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HomeFoodHow Long Do Kittens Need To Eat Kitten Food

How Long Do Kittens Need To Eat Kitten Food

When Can Kittens Eat Wet Food

What & How to Feed Kittens age 4 to 6 Weeks old

Kittens can start eating wet food anytime within four to six weeks of agethat’s when it becomes easy for them to lap it up and digest. If their mom hasn’t done so already, lead them to the dish and gently put a smidgen of food on their mouths a couple of times. Soon, they’ll totally take over getting in their nom-noms.

Get A Different Type Of Bowl

There are a lot of different types of bowls available in the market. Your cat may find it tiresome to eat out of a deep bowl. You can try getting your cat a large bowl with a shallow depth, making it easy for your kitten to eat in.

You should get a stainless steel bowl if possible because it is easy to clean and lasts longer. Avoid buying plastic bowls as they give off a smell and can break easily.

The Importance Of Switching From Kitten Food To Cat Food

Kitten food is designed to support rapid growth and development. In comparison to adult cat food, kitten food generally has:

  • More calories, protein, and fat
  • Adequate levels of docosahexaenoic acid , an omega-3 fatty acid that is important for brain and vision development
  • Increased amounts of some vitamins and minerals
  • Optimal calcium to phosphorus ratios

Weight gain is the biggest danger associated with continuing to feed kitten food to an adult cat. While a chonky cat might sound cute, a healthy weight is going to help your cat live a happier, healthier life! The Association for Pet Obesity Prevention estimates that almost 60 percent of pet cats are overweight or obese, which puts them at increased risk for many health problems including diabetes, arthritis, and hepatic lipidosis .

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What To Feed Newborn Kittens

The first food that a kitten takes as soon as they are born is their mothers milk. This food is fundamental for them, since it will transmit maternal immunity against the main infectious pathogens.

If we have adopted a kitten of lactation age or their mother rejects them, we must bottle-feed them every two hours with special cat milk. It must be catered to them to aid digestion, so avoid cows milk!

The milk that the kittens take, both by natural breastfeeding and artificial feeding, is rich in fatty acids, colostrum and vitamins.

How Do I Switch From One Kitten Food To Another

Cats Should NOT Be Vegetarians

Cats are often considered the epitome of the picky eater. But it doesnt have to be that way. Get your kitten started off on the right paw.


Its easier to switch foods if a kitten has been exposed early on to different textures and flavors, Larsen says. If exposed to the same food over and over, cats tend to get a fixed preference for a particular flavor and texture.

If youre trying to make a switch to a new kitten food, try mixing the new food and old foods in the same bowl. Over time, offer smaller and smaller amounts of the old food along with the new food.

Remember that making rapid changes in food can cause stomach upset or hunger strikes. So you may need to make the transition to a new food over four to seven days.

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Changing From Commercial To Homemade Cat Food

If your cat has been on commercial cat food for most of its life, his digestive enzymes and digestive system has most likely acclimated to this unnatural diet. Slowly transition over to raw food, 1 teaspoon at a time, over the course of a month.

You will want to follow the advice of your veterinary professional, but for many this will look like:

Day 1-5: Mix 1 teaspoon of raw food into whatever your cat normally eats.

Day 5-10: Increase the raw food by double.

Day 10-15: Feed your cat half raw, half what they were eating before.

Day 15 on: You may be able to switch to all raw food as your cat has had time for their digestive system to catch up. If your cat is fussy, continue the slow transition.

Feeding A Newborn Kitten

In an ideal situation, the kittens mother will nurse them for their first few weeks. The nutrients in her milk helps the newborn kittens transition from milk to solid food. Consuming these important nutrients in her protein-rich milk helps form the kittens immune systems and offers protection from disease.

If you stumble upon a litter of new kittens whose mother is unable to feed them, these orphaned kitties will need to be bottle-fed a suitable replacement for their mothers milk. Newborn kittens up to 4 weeks old should be fed a kitten milk replacement formula . Carlene Strandell, founder and director of the non-profit Smitten with Kittens, a foster-based kitten rescue that operates in Tallahassee, Fl., says you need just two things for feeding a newborn: a kitten bottle with a nipple, and kitten replacement formula. Once you have those two essential items, then you can begin to bottle feed the kitten their special formula.

RELATED: How to Bottle Feed a Kitten the Right Way

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At What Age Does A Kitten Become A Cat

When a kitten turns one, they are generally considered adult cats. By this point, your kitten has gone through their rapid growth stage, which begins once they are weaned and lasts until they’re around six months old. Theyll also have gone through the adolescent stage, which lasts until 12 months old. Until they reach their first birthday, your kitten will require a very specific diet that is suitable for their tiny teeth, mouth, and stomach and filled with all the right nutrients that will help them develop properly.

As with all animals, there are some exceptions, which include larger breeds like the Maine Coon. These cats tend to reach maturity between 18 months and two years of age. But how do you know which kitten food to try?

