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Why Does My Cat Keep Getting Bladder Infections

Remedies And Treatments For Cat Urinary Tract Infection

What Causes Cats To Get Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract diseases are common in cats and can cause discomfort and distress. If left untreated, a UTI can lead to partial or complete blockage of the urethra. This can lead to kidney failure or rupture of the bladder, which could be deadly.

Depending on the severity of the infection, a cat UTI can be treated using at-home remedies and treatments.


While cranberries are known as a UTI treatment in humans, they can also be used to treat a cat UTI. The acidity of cranberries can lower the pH of your cats urine, which can help treat a UTI and stop it from coming back.

Many cranberry juices are high in sugar. Instead, you can find cranberry capsules , supplements, or powder to add to your cats diet.

Before giving your cat cranberry, you should first test the pH levels in your cats urine. While the acidity of cranberries may help with some UTIs, in other cases, it could make the condition worse. Only provide cranberry supplements if your cats urine is too alkaline.


Apple cider vinegar can also lower the pH in your cats urine, eliminating and preventing any harmful bacteria. Add half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your cats food each day. To reduce the bitter taste, you can mix it in with chicken or beef broth. Just make sure the broth doesnt contain onions, as this is toxic to cats.

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Treatment Usually Involves Antibiotics And Pain Relief

Treatment for a urinary tract infection in cats is generally an antibiotic and possibly anti-inflammatory medications and/or pain medications. Exactly which antibiotic is used for cat urinary tract infections depends on the type of bacteria present.

Since a urine culture and sensitivity test takes several days to run, your veterinarian may choose to start your cat on an antibiotic that is effective against the most common bacteria seen with urinary tract infections. If the urine culture shows the bacteria not sensitive to that antibiotic, your vet might switch your cats antibiotic if there has not been a good response to treatment.

When To See A Vet

These at-home treatments and remedies may be effective for clearing up minor infections, but more serious infections need to be treated by a professional animal doctor.

If your cat is experiencing mild or moderate symptoms, you can try these remedies to relieve their symptoms. If their symptoms show no sign of improvement in a few days, talk to a veterinarian. If your cat seems to be in pain or is unable to pass urine, see a vet immediately. This could be a sign of urethral obstruction, which can be fatal if not treated within 24 to 48 hours.

A vet may be able to prescribe antibiotics to target the harmful bacteria. Be sure to give your cat the full dose of prescribed antibiotics to prevent the UTI from returning or becoming resistant to treatment.

Even if youre pursuing professional treatment, these remedies can be effectively used alongside antibiotics to strengthen the bladder and balance your cats pH levels. Some can also be used as a daily supplement to prevent the UTI from coming back.

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How To Prevent Urinary Tract Infections In Cats

There are several ways to help prevent UTIs in our feline friends:

Clean your cats litter box daily. The less fecal and urinary matter your cat is exposed to, the less risk of contaminating themselves with bacteria.

Provide an appropriate number of litter boxes in the household. The general rule for litter boxes is having a box for each cat, plus one extra. Cats tend to assign themselves a litter box that they use regularly. A litter box for each cat can also make it easier for you, the owner, to identify health problems. For example, if one litter box is more full than the other, you can assume that cat is using it more often and should be monitored.

Provide clean, fresh water every day and wash the water bowl. The probability of a cat developing problems within the bladder is increased when he or she is not drinking enough water. A cat is more likely to drink water when it is clean and fresh. You may consider a water fountain also to tempt your kittys curious nature.

Stress triggers hormone levels in the body to rise and can cause imbalances in your cats bladder pH levels, which in turn can cause recurring infections. Keep litter boxes in a quiet, calm area of the house.

Closely monitor for higher risk factors. Cats over the age of 10 and those allowed to reproduce are at higher risk for developing bladder infections.

Keeping The Litter Box Clean

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Since the main cause of UTIs in cats is a dirty litter box, its crucial that you stay on top of keeping it clean to prevent the likelihood of infection.

Ideally, cat parents should be scooping their cats litter box daily and cleaning the box every two to three weeks.

If you cant always keep up with cleaning your cats litter box, a self-cleaning box might be the way to go.

We tried the Litter-Robot 3 Connect on our own cats and were instantly obsessed, so we awarded it our Paw of Approval.

Theres also PrettyLitter we also tried this ourselves and gave it our Paw of Approval which is litter that changes color based on your cats urinary health.

Basically, when your cat goes to the bathroom, her litter will turn a different color to indicate whether shes healthy, has an infection or is struggling with stones.

Now that you know what causes UTIs in cats, you can effectively prevent them and keep your BFF nice and healthy.

And if for some reason she still winds up with an infection, take your cat to the vet to get it cleared up ASAP, before it gets serious.

