The Age At Which Your Kittens Eyes Change Color
The age at which a kittens color changes:
At 7 weeks, your kittens adult eye color begins to emerge. They will change from baby blue to the color it will keep permanently.
The eye color will change to yellow, green, orange, or grey. Few cat breeds retain their blue eye color into adulthood. Albino cats eyes are sensitive to light.
You have just brought your adorable kitty home. As you look into your kittens eyes, you may notice that it has mesmerizing blue eyes. But later on, as it grows, you will see a color change, and wonder what happened.
I understand as a cat parent, you want to know all about your little ones development. Keep reading to know more about at what age your kittens color changes, and why it does so.
I will also discuss when color-changing should be a cause of concern, and how to clean your kittens eyes.
Changing Color Later In Life
Once your kitten’s eyes have changed color from the bluish-gray that she was born with, her eyes should not change color after that. If you do notice a sudden change, like if they seem unusually brown or dark yellow, that may signal a serious underlying condition caused by anything from trauma to the eye to feline leukemia. VetInfo advises contacting your veterinarian immediately if you notice an alteration in your adult cat’s eye color so that the cause can be determined and treatment can be administered.
Always check with your veterinarian before changing your pets diet, medication, or physical activity routines. This information is not a substitute for a vets opinion.
Milky Or Gray Eyes: Cataracts
If you notice that your cats eyes get a cloudy or milky-gray type color, it may be cataracts. When a cat has cataracts, its eyes may become opaque.
This partially or sometimes completely stops light from going through the eyes. This leaves a cat with a lack of proper vision.
Cataracts can be a consequence of trauma or an underlying condition. Conditions like hypertension and diabetes may cause cataracts in cats.
Treatment of an underlying condition may be advised to treat cataracts. However, in some cases, surgery may be needed to treat the condition.
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Why Do The Irises Contain Colour
The iris is made up of two layers the epithelium at the back and the stroma at the front. The epithelium is only two cells thick and contains black-brown pigment while the stroma is made up of tightly packed, colourless collagen fibrils and melanin.
The function of the iris is to limit the amount of light that passes through the lens to the light-sensitive retina at the back of the eye. This is why people with blue eyes are more sensitive to light than those with dark eyes.
Eye colour is darker if it contains more melanin in the stroma, which absorbs the light entering the eye. Cats with blue eyes have no melanin in the stroma, which causes light to scatter light, producing a blue hue. This is because blue travels in shorter waves than other colours, making blue reflect more easily and thus, more visible. The effect is known as the Tyndall effect.
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Kittens Are Born With Blue Eyes
After your kittens eye opens, its eyes are blue. The pigment-producing cells in your kittens eyes produce melanin in response to light.
Since the kitten was in darkness in its mothers womb, its eyes lack melanin and are therefore blue. After their eyes are exposed to light, they will change color.
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Its A Fascinating Thing To See
All kittens are born with blue eyes, but somewhere between 4 to 6 weeks old, their eyes may change color. Donât be alarmed, your kitten is still the same, itâs just a sign that theyâre growing up. Veterinarian and pet health advocate Dr. Aliya McCullough explains all you need to know about this normal transformation. â
Common Kitten Eye Troubles
Just like bruises, scrapes and colds are usual in children, eye concerns in kittens are fairly common. Kittens can get an infection in their eyes as well as develop allergies that can cause watering or discharge. As curious and playful as kittens are, they can subject their little eyes to trauma from bumping into something or even a scratch from a littermate. And depending on what breed your kitten is, she may be prone to congenital problems like chronic irritation or infection of the cornea because of her eye shape, a condition typical of Persian cats. Watch your kitten for signs that she may be experiencing eye problems, such as discharge from one or both eyes, squinting, and lumps or bumps around her eyes. Immediately talk to your vet about any concerns you have for your kitten’s eyes so she can address them and begin treatment as soon as possible, if necessary.
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Why Do Kittens Have Blue Eyes
All kittens are born with blue eyes. While some breeds, like Siamese cats, will retain this eye color throughout their entire life, most cat eye colors will change over time. A kittens blue eyes are caused by refracted light. What we perceive to be blue-hued eyes is actually a lack of color combined with refracted light. Cat-eye color is largely produced by iris pigmentation and the degree of transparency along the outer edge of the eye.
Kittens are born with their eyes shut. When they are between seven and 14 days old, their eyelids will begin to separate and open. During the first month of her life, a kitten will only see light blurs of shadows and colors. Between five and seven weeks of age, the kitten will achieve full visual and ocular functionality.
During the developmental eye period when a kitten is learning how to see, her eyes wont be fully mature. Its a vision first, color second situation for cats. After the eyes open, the kittens eyes will be blue. As her seeing matures, the color of her eyes will slowly transform.
When Should I Be Concerned About My Kittens Eye Color
It is normal for a kittens eyes to be all sorts of colors. Its entirely possible you and your friend can adopt kittens from the same litter and notice they have different eye colors. Sometimes, though, a change in eye color can be a cause for concern.
Red or pink and swollen eyes are signs of conjunctivitis, an uncomfortable condition often caused by cat flu. Its best to get this condition treated immediately. The longer you wait, the harder it is to help a kitten get back on the mend.
Once a kittens eyes have matured, they should not change colors again. If your adult cats eyes change, its best to get them checked out to ensure its not a sign of another health issue.
Kittens are born with blue eyes, which happens when layers in the iris dont contain pigment. Some breeds, particularly Siamese cats, may keep their blue eyes into adulthood. More often than not, though, a kittens eyes will begin to change color once theyre around three weeks old. They usually stabilize around two months old, but some kittens dont develop their permanent eye color until around their first birthday.
Common cat eye colors include orange, green, yellow, and amber. Some cats will have two different-colored eyes. Though this occurrence usually isnt a cause for concern, its always a good idea to talk to the vet. Whatever beautiful color your cats eyes end up being, be sure to speak with your vet if they change color after fully maturing or if you notice they are red and swollen.
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Eosinophilic Keratitis Make Eye Color Change To Pink White Or Gray
Eosinophilic keratitis causes a pink, white, or gray film to develop over the cornea. A veterinarian typically reaches a diagnosis by extracting cell samples from the cat’s eye to look for eosinophils or mast cells in the samples.
While it’s often difficult to determine the exact underlying cause of this condition, the eyes can be treated with a topical steroid. Early treatment is crucial to avoid permanent eye damage.
Jaundice Causes Yellow Discoloration
Jaundice is a common byproduct of liver disease, but there are other diseases, such as cancer and feline infectious peritonitis, which can also cause jaundice. A buildup of bilirubin in a cat’s system turns causes a yellow discoloration of the whites of the eyes, skin, and mucous membranes.
This yellow coloration is often accompanied by other symptoms such as lethargy and loss of appetite. A veterinarian will typically run blood tests and a urinalysis to diagnose the exact cause of the jaundice. Treatment varies according to the underlying cause, but it usually includes hospitalization and intravenous fluids as well as nutritional support. Some diseases that cause this symptom are fatal.
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What’s The Rarest Cat Eye Color
The rarest cat eye color is hazel or orange. Cats tend to have low melanin in their eyes which allow them to have light colored eyes. Feral cats and cats such as the Scottish Fold tend to have these colored eyes thanks to the high levels of melanin in their eyes.
Some people wonder if cats can have purple eyes and the answer is no. Sometimes the hue of our cat’s eyes, plus the lighting, will make us believe their eyes are purple. Unfortunately, this isn’t possible.
If you want to read similar articles to Most Common Cat Eye Color and Their Meaning, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.
Do Kittens Eyes Change Color
Kittens are not born with distinct eye color, and it only develops as they mature. All kittens are born with a blue eye coloration, which will change depending on the melanin in the kittens iris. This blue coloration is due to a lack of color in the iris combined with reflected light. It may seem like your kittens eyes are a definite blue, it is just transparency in the outer eye.
The blue hue is mainly light reflected off the cornea, and the four thick layers to the kittens eye will dilute the color and reflect sources of light in the environment. Vision comes first for kittens, and eye color comes second during the development stage.
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Will My Kitten’s Blue Eyes Change Color
I have a passion for animals. I enjoy researching and writing educational articles to help dog and cat owners become better pet parents.
Get answers to commonly asked questions about kittens, such as when their eyes change color and when they can be separated from their mother.
Albino Cats And White Cats
Another common question when it comes to a cat’s eye color is, what’s the difference between an albino cat and a blue-eyed white cat?
Albino animals usually have pink eyes due to the fact that they have no melanin. However, this isn’t common in cats. In fact, albino cats usually have light blue eyes and extremely white fur as they have no melanin and therefore no color. Albino cats are prone to eyesight issues, but aren’t prone to deafness. Whereas white cats are prone to deafness. Learn more in our article about why your white cat is deaf.
The main difference between an albino cat and a white cat is the fact that the albino has no melanin, whereas a white cat will have low levels of melanin. They are also prone to different health issues.
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Corneal Ulcers Make Eyes Look Milky Cloudy Or Pinkish
Corneal ulcerations are the result of damage to the corneal layer that covers the front portion of the eye. An ulcer can make the eye look cloudy or milky, and it may also take on a pinkish tint due to irritation. Ulcers are typically caused by damage such as a scratch from another cat or trapped debris, but infections, including feline herpesvirus infections, can also lead to eye ulcers.
An ulceration can be diagnosed with an exam. Drops containing fluorescein are placed in the eyes, and the dye will leave a green stain on the damaged area. Treatments usually consist of applying topical medication to the ulcer as well as administering antibiotics to treat or prevent secondary bacterial infections.
