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Cat Won T Drink Water

Proper Water Intake Is Crucial For Your Cat’s Kidneys

Why Your Cat WON’T Drink Water – How to Encourage Drinking!

We all can agree that the kidneys are vital to your cats life. Kidneys manage their fluid balance. They stimulate the proper production of red blood cells, regulates blood pressure, and are in charge of removing the waste from the blood.

Drinking plenty of water is very important because dehydration can cause kidney stones, which can lead to many issues, including kidney damage.

Cat Not Drinking Water Heres What To Do

If your cat is not drinking water, it could indicate a serious health issue or simply a dirty water bowl. Find out what to do if your cat won’t drink water, and how you can ensure the well-being of your feline friend.

Just like you, its important for your cat to stay hydrated so theyll feel well and stay healthy. If you have a cat not drinking water, watch out: this could be a sign of illness or injury in your feline friend. In this article, well cover how much water a cat needs, why a cat might stop drinking water, and what you can do to get your cat drinking again. If you enjoy this article, check out our other cat-friendly articles here.

She Doesnt Like Her Drinking Place

A cat will not drink water if it is not placed according to her choice!

Cat is a very choosy animal they dont like her things the way we want them to be.

We humans think according to our comfort. So, we place water in the corner of our houses so that the floor wont get dirty much. And, our cute cats prefer their water to be placed in between the home because of their natural animal instinct.

When she drinks water facing the wall, her back is open, and she feels vulnerable due to the risk of being attacked by someone as she wont be able to see anything behind her back.

You can check the elevated cat food bowls there are numerous advantages of feeding your cat from an elevated food bowl such as it alleviates her indigestion, helps underlying joint problems, and prevents bloating from water.

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Tips To Get Your Cat To Drink Water

To persuade your cat to drink some sips of water is a daunting task, but you can try the following tricks to help your cat stay hydrated and safe.

You might be surprised to know that cats spend 50% of their time grooming themselves. So, if a pet likes cleanliness so much, how can it drink water full of dust bunnies, food crumbs, hairs, and debris?It’s a must-adopt habit to keep your cats’ water bowl clean. Trying different food and water bowls is a positive step to enhance their temptation towards the drinking water. Chilling water with some ice cubes is also fascinating for cats.

  • Try cat fountain

Cats love to enjoy running water from a cat fountain instead of stagnant water. Still, water does not attract cats. A cat fountain can increase your cat’s water intake because it has splashing, crystal clear, and running water. Cats are enticed to cat fountains because this seems a playful activity as well.

  • Multiple colorful bowls

Keeping multiple colorful water bowls at different spots at home will make cats curious to discover what’s there in those colorful bowls, and there are more chances they’ll bother to dip their tongue into those bowls. Most pet owners have acknowledged it as a working trick in their tenure with their feline friend.

But Cats Come From The Desert So They Don’t Need To Drink Much Water Right

Why Won

There is a common misconception that cats don’t need much water. That’s not completely true. It’s true that cats in the wild get most water from their food, but most indoor cats don’t.

The problem is that many cats don’t eat enough wet food. Dry-food-only diets are very detrimental for their kidneys, and they need to consume a lot of water to support that deficiency.

The other problem is that wet-food-only diets are not ideal. Dry food also has a lot of benefits so that a balanced diet would be your best bet 50% to 70% wet food and the rest dry food accompanied by proper amounts of filtered water.

In the fantastic book Think Like a Cat, Pam Johnson-Bennett explains why water consumption is so important for cats. She says:

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What Are Some Signs Of Dehydration In Cats

Dehydration is a serious condition that requires treatment at first the first signs that your cat is experiencing it. Cats that don’t drink enough water can quickly become dehydrated. Below are a few ways to check whether your cat may be dehydrated.

  • Skin Elasticity – Gently pinch and pull out the skin between your cat’s shoulder blades. Once you let go your kitty’s skin should snap right back to normal in less than a second. If your cat’s skin doesn’t snap right back, your feline friend could be dehydrated.
  • Sunken Eyes – One sign you can easily see in your cat is by looking at your cat’s eyes. If your kitty’s eyes seem to lack focus or appear sunken or dull, dehydration may be the cause.
  • Dry Mouth – Take a look at the gums of your feline friend. Their gums should always appear pink and moist. Pressing your finger against your cat’s gums will make the spot you are pressing turn white, but if they don’t return to a healthy pink color within a second or two of removing your finger your kitty may be dehydrated.
  • Constipation – This sign is easy to notice as long as you stay aware of your cat’s litter box habits. When cats are dehydrated they often become constipated. If your cat hasn’t been passing as much stool as usual, dehydration may be to blame.
  • Panting – Unlike dogs, cats don’t often pant. If your feline friend is panting they may be dehydrated.