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How To Recognize Your Cat May Have A Urinary Tract Infection

A urinary tract infection in cats can be completely miserable for your cat as well as lead to more unfortunate circumstances. Unfortunately, cats are frequently abandoned or left at an animal shelter due to urination issues. A cat that has urinary problems, such as feline lower urinary tract disease or a urinary tract infection typically struggles with urinating and frequently urinates outside of their litter box. When cats have a urinary tract infection it is stressful for both the cat and the cat parents. It can be disheartening for cat parents to watch their cat suffer with the symptoms. But the good news is with vigilant care, a visit to the veterinarian and an appropriate diet, your cat can get over a urinary tract infection.

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections

Unfortunately, some cats may not show any signs of a urinary tract infection until it becomes a more serious problem. This is especially common in outdoor cats and cats that roam freely inside and out, because their cat parents may spend less time with the cat that do owners of strictly indoor cats. Some of the most noticeable signs of a urinary tract infection may include:Straining to urinateThere may be inflammation and/or the formation of stones in the bladder, which leads to blockage, making it extremely difficult for the cat to urinate.

Causes Of Male Cat Urinary Blockage

Neutered male cats are especially prone to urinary blockage because they have may narrow urethras so narrow that involuntary urethral muscle spasms can block the flow of urine. A male cat’s urethra can also become blocked by small urinary stones or by urethral plugs: a mixture of cells that are used to line the bladder, mucus and crystals formed from minerals in the urine. Additional causes of urinary blockage are from feeding foods high in magnesium or the presence of an underlying condition called feline idiopathic cystitis .

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Tips For Cat Uti Prevention

It’s important to speak to your vet about the best diet and prevention plan for your cat, as age and health all play a role. Your vet may recommend a specific food, such as wet food or a renal diet, and feeding schedule for UTI prevention. Feeding your cat a high-quality diet is one of the best ways to promote overall good health, including urinary tract health.

Additional steps that may not only aid in preventing UTIs, but will also keep your cat healthy in general include:

  • Increase your cat’s water consumption. Make sure their water bowl is clean and filled with fresh water at all times. You can also encourage your cat to drink more by setting up multiple water bowls around the house, ensuring all water bowls are wide and not too narrow, adding a small amount of chicken broth to the water or purchasing a cat drinking fountain.
  • Place litter boxes in quiet areas of the house where your cat feels comfortable.
  • Keep litter boxes clean. Be sure to scoop them twice a day and change the litter at least once a week.

How Can I Help My Cat Pee

Stop Urinary Tract Infections in your Cat!

Bringing your cat to a vet is the single most reliable way to get your cat unblocked and able to pee again. Veterinarians have the tools and know-how to physically clear the blockage and get your cat back on the path to recovery.

A simple procedure could save your cats life. Anything else is a dangerous waste of time.

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What Is Flutd In Cats

FLUTD, feline lower urinary tract disease actually refers to a number of clinical symptoms. FLUTD can affect your cats urethra and bladder, often leading the urethra to become obstructed, or preventing your kitty’s bladder from emptying properly. FLUTD is a painful and serious issue that can be life-threatening for cats if left untreated.

What Is Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

Feline lower urinary tract disease describes a variety of conditions that affect the bladder and urethra of cats. Cats with FLUTD most often show signs of difficulty and pain when urinating, increased frequency of urination, and blood in the urine. Cats with FLUTD also tend to lick themselves excessively and may urinate outside the litter box, often on cool, smooth surfaces like a tile floor or a bathtub.

While FLUTD can occur at any age, it is usually seen in middle-aged, overweight cats that get little exercise, use an indoor litter box, have little or no outdoor access, or eat a dry diet. Factors such as emotional or environment stress, multi-cat households, and abrupt changes in daily routine may also increase the risk that a cat will develop FLUTD.

Major signs of feline lower urinary tract disease include:

  • Straining to urinate
  • Frequent and/or prolonged attempts to urinate
  • Crying out while urinating
  • Excessive licking of the genital area
  • Urinating outside the litter box
  • Blood in the urine

Note that cats with a urethral obstruction will also show these signs but will pass little or no urine and become increasingly distressed. Urethral obstruction is seen more often in males than female cats due their longer, narrow urethra. A urethral obstruction is an emergency and requires immediate veterinary treatment.

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What To Do If You Suspect A Flutd

If your cat is having trouble urinating and displaying other signs of FLUTD, take her to the vet as soon as possible. Your vet will give her a physical exam and collect urine samples. Blood work, x-rays, and abdominal ultrasound may also be recommended for diagnosis.

Most cases of FLUTD improve without medical treatment, but the symptoms can recur. Though they may not be life-threatening to your cat, they can be uncomfortable, so treatment can improve her overall quality of life. While treatment of FLUTD depends on the underlying cause, it is always beneficial to increase your cats water intake. Maintaining a healthy weight, feeding her canned food and encouraging her to use her litter box can also help. However, certain conditions simply cannot be treated at home. Bacterial cystitis should be treated with antibiotics, while stones must be surgically removed.

Its always best to be safe. A simple phone call to your vet when you first notice any of the above symptoms can help diagnose a problem much sooner and save your cat a longer period of discomfort. Its also important to monitor your cat after being diagnosed with FLUTD during treatment to ensure that the problem doesnt reoccur as cats are good at hiding their pain.