Mindy Bough, CVT, senior director of client services for the Midwest Office of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals , doesn’t recommend feeding the generic or store-branded kitten foods to your little feline. “Research has determined these kitten foods provide excellent health,” explains Bough.

Always read the label to ensure that they comply with regulatory standards and that your kitten will not require additional vitamin or mineral supplements. If completely necessary, these should only be given if recommended by your veterinarian.

When Can Kittens Eat Dry & Wet Food

How to make homemade kitten milk | Kitten food

Although kittens shouldnt eat adult cat food before theyve fully matured, they can begin eating dry kibble and wet kitten food much earlier.

By three to four weeks, kittens can begin eating moistened dry kibble or wet food. Between six and eight weeks, kittens are fully weaned from their mothers milk and can eat dry or wet kitten food.

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From Mothers Milk To Solid Food

For the first weeks of their lives, the diet of kittens consists of mothers milk only. Mothers milk will do for the first 3 to 4 weeks. After that, you may begin adding canned food to their diet. Starting at around 6 or 7 weeks, most kittens can switch over to solid food completely and no longer need to drink from their mother. Around 8 or 9 weeks the kittens are ready to leave the nest and move to their new owner. Your kitten was probably a few months old when you purchased it.

How Long Do Kittens Eat Kitten Food

It is very important to know how much your kitten should be fed at one time. The following chart will help you determine this:

Infant kittens 4 oz daily or 2# per week.

Kittens up to 8 weeks old 1-3 ounces daily . 3 months and older 1-2 tablespoons daily.

Newborns, weanling kittens, and adult cats ½ to 1 ounce of canned food mixed with a little warm water twice a day until eating solid foods for complete nutrition is achieved. Be careful not to overfeed! Do not use dry cat food as it can cause urinary blockages in young cats resulting in death from kidney failure or other complications such as choking, strangulation and aspiration pneumonia due to difficulty swallowing the small pieces of dry kibble that are often found in their stools after feeding them too many times a day for too long periods of time..

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Can You Feed A Kitten Adult Cat Food

Switching your kitten to cat food can be a difficult process. In most cases, kittens will happily take to their new food when its introduced gradually. However, some kittens dont respond well to the change. They might not like their foods taste, texture, or flavor.

To avoid this issue, many pet parents wonder if they can feed adult food to a kitten. This bypasses the transition period and makes things easier for everyone, right? Wrong! Specially formulated kitten food is crucial for healthy growth and development. Feeding adult cat food before the point of full maturity can cause all kinds of issues, including:

  • Poor Development: Specially formulated kitten food is high in calories and essential nutrients, which are required for healthy growth and development. Failure to fulfill these dietary needs could result in malnourishment, poor development, and stunted growth. This could have a lasting impact throughout adult life.
  • Weakness & Lethargy: Kittens need more energy than adults, and they get this energy through their diet. Adult cat food wont contain as much energy, meaning kittens fed an adult diet could be weak and lethargic. Where kittens should sleep at night and nap during the day, constant fatigue is a sign something is wrong.

What Do Kittens Need To Stay Healthy

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Kittens have different nutritional needs from adult cats which is why they need different food. A major aspect is that, just like humans, kittens will gain a lot of weight very quickly. They have to in order to stay healthy!

Kittens also have a lot more energy than adult cats, so they need food that will help them both gain weight and muscle and let them keep up a high energy lifestyle. As a result, most kittens will want more meals than adults and they need quite a bit of quality protein and water.

Just like adults, kittens also need fatty acids, fats, and vitamins, but in the case of kittens, they require more amino acids and minerals to support their growth.

Because kittens burn through their food quickly and cannot eat more than a little bit at a time, young kittens usually need to be fed several times a day. Forgetting to do so can lead to a blood sugar crash which can make your kitten sick.

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When Can Kittens Eat Dry Food A Vet’s Guide To Weaning Kittens

When can kittens eat dry food and how do you wean them for the first time? Find out all you need to know in this guide…

When can kittens eat dry food? will be one of the many questions swirling around your head if you are weaning kittens, especially for the first time.

Having kittens in your home is such an exciting time! Watching the bundles of fluff develop and grow is quite an experience. However, rearing kittens is also a big responsibility and its important that you are fully informed at each step.

Weaning too soon, or with an inappropriate diet, can be very harmful to a kittens health and development. Lets explore all your questions in our vets guide, from choosing the best kitten food for your young feline to how often to feed your kitten.

How To Help A Cat To Recover From A Tooth Extraction

The most important steps to help a cat recover after a tooth extraction are the following:

  • After the tooth extraction, only soft food is allowed for about a week. The main reason for this is to prevent the food to be stuck in the open sockets or sutures in your cats mouth.
  • Ensure that you are following the instructions for medication that the veterinarian has given you. Anti-inflammatory pain medications, such as Metacam, will help reduce the pain for 48 hrs. If taking them orally is uncomfortable for her, mix a small amount on her food . While narcotics like Buprenex will also help your pain, the effect will only lasts for 8-10 hours, thus, giving it twice a day is recommended. Buprenex can be used by injecting it directly under the skin or squirted on the gums or under the tongue. These medications should be maintained until she is fully recovered.
  • Wait for at least two weeks of recovery before you can start brushing her teeth or giving her dental treats.
  • Keep observing her for the next few weeks. If you notice her having problems closing and opening her mouth or experiencing discomfort, pain, lethargy, lack of appetite and vomiting contact your vet.