Are Certain Cats Prone To Dehydration

Generally, cats that have been diagnosed with another illness and older cats are more prone to dehydration.

For instance, if your cat is experiencing cancer, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or kidney disorder, it is helpful to talk with your veterinarian about how to maintain healthy and ideal hydration levels for your cat.

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Why Wont My Cat Drink Water

Its long been said that you can lead a horse to waterbut you cant make him drink. But what if the same holds true for your cat?

Why wont my cat drink water? is not the kind of question any proud pet owner wants to be asking. But all too often, this frustrated lament is heard emanating from curious cat lovers like so many desperate meows.

Of course, its wise to be concerned when your cat isnt drinking much water. Water is one of a handful of nutrients essential to good feline health, and just like in people, hydration is of the utmost importance.

Serious Health Problems In Cats Related To Dehydration

Cat Not Drinking Water? 8 Ways to Get Your Cat to Drink More Water

If you believe your cat isn’t drinking enough water, it’s important to call your veterinarian immediately. Dehydration could be a sign of a severe underlying health problem like heat stroke, diabetes, or kidney disease. It’s always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to the health of your feline companion.

Note:The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet’s condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

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Does My Cat Have Access To An Appropriate Water Bowl

When they put their face into their water bowl to drink, their whiskers could graze the side of the bowl and it could cause discomfort,Patrick Mahaney, VMD, a holistic veterinarian in Los Angeles explains. Look for a wide bowl that doesnt brush up against the whiskers. Or, for kitties that want a more tantalizing water source, consider a trickling fountain.

Warning Signs Of A Dehydrated Cat

Depending on how long a cat has gone without water, the signs of dehydration can range from subtle to more severe, says Dr. Rebecca Greenstein, Rover Dog People panelist and Chief Veterinarian at Kleinburg Veterinary Hospital. If your cat is experiencing any signs of illness that could lead to dehydration, seek veterinary attention immediately.

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How To Know If My Cat Is Drinking Enough Water

Dehydration in cats can lead to loss of appetite, or if your cat is dehydrated severely by not drinking enough water or urinating more, her skin could become dry. You can see the tent.

Cats gum will be dry her mental state wont be healthy. Her heart rate can also increase. These are some signs by which you can know.

Cat Not Drinking Water You Should Try This

Why Wont My Cat Drink Water

March 30th, 2020.

Water is very important for cats, just like it is for humans and every other living creature. Did you know that 1 in 3 cats develop kidney problems in their lifetime?

Its very important to keep your cats properly hydrated at all times to avoid future complications such as UTIs and irreversible kidney damage.

So right now, you might be asking, “well, if the water is so important, why is my cat not drinking enough water or not drinking at all?”

There is a lot of misinformation and confusion online about this subject, so wed like to break it down for you in full detail.

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Drinking Filtered Water Could Help Your Cat Prevent Utis

UTIs are urinary tract infections located in the urinary system. If not treated early, UTIs can negatively affect the kidneys.

UTIs in cats can be asymptomatic. Routinary checkups are a must to avoid further health complications.

Untreated UTIs can also cause cell damage due to the abundance of bacterias.

What causes cat urinary infection?

Urinary tract infections happen when bacteria travels into the bladder and the urethra. Cats that drink tap water directly are at a higher risk of developing UTIs due to the heavy metals, chlorine, fluoride minerals, and other chemicals found in tap water. Depending on where you live, the water can be harder or softer.

Trupanion, Inc., one of the leaders when it comes to medical insurance for cats and dogs, released a report that identifies a connection between urinary health conditions and hard water in the US.

According to Trupanion:

One cat covered by the Trupanion policy struggled with urinary blockages for weeks, being seen every four or five days for treatment, diagnostics, and hospitalization. When his chronic condition couldn’t be controlled, he received a perineal urethrostomy , where his anatomy was surgically reconstructed. The total cost of treatment was more than $11,600, not to mention the amount of time and stress the pet owner and the cat had to endure.


With early detection and proper treatment, your cat may totally recover without further issues.

Offer Tuna Or Broth Ice Cubes

Another ingenious trick to get moisture into your kittys system is to use chilled tuna or chicken broth ice cubes.

Some cats gravitate towards liquids with ice cubes. Oftentimes, they get fascinated by the sight of bobbing ice cubes in the water.

If yours is one of them, indulge her. Grab an ice tray and pour some unsalted chicken broth, clam juice, salmon juice, and tuna juice, and place them in the freezer.

When they are chilled, get a few of the cubes and throw them into the cats ice cubes.

When using ice cubes around cats, you want to make sure that they dont ingest the actual cubes.

