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HomeFactsAt What Age Do Kittens Get Rabies Shots

At What Age Do Kittens Get Rabies Shots

What Vaccines Do Ragdoll Kittens Need

Cat rabies vaccine

There are a variety of vaccines that your ragdoll kitten will need in order to stay healthy. These vaccines will protect your kitten from a variety of diseases, including rabies, feline leukemia, and more. It is important to work with your veterinarian to determine which vaccines are right for your kitten, as well as when they should be administered.

Vaccinating Your Kitten: Why Its Important

An vaccination is recommended once or twice a year for kittens 16 weeks or older. The recommended vaccination age for the vaccine is 8 weeks of age, followed by boosters at 12 weeks and 16 weeks of age to avoid over vaccination. The more unvaccinated kittens, the more easily they can become ill, jeopardizing their health and welfare. Even if your kitten is older, you should never postpone vaccinations. Older cats are frequently ill with a weakened immune system, so it is critical to keep them well cared for and to maintain their boosters. Your kitten will benefit from receiving vaccinations to help protect them from a wide range of illnesses.

Vaccinated Pets Protect Public Health

Dr. Ashley Mitek, assistant teaching professor at the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and small animal Extension veterinarian, compiled the following FAQs about the new cat rabies law, with help from veterinary oncologist Dr. Alycen Lundberg and public health veterinarian Dr. Will Sander.

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Your Kitten Needs A Vaccination Schedule To Stay Happy And Healthy

Your little catling is a sweet bundle of pouncy, purry love one that needs your help to stay healthy, happy, and safe. One of the most important things you can do for your kittyBAE is to make sure they get their vaccinations against disease. Heres what to know about which vaccinations they need, when they need them, and how much you can expect to pay.

Planning For A Healthy Future

D and D Kennel

The right vaccines will help your kitten stay protected against disease. And this is just one of many steps youll take as a new cat owner to make sure that your feline friend is set up for a long, healthy life.

After your kitten has received their vaccines, talk to your veterinarian about the best path forward for your cat whether thats choosing the right cat food, finding a great brush, or discussing environmental enrichment to prevent stress-related diseases and improve quality of life. And while youre at it, read on for more vaccination pro tips here!

Preventive care and insurance can help

While vaccines are an essential part of preventive kitten care, some illnesses can still arise. In the event that your kitty needs a vet visit, pet insurance can help you say yes to the best care possible now, and in the future.

Preventive Essentials is not an insurance policy, and is not available in all states. It is offered as an optional add-on non-insurance benefit. Pumpkin is responsible for the product and administration. For full terms, visit

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Why Is The Rabies Vaccine For Cats So Important

The rabies virus is a very severe disease, which is predominantly fatal for unvaccinated pets. It is also important to know that many states REQUIRE the euthanasia of unvaccinated animals exposed to potentially rabid animals.

Euthanasia is required because it is impossible to diagnose rabies in living animals. The tests for diagnosing rabies require brain tissue samples from two parts of the brain that can only be extracted during a postmortem procedure.

Once rabies symptoms set in, the disease is nearly always fatal in animals, and treatment options are typically supportive. That is why prevention methods like the rabies vaccines are essential.

These are also the reasons why most states and local governments in the United States require the vaccination of dogs and cats by law.

These laws vary by region, so I would recommend contacting your veterinarian or local health department for additional information about the requirements and recommendations.

What Is A Rabies Vaccine For Cats

A rabies vaccine contains a minuscule amount of the rabies virus, giving your cat immunity to the disease-causing virus.

The rabies vaccine is a killed vaccine, meaning that the minuscule amounts of rabies virus within the vaccine will not cause disease.

Rabies vaccines may be adjuvanted or non-adjuvanted. Adjuvanted vaccines contain extra substances intended to increase the immune response to the vaccine. Non-adjuvanted vaccines do not contain these substances.

