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How To Get Cat Urine Out Of Hardwood Floors

Bin Primer Vs Kilz: Which Is Better For Cat Urine

How to Get Cat Urine Smell Out of Hardwood Floors

IMO, both these primers come with the ability to cover pet pee stain and smell.

If you ask me to choose one, I will most likely pick Kilz primer because its cheap and is easily available.

The only downside with Kilz is its not always easy to clean.

Many times, it gives less coverage than bin pee sealant, but it will mostly depend on the type of surface you are working on.

If you ask, how long does it take for Kilz to remove the smell?

It will again depend on the kind of ventilation your house has.

And also the surface on which it is used, like hardwood, plywood, or laminate floor.

Under normal conditions, Kilz may take no longer than 3 to 4 days to dissipate the off-gassing.

Bin Primer

Clean With Your Favorite Hardwood Cleaner

Unsealed hardwood will keep the stench of cat urine out of your wood flooring better than sealed hardwood will. The following step, after youve cleaned up the mess, will be to clean the floor using a regular hardwood floor cleaner. This will clean the surface in a way that is safe for your wood floors while also making it look clean.

How Do You Deodorize Hardwood Floors

Add a spray bottle with the dish soap, 1 cup baking soda, and 1/3 cup white vinegar mixture in the solution. Allow the affected area to saturate for at least 20 minutes by spraying it.

How To Mop Your Floor Without Damaging It

The solution should be as simple as a light dish soap and a bucket of water. If youre cleaning your floor, wet it with water, wring it out, and then apply it. Over-mopping your floors can cause serious damage be gentle with it.

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Cleaning Cat Pee From Hard Floors And Surfaces

If your cat pees on a hard floor or wall, you have two options. First, soak up the urine with a paper towel or cloth. Then you can either spray the area with an enzyme-based cleaner and wipe it up or use regular dish soap and lots of water Both Lund and Marrinan quoted the idiom the solution to pollution is dilution to sum up how important it is to wash away the pee as much as possible.

This means cleaning the location multiple times, letting it dry thoroughly between washings, and keeping your cat away from the location until all traces of the smell are gone.

Vinegar may also assist with neutralizing cat pee smell on hard surfaces. Vinegar is an acid that neutralizes the alkaline salts that form in dried urine stains. Mix a solution of one part water and one part vinegar and apply it to walls and hard floors. You can even mix in a little bit of baking soda to boost the solutions ability to eliminate odor.

How Can I Stop My Cat From Urinating On My Hardwood Floor

How To Get Cat Pee Smell Out Of Hardwood Floors

Well, there are a few ways you can minimize the chances of your cat using your wood subfloor as a toilet, so here are some steps to follow.

  • Make sure the litter box is always clean
  • Ensure the box is larger than the cats body to make it more inviting
  • Spray the areas that your cat has marked with a mix of peppermint and water to keep him/her from revisiting them
  • Monitor your cats behavior and make sure there he/she isnt stressed or ill

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White Vinegar And Baking Soda

Baking soda is another universal product famous for being tough on stains and heavenly in cupcakes. In contrast to vinegar, baking soda is highly alkaline . It is considered a mild abrasive cleaner.

So when you combine baking soda and white vinegar, youre creating a super-cleaner. White vinegar will help to dissolve stains and remove odors, while baking soda will eliminate spots and soak up excess fluids.

How to Use

There are primarily three ways to this method. However, theyre quite similar.

1. Direct Application

Start by sprinkling baking soda directly onto the stain. The baking soda will quickly begin to absorb the stain and possible fluids. Use a soft brush or sponge to rub the area gently dont scrub. It could scratch the surface.

Add pure white vinegar to a spray bottle and give the area a few spritzes. If youre into chemistry, youll love to watch this. The mixture will quickly begin to foam and bubble. You can now wipe it using a damp cloth.

2. Creating a Paste

The second method is by creating a paste using vinegar and baking soda. Apply the paste to the affected area and leave it to dry. Once dry, scrape off the excess paste andvacuum the area.

You can also do this using baking soda and water instead of vinegar .

3. Make a Spray

Making this baking soda, vinegar, and dish soap spray is great for removing old pet stains and smells. It works on all kinds of wood floors.

Avoid Damage

Safe to Use On

Dont Wait

Check For Medical Issues

When cats are suffering from a medical condition such as urinary tract infections or diabetes, they will urinate a lot and may have accidents on the carpet. This will necessitate a visit to your veterinarian, who will be able to identify the problem and provide the appropriate treatment for your kitty.

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How To Get Cat Urine Smell Out Of Hardwood Floors

With the amount of time we find our cats spending on furniture, it is surprising to find a kitty urine deposit spread across our hardwood flooring. The quality of our hardwood floor is a valuable thing, and many people dont know how to remove the residual odor during a post kitty urine clean-up.

Fortunately, there do exist several solutions for cleaning and neutralizing urine odor after it has seeped within the grain fiber. By following the tips below, you increase your odds of wiping out this unwelcome aroma, and restore freshness to your hardwood flooring.

