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Cat Drinks Alot Of Water

You’ll Want To Keep An Eye On Your Cat’s Water Intake

Is It Bad If My Cat Drinks A Lot Of Water?

If you notice your cat drinking a lot of water recently, you may be wondering why. And while your cat helping himself to the glass of water you leave on your nightstand can be annoying and cute, its actually potentially a sign of a health problem.

The amount of water your cat should drink actually depends on how much he weighs . Whether from a fancy cat water fountain, a simple bowl full of water or only from the faucet, its definitely worth it to keep an eye on how much water your cat consumes throughout the day.

We spoke with Dr. Claudine Sievert, a registered veterinarian and consultant for Stayyy, and Dr. Megan Conrad, a registered veterinarian with Hello Ralphie, to learn more about why your cat drinks a lot of water and if there should be a cause for concern.

My Cat Is Drinking A Lot Of Water

See files for Cats

In general, a cat drinking more water than usual is not normal and is usually a symptom that something is wrong. An average cat weighing 4 kilos should take approximately 180 ml/day, if they are overweight and also urinate a lot, it means that something is happening and we should go to the vet. The exception is when the weather is generally hot, when the animal must compensate body temperature and fluid loss by increasing the intake of water, something quite common in all animals. Especially if we talk about very active cats, this may be the reason.

However, it is not common to see a cat drinking large amounts of water by themselves. In fact, it is often their owners who should encourage the animal to eat the minimum daily amount. This reduced consumption in felines comes from their ancestors, cats who lived in the desert and adapted to survive in this habitat. This does not mean that the cat does not need water to live, because nowadays, due to the industrialization of food and other changes in the domestic cat’s routine, we know that water intake is essential to maintain a good quality of life. However, when a cat drinks more water than usual, and does so suddenly, it is normal for us to be alarmed. Therefore, at AnimalWised we will talk about why your cat is drinking a lot of water and how to proceed.

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  • Treatment Of Dehydration In Cats

    If you believe your cat is dehydrated, encourage them to take in more water. If their dehydration is mild and their kidneys, intestines, and other organs are working normally , then the additional water they take in orally may be enough to help correct the problem. However, if their dehydration is more advanced, or if theyve got underlying disease or dysfunction with one or more of their body systems, then its time for a vet visit. Your vet can determine how dehydrated your cat is and help you get to the bottom of it.

    They can also give your cat fluids a balanced electrolyte solution. Dehydration isnt just about an abnormality of water balance, as there are typically electrolyte imbalances, too. Fluids may be administered either subcutaneously or intravenously , depending on how dehydrated and sick your cat is.

    As with any type of care, the cost is highly dependent on where you live and the severity of the condition. Typically, you can expect mild cases of dehydration to cost $150 to $300. The cost will be higher if additional testing and treatments are needed. For more intensive cases, that require hospitalization, it may cost over $1000.

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    What To Watch For

    As a general rule, a cat’s threshold for excessive water drinking — technically called polydipsia — is upwards of one cup a day. Some cats drink more than that to get more attention from their owners or to capitalize on fresh spigot flow, according to Dr. Elaine Wexler-Mitchell, who wrote about this issue for, the website for Cat Fancy magazine.

    Excessive drinking can be a sign of disease or a response to environmental conditions or diet. Drastic changes in location or routine are mitigating factors, too. Consult a veterinarian if your cat suddenly begins drinking more water than usual.

    When Your Senior Cat Drinks A Lot Of Water

    Missed my Cakeday by 8mins... Oh well check out Jack, he likes water ...

    Its natural for your treasured cat to experience some changes in their behavior and habits, especially as they grow older. Aging cats tend to sleep and drink more while being less hungry and less active.

    If you live in a warm climate or your house is kept at a fairly warm temperature, frequent trips to the water bowl may not be a cause for alarm in and of itself. The key is understanding what is normal for Fluffy. If your cat suddenly runs to the water bowl more often, this could be indicative of potentially serious health problems especially in your felines golden years. Lets discuss what to keep an eye out for.

    What Is Excessive Thirst In Cats?

    The clinical term for this is polydipsia. Excessive thirst can be life-threatening, especially if it goes unaddressed.

    So, if your kitty has been running to and from the water bowl a lot more than they usually do and this has been going on for a few days its time to visit your vet.

    Common Causes Of Excessive Thirst

    When a cat drinks too much water, it could be caused by one of more of the following medical conditions:

    Diabetes: Often, the first sign of diabetes mellitus is drinking a lot more water than usual. Diabetes means your cat has too much sugar in their blood. Fortunately, diet changes and insulin injections go a long way toward making Tigger feel better.

    Other Causes Of Excessive Thirst

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    Signs Of Dehydration In A Cat

    It can be hard to tell whether your cat is actually dehydrated simply by their water intake. Additionally, most cats do not have detectable dehydration till they are about 5% dehydrated. This basically means that your cat has lost 5% of their body water before you can tell dehydration is present. When cats are 10% dehydrated, they are very ill and most do not survive without intensive care once they reach 12% or more.

    My Kitten Drinks Lots Of Water Is It Normal

    If you have just adopted a kitten and have noticed that they drink a lot of water and also urinate too much, check with your vet for the possibility of any of the above mentioned problems, as well as for urinary tract infections. If the problem is detected early on, the animal will take the whole treatment process better. Also, if for example they are diagnosed with diabetes or a thyroid-related disease, the sooner the new changes regarding their daily diet and care routine are implemented, the better for them, since there is no cure for these problems.

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    Why Is My Cat Drinking So Much Water

    Before we get into health reasons, lets figure out an environmental cause. If your cat is an outdoor cat, it could be that the hot summer may be making it thirsty. If your cat is happy and healthy, despite drinking a lot of water, that could be the one reason.

    Another reason could be that your home is too warm, making the cat want to drink more water. If youre also feeding your cat only dry food, this may also be why theyre seeking water to stay hydrated.

    But, if its none of the above situations, the chances are that your cat may not be feeling well. The following health issues more commonly cause increased thirst, also known as polydipsia:

    • Urinary tract disease

    Nevertheless, they may not show such signs at all. Either way, the only course of action to take here is to immediately take your cat to the vet.

    Note down how your cat may be acting unusual and let the vet know if your cat received any recent medical treatment or vaccination. In short, offer the veterinarian as much information as possible to get an accurate diagnosis.

    On the other hand, if your cat appears generally healthy, displays no change in behavior, and is the happy cat who youve always loved, then do not worry. After a checkup, your vet will most likely diagnose your cats increased thirst as an environmental after-effect. They will also advise you to keep an eye, but you will not need to be alarmed.

    Final Verdict Why Is My Cat Drinking A Lot Of Water And Not Eating

    Cats and Water Fountains: Is Running Water Healthier for Your Cats?

    In conclusion, how best can we address the question why is my cat drinking a lot of water and not eating? Well, when it comes to the why is my cat drinking a lot of water and not eating question, there are a couple of reasons your cat may be drinking too much water and at the same time not eating.

    Unfortunately, the most obvious reasons are not desirable ones. They include underlying medical conditions such as diabetes. Apart from diabetes, this behavior could also mean that your cat is suffering from kidney problems.

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    How Often To Change Water In Cat Fountain

    Cats » Equipment » I Have To Change Water In The Cat Fountain?

    Furry Friends Gear is independent: we research, test, and rate the top products to help you make the right buying choice. We sometimes use affiliate links and may receive a small commission on your purchase at no added cost to you. Learn more…

    Now that youve got your cat a water fountain, the main question is How often to change water in cat fountain? There are many answers to this question and all of them might be right. Some say that they just top it up when needed but what else does changing the water entail? Theres a lot more than just changing the water.

    Most water fountains come with a filter that also needs to be replaced now and again. This filter purifies and cleans the water that your cat is drinking. We are going to find out more about this as we go further in the article.

    We will also be giving you tips on the signs to look for that tell you to change the water in the fountain. This will make it easier for you to tell when you need to clean it and change the filter. Lets dive in and answer these burning questions.

    Keep Your Cats Water Cool

    Just as the flavor of the water can affect whether your cat is interested in it, the temperature can also make a difference. Try adding a few ice cubes to your cats water bowl the next time you fill it up.

    Not only do ice cubes make the water cooler, but the bobbing cubes also add movement to the water and may look more enticing to your cat.

    You can even get creative and change up the type of ice cubes that you add, such as ice made from chicken broth or tuna water. This can help add more appetizing flavors to your feline friends water.

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    Causes By Which A Cat Can Drink More Water Than Usual

    If your cat drinks a lot of water, then below are some of the main causes for your cat abnormalities, you can see from below why is your cat drinking too much.