Doing that can cause blockages, damage teeth, affect the digestive system, and trigger brain freeze.

You simply want to chill the water and introduce cold flavor to it.

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Switch To A Wet Food Diet

If your kitten wont drink water and is on a dry food diet, you should make the switch to wet delicacies or make a mix of both. Wet food contains much more moisture and is generally more nutritious than cat kibble, which has around 10% moisture.

A dry-food-only diet may also make your kitty form unhealthy eating habits, like gorging and overeating and make them crave unhealthy human food, like sausages or cheese. If hooked on biscuits from kittenhood, cats may refuse wet food later in life.

If your kitty doesnt want to give up biscuits, you can add some soup or broth for moisture.

Yeees, cheeeese!!!

How Can I Encourage My Cat To Drink More

How to Encourage Cats to Drink Water

Using a water fountain such as the Cattit Flower water fountain can suit many cats just fine, but some may need a wider, shallower bowl like the Frisco Round Cat Dish to keep their whiskers out of the water.

Cleaning fountains or bowls regularly and refilling them with cool water is another small addition that could significantly affect your cats water consumption. Moving their water source away from their litter box and offering several drinking stations in your home is also a good idea since cats wont stop to eat or drink if they feel threatened or stressed by their environment.

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Suspicious Of Still Water

If you think Why Wont My Cat Drink Water From Her Bowl? Thats because cats wont drink water from the water bowl. Due to is the stillness of the water, she likes running water.

The reason for a cat to go for running water is that she finds it safe. As we know, still water can develop a stale taste because of carbon dioxide and air reactions. Also, in still water, bacteria and germs keep developing.

Cats are clean animals, and they want clean water too! So, when they get water in a bowl, she assumes the still water is unsafe to drink. This behavior comes from her wild cats ancestors.

And, one solid reason why they prefer running water more is that it has more count of oxygen which makes the taste much better.

Ways To Test If Your Cat Is Dehydrated

For less severe cases of dehydration, Dr. Greenstein says to consider scooping your kitty up for an at-home examination. If the signs point to dehydration or if youre unsure if they do, its best to consult your vet.

  • The Skin Tent Test. Depending on the age of your cat, their skin should be elastic-like. To test for dehydration, gently gather the skin behind your cats shoulders and lift slightly. The skin should fall back in place quickly, though older cats will have less elasticity. If the skin remains in a tented position or falls back slowly, your cat might be dehydrated.
  • The Gum Test. Your cats gums should be pink and moist. If your cats gums are dry, tacky, and/or pale, its a sign theyre not feeling well. If your cats gums are tacky, your cat might be dehydrated. While youre near your cats mouth, take note if the tongue is dry and/or the saliva is thick and white. Gently press your finger into the gums. If the white spot left by your finger lingers for two seconds or more, your cat might have prolonged capillary refill time, Dr. Greenstein explains, and you should seek veterinary care immediately.
  • The Litter Box Test. If your cat is eating and drinking normally, they should produce an amount of pee typical for your cat. A change in urination could point to medical concerns and an evaluation by your vet is recommended. If you spot diarrhea or loose stool, its a sure-fire sign your cat is losing fluids and could be at risk of dehydration.
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    Try Ice Cubes In Your Cats Food

    It adds moisture and its like a little treat for the cat. The cube takes on the foods flavor, and while your cats licking the cube, hes getting more water, too. Ice cubes in your cats water bowl might work with a cat not drinking water, too. Some cats prefer icy-cold water, just like some humans do.

    Is It An Emergency If My Cat Wont Drink Water

    Pin on Cat Health

    Not drinking enough water will cause dehydration if it goes on long enough. This is a serious condition that can even be fatal. Unfortunately, pet parents dont always notice the signs of dehydration in cats until they become severe. Signs of dehydration include:

    Dry gums: Try to press your index finger gently into your cats gums and watch them turn from white back to a normal pink color. This should happen in less than 2 seconds. If the gums are cherry red, your finger sticks to the gums, or the refill time is longer than 2 seconds, your cat may be significantly dehydrated.

    Increased skin tenting: Gently pinch the skin between your cats shoulder blades or on top of the head, pull it upward, then let go. The skin should bounce back into place within a second. If the skin remains tented any longer, your cat is likely dehydrated.

    Sunken eyes: Your cats eyes will appear sunken into their head with moderate to severe dehydration.

    Constipation: The colons job is to pull water out of the feces to rehydrate the body and to form stool. When the body is already dehydrated, the colon continues to dry out the stool, leading to constipation. If your cat is straining to defecate in the litter box, and there is no feces or only small, hard fecal balls, your cat may be constipated and dehydrated.

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