Pet Odor Remover Product

How to remove pet urine stains from wood floors GUARANTEED

This method is best for sealed hardwood floors. We have two big bottles of pet odor remover liquid in our cupboard. Its important to buy this before you even bring your puppy home youll need it. We promise!

Just make sure the product you choose is safe on hardwood floors.

  • Soak up excess pee with paper towels.
  • Rinse the area with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Dry thoroughly with a towel.
  • Spray the odor-removing product to the affected area.
  • Leave it for the recommended amount of time as stated on the packaging.
  • Wipe the area with a clean damp cloth or sponge.
  • Rinse the area with fresh water.
  • Thoroughly dry the area with a clean towel.
  • Again, make sure to clean the cleaning tools you used sponges, cloths, towels in a hot wash to kill germs.

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    Reasons Why Cats Pee Somewhere Other Than The Litter Box

    Before we round up some helpful tips on how to remove cat urine smell from your wood floor, lets consider the reasons why cats relieve themselves on the floor and elsewhere other than their litter box. Some of the most common reasons are:

    • Your cat has medical issues like diabetes or a urinary tract infection.
    • The type of litter used.
    • A dirty litter box.
    • Your cat is experiencing anxiety or stress.

    Everything You Need To Know To Save Your Precious Hardwood Floor From Dog Urine

    Most of our houses have hardwood floors. Besides being aesthetically pleasing it is the base of construction for most houses since it is both, a permanent flooring, which can go on for years as well as temporary flooring to make future renovations easier.

    As for the pet owners, namely dog owners are faced with difficulties when their dog urinates on their hardwood flooring. To begin with it, might seem like a small trivial matter and owners usually just wipe it off and assume that fixes the issue. Those who have had dog urine for a long time on their hardwood floor can notice the detrimental effect dog urine has, as it eats away at the flooring. With proper care and quick actions this can all be avoided.

    This is all you will need to know about dog urine soaking into hardwood floors and how to tackle the situation.

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    Why Does Cat Urine Smell So Bad Anyway

    Cat urine comprises many chemical components, but the most responsible for its terrible smell are urea and uric acid. Urea releases ammonia as bacteria break it down, contributing to the harsh, burning ammonia smell you often get near your cats litter box. Meanwhile, uric acid contributes that acrid, tangy scent that lingers for years after a cat has urinated on something theyre not supposed to.

    Everyday Kitchen Products: Baking Soda Soap And Vinegar

    Seal Subfloor Cat Urine

    Baking soda is used to make cookies the same is true for vinegar. But what if we told you these ingredients could remove urine stains? Thats right! So, before we get into more radical methods, lets see how effective the most common products can be against this oh-so-common problem for pet lovers.

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    How To Get Urine Stains Out Of Hardwood Floors Guide 2022

    How To Get Urine Stains Out Of Hardwood Floors Guide 2022. Combine one cup of white vinegar with two or three tablespoons of grapefruit oil in a large bowl. Put on your rubber gloves and mix the oxalic acid with water, according to the package directions.

    One natural cat urine remover is natures miracle cat urine destroyer. In other words, you can use vinegar solution to safely clean the hardwood surface without flooding it with water. Mix 2 cups of hydrogen peroxide with one cup of ammonia in the ratio 1:3.


    White vinegar is 95% water and 5% acetic. If the urine stain you are working with is fresh.


    Guide how to remove pet stains from hardwood. Spray the mixture onto the area where there was urine and let it sit for an hour or two.


    Repeat several times to eventually. Other remedies for dog urine stains on.


    Spray it straight on the urine spots on your hardwood flooring. Spread the concoction over the stain.


    Step by step instructions for how to remove dark urine stains from. Apply the baking soda or salt on the wood floors and let it sit for a while, preferably overnight.


    Soak up any excess urine. One of the simplest ways to remove a urine stain from hardwood floors is by using.

    Source: venturebeat.comSource: venturebeat.comSource: viewfloor.coSource:

    White/cleaning Vinegar Might Help

    Pet lovers are used to having soiled areas on the floor, and in most cases, they try to handle that by wiping the spot and/or adding some soda. Unfortunately, black urine stains arent always easy to remove, and thats when vinegar comes in. This common kitchen ingredient is a product of fermentation plus a natural disinfectant. Its great at eliminating stubborn pet urine stains.

    Just like baking soda, vinegar is a strong deodorant. Go ahead and mix one cup of vinegar with a bucket full of lukewarm water. Next, dip your non-abrasive brush into the mix and get to scrubbing. Keep at it until the stain goes away. Finally, rinse the area, dry the floor with a clean, dry cloth/towel, and youre done.

    This is important: white vinegar is 95% water and 5% acetic acid, while cleaning vinegar is 94% water and 6% acid. That extra 1% makes cleaning vinegar up to 20% more effective. Do remember, though, that cleaning vinegar is NOT recommended for consumption or use in cooking.