What Causes Utis In Cats

How can I prevent my cat from getting urinary tract ...

In general, urinary tract infections develop when the urethra becomes contaminated with bacteria that normally colonize the rectum and surrounding area. Once in the urethra, the bacteria migrate upstream and take up residence in the bladder.

The presence of mineralized bladder stones or crystals in the urine may also be a cause of UTIs. Because the crystals are hard and irritating to the bladder, theres a greater risk for infection.

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What Is E Coli Infection

Healthy adult cats rarely experience issues related to E. coli, but kittens, older cats or those with compromised immune systems can become sick when exposed to the bacteria. The presence of pathogenic E. coli can make cats critically ill in several different ways. For example, the majority of feline urinary tract infections are caused by E. coli. Certain strains of E. coli generate gastrointestinal problems. Intact female cats can develop the uterine infection pyometra, and newborn kittens can suffer from an extremely serious form of E. coli infection called colibacillosis.

Escherichia coli, abbreviated as E. coli, is a bacterium that is common in the lower gastrointestinal tract of most mammals, including humans and cats. There are hundreds of different strains of E. coli, and the majority of them are not dangerous. E. coli is known to cause problems, however, when it enters parts of the body where it does not belong, or when a harmful strain of the bacterium is introduced to the system. Cats with E. coli infection can exhibit a variety of symptoms including lack of appetite, vomiting, urinary distress, excessive thirst, and fever. Because E. coli is a bacterial infection, and also because symptoms of illness caused by E. coli can vary greatly, laboratory tests are required in order to obtain a definitive diagnosis.

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What Are The Causes Of Uti In Cats

Essentially, urinary tract infections in cats occur when bacteria reaches the bladder by traveling through the urethra of the cat. This is fairly uncommon and UTI in cats might be caused by an underlying disorder, such as Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease . UTI in cats should be treated by a veterinary professional. They can lead to bladder stones, kidney failure, and additional health disorders.

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Why Do Dogs Get Recurrent Utis

UTI symptoms often resolve within two days of starting an antibiotic treatment, but some owners do not give the entire course to their pets as prescribed, which can lead to recurrent UTIs.

In other instances, if a urine culture was not performed, an inappropriate antibiotic may have been prescribed or the dosage and duration were insufficient to fully clear the UTI.

To ensure that a UTI is gone, veterinarians will usually recommend another urine culture five days after the last antibiotic dosage is given.

There are also several underlying medical causes of recurrent UTIs:

Everything You Need To Know About Urinary Tract Problems In Cats

Urinary Tract Infection Causes

Jul 1, 2018 | Cats, Emergency Situations

FLUTD or feline lower urinary tract disease is a common cause for many feline emergency veterinary visits. This condition comes in two forms the obstructed and non obstructed forms. In some cases the unobstructed form can progress into the obstructed forma life threatening, emergency condition.

The causes of FLUTD are many and varied. They include trauma, urinary stones, a mucus plug, UTI, underlying kidney disease, and it can have no discernible cause whatsoever. Cats are mysterious! No matter how it happened, the result is inflammation of the urinary tract. Why is that bad? If your kitty cant pee, it will buildup urine, distending its bladder. This can lead to electrolyte abnormalities that poison its blood. The bladder itself rupture from the buildup of urine that has no way to escape.

Common signs that your cat is in urinary distress include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Meowing while attempting to urinate
  • Expressing pain if you touch its abdomen
  • Many owners also notice their cat straining to defecate
  • Some cats excessively groom their nether regions, or drag them across the floor.

As we stated at the outset, the most frustrating thing about FLUTD is the difficulty in figuring out its causes. If you notice any of the signs of FLUTD in your kitties, please dont try to figure out whyTake them to a veterinarian immediately. Prompt treatment can save your cats life.

For more information, contact our team at VETSS!

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Cat Uti Symptoms & Signs

Urinary tract infections in cats are caused by bacteria that travel up the cats urethra. Sometimes the bacteria can travel through the urethra into the cat’s bladder causing an infection called bacterial cystitis. In severe cases, bacteria can also invade the ureters and cause a kidney infection called pyelonephritis.

To prevent these and other conditions, its crucial that pet parents know what to look for when a cat’s urinary tract infection first strikes.

When cats suffer from urinary problem or urinary tract disease, they often show signs of difficulty urinating. For example, your cat may feel pain when trying to urinate in her litter box, so she may start to associate the litter box with pain and try to urinate outside of the litter box. Other signs of painful or difficult urination include:

  • Visiting the litter box more often than usual
  • Spending a longer than usual amount of time in the litter box
  • Visiting the litter box but not leaving any deposits
  • Bloody urine
  • Attempting to urinate in other parts of the house
  • Drinking more water than usual
  • Not eating as much as usual

It is essential to differentiate the symptoms of a UTI to those of Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease . FLUTD is a blanket term used to represent a collection of symptoms that could be a result from a number of lower urinary tract problems. FLUTD is diagnosed after ruling out a UTI. There are several causes for FLUTD including


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