    • It may be a worm infection see more about signs and symptoms of worms in cats. These parasites feed internally, so they are absorbing nutrients from the infected cat.
    • It may be a liver related disease.
    • You may be suffering, if you know it from a fever or infection.
    • It could be a bladder infection.
    • A renal failure.
    • If you are under a steroid or anti-inflammatory medication, one of the side effects is that the kitten will drink a lot of water.
    • You may suffer from heat, temporary dehydration and need to drink more water.
    • You may have had a change from wet to dry food and therefore it is normal, that you can drink more often than before.

    Try to observe these causes and identify what the reason may be. The important thing in case of being a latent disease is the speed to detect it and put it in the hands of a veterinarian.

    Your Cat Might Prefer Running Water

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    Leading on from our last point, cats have excellent hearing and can often hear objects or moving entities before they can see them. Why do you think they come running when they hear the can opener?

    This also translates into running water, as cats in the wild would look for running water sources. Not only can they hear a brook or stream, but they can also identify running water as less likely to contain bacteria , so this preference may stem from an innate survival behavior.

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    Why Is My Cat Drinking A Lot Of Water

    There are many reasons why your cat might be drinking a lot of water. Firstly, it could be normal for them. If they have always drunk a substantial amount of water since they were a kitten, it’s less concerning than if there is a sudden change in their thirst.

    It’s also worth considering whether it’s a hot day or whether theyre fed wet or dry food. Cats who are only fed dry food will often have excellent teeth, but theyll need to drink more than cats who are fed wet food. You can more information on the pros and cons of dry cat food and wet cat food in our vet’s guide to dry vs wet cat food.

    However, some medical conditions can cause your cat to drink more, including hormonal conditions like diabetes and hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, and liver disease.

    Other Reasons For Your Cat Drinking More Water

    While these conditions may explain why an old cat is drinking a lot of water, there could be other causes, such as urinary tract infections, liver disease, or increased thirst after a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea.

    As with any other marked behaviour change in older cats, such as disturbed sleep, its always a good idea to discuss any concerns with your vet.

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    Signs Of Hyperthyroidism In Cats

    Metabolic rate, vitality and coordination are all controlled by the thyroid gland so if its working more frantically than it should be, your cat will be irritable and skittish, and may even pant. Other symptoms of hyperthyroidism include drinking and weeing more frequently, and losing weight, despite eating more.

    Hyperthyroidism can occur in any breed, at any age, but its more likely to develop in cats as they get older. Your vet will be able to recommend thyroid medication that can help.

    How To Get Cats To Drink Water

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    When you want to tempt your cat into drinking more water, try these tips:

    Place several bowls throughout the house. Keep them clean and refill them with fresh water several times daily to avoid dust, hair, or other contaminants.

    Keep water bowls in quiet, calm areas away from loud noises and other animals so that your cat feels safe. This may mean changing the location of the water bowl. Show your cat where the new spot is. Remember, cats are creatures of habit.

    Try changing the bowls from plastic to ceramic or stainless steel, which may change the flavor of the water and help control any plastic allergies.

    Most dry kibble diets consist of only about 10% water, while canned diets may be up to 70% water. Consider adding or changing to a canned food to add more hydration to your pets meals. You may even consider adding more water to the food, or even low-sodium chicken broth if your veterinarian deems this safe for your cat. Discuss any diet changes with your veterinarian first, as canned foods and dry food contain different types of nutrients and may vary in calories.

    Consider a pet water fountain. Cats innately look for running water, and a water fountain provides continual fresh water. An added benefit is that you dont need to leave your faucet trickling throughout the day. It is important to keep these water fountains clean, to continue providing fresh water to your cat.

    Contact your veterinarian if:

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    My Cat Is Drinking A Lot Of Water And Has Diarrhea

    If your cat is drinking a lot and has diarrhea, it might just mean that they are replacing the fluid they have lost in their poop. After all, it doesnt take long for dehydration to set in if your cat has vomiting or diarrhea.

    However, keep in mind that although diarrhea isnt a typical symptom of conditions that cause excessive thirst, every cat is different. So, its worth seeking veterinary help if your cat has symptoms of being unwell or their usual habits have changed.

    How To Keep Your Cat Hydrated

    Keeping your cat hydrated is an essential part of their overall health and wellness. Drinking enough water helps to power their bodys organs and keeps their skin looking and feeling healthy. Water also regulates many of their bodily functions like digestion and body temperature.

    Unfortunately, cats dont always drink as much water as they should, so its important to encourage them to stay hydrated. Keep on reading for our top tips to help you do just that.

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