The rabies vaccine is injected into your cats body and will stimulate the cats immune system to mount an immune response against the rabies virus.

The cats body then develops the ability to create antibodies that can fight the rabies virus if the cat is ever bitten by a rabid animal. The antibodies help your cat fight off the disease, preventing your cat from developing rabies.

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Q: How Often Do Adult Dogs And Cats Need To Be Vaccinated

A: Like cats, dogs need to be vaccinated annually or up to every three years depending on the disease the vaccine is protecting against. Rabies vaccines are mandatory for many states in the US a dog must receive that shot at least every year, but sometimes every three years.

All vaccines are updated at 1 year after a cat or dog first receives the vaccine, regardless of age.

For rabies, the vaccines are good for 3 years after the first year.

The Distemper or DHPP vaccine is given every three years after the first year. This vaccine is a combination vaccine for distemper, hepatitis, parvo, and parainfluenza. There are other combinations for this vaccine, but this is the one we use at Burke Animal Clinic.

The Bordetella vaccine, or kennel cough vaccine, is given every year. We do not consider this a core vaccine unless your dog spends time with groups of unfamiliar dogs, such as in boarding facilities, the groomer or dog parks.

There are other vaccines you may consider for your pet based on their lifestyles, such as for influenza or Lyme. These should be discussed with your veterinarian.

When Should My Kitten Be Vaccinated

Rabies Vaccination in Cats

Vaccinations are important for your young kitten. Some infectious diseases are fatal, and vaccinations can protect your kitten from many of these diseases. In order to be effective, immunizations must be given as a series of injections at prescribed intervals, so it is essential that you are on time for your kittens scheduled vaccinations. Immunizations are started at 6-8 weeks of age and are repeated every 3-4 weeks until the kitten is 4 months old.

The routine or core vaccinations will protect your kitten from the most common diseases: feline distemper , feline viral rhinotracheitis , calicivirus, and rabies. The first three are included in a combination vaccine given every three to four weeks until the kitten reaches 16 weeks of age. Rabies vaccine is usually given once at 12-16 weeks of age.

“Your veterinarian will assess your kittens lifestyle and discuss these vaccinations with you to help you decide what is best for your cat.”

Non-core vaccines are not administered to every kitten, but are recommended in certain areas for cats with certain lifestyles. Cats that live outdoors are at more risk for infectious disease and often need these additional vaccines. One non- core vaccine for chlamydophila may be given if this disease is common in your area. Feline leukemia vaccine is recommended for all kittens that are exposed to outdoor cats, so if your kitten goes outside or lives with another cat that goes in and out, feline leukemia vaccine may be added to the regimen.

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Is My Kitten Protected After Their First Round Of Shots

Until they have received all of their vaccinations , your kitten will not be fully vaccinated. Once all of their initial vaccinations have been completed, your kitten will be protected against the diseases or conditions covered by the vaccines.

If youd like to allow your kitten outdoors before they have been vaccinated against all the diseases listed above, we recommend keeping them restricted to low-risk areas, like your own backyard.

Why Should I Get My Indoor Cat Vaccinated

Though you may not think your indoor cat requires vaccinations, by law cats must have certain vaccinations in many states. For example, a common law requires cats over the age of 6 months to be vaccinated against rabies. In return for the vaccinations, your veterinarian will provide you with a vaccination certificate, which should be stored in a safe place.

When considering your cats health, its always prudent to be cautious, as cats are often curious by nature. Our vets recommend core vaccinations for indoor cats to protect them against diseases they could be exposed to if they happen to escape the safety of your home.

Cat Vaccines

There are two basic types of vaccinations for cats.

Core vaccinations should be given to all cats, as they are essential for protecting them against the following common but serious feline conditions:


Rabies kills many mammals every year. These vaccinations are required by law for cats in most states.

Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Panleukopenia Typically known as the distemper shot, this combination vaccine protects against feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia.

Feline herpesvirus type I

Non-core vaccinations are appropriate for some cats depending on their lifestyle. Your vet will provide advice about which non-core vaccines your cat should have. These offer protection against:

Feline immunodeficiency virus and Feline Leukemia


Chlamydophila felis

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Scheduling Shots For Your Kitten’s Health

At our veterinary hospital, we schedule vaccines based on your pet’s health risks and age. We recommend starting your kitten vaccines at 7 to 9 weeks of age and revaccinating at 3 to 4 week intervals until your kitten is 12 to 14 weeks old. We will vaccinate your kitten for rabies when the last set of kitten vaccines are given.

The series of kitten vaccines used by our team generally focus on core requirements. We give a single injection which includes several vaccinations at the same time and the rabies shot is in a separate injection.

How Much Does A Cat Rabies Vaccine Cost

When Do Puppies Get Rabies Shot

Cat rabies vaccine costs will vary tremendously depending on the vaccine used by your veterinarian. Non-adjuvanted vaccines are significantly more expensive than adjuvanted vaccines, and the three-year form is more expensive than the one-year form.

Some veterinarians will choose to eat the extra cost rather than pass it along to their clients because they feel that the non-adjuvanted vaccine is simply better medicine. Other practices, particularly those that vaccinate a lot of cats, are unable to absorb this extra cost and must pass it along.

The cost of the procedure also depends on whether the vaccine is administered in an office visit by the veterinarian or at a vaccine clinic. Be aware that, as a rule, vaccines that are inexpensive are most likely adjuvanted vaccines.

If the choice is between an inexpensive adjuvanted vaccine or nothing, I strongly recommend choosing the adjuvanted vaccine.

However, if your veterinarian offers the non-adjuvanted vaccine, and you are able to afford it, that is the preferred choice for most cats, regardless of whether it is the one- or three-year form.

So, in short, rabies vaccines for cats are very important, regardless of whether your cat goes outside or not. It is important for the health of your pet as well as for you!

So call your veterinarian, dig that cat carrier out of the basement, and head in for a rabies vaccine today.

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How Long Are Rabies Shots For Cats Good For

The length of time a rabies vaccine is effective for depends on the particular vaccine given to your cat. There are several different brands of rabies vaccines approved by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in cats, and they each come with their own specific guidelines that must be followed.

Some feline rabies vaccines must be given every year, while others can be administered every 3 years. Your cat should receive their first rabies vaccine when they are a kitten , followed by a booster 1 year later. After their booster, the rabies vaccine is given every 1 or 3 years, depending on which one is used.

Which vaccine you receive can depend on what clinic your cat is vaccinated at as well as what state you live in. Your veterinarian can provide you with information on what vaccine they use and what their protocol is.

What Vaccines Should My Cat Get

Most vets will highly recommend the FVRCP and rabies vaccines. These diseases are highly infectious and seen worldwide. They are very dangerous to young cats, and the vaccines are considered to provide a good deal of protection with minimal risk.

The FeLV vaccine is tricky because it is required for kittens but optional for cats that are at least a year old.

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Risks Of Vaccines For Kittens

Although there are some risks when vaccinating your kitten, theyre very minor. Similar to humans, kittens who receive vaccines may experience some initial side effects, such as a low fever, decreased appetite, localized swelling, or tiredness.

These symptoms, however, usually start shortly after the vaccine and last only a few days. If your kitten continues to experience side effects, contact your veterinarian.

Some kittens may experience an allergic reaction to a vaccine. An allergic reaction can cause itchiness, hives, and swelling of the face, so if you see any of these symptoms, youll want to take your cat to the vet immediately, and reconsider vaccinating your kitty in the future.

Finally, in other rare situations, cats can develop feline injection-site sarcomas, or FISS. This type of malignant cancer is thought to be caused by persistent swelling from the spot where a cat was vaccinated, and has been associated with the FeLV vaccine and rarely, the rabies vaccine FISS tumors are aggressive and invade surrounding tissues, and can require surgery and radiation for treatment.