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    Additional Tips And Advice

    • If you dont have wood bleach, you can substitute regular household bleach or peroxide, but these options may not work as well and might require more treatment for the same result.
    • If you have a small spot, consider waiting a few days before treating it. The stain may start to lighten on its own as it dries.
    • If dark stains are a frequent problem, consider adding another coat of finish to the floor.

    Prevent Urine Stains In The Future

    Remove pet urine on hardwood floor

    Of course, and Ive learned it the hard way, you cant always control the actions of your cat!

    So, he or she might end up peeing on your floors once again.

    Yet, you can still have a semblance of control by sealing or refinishing your hardwood floor.

    This way, there will always be a protective layer between any liquids spilled and the actual wood material.

    Apply several layers of floor sealant to ensure that no urine could reach the wood even if the floor gets scratched under your cats paws.

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    Dog Poop Stain On Wood Floor

    When it comes to removing dog poop stains from wood floors, the first thing you need to do is remove as much of the solid matter as possible. The best way to do this is to use a paper towel or a damp cloth to blot up as much as you can. Once you have removed as much of the solid matter as possible, you will need to use a cleaner to remove the stain. You can use a store-bought cleaner or a homemade solution. If you are using a store-bought cleaner, be sure to follow the instructions on the label. If you are using a homemade solution, you will need to mix one part white vinegar with one part water. Once you have mixed the solution, you will need to apply it to the stain and scrub it with a brush. Once you have scrubbed the stain, you will need to rinse it with clean water.

    How to quickly remove poo, vomit, and urine stains from hardwood floors is to avoid them. It usually results in the worst staining, though poop or vomit can also cause damage and staining. Urine is a liquid, so it stains the most. You can make your own hardwood floor cleaning solution by combining a cup of white vinegar and warm water. Hydrogen peroxide should be soaked into a cloth. Allow it to sit for at least eight hours or overnight to allow it to work effectively on the stain. Wood bleach is a type of wood bleach that is specially designed for wood.

    Removing Cat Urine Odor From Hardwood Floors

    Before you start cleaning, read your flooring manufacturers care instructions to check for any special precautions youll need to take. Recipe #2 from the Cat Urine Problems Eliminated ebook is enough by itself to remove light, fresh staining and odors and most moderate stains and odors, but not heavy staining thats been there for weeks or longer.

    It works especially well on light-colored wood, such as maple or white pine, but theres a small risk of bleaching with dark woods such as walnut, cherry or teak. To be safe, patch test the solution on a less-visible part of the floor, such as inside a closet, before you apply it to the stain. Ultimately, though, using Recipe #2 is optional, so if you prefer you can skip it and go straight to a stronger cleaner.

    Step 1. Blot up any remaining urine with white cloths or paper towels.

    Step 2. Clean the soiled area with a wood flooring or furniture cleaner such as Formula 409 or Orange Oil. Mop the floor with pure, cool water and let it dry.

    Step 3. Mix up a batch of Recipe #2 and apply it by dipping a white cloth into the solution, then blotting it on the stain. Apply just enough to wet the area, but not saturate it.

    Step 4. Let it sit for about 10 minutes, then check to see if the stain has disappeared. If it hasnt, continue to check every 10 minutes or so. Once the stain is gone or considerably lighter, blot the solution up immediately using a cloth dipped in water.

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    How To Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell On Linoleum

    Linoleum, also known as lino, is a floor covering made from materials such as solidified linseed oil, pine resin, ground cork dust, sawdust, and mineral fillers.

    To get rid of cat pee smell on your linoleum flooring, you need a non-ammonium or vinegar-based solution. Mix the solution in a bucket of hot water. Apply to the affected area and leave it for 1-5 minutes. Use a mop or sponge to clean off the affected spot.

    You can now clean the entire floor to make sure it left behind no trace of the odor. Dispose of the solution and mop the floor again with clean, cold water to rinse.

    Preventing Your Cat From Unwanted Urination

    Remove Cat Urine Smell Vinyl Flooring
  • 1Know why cats pee. Cats pee for two reasons: to mark their territory with a general splatter or to clear waste with a large puddle.XResearch source When cats eliminate waste they look for flat horizontal surfaces, thats why floors are a perfect target.
  • Provide separate living areas if you are in a multi-cat household.XResearch source
  • 2Make your cat feel more secure in its territory. Cats will urinate more when marking their territory when they feel the need to get possessive. When cats mark their territory they will lift up their tail and usually spray vertical spaces like walls.XResearch source
  • Cats will mark their territory to give other cats information like the right time to mate. Getting your cat spayed/castrated may help this problem.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • Close windows, blinds, and doors so your indoor cat doesn’t see other cats and become threatened, otherwise they may begin marking their territory.XTrustworthy SourceAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to AnimalsLeading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal crueltyGo to source
  • Be vigilant especially if your cat is in new surroundings. Address the urination before it becomes normal behaviour.XResearch source
  • 4Remember the rule of thumb is 1 litter box per cat plus one. So remember the equation one cat=2 boxes, 3 cats=4 boxes, and so on.
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