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When Should Kittens Go To The Vet

Six Months To One Year

Kittens Go To the Vet For the First Time | CATTERY LIFE VLOG #12

Your kittens growth will have slowed and, although they are still growing and changing body shape, he will need far fewer calories. Whether they stay on kitten food or change to adult food varies depending on their breed and whether theyve been neutered your vet can help you decide.

At this age, two feeds a day is fine, and this frequency of feeding will continue right through your cats adult life. Having said this, wild cats eat several smaller meals each day, so if your cat is more of a grazer then you can do this too. The most important thing is to make sure his recommended daily calories are split between the meals so that you know, no matter how often he eats the number of calories per 24 hours is still the same.

How Should I Feed My Kitten

For most kittens, we recommend free-feeding some dry food, but also canned food. We want wet food to be part of the cat’s experience. Remember, cats are carnivores, and so canned food resembles the type of food that they eat much more so than dry food. Dry food’s more of a convenient kind of thing. I feed my cats a combination of both because it’s convenient, but I make sure they get a can twice a day because I believe that canned food is super important.

Your Kittens First Visit To The Vet

Once you have had your kitten at home for a couple of days, you should take it to the vet to be examined. Taking your cat or kitten to the vet doesn’t have to be traumatic provided that it is handled and managed well right from the very first encounter.

Some kittens may have already been to the vet for their first vaccination before you get them but even if the kitten has been to the vet with the breeder it is still important to start your kitten’s relationship with your vet as positively as possible. This can be done by following a few simple steps and avoiding any trauma or stressful times while at the vets.

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Do I Need To Help Care For Newborn Kittens

If the delivery was without incident, the queen, or mother cat, will spend most of her time with her kittens during the first few days after birth. For the first month of life, kittens require very little care from the owner because their mother will feed and care for them.

In fact, in the vast majority of cases, the pet owner should not interfere with the queen’s care. Within a few hours of birth, it is extremely important that kittens receive colostrum, or the first milk, which is rich in antibodies and helps protect the newborns from infection. The kittens need to be kept warm and to nurse frequently you should check them every few hours to make certain that they are warm and well fed. You should also check the mother to make certain that she is producing adequate and normal-appearing milk.

“In the vast majority of cases, the pet owner should not interfere with the queen’s care.”

If the mother does not stay in the box, you should make sure the kittens stay warm. Kittens are not able to control their own body temperature, and rely on the external environment to keep them warm. It may be necessary to provide supplemental heat. During the first four days of life, the newborns’ box should be maintained at 89° to 93°F . The temperature may gradually be decreased to 80°F by the seventh to tenth day and to 75°F by the end of the fourth week. If the litter is large, the temperature need not be as high because they huddle together and their body heat provides additional warmth.

Cats Age Faster Than Humans

When to take the cat to the vet for the first time?

Theres a big difference in the way cats age and the way humans age. Cats reach the human equivalent of 15 years old by the time they are 1, and when they turn 2, theyre actually 24 in cat years! After that they age 4 cat years for every calendar year. Thats a big change, and its plenty of time for new health conditions to develop. Taking your cat for yearly visits to the veterinarian is the best way to catch and treat any of those health conditions early.

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When Should My Kitten Get Vaccinations

We’re going to want to start vaccines as soon as you get your kitten, probably somewhere around eight weeks. And we’ll put them on a series of vaccines. Core vaccines are the ones that all cats should get. And then there are some other vaccines outside of that. But generally, the core vaccines such as FVRCP, leukemia, and rabies, are an excellent place to start.

What Lab Tests Will Your Kitten Need

  • Fecal analysis: You will probably be asked to bring a fecal sample from your kitten with you to your vet. The veterinary team will run tests using the fecal sample to check for parasites like intestinal worms, giardia, and other potential concerns. Your vet may administer a de-worming medication to your kitten at each visit since not all intestinal parasites show up on fecal tests and a large percentage of kittens have them. Many parasites can be passed on to people, so it is important to eliminate them from your kitten.
  • Blood tests: The American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends testing for FeLV and FIV on all newly-adopted cats, regardless of age, and whether or not there are other cats in their new home. If your kitten is younger than nine weeks of age, your veterinarian may want to wait until it is at least nine weeks old before testing for FeLV and FIV since kittens less than nine weeks of age are more likely to show a false result. If other cats are in the home with your young kitten, it is recommended to keep them isolated until they have tested negative for FeLV and FIV in case your new kitten has a transmissible disease.

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Know When To Take A Kitten To The Vet For The First Time

Getting a kitten takes a lot of responsibility, but to add a family member to your home is such a joy. There isnt a set age that your cat needs to be seen by a vet and have their first visit. Generally, a good rule of thumb is to have your first vet check around 24-72 hours after you adopt and bring your kitten home. If you have other cats at home get your kitten checked before you even take it home if possible. That way in case your kitten is sick, you know ahead of time. This is something you would really have to plan and schedule with where you are getting the kitten and the vet.