Overall, veterinarians and feline medical organizations like the AAHA and AAFP agree that the incidence of negative side effects as a whole is low, and the benefits of core kitten vaccines outweigh the risks.

How Often Do Kittens Get Vaccinations

5 Kittens Get Their Vaccines | Incredible Dr. Pol

1. Distemper and Leukemia

Kittens who have been vaccinated according to their age guidelines are less likely to contract diseases in the first place. The first vaccine that a kitten is typically given is called a rabies vaccination. This protects against infection with the virus that causes rabies. A second round of vaccinescalled core vaccinesare based on the age when the first vaccination was given.

2. Feline herpesvirus 1 and 2

3. Calicivirus

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Do Indoor Cats Need To Be Vaccinated

There are several serious animal illnesses that indoor cats can acquire. The right core vaccinations can be an important step in protecting your cat from the health risks associated with these diseases. Do you have an indoor cat? We are ready to discuss which vaccinations your kitty should have to stay healthy and live a longer life.

What If My Cat Is Pregnant Or Nursing

Pregnant or nursing cats should not be vaccinated, unless a vaccine has been specifically tested for safety for pregnant and nursing cats. We do not want to jeopardize the lives of the kittens with exposure to vaccinations when they are too young or by compromising the health of your cat as their body is already under a great deal of stress. We can schedule vaccinations at a point when they have recovered from pregnancy and nursing.

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Why Should I Have My Female Cat Spayed

Spaying young cats offers several advantages:

  • Your cat will avoid heat periods, which usually begin at six to seven months of age and occur every two to three weeks in an unbred cat. During the heat period, female cats encourage the attention of male cats. The female cat will posture and vocalize, which can be annoying to owners so too can the presence of neighborhood male cats that mark the territory outside your house and fight off other suitors. Sometimes the natural urge to mate is so strong that your indoor cat will attempt to escape outdoors to breed.
  • Spaying prevents unplanned litters of kittens that often never find suitable homes.
  • Spaying prior to the first heat cycle greatly reduces the risk of breast cancer.
  • Spaying prevents cancers or infections of the reproductive organs.

Spaying a cat may be a common procedure, but all surgery must be taken seriously. The correct term for spaying is ovariohysterectomy, and refers to the complete removal of the uterus and ovaries under general anesthesia. An overnight stay in the hospital may be advised to allow close monitoring during recovery and provide adequate pain control .

How Much Do Kitten Vaccines Cost

How Often Do Cats Need Rabies Vaccines

Bringing a new kitten into the family involves a multitude of expenses, and vaccines are a part of them. The cost of vaccines for your kitten can vary based on a number of factors such as your location, your veterinarian, the type of vaccine, etc.

In general, however, you can expect the cost of a single vaccine to range anywhere from $25 to $50. That said, some veterinarians may offer multiple services for your kitten vaccines, an examination, and deworming, for example packaged within a single price.

The frequent vet visits involved in the kitten vaccination schedule, these costs can add up, so it can be helpful to talk to your veterinarian ahead of time if you have any concerns about vaccine pricing.

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Kitten Vaccine Schedule For First

One of the most important things you should do in your first few weeks as a cat owner is vaccinating your kitten. Vaccines help protect your pet from serious infectious diseases and prevent them from passing an infection on to other pets in your area.

But what shots do kittens actually need? When should kittens have all their shots by, and how much do kitten shots cost?

Heres everything you need to know about first-year kitten vaccines:

  • 9-11 weeks: FVRCP Optional: FeLV, FIV
  • 12-14 weeks: FVRCP Optional: FeLV , FIV
  • 15-17 weeks: FVRCP , Rabies Optional: FIV
  • 1-3 years: FVRCP booster, Rabies Optional: FeLV & FIV boosters


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