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When To Declaw A Kitten

The Rescoe Method Is Least Expensive

New York Legislature passes ban on cat declawing

This is generally the least expensive method for declawing, and it involves using a sterilized Rescoe nail trimmer to remove the tip of the bone that holds the claw. Once that portion of the bone is removed, the wound is sutured shut. This method is not always a complete success because if enough of the bone isn’t removed, there’s a chance that a claw could grow back. The average cost for this procedure runs approximately $100.00 to $150.00.

Cat Paw Care Tips: Nails Pads And More

Cats put a lot of wear and tear on their feet. Like your feet, cats’ paws need to be cared for in order for them to be healthy and strong. You don’t have to splurge on a kitty manicure and pedicure, but you do need to keep your cat’s nails trimmed and their paws clean.;

Here are 10 practical tips for caring for your cat’s paws.

1. Keep Your Cat’s Paws Clean;

This is the most important part of keeping your cat’s paws healthy. Wipe their paws with a damp cloth every day. Check between their paws for litter or other debris that may be stuck. Your cat could get sick from licking toxic substances off their paws, so make sure you promptly clean up any spills your cat may walk through along with cleaning their paws. This will also help keep your furniture clean.

2. Check Their Paws for Injury

While you’re wiping down your cat’s paw pads, check for any cuts or scrapes. Make sure your cat didn’t pick up a splinter or other foreign object. If there are small wounds, wash the paw with gentle soap. Splinters can be removed with a tweezer. If there is a serious injury, take your cat to the vet for treatment.

3. Provide Opportunities for Your Cat to Scratch

4. Keep Your Cat’s Nails Trimmed

Trim your cat’s nails every few weeks to keep their claws short and decrease scratching. Use sharp nail trimmers, as dull trimmers are not as effective. Settle your cat comfortably before you start. You will probably have to work up to getting them comfortable with having their nails trimmed.;


Keep Your Cat Entertained

Have you ever heard the expression A tired dog is a good dog?

Well, its also true for cats! If your feline friend is full of pent-up energy, theres a better chance that theyll take on some negative behaviors including scratching, overeating or just being a bit mopey.

In other words, a bored cat can be a problematic cat, and scratching the furniture or carpets can sometimes just be a way to pass the time.

You can help keep your cat occupied with toys but you also need to be a part of playtime.

As the folks at Cat Behavior Associates point out,;While you may have lots of toys around the house for your cat, the problem is theyre essentially dead prey. They dont move. The only way to create action is if your cat bats at them. With the interactive toy, however, she doesnt have to be both predator and prey she can simply focus on being the hunter.

That means a better play experience with increased physical and mental exercise for your cat. That can also mean less destructive behavior like scratching!

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What Is Cat Declawing

Declawing a cat is the surgical process of removing/amputating the first knuckle of a cats toes, thereby removing where the claw grows, says Jamie Richardson, DVM, medical chief of staff at Small Door Veterinary in New York City. Its similar to cutting off a humans fingers or toes at the top joint. Dr. Richardson says that declawing cats irreversibly physically alters a cat for the purposes of changing its natural behavior, most often performed for the convenience of the pet owner.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and the cost varies on the nature of the technique, surgical time, and the location of the clinic. For uncomplicated cases, Dr. Richardson notes that recovery time is around 10 to 14 days. Cats that have undergone a full declaw will be tender on their paws for several weeks and possibly permanently due to the altered anatomy of the paw. Removing the claws of an outdoor cat is among the mistakes cat owners should never make.

Why Do Cats Scratch Things

Why declawing your cats is animal cruelty.

Guys, contrary to popular belief, cats dont scratch things to be jerks. Instead, scratching is their natural instinct, and they do it for their overall well-being. For one, scratching keeps their claws healthy because it removes the dead outer nail husks, keeping the nails healthy and sharp. Cats also scratch to mark their territory in a visual way. Their paws contain scent glands that release odors when they scratch things, which causes the cats signature to be left behind which is important to them. Finally, the stretching cats do when they scratch feels really good to them, and it allows them to exercise their muscles. So no, your cat is not doing it out of spite. They are doing it to stay healthy.

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Why Declaw At All

With all this information out there about the negative impact of declawing, why are people still trying to declaw their cats?

Simply put, claws are one of the more problematic parts of living with cats. For some folks, protecting furniture is the primary goal and they dont want to have their couch destroyed by an active feline friend.

Others may be concerned about the safety of pets or children.

Then there are some folks who just always declawed their cats for a combination of the above reasons.

