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How Much Food Do Kittens Need

You Can Also Calculate How Much To Feed Your Cat By Reading The Label

How Much Food Does My Cat Need?

Cats, just like humans, enjoy eating: its one of the great pleasures of life, and a cats diet is one of the most important parts of their day.

Most commercial pet foods include a guide to feeding quantities on the label of the packaging. Typically there is a chart, with the cats weight in the left column, and the recommended amount of food in the right column e.g 4kg and 65g for dry food, or 4kg and 2 sachets or pouches for wet food, a mixture, such as 4kg and 30g dry food plus one sachet of wet food.

Sometimes there are different recommendations for active and inactive cats, neutered or entire cats, and for cats that are obese, overweight, or at their correct body weight.

These recommended amounts represent the manufacturers calculation of the correct amount of daily food for an average cat.

Often, a range of recommended quantities is given, rather than a single specified amount. This is recognition of the fact that it is impossible to say precisely how much any individual cat should be fed: there is always variation based on a number of factors.

There is an untrue myth that pet food manufacturers deliberately overstate the recommended feeding amounts on the label in an attempt to make people use more pet food. In fact, the recommended feeding amounts do represent a reasonable estimate that is useful for many cat owners who may not be able to calculate correct feeding quantities using other methods.

How Long Should I Feed My Cat Kitten Food

Living with a new kitten is always exciting. They are cute, cuddly, and simply a pleasure to be around. As a kitty parent, youve been feeding her with an appropriate formula or food designed specifically for young cats. But as she continues to grow and mature, how do you know when to switch from kitten food to regular, adult cat food? In other words, how long should I feed my cat kitten food? And how do I go about handling the transition? This article is meant to answer these exact questions, by giving the thoughtful cat parent like you all the information to guide you through the change from kitten to cat food.

Heres How To Start To Work Out How Much To Feed

Several factors go into determining how much your cat needs to eat.

The starting point is to establish five facts about your cat.

  • How old are they?
  • How much do they weigh currently?
  • Are they neutered or entire?
  • Are they active or inactive ?
  • Are they currently the correct weight, are they underweight, or overweight? Please read our article on body condition score to discover this important fact about your own cat.These five facts are used to help to work out how much to feed, using one of several different possible methods.You also need to note what type of food you are using, and get a notebook to record how much food you feed every day, recording the number of sachets of most food , and the weight, in grams, of dry cat food.
  • Read Also: Hills Metabolic And Urinary Wet Cat Food

    Feeding Kittens 6 To 8 Weeks Old

    When a kitten is 6 to 8 weeks old, it should be thoroughly weaned from the bottle and transitioned to solid foods. At this time, offer only food thats been specially formulated for kittens. Its a good idea to mix dry and canned food together so your pet experiences both at a young age. As your kitten ages, you can switch to an all-dry or all-canned diet. You should be feeding a kitten this age three to four times per day, depending on their appetite. Its also important to keep a clean, shallow bowl of fresh water available at all times to keep your kitten hydrated.

    Determining How Much To Feed A Cat

    How Much to Feed a Kitten: Kitten Food Portions and Feeding Schedule

    Different cats have different nutritional needs based on their size, life stage and more. Here are some factors to consider when deciding how much food your cat should eat.

    • Age & Life Stage: Kittens have different nutritional needs than adults or senior cats. Pregnant or nursing cats also have different needs.
    • Weight: If your cat is not at her ideal body condition, you may need to adjust what and how much you feed her, says Dr. Callie Harris, DVM.
    • Activity Levels: Cats who are active and playful throughout the day may need more calories than those who prefer to spend their time napping.
    • Indoor vs. Outdoor: Indoor cats may not get as much exercise as an outdoor cat would, so they need fewer calories. Outdoor cats living in regions with cold winters may need more food in the cold months.

    The best way to determine how much food your cat needs is to talk with your veterinarian. They can tell you how much food your cat needs based on the above factors.

    They can also help you troubleshoot any problems that may arise, such as your cat eating more or less than usual.

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    How Much To Feed A Kitten From Birth To Four Weeks

    Mamas Milk: Hopefully a kitten is still with his mother during this time. But, even so, there can be problems. If the mother cat refuses to nurse, have the vet check her out. She could have mastitis or something, making nursing painful.

    Hand-Feeding: If the mother cat refuses to take care of her kittens, youll have to bottle feed the kittens. One brand of kitten milk, KMR, can be found at major pet stores. Your vet may also have a suggestion for a formula. If at all possible, it is important for the kittens to nurse for at least the first two days.

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    What To Watch Out For In Your Kittens Development

    A lot of the developmental problems a kitten may experience can be helped by feeding them top-quality food from the earliest possible age.

    The signs of a problem caused by nutrition are usually easy to spot, though, and you should look out for:


    Your furball may be feeling fragile or sick, in which case they may be uninterested in food

    Noticeable weight gain or loss

    This can be a sign of an intestinal infection or parasitic invasion

    If in doubt, get your kitty to a vet to have them checked out. The sooner you act, the faster they will return to being their usual, playful self.

    When your little feline companion starts turning into a mini-terrorist, it may be a good time to make sure nothing is lying around that could harm them.

    Kittens are immensely curious, and you may find them trying anything left out in the kitchen. You should make sure they dont get their teeth into:

    Any kind of raw meat, chicken, liver, eggs, or fish can contain bacteria your kitten cant deal with yet, and milk is an almost guaranteed way to cause diarrhoea.

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    How Often And How Much Should You Feed Your Kitten

    Its important to feed your tiny newcomer small portions at regular intervals, up to 6 times a day. Some veterinarians prefer free-feeding, meaning providing unlimited kitten food all day long, tapering off to meal eating at around four to six months of age. Free-feeding has the benefit of reducing stomach distention resulting from eating too fast and is helpful to slow-growing kittens. However, this may not be the best practice for obese kittens, who would benefit more from measured portions as recommended by the food manufacturer. Preventing obesity to start with is a lot easier than having to deal with it when it becomes a problem.

    Are There Foods I Should Avoid Giving My Kitten

    Here’s how much to feed a cat

    Its OK to feed your kitten treats, as long as you follow the 10% calorie rule, Larsen says. This means that treats should make up less than 10% of your kittens total calorie intake. But this doesnt mean its a good idea to turn your leftover table scraps into treats for your kitten. Also, take precautions with the following foods:

    • Raw meat or liver may contain parasites and harmful bacteria.
    • Raw eggs may contain Salmonella and may decrease absorption of a B vitamin, leading to skin and hair coat problems.
    • Raw fish may lead to a B vitamin deficiency, causing loss of appetite, seizures, and even death.
    • Milk may cause diarrhea in weaned kittens and cats because they lose the enzyme needed to break down milk.

    In addition, onions, garlic, chocolate, coffee, tea, raisins, or grapes can be toxic to kittens and cats.

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    How Much Should You Feed A Kitten

    Bringing your new kitten home is a super exciting time, and you want the very best for your tiny new friend. Selecting the best foods for your kitten and feeding them the right amounts will help them grow up strong and healthy.

    In this article, we tell you everything you need to know about how much you should feed your kitten and how to adjust this as they grow. You might also be trying to decide between feeding wet or dry food, so we cover that as well. We also look at common issues that can strike, such as your kitten not eating or eating too much!

    Feeding Your Kitten In Stages

    Heres a simple guide to help you determine how much to feed your kitten.

    Exclusive breast milk from mommy cat is best. If this is not possible, you may have to hand-feed your young kitten with a bottle. The current guideline is to give 8 mL of milk formula for every ounce of your kittens body weight.

    Mix 3 parts of kitten milk replacement with 1 part of dry kitten food. Give for the first week. For the following week, mix 2 parts milk replacement with 1 part dry food. The idea is to gradually reduce the amount of milk replacement in this period. The current recommendation is ¼ to 1/3 cup of kitten food at each feeding.

    Feed your kitten at least 4 times a day, giving it 1/3 to ¾ cup per feeding. Its tummy is still too small to contain the much-needed amounts of food that will give it the right amounts of nutrients if fed as frequently as adult cats.

    Give ½ of a 3-ounce can of kitten food for every pound of body weight per day.

    The best person to help you determine the right amount of food to give to your kitten is your vet. He will make the necessary assessments to provide you with more definitive answers as to how much to feed your kitten.

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    How Often To Feed A Cat

    The number of meals you give your cat every day will depend on a number of factors. Up until the age of six months, kittens will grow rapidly and expend a lot of energy, so you should feed them kitten-specific food four times per day. After this stage, their meals will need to be reduced to prevent unnecessary weight gain and you may decide to feed your cat twice a day.

    If youre feeding your cat dry food only, you can also leave their daily serving in their bowl and allow them to nibble on it throughout the day whenever they feel like it. Most cats prefer to graze and leaving some dry food out for the day allows them to satisfy themselves.