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- The best thing you can do is buy a stainless steel flea comb and gently comb each kitten in order to remove as many fleas as possible. I know this can be a slow process. However, until the kittens are older, there isn’t much more you can do.
- If you wish, you can give your baby a sponge bath using warm water and Dawn Dish Washing Soap . Simply wet down your kitten very carefully with the soap-and-water mixture, and then gently comb him with the special flea comb. Be sure to rinse the kitten completely and never put his or her head underwater! It is also very importantthat you dry the kitten completely!
If the kittens you are caring for have a major flea infestation, take them to the vet as fleas can suck the blood right out of a kitten. If you are only dealing with a few fleas and the kitten’s health does not seem to be affected, comb, wash, and keep an eye on it!
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How Can You Tell What Color A Kittens Eyes Will Be Is It Something Only A Vet Can Figure Out
It can be challenging for a typical pet parent to truly predict what color their kittens eyes will eventually beyou probably didnt go to vet school, after all. However, simply looking at them and studying the current color will give you an idea.
The stroma and the epithelium, two layers of the iris, contain the pigmented cells that will ultimately transform your kittens eyes into a specific color. If theres lots of pigment, expect orange or gold eyes. Kittens with less pigment will probably have green eyes, and those without pigment in each layer have blue eyes.
Its likely not a cause for concern if your kitten always has blue eyes. Some breeds, like Siamese Cats, often keep their beautiful baby blues forever.
You wont be able to tell what color a kittens eyes will be by looking at their biological mother or father because genetics has nothing to do with it. A cats fur color usually doesnt either, but cats with white coats can be a notable exception. Some cats, particularly with white fur, have two different-colored eyes. Known scientifically as heterochromia iridis, it tends to occur when pigment doesnt reach one eye but does make its way to the other. This occurrence isnt typically a concern either, but your vet can address any potential co-occurring conditions, such as the possibility the cat may have vision or hearing issues.
Is It Normal For Cats To Change Their Eye Color
Looking at your cat, you might notice that their eye color seems to change. At certain times in the day, they look green, while other times, they look yellow.
It can be confusing to know what your cats natural eye color is.
Lets unpack all the color changes surrounding a cats eye and why it seems their eyes are changing colors!
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How Long Do Kittens Have Blue Eyes What Are The Most Common Eye Colors And When Will I See The Changes
Kittens are born with blue eyes, which is apparent when they open them. They may still be blue when you bring them home at eight weeks, but chances are theyve already begun to transform into their adult color. According to experts, a kittens eyes start to change between three and eight weeks old. Common colors you may spot in your kittys eyes include:
When Do Kittens’ Eyes Change Color
Felix Roser / EyeEm / Getty
Kitten Eyes Change As They Grow
Predicting Kitten Eye Colors
How to Tell a Kitten’s Age Based on Their Eyes
Worrisome Cat Eye Colors
When you have a litter of kittens, you can’t help but be amazed by all the changes they experience in such a short amount of time. At first, they only seem to nurse and nap, and peer at you with a hazy gaze. Then before you know it, they’re doing backflips off the cat tree all wild-eyed! So between these levels of accomplishment, when do kittens’ eyes change colorand why?
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Understanding Cat Eye Color Changes
If you have had a pet cat from the time it was a young kitten, you may have noticed that the color of its eyes changes over time. Cat eye color is somewhat variable, especially in the first stage of development. However, feline eye color changes may also indicate serious health concerns that warrant medical attention. Consequently, it is important to understand when and why a cats eye color may change.
Kitten Eyes Change As They Grow
Rowyn C. Rose is a science communications specialist at Basepaws, a cat DNA test brand. She tells Daily Paws that cats’ eyes have a pigment of specialized cells called melanocytes found in the iris . The front layer of the iris, known as the stroma, absorbs longer wavelengths and reflects shorter ones, based on the amount of melanocytes.
This is why most adult cats have more diverse eye colors: There are more melanocytes in the pigment. But not when they’re born. “An overwhelming majority have blue eyes because pigment doesn’t begin to accumulate in the iris until the first few weeks of life,” Rose says.
Tarina L. Anthony, DVM, is a longtime practitioner of feline-exclusive medicine, and owner and medical director of Aurora Cat Hospital and Hotel in Aurora, Colo. She says that kittens’ eyes open when they’re about 710 days old, but “anywhere between two and 16 days has been reported.” This is also your first opportunity to confirm eye health. Anthony advises making sure kittens’ eyes are free of discharge, as upper respiratory infections are common in newborns with naive immune systems. Their eyes might be mostly closed but shouldn’t be “gooed shut.”
Kittens’ eyes change color when they’re about 48 weeks old. Rose says this is when melanocytes migrate to the iris and produce melanin. However, some kitties, depending on breed, retain their baby blues. More on that below.
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