essential oils to treat fleas on your kitten. Some of these are toxic to cats. If you arent sure, ask your veterinarian before using anything on your kitten.

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How Soon Can I Put Another Flea Treatment On My Cat

When kittens reach 8-10 weeks old and weigh 1.5-2 pounds, they should be treated with topical flea treatments. These products not only kill fleas on your kitten, but they also keep new ones from hitching a ride on your pet.

The parasite fleas live outside the body and feed off your cats blood. Because some fleas carry tapeworms, your cat may be infected with parasitic worms. There are several products available to assist you in protecting your cat from flea infections. A veterinarian with Hello Ralphie can help you decide which products work best for you and your cat. Your cat should remain inside for at least 24 hours after you administer the medicine to his or her skin. Fleas prefer warm climates and humid climates to cool ones. If your cat frequently goes outside, interacts with other cats, or stalks rodents, it is more likely to catch fleas than if it stays inside.

Fleas can jump up and leave their eggs on your carpets, or you may discover that they lay eggs inside wood flooring. If your cat or dog has fleas, you should thoroughly clean and disinfect the house after treating them. You can also give your cat the worm.

Avoid Natural Flea Control Products

Vetriscience Laboratories Topical Flea &  Tick Defense For Cats, 3 ...

If youre considering using natural flea control products that contain essential oils, exercise caution. Some essential oils can be toxic to cats.

All three veterinarians we consulted do not recommend natural products, which do not work nearly as well as veterinarian-recommended topical and oral flea control products. They are just not proven to be really effective, Bourgeois said. My biggest concern with natural products is, even if theyre safe, if theyre not effective, thats not helping our pets. I get more concerned about the secondary ramifications for the pet if were using something that hasnt been proven to be effective, versus products that have been proven to be effective and well tolerated.

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