If you rescue a kitten, there are ways to go about this if you cannot go directly to the vet. Make sure if you have other cats that you keep the kitten in a separate room or in a bathroom. Have different litter boxes, food, and water. If your kitten has any parasites or diseases it can help reduce the spread to your other cats. While we like to think your precious new kitten is healthy, it is always good to walk on the more safe side of things. You dont want all your cats getting sick and possibly losing them.

Most veterinarians will vaccinate your kitten around the ages of 6 to 9 weeks old. Make sure to see if the mother of the kitten has been up to date on vaccinations if possible. A healthy momma gives her kittens the best chance at a healthy life.

Guest Blogger: Kristen Levine

A Cat’s First Visit to the Vet – Deworming and Vaccination Schedules

Kristen Levine is a pet living expert, author and pet rescue advocate. She firmly believes we need pets as much as they need us, and thus founded the Kristen Levine Pet Living blog, where she shows us how to live happier, healthier lives through pets. Kristen lives in Florida with her husband, dog , one cat and two miniature donkeys.

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What Should I Expect At My Kitten’s First Veterinary Visit

We’re going to probably ask some questions of you about the kitten’s vaccine history. Then we’re going to do a thorough physical from their nose to their tail, and have a good look at the kitten to make sure that everything looks right there. We’ll discuss behavioral issues, preventative care, parasites, and we’ll do a fecal on your kitty and get the vaccines started.

How Often Should You Take Your Kitten To The Vet

If your kitty is less than a year old, then we suggest bringing them to the vet once monthly starting when they are approximately 8 weeks old.

Throughout their first year, kittens need multiple rounds of vaccinations to help protect them from common infectious diseases. Kittens should get the Feline Leukemia vaccine and the FVRCP vaccine which help protect your feline friend from three highly contagious and life-threatening feline diseases, Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis Feline Calicivirus , and Feline Panleukopenia .

Your kitten will be provided with these vaccines over the course of approximately 16 weeks, which will go a long way in helping to keep them healthy their whole life.

The vaccinations, as well as the vaccination schedule for your cat, will depend on various factors such as where you live and the age and health of your cat.

Our vets recommend having your kitten spayed or neutered when they are between 5 – 6 months in order to prevent a host of diseases and undesirable behaviors as well as unwanted litters of kittens.

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What Are Routine Wellness Exams For Cats

Taking your cat to the vet for routine wellness exams is like bringing them to the doctor for a physical checkup. As with people, how often your cat should have a physical examination depends on their age, lifestyle, and overall health.

We typically recommend annual wellness exams for healthy adult cats, but kittens, senior cats, and kitties with an underlying health conditions should see their vet more frequently for an examination.

How Often Should You Take Your Adult Cat To The Vet

Why Cats Don

It is recommended that adult cats between the ages of 1 and 10 visit their vet once yearly at least when they are not in any distress or showing symptoms in order to have a complete wellness exam.

Throughout your adult cat’s routine exam your vet will implement a head-to-tail examination to look for early signs of diseases or other issues, such as parasites, joint pain, or tooth decay.

Your veterinarian will also provide your kitty with any required vaccines or booster shots, and have a conversation with you about your cat’s diet and nutritional requirements, as well as recommend the appropriate parasite protection products.

If your vet detects any signs of a health issue, they will explain their findings to you and recommend the next steps.

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How Often Should An Adult Cats See A Vet

If you have a healthy adult cat between 1 – 10 years old, we recommend taking them in once a year for an exam. These examinations are yearly physical checkups that should be completed even when your cat appears to be perfectly healthy.

During your adult cat’s routine exam your vet will implement a head-to-tail examination to look for early signs of diseases or other issues, such as parasites, joint pain, or tooth decay.

Your veterinarian will also provide your kitty with any required vaccines or booster shots, and have a conversation with you about your cat’s diet and nutritional requirements, as well as recommend the appropriate parasite protection products.

If your vet detects any signs of a health issue, they will explain their findings to you and recommend the next steps.

Fact Checked By A Hello Ralphie Expert Veterinarian

Its important to make sure your feline friend has regular check-ins with a veterinarian. Cats age at a much faster rate than humans, which means they develop age-related health conditions much faster than we do. Read how to care for a senior cat from one of our Hello Ralphie vets!

The number of times you speak with a veterinarian about your cats health will depend on a variety of factors, include your cats age, any pre-existing medical conditions, and possible special needs.