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What Do You Do If Your Kitten Wont Eat Kitten Food

Cats are curious creatures who are open to trying different food items. It might like the food you gave it one day and refuse to eat it the next day. If your kitten wont eat kitten food, it means that theres something wrong with your kittens feeding behavior.

It might be that your kitten does not like the kitten food because you changed it to a new brand. Cats dont respond well to change. You can try some of these tricks to make your cat eat its food.

Choosing The Best Kitten Food

Cat Nutrition 101: What Food Should I Feed My Cat?

When it comes to kitten food, quality counts. Choose only food that has been certified by Association of American Feed Control Officials , which establishes nutritional standards for complete and balanced pet foods. This means that the food has been tested to make sure it is properly balanced for your kittens growing needs. If youve adopted a kitten from a shelter, find out what the kitten was eating previously and stick with that diet to avoid stomach upset.

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How To Choose An Adult Cat Food

Make sure to choose an adult cat food that provides the same high-quality nutrition as a premium kitten food. Downgrading to a basic nutrition brand at this stage of your cats life may upset their digestive system and wont provide them with the same type of nutrition they were raised on. Premium foods like IAMS are formulated to meet all of your cats needs and provide additional benefits. Theyre specifically designed to provide your cat with a formula that features:

  • High-quality ingredients
  • Complete and balanced levels of protein, fat, moderately fermentable fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which make costly supplements unnecessary
  • High-quality recipes and great taste
  • Standards that meet or exceed Association of American Feed Control Officials standards
  • Nutrient-dense formulas that are right for each life stage
  • Product guarantees

All of these premium features add up to a happy, healthy cat. With premium dry cat food, you can expect to see these important indicators of good health:

  • Exceptional muscle tone

What Is In Cat Food

Cat food comes in two varieties. Dry kibble and wet food. Since cats are carnivores , their bodies cannot process vegetables. The kibble that we feed cats is, therefore, mostly meat.

The meat used in cat kibble is cooked at very high temperatures. It undergoes a few processes before being molded into the shapes we know. Cat kibble contains many carbohydrates, which helps the kibble keep its form.

Wet-type cat food is available in cans or pouches. It is a meat form, like fish, chicken, or beef, housed in jelly.

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How Long Do Kittens Nurse

Kittens eat liquid-only diets until they are approximately 3-4 weeks of age. At that time, kittens slowly begin eating more solid foods.

If you have a mother cat and kittens, simply leave out plenty of canned cat food so that kittens and the mother cat can eat as they please. The kittens will watch their mother eat and will try it on their own. A pate-style canned food is much easier for kittens than chunky foods. Mother cats naturally wean their own kittens by decreasing the amount of time the kittens are allowed to nurse.

If you have a very young kitten without a mother, at 3-4 weeks of age begin offering a shallow dish of kitten formula with a very small amount of canned pate food mixed in. Bring the kitten to the dish and entice them to eat by using a small spoon placed near their mouth. Most kittens at this age will begin chewing or suckling on the contents of the spoon. Slowly bring the spoon down into the bowl so the kitten tries some of the mixture. This stage is very messy!

Once the kitten begins eating out of the dish reliably, bottle feeding is no longer necessary. This occurs when they eat out of a dish without chewing the sides of the dish and without sucking on the food.

Offer a new dish of formula and canned food at least twice daily, if not 3 to 4 times per day, out of a clean dish. Every couple days, increase the amount of canned food mixed into the formula for about 2 weeks. Kittens should be fully off formula by 6 to 9 weeks of age.

How To Wean Kittens

Feline Raw Diet

Here are our top tips for successfully weaning kittens:

  • First, be patient. Weaning takes 2-4 weeks and there will be a LOT of mess in the early stages!
  • Once your kittens reach 4 weeks old, you can start to introduce some solid food. Its a good idea to start with wet kitten food, mixed with a little warm water or kitten milk.
  • You can offer dry food soaked in warm water or kitten milk from 4 weeks if you choose to. Or, you can add it in starting at 5-6 weeks.
  • You can offer a little food on the tip of your finger or a baby spoon, to tempt the kitten to try it. You should never smear it on their face or force their head into the bowl. They will try it when they are ready.
  • Start by offering the food on a flat dish or plate, so there is no lip or rim in the kittens way. Be prepared to change the food regularly though, as the kittens will likely walk in it too!
  • Over the next 2-4 weeks you can gradually decrease the amount of water or kitten milk you are adding until they are only eating the solid food.
  • Ensure fresh drinking water is easily available at all times.

Its important that you take your time and dont try to rush weaning, as this will only cause stress to both the kittens and the mom.

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