My dad fell into that last category and growing up we always had declawed cats but Im;very happy to say that the newest addition to his feline family has all her claws! That also means that many of the alternatives on this list are based on the real world and many were implemented in a home that was used to declawing. Im also happy to say that they worked!

Does Declawing A Cat Affect Its Personality

Numerous studies that have researched a potential correlation between cat declawing and personality changes strongly indicate that none exists. Please remember that it may take your cat a little time to feel comfortable walking on surgically sensitive paws, which could indeed affect his or her personality traits and behaviors during the recovery period. Therefore, it is always important to be nurturing and supportive during the recovery process, in order to help facilitate a speedy recovery.

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Why You Shouldnt Declaw Your Cat

Cats use their paws and claws for a large portion of their daily routines: grooming, digging in the litter box, scratching, kneading, and pouncing on their prey. Not only does declawing offer no benefit to cats, this life-altering procedure can also lead to long-term consequences.

For starts, declawing is incredibly uncomfortable for a cat. The healing process can last for weeks or even months while nerve endings heal, and the overall discomfort can be long-lasting.

A declawed cat may find it difficult and uncomfortable to dig in her litter box and choose to avoid using it altogether as a result.;

Because cats use their claws as their primary form of defense, a declawed cat may resort to biting or other aggressive behavior.;

If you take away a cats claws, you take away her instinctive ability to scratch. As a result, you are taking away an outlet for feelings of stress or excitement, a form of exercise and entertainment, and a way to stretch the feet and body.;

An unhappy kitty is rarely a well-behaved kitty. In an attempt to get rid of a cats unwanted behavior, declawing may do just the opposite.

Cats Need Special Care After Being Declawed

Expert talks alternatives to declawing your cat

Cats undergoing declaw surgery are given medications for pain and inflammation before and after surgery. They stay one night in the hospital. For optimal recovery, it is recommended that cats be kept confined to a large crate or small part of the house for 14 days after surgery.

It is also best to use litter made of paper pellets for 2 weeks after declawing, as it is softer on the cats paws. The pet is sent home with an elizabethan collar to wear so that they cannot lick their incisions.

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How Are Cats Declawed

A cat is declawed by removing the last bone in the cats feet. This removes both the nails and claw on each front toe. Since the entire bone is being removed, the claw is unable to grow back afterwards. There are 3 main methods used to declaw a cat:;

Guillotine: performed by a guillotine like clipper that snips off the bone.

Blade: performed by a blade and used to slice the tendons and then remove the bone.;

Laser: this new technology involves pointing a laser at the tendon and slicing through it to remove the bone. This method is more expensive, but it is less painful for your cat.

What Is The Best Time For Kitten Declawing

When you bring in your kitten for spaying or neutering, we can also perform kitten declawing. This is the perfect time to handle the operation because the kitten is under the effects of anesthesia on one time. In addition, with a four-to-eight-month old kitten, the recovery time is significantly lessened. As a result, younger cats tend to experience less complications and can bounce back much more quickly than older cats.

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Cats Have A Number Of Very Powerful Biological Urges

Scratching is one of them.; They scratch to sharpen their claws, and to mark their territory.; It is a powerful urge with many social implications for cats.; Cats are, shall we say, more emotionally complex than dogs.

There is some controversy about weather it is ethically and morally right to declaw cats. Most veterinarians agree that when done properly declawing can be a benefit to both the cat and people involved. Without a doubt is a painful procedure, and absolutely must be done in conjuction with excellent pain control.

Recovery After Declawing Surgery Requires Special Care

Declawed Cat

Most cats will be kept overnight at the clinic following surgery, and the first three days are usually the most difficult for a newly declawed cat. The paws are usually tender during this time, and staff recommends owners provide their cats with non-clumping litter for approximately a week after surgery. That’s because clumping litter could potentially stick to any seepage coming from the surgical site, as well as the fact that clay litters in general are abrasive and could cause injury to the paws as the cat scratches and digs in the litter. As long as there are no complications, most cats heal fairly well and are back to normal within five days after surgery.

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What Will Happen If You Declaw A Kitten

  • Complications will arise

After the surgery, a declawed kitten will have an increased risk of developing nail bed tumors. This will cost you more in vet care over the years, not to mention that your kittens life will never be the same.

  • Your kitten will live a life full of pain

Dont be surprised if your kitten will become aggressive or aloof after declawing. The trauma and pain it suffered from declawing is something the kitten wont easily forget. Remember that kittens will not forget those who did something terrible to them.

  • Your kitten will feel insecure

Kittens that have been declawed will feel insecure because they no longer have the claws they can use for defense. It will be frustrating for your kitten. Worse, it may push your kitten to bite faster, and it will have a low tolerance to roughhousing. learn here how fast can a cat run

Its every kittens nature to scratch. If they cant do this, they will find a way to vent out their energy or to defend themselves. This will defeat all your training efforts.

  • The kitten will find it hard to walk

Kittens walk using their toes instead of their soles. If you declaw them, kittens will find it hard to balance. You will notice your kitten falling more often, and it will soon develop a poor gait to compensate for the removed claws. With this, your kitten will have a high risk of falling and sustaining severe injuries. please read here why does my cat swat at me when i walk by

When Should I Declaw My Kitten

If you must declaw your feline, many experts recommend doing so when they are young for easier and quicker recovery. Most recommend doing it when the cat is around 10 12 weeks of age though it can still be done around or even past their 6th month of life. As said earlier, general anesthesia is usually required as felines will feel pain from the procedure.

Some vets may also apply local anesthesia on the two paws to minimize the possibility of your cat experiencing pain from the procedure.

After the procedure, padded bandages are placed on the area on the first day. Your cat is then admitted overnight at the hospital and discharged the following morning with some pain medications provided.

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How To Care For Your Newly Declawed Cat

The recovery period of your cat right after it undergoes surgery is the most sensitive time. Thus, you must prevent your cat from going outside of the house. Only allow the cat outside if you think it is safe, otherwise it is inadvisable, even by a vet.;Cats that have a declaw surgery or onychectomy transition into indoor cats and do not fare well in outdoor locations. This is mostly because they do not have the claws to defend against any outside forces. However, their natural instinct to claw remains intact.;;Fleeing from danger by climbing will also be a problem for your cat because of the lack of claws, making them even more vulnerable to dangers. Hence, keep your cat in the cozy and safe environment of your living room after they arrive from the veterinarian office.;;

What Age Can You Declaw A Cat

Declawing Cats | Why I Choose Not To Declaw My Cats | Kitty Vlog

When should I declaw my Cat? Typically, our veterinarians suggest you declaw your cat at spay or neuter time. For many cats, thats around 5 or 6 months of age. If your kitten is already spayed or neutered, we may perform the declaw surgery earlier. The recovery time is much quicker when cats are young.

What is the minimum age to declaw a kitten? Answer Wiki. From what Ive read 3 months old is the minimum age to declaw a kitten. And dont listen to anyone, like the previous answer posters, who would tell you that a cat should never be declawed. If youre in a situation where a declawed cat is the only option for you then by all means get your cat declawed.

Is there a legal age to declaw a cat? No, there is no legal age limit for declawing a cat, however, there is most certainly a moral limit. Declawing is a horrid and barbaric, outdated practice where, not only is the toenail removed, but the entire first digit of the toe is removedthats right, they actually *amputate* part of the cats foot! (look at your own hand, your finger.

What is the best way to declaw a cat? There are three medically approved ways to perform cat declawing: Blade Declawing: An instrument with a sliding blade cuts a straight line through the joint between the entire claw growth and the rest of the cats paw. Laser Declawing: A laser is used to remove the third bone of the cats paw.

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What You Need To Know About Cat Declawing

We offer cat declawing for felines of all breeds and ages. The issue of whether or not to declaw a cat is often discussed between veterinarians and pet owners. Feel free to meet with us to review your options before you choose declawing. Our professional staff can discuss the advantages of surgery, as well as address your concerns.

Alternatives To Getting A Cat Declawed

If your cat has a scratching problem, but you dont want to get it declawed, you have other options. Our favorite is the . You can just glue them onto your kittens nails and they solve the problem. You can also frequently cut your kittens nails so that they never get too long. Another option is to get your cat a toy that they can scratch, such as a scratching board. This will deter them from scratching humans, and it will also help wear down the cats nails.;

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Understanding The Procedure For Declawing Cats

As veterinary care providers we are here to help provide you with accurate and unbiased information about declawing cats in order for you to make an informed, educated decision on behalf of your furry feline friend.

  • Blade Declawing: An instrument with a sliding blade cuts a straight line through the joint between the entire claw growth and the rest of the cat’s paw. This is the most common method of declawing kittens or adult cats, and is the most invasive.

What Methods Are Used To Declaw Kittens

California Residents: Protect Cats from Cruel Declawing!

The two most common methods to remove the front claws from cats are the excisional method and the guillotine method. The excisional method involves using a scalpel to remove the last bone of each toe to make sure the nails are gone. Using the guillotine method, we sever the bone in half, which removes the claw and the distal portion of the bone. Both of these procedures are performed with anesthesia so the animal does not experience pain.

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