    How Much To Feed Your Young Cat

    Kitten Feeding Guide By Age  Yoiki Guide

    Feeding your adolescent cat can be a challenge. Cats in this age group are still growing, so they need enough calories to help them thrive. However, this also is an age when cats get spayed or neutered, which lowers their calorie requirements.

    So, you want your feline friend to have optimum growth, but you dont want to start the seed of obesity. Definitely a tricky position to be in! But if you recognize how these changes affect your young cats dietary needs, you should be able to provide him with the proper nutrition to keep him happy and healthy.

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    How Much Food Should I Feed My Kitten


    Welcoming a new kitten to your family is exciting, but with this excitement can come owner anxiety. Worrying about everything from how long it may take for your new four-legged friend to settle into your home to if youre creating a strong bond from the get go is not unusual. However, one of the most common concerns relates to the food you choose to feed your new arrival.

    With so much choice in kitten food nowadays, and a whole host of sometimes conflicting information online, choosing the right food for your kitty and knowing just how much to give them can be surprisingly overwhelming. To help when it comes to knowing what you can and cannot feed your kitten, as well as how much you should be giving them, here at Lords & Labradors weve put together this handy guide.

    Monitoring Your Cats Weight

    Once you know how much wet food should a cat eat to receive the chosen amount of kcals, taking into account any dry food or other treats you may provide, let it be like that for about a week. You can, of course, make daily weight measurements, but you are unlikely to get visible results over the span of two days, and there can be other factors in play. So, a week should be a more reasonable period for assessing changes and planning further actions.

    If the cat gains weight over that week, reduce the calories amount, but by much, go with 10% at a time, setting the new norm for the following week. The loss of weight should be met with a similar increase of calories by 10%.

    Since no numbers can be precise for all cats, its up to you to monitor their weight and body condition, adjusting the food amount and calories count consistently. Repeat weighing every one or two weeks to see if any new adjustments are required.

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    Weeks Seven And Eight Feeding Schedules

    Limited nursing sessions should still be allowed until the kittens are two months old, assuming they are all eating the kitten food that is offered to them three times a day. The mother cat may need to be separated from kittens that are relentlessly trying to nurse more than they should, but by the end of week eight, a kitten should weigh about two pounds from the combination of limited nursing and eating regular kitten food.

    The Spruce / Emilie Dunphy

    Do Different Cat Breeds Need Different Food

    How to CARE for a KITTEN – Food, Education and Health

    There are many varieties of cats breed. The different breed has different requirements. Its difficult to determine the right requirement of food for them. A vet can help in this. Consult with your vet for the best suggestion or you can take it to an animal hospital.

    They can also check the vital condition and whether it is sick or not.

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    Feeding Kittens That Are 6

    At 10 to 12 months old, you can transition your kitten onto an adult cat food. The time at which you make the switch will depend on the breed and body build of your kitten. If your kitten is prone to weight gain, then you may want to switch them to adult cat food sooner, as this contains fewer calories, proteins, and fats than kitten food.

    If your kitten is a larger breed, like a Maine Coon, then they can benefit from staying on kitten food until theyre 12 months of age. If youre not sure when to make the switch, your veterinarian can help by assessing your cats body condition in conjunction with their breed and overall health.

    Figure Out How Many Calories Your Kitten Needs

    As a general rule, kittens should eat 2 tablespoons of kitten-specific formula per 4 ounces of body weight within a 24-hour period, Dr. Bales told The Dodo.

    But kitten food can vary in terms of calories. So to find out exactly how much kitten food you should be feeding your specific kitten, you need to determine your kittens recommended caloric intake.

    To do this, check out this kitten feeding chart from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association . Look up your kittens weight, and the chart will suggest a range of calories to feed him a day.

    Then, follow the instructions on the label of the food youre using to find out how much wet or dry food that equates to.

    So if your kitten weighs 5 and a half pounds, according to the chart, he should be eating about 180 to 190 calories a day which would equal one 5.5-ounce can of Instinct wet kitten food, for example.

    As a general rule, kittens should gain about a half an ounce per day. Daily weight checks are encouraged, especially early on, so you can know if your kitten is eating enough or not. A food scale or neonatal scale can be used to weigh your kitten.

    If you notice your kitten isnt gaining the weight that he should, start feeding him more frequently, Dr. Bales said, and contact your vet if you still have concerns.

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    Is My Cat Obese

    Making sure your cat eats healthily and exercises regularly is important to keep them in good health. While you can help a cat lose weight, prevention is better than cure. If youre concerned about your cat, take a look at our guide on obesity, where youll find a chart to determine if your cat is overweight.

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