Most vets generally recommend a feline physical exam at least once per year with regular virtual check-ins between appoitnemnts. During these check-ins, the veterinarian will discuss with you specifically what is needed to keep your cat healthy.

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A Visit To The Vet May Not Be As Stressful As You Think

Ifyouve been putting off taking your cat to visit the veterinarian becauseyoure afraid of stressing her out too much, I have good news for you. Thereare a few things that you can do at home to help your cat feel safe and morerelaxed when the big day comes.

  • Start by leaving the carrierout in the open a few days or weeks in advance. This gives kitty a chance toexplore it on her own terms and become familiar with it before shes loaded infor a car ride.
  • Make the carrier even morefamiliar and comfortable by filling it with soft blankets and a few of kittysfavorite toys.
  • Give your cat treats when shegoes in the carrier so she learns to associate it with things she likes.
  • Try spraying a cat calming pheromone like Feliway or an herbal solution like Rescue Remedy into the cat carrier and your car about a half-hour before your trip.

In additionto what cat parents can do, many veterinary practices have taken steps tominimize the stress that their feline patients experience. Look for aveterinary hospital thats certified by Fear Free Pets. These facilities havereceived special training on how to implement measures to take the pet out ofpetrified, putting both you and your cat at ease.

Whenyou make your cats appointment, feel free to express your concern and ask whatthey do to cater to their feline visitors.

If your cats visits to the veterinarian are less than regular, Take Your Cat to the Vet Day is the purr-fect time to pick up the phone and schedule an appointment.

Your Kittens First Vet Visit And What To Expect

Top 10 Kitten Care Tips According to a Veterinarian

Karen Dell

Senior Editor Backyard Cat Enclosures

24 April 2019

Your kittens first visit to the vet is one of their most important of their lives as it can show underlying problems, will ensure that the kitten receives all the necessary vaccinations, get dewormed, and much more. You should preferably get your new kitten to the vet within 1-3 days of adoption. If you have other pets at home and you need to take your kitten home first keep your kitten separate from them until you return from the vet with a clean bill of health.

What you should bring with you to the vet

  • All the paperwork you completed and/or received at the shelter where you adopted your kitten or the breeder where you bought your kitten.
  • A stool sample, if possible
  • Your cat carrier to ensure that you can transport your kitten safely
  • A list of any questions you have or any other notes, for example symptoms that they might have if they are rescue kittens.

The elements of the vet visit:The physical examThe physical exam that the vet will perform will be thorough to make sure that there is no underlying physical ailments. The exam normally consists of the following:

  • Feline rhinotracheitis

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Cats Are Masters At Hiding Pain Or Sickness

In the wild, cats may be cunning predators, but they are also prey. And if youre prey, its a good idea not to let on if there is anything going on that might make you an easy catch. Your cat could develop a serious health condition long before you even suspect theres a problem. Often the signs are subtle and easy to miss, like occasionally missing the litter box or a change in certain behaviors. Veterinarians know the right questions to ask and the signs to look for so that they can spot symptoms of illness that may not be obvious to even the most attentive cat parents.

How Often Should I Take My Kitten To The Vet

When to take a kitten to the vet? Young kittens will need to see a vet slightly more often than adult cats, mainly to receive their essential vaccinations.

The first batch of vaccinations is given between six and eight weeks six and eight weeks, with the second round following about three or four weeks after that. At three months and again at six months, further vaccines are administered.

After the age of six months, your cat is old enough to be spayed or neutered, and it’s also around this time that you can microchip your pet.

So, within the first year of your kitten’s life, they’ll be at the vet a fair bit to make sure they get the best start in life.

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What Are The Signs That The Kittens Are Not Doing Well And What Do I Do

Kittens should eat or sleep 90% of the time during the first two weeks of life. If they are crying during or after eating, it may indicate that they are ill, are not getting adequate milk, or the milk has become infected . If excessive crying occurs, your veterinarian should examine the queen and her entire litter as soon as possible.

“Goats milk is not recommended as it is far too low in protein and fat.”

When the mother’s milk supply is inadequate, supplemental feeding one to six times per day is recommended this should also be done routinely with any litter greater than five kittens. There are several excellent commercial milk replacers available. They require no preparation other than warming. These milk replacers should be warmed to 95° to 100°F before feeding. Test the temperature on your forearm: it should be about the same temperature as your skin. The commercial products have feeding directions based on their nutritional constituents. If the kittens are still nursing from their mother, feed one-third to one-half the recommended amount. Supplemental feeding is needed until the kittens are old enough to eat kitten food, usually around two to four weeks of age. Goats milk is not recommended as it is far too low in protein and fat.

In an emergency, you can substitute pasteurized goat’s milk from the grocery store for milk replacer. However, it is not nutritionally adequate for kittens and kitten milk replacer should be provided as soon as possible.


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