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Cat Depression After New Kitten

Six Simple Ways To Treat Cat Depression

How to Tell if a Cat Is Depressed

Just like humans, cats can exhibit symptoms of depression. Signs of cat depression include changes in appetite, behavior, and activity level. Some depressed cats might act out by urinating or defecating outside their cat litter box, while others may exhibit physical symptoms including nausea and lethargy.

Our pets experience the same gamut of emotions that we as people do, says Dr. Rachel Barrack of New York Citys Animal Acupuncture. And just like people, our cats are individuals. Each pet experiences and exhibits signs of depression differently, she said.

If you suspect your cat is depressed, here are six simple steps you can take to alleviate their cat depression and help them get back to their old self.

Ask Yourself: Is My Cat Depressed

Have a think about your cats circumstances and the chances of them developing depression.

One of the many things we love about cats is their independent spirit. Cats choose who they love and receiving their affection is a great honor. This is an example of how cats like to be in control.

Cat behaviorists explain that depression occurs when a pet experiences events beyond their control. This might be moving home, the loss of a companion, or an owner returning to work.

Any stressful event that affects the cat can trigger the blues, including:

  • Arrival of a new pet
  • Loss of an owner
  • Owner going on vacation
  • Building work in the home

Any stress may trigger depression, which also includes a cat not being able to do catty things. A cat unable to climb, hunt, play, or claw can become frustrated and depressed.

Do a quick risk assessment on your cat. Has their life changed recently in an unsettling way?

Trusted Feline Veterinary Services In Kirkland Wa

If you suspect your cat is depressed, make sure to visit your trusted team at All About Cats Veterinary Clinic for a consultation. We will rule out any illness or injury and offer tips to help your kitty overcome any sadness or depression. You can always count on our team for purr-fectly compassionate care!

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Symptoms Of Cat Depression Include But Are Not Limited To:

Just because your cat exhibits any one or more of these symptoms doesnt automatically mean hes in the throes of depression. He could be presenting with physical or behavioral signals that point to other illnesses, so its important to visit your vet and rule those out before considering cat depression.

Cat consultant Ingrid King advises, To treat feline depression, physical symptoms need to be addressed first, especially inappetence. A cat who doesnt eat for 24 to 48 hours is at risk for developing hepatic lipidosis, a life-threatening condition.

Here are common reasons for cat depression and some possible solutions for responding to them.

Refusing To Use The Litter Tray (9701682) Flora became depressed after losing her beloved ...

It may be a shock to see cat poop outside of the litter tray because cats are naturally tidy animals. SO, when you see this from your resident cat, it is a sure sign of jealousy.

This is their weird way of expressing their discomfort. Or, if its urine, a method to mark its territory to tell the kitten to back off from its territory.

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Signs Of Depressed Cat After A New Kitten Is Introduced

Some cats will accept a new kitten well when it moves into their home. However, some cats refuse and become melancholy. This frequently occurs when senior cats that have lived in your home their entire lives are given sole custody of it and your full attention.

Your cats behaviour will change when a new kitten moves into the home, making it simple to tell whether theyre depressed. The list below only contains a few of the warning signs of depression.

Is The Older Cat Stressed By The New Kitten

If thats a question then,

Yes, cats can be stressed out when you bring in a new kitten in the picture. Because now they have a constant fear of their space being taken away and no longer going to be the site of attention.

When you consider introducing a new kitten into their lives, there is going to be unease for them. Thats for sure, but you need to tackle that situation by constantly showering them with love and security.

They should realize that you are going to be there with them and you should be the first one they confide in.

Never cut on their time with you when the new kitten comes, always ensure proper divided time.

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Allow Your Cat To Establish Boundaries

Cats need to have order and a new member in the home must learn the rules. Your older cat may have a period of time when it tries to establish boundaries with the new kitten. Your older cat may hiss and swat at the kitten when the newcomer does something unfavorable. This is completely normal and as long as it is just hissing and swatting, do your best to not interfere. Your older cat is teaching the kitten where its boundaries as the new cat are.

Not As Chatty As Usual

Cat Stress: What You Need to Know!

If you have a chatty and cheerful cat, you may want to look out for any changes in their voice and talking frequency.

Firstly, if you notice that your cat is talking way less than usual, then it may be a sign of sadness. Secondly, their purrs may also sound unhappy and low-pitched. Your cat may also purr for a lot of time to comfort themselves.

So, keep observing their meow to know whether they are depressed or not.

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How To Help A Stressed Cat

Worried about your cats symptoms or change in behaviour? While there are a lot of things you can do at home to calm a stressed cat, planning in a visit to the vet should be top of your list.

If youve found a problem with your cats physical health, such as weight loss or issues toileting, it is even more important to get them seen quickly.

Your vet may suggest things you can do at home to keep your cat calm, such as altering their environment or changing their routine.

Establish A Kitten Zone

The introduction of a boