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What To Put Newborn Kittens In

Touching A Newborn Kitten In Distress

Tips for Caring for Newborn Kittens (Pt.1)

The only other reason to touch a kitten is when theyre considered as being in distress. If a kitten is listless, coughing and sneezing, feels cool to the touch or is bleeding, this is considered as being in distress. That being said, if you feel that something is wrong, you can trust your gut and check on your kittens.

The reason why you should limit touching the newborns is that the mother cat may be protective of their kittens. This means you may be hissed at, biffed or scratched if the mother feels there is a danger. As well as this, some mother cats may move their brood to a more remote area, which can make it harder for you to keep an eye on your cat and kittens.

This may also mean they move away from an area that you have set up specifically to keep everyone safe and happy. The environment your kittens live in is one of the most essential aspects of ensuring their wellbeing, and we discuss how to create the best environment for your kittens in further detail, below.

What To Feed A Neonatal Kitten

Stick to kitten formula, such as kitten milk replacer , which can be purchased at most pet supply stores.If you find yourself with a kitten and pet stores are closed, this emergency kitten formula can be made at home. Only use it in emergencies.

  • 8 oz. can evaporated milk
  • 1 beaten egg yolk
  • Mix all ingredients well and strain. Warm before serving. Keep refrigerated.From Feline Neonatal Care DVD from the Loudoun SPCA.

Should you feed newborn kittens goat milk?

Never feed kittens cows or goats milkthis causes diarrhea.

Feeding Frequency

10 days or younger every two hours around the clock

11 days to 2½ weeks every three to four hours

2½ to 4 weeks every five to six hours

4 weeks and older two to three times a day. Weaning occurs around this age.

Mix formula with wet food so kittens can begin to lap it up, or put the mixture in a bottle. Then mix with dry food and begin providing water. If you are having trouble getting a kitten to latch onto the bottle, try pulling on the nipple when they start to suck, this will encourage her to suck harder and latch on.

You can also try moving the nipple back and forth in the kittens mouth. If your kitten is too ill to suck on a bottle, you may have to resort to other methods like tube feeding. In this case, consult a veterinarian.

Momma Mia 7 Important Tips When Caring For Momma Cats And Kittens

Last week we had one very pretty, very pregnant momma cat who decided to deliver her kittens right there in the trap upon her arrival at our clinic!

First bit of good news, all five of the kittens came out healthy and strong. We then determined that momma cat was a friendly stray, which was the second bit of good news. She was very tame as can be and easy to handle, so the first-time trapper who had brought momma cat in decided to foster the new happy family until the kittens are big enough to wean and adopt out.

As a caregiver, if you ever find yourself in this situation, here are seven important things you need to remember when caring for a momma cat and her nursing newborns.



Momma cat will be doing most of the work, so you need to take good care of mom. She in turn will take care of the babies. Feed momma the best quality wet food you can if you also feed dry, then leave some dry available for her. Mom needs lots of good quality wet food so that the babies get the best nourishment possible from her while they are in their growth phase. Kittens will nurse every 1-3 hours for the first three weeks. Only when they hit four or five weeks old will they be ready to start weaning off mom and onto wet food.





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What Do You Feed Newborn Kittens In An Emergency

Although their mothers milk is the most nutritious meal for kittens, it may not always be an option for newborn kittens. Some mother cats refuse to nurse their kittens, while others may experience health problems that cause their milk to dry up ahead of schedule, leading to dehydration, malnourishment, and even death if you cant supplement the kittens diet and fast.

Kitten formula is the next best thing, but what happens if you cant find any? Not everyone lives in an area with 24/7 supermarkets, and with supply chain issues growing even more common, theres no guarantee that a new shipment of kitten formula will grace your local stores shelves anytime soon. In case of an emergency, you can double the strength of any brand of baby formula and use that. But dont despair if you dont have baby formula. Weve found one of the easiest kitten formula recipes you can make with ingredients you most likely already have in your kitchen.

How To Tell If Newborn Kittens Are Healthy

10 Crucial Steps to take to Save an Abandoned Newborn Kitten

Kittens grow and develop rapidly during their 4-week newborn period. Heres what to expect:

  • Kittens eyes open at about 14 days. If this doesnt happen normally, the veterinarian can open them manually.
  • Kittens also become more mobile during the first month of life. At two weeks, theyll try to stand and will rapidly advance to climbing out of their nest at about three weeks. At four weeks, theyre running and playing with their nursery-mates. Itll be time to introduce them to a few simple but irresistible toys like string and small stuffed animals.
  • Solid food can be offered at about 31/2 to 41/2 weeks. The kittens should naturally go for the mixture and graduate to only solid food after a week.
  • Wellness visits to the veterinarian begin at six to twelve weeks. The kittens will receive their first vaccines and have a thorough checkup to ensure theyre healthy.

Caring for a pregnant or breeding cat can be expensive. Most accident and illness policies dont cover costs related to pregnancy. But some providers, like Trupanion, offer add-ons that reimburse vet care costs. Start comparing pet insurance plans today to find the right fit for your fur-baby.

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Touching A Newborn Kitten That Isnt Suckling

As mentioned above, there are very few reasons to touch a kitten. The first reason to touch a kitten that has just been birthed by the mother cat is if they arent eating/suckling from mom. In this case, youll need to start manually feeding them we give full instructions as to how to do this, below.

Care After Kitten Feeding

Caring for orphan kittens requires more than just bottle feeding. You will also be tasked with stimulating the kitten to go to the bathroom, tending to her medical needs, keeping her warm and clean, and otherwise providing her with a safe and secure environment until she is old enough for adoption.

After feeding, wipe down the kittens face so that no formula is sticking to her fur. Gently rub the kittens genitals with a soft tissue to stimulate her to urinate and defecate. Do this at each feeding, being mindful to wipe up afterward so that she stays clean and comfortable. Once the kitten has been fed, stimulated, and cleaned up, its time for her to go back into her warm, safe space until the next feeding. Repeat until the kitten is 5 to 6 weeks old and weaning onto wet kitten food.

To learn more about how to provide well-rounded care for an orphan kitten, download a PDF on kitten care here.

Hannah Shaw is an expert on neonatal kittens and is founder of the rescue and advocacy project Kitten Lady. You can find more kitten-care resources on the Kitten Lady website.

  • 2 tablespoons corn syrup
  • 1 drop liquid human pediatric vitamins

Mix the milk, egg yolk, and syrup well and store it in a tightly sealed jar in the refrigerator. At feeding time, mix half of the estimated feeding amount with an equal amount of boiling water. Once a day, mix one drop of the human infant liquid vitamins in each kittens formula portion.

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Here Are A Few Ways To Keep Your Kittens Warm:

1. Heating Pad-Keep the setting on LOW. Put your heating pad on about half the bottom of your kitten enclosure and lay a towel over the top, so your kitten is not directly on the heat pad. Always leave a cool area for them to move to if they become too hot.

2. Snuggle Safe warming disc This can be used short-term to warm kittens, but it heats via your microwave and must be reheated frequently.

3. Fill a clean sock with uncooked white rice/white beans, tie a knot at the top, and microwave for 60 seconds. This will also require frequent reheating, approximately every 2-3 hours.

Your kitten enclosure temperatures should be as follows: Birth-3 weeks: 85-88F Over 3 weeks: approx. 79F

What Are The Right And Wrong Ways To Pick Up My Kitten

How to Syringe Feed a Newborn Kitten

Oh, interesting question. I generally recommend picking up your kitten from the underneath side and maybe putting your hand up here to control the head a little bit. And scoop them underneath your arms. You can hold their little paws in the front, also. A football hold is probably the best way to do it.

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Diy Emergency Kitten Formula Recipe

While vets say a combination of one egg yolk, unflavored gelatin, whole goats milk, Karo syrup, and goats milk yogurt is the preferred emergency formula, lets be honest. Do you even know where to buy goats milk and goats milk yogurt? Because we sure dont. Fortunately, theres an easier recipe you can follow. Youll need

  • 1 teaspoon vegetable oil
  • 8 ounces whole milk

Youll want to warm the mixture just as you would store-bought kitten formula, and you can store the leftovers in the fridge. If you have liquid pediatric vitamins on hand, adding a dropperful will provide additional nutrients.

Is there anything more adorable than a litter of newborn kittens? We certainly dont think so. But newborn kittens, like all newborns, require a ton of work. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. If you plan ahead, allow your cat to care for her kittens, and seek veterinary assistance when you need it, caring for your new kittens will be a joy rather than a hassle.

Editors’ Recommendations

How Do I Take Care Of Newborn Kittens From 0 To 3

Newborn kittens are at the most complex and critical stage of their lives. They cannot regulate body temperature, and need to be stimulated to pass urine and defecate, as well see below. They are completely dependent on their mother, or in her absence, on you and your family.

As the days go by, youll see major changes in their behaviour:

  • 0-4 days Kittens are born blind and deaf, and they still have their umbilical cord.
  • 5-6 days: They still havent opened their eyes. Their movements are clumsy and very limited.
  • Before 9 days: They start to hear.
  • 9-12 days: Their eyes open.
  • 7-14 days: They can crawl.

Between 14 and 21 days: They start to walk.

At 3 weeks: Their teeth start coming through.

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Newborn Kitten Care By The Numbers

Kittens are born completely defenseless. Their eyes and ears are shut, and they are unable to even crawl. But they develop quickly. Each stage of newborn kitten care is different, so determining a kittens age is key to his survival.

Heres a handy age-at-a-glance guide :

  • Zero to 7 days: Kitten weighs under 4 ounces. Eyes closed and ears flat.
  • 1 week to 10 days: Kitten weighs 4 to 6 ounces. Eyes start opening, ears still flat.
  • 2 weeks: Kitten weighs 6 to 8 ounces. Eyes opened, a bit of crawling, mostly sleeping and nursing.
  • 3 weeks: Kitten weighs 8 to 12 ounces. Teeth begin to emerge and kittens begin to walk.
  • 4 to 5 weeks: Kitten weighs 8 ounces to 1 pound. Kittens are on the move theyll begin using the litter box and eating solid food.
  • 6 to 7 weeks: Kitten weighs 1 pound to 1 ½ pounds. Super playful.
  • 8 weeks: Kitten weighs 1 ½ pounds to 2 pounds. Ready to take on the world and your drapes!

Blood Sugar And Feeding Concerns

Animal Clinic at Thorndale, p.c.Newborn Kitten Care

To maintain stable blood sugar levels, newborn kittens need to be fed about every 2 hours, day and night. If theyre nursing well, their bellies should become somewhat round and they should sleep well between feedings.

If bottle feeding, be sure to use a commercially prepared formula for kittens and feed the kittens in an upright position. Its extremely important to feed them a nutritionally balanced commercially-prepared formula, this is no time to consult with Google. Also, mama should be on a commercially prepared kitten food as shes going to need the extra calories while shes nursing.

To ensure that each kitten is being fed and growing appropriately, its a good idea to come up with some sort of system to identify each kitten separately. Try using different colored yard collars). Weigh each kitten daily using a kitchen scale. They should gain at least a very small amount of weight every day. Not gaining or losing weight is one of the first signs that something is wrong and the kitten should be examined by your vet.

After they eat, if mama isnt present, the kittens will need to be stimulated to poop and pee . A cotton ball or tissue dipped in warm water and squeezed out can be used to lightly stroke them along their lower abdomen and onto the genitalia. Be sure to hold them in an upright position while doing this in case theres any vomiting.

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How To Litter Train A Baby Kitten

Most kittens will be taught basic litter box training by their mother. However, if the mother cat isnt around, it will be up to you to teach your kitten how to use the litter box, as well as care for them in general. You can do this by popping your kitten in their box after every meal and rewarding them after every use.

Dont forget to only ever use clay litter, as this is completely non-toxic to kittens. Any other type can get caught between their pads, which kittens will lick off and ingest, potentially causing harm. Take a look at our review of the best cat litter for more info.

Look For Flea Treatments That Are Approved For Kittens

The best options for getting rid of fleas on kittens depends on their age and weight. An 8-week-old kitten only weighs about 1.5-2 pounds.

Most products are safe for use in kittens older than 8-10 weeks or over 1.5-2 pounds, but every product is different. Typically, flea products havent been tested on kittens younger or smaller than that, so they may contain doses that are too high for very young, tiny kittens.

Always read the warnings and instructions very carefully to be sure that a flea product will be safe and effective for your kitten. Your veterinarian can also help you find products to get rid of fleas on your kitten, regardless of their size and age.

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How Much Milk Replacement Should I Be Feeding The Kittens

When the milk supply is inadequate, supplemental feeding is recommended. Where the kittens have been orphaned or the mother is unable to feed them, they will need total replacement feeding. There are several commercial formulae available which are designed specifically for kittens. Make up milk replacement solution as directed using a level measure, not heaped. They should be made up and used as per instructions, but a reduced volume is needed if the kittens are still gaining some milk from their mother . The amount on the label is usually given as per 24 hours. The quantities should therefore be divided into a number of feeds. Kittens less than 2 weeks of age should be fed every 34 hours, while kittens of 24 weeks of age can usually be fed every 68 hours. The milk should be warmed to 95100 °F before feeding .

Check the warmth of the milk on the back of your hand. It takes just a few seconds to warm milk to blood heat.

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How Often Do You Feed Newborn Kittens

Kitten & Cat Care : How to Treat Newborn Kittens With Fleas

Neonatal kittens need to be fed on a regular basis day and night. For the first week of life, they need to be fed about every two to three hours. After that, you can usually stretch it out to every four hours.

These kittens should be bottle-fed using kitten milk replacer , which comes in either liquid or powder form. Its the equivalent to formula that you would use for a bottle-fed baby, except its formulated for cats. The formula, bottles and nipples are all available over the counter at most pet supply stores. You dont need a prescription. The instructions will give you a guideline on how much to feed based on the weight of the cat.

When preparing the bottle, be cautious of milk flow. If you make the hole in the nipple too big, the kitten can actually aspirate, or drown. The bottles come with instructions on how to prep the nipple for milk flow. However, if you are struggling, I would advise you to seek help from your veterinarian. Never cut off the entire tip of the nipple, as this is often what causes cats to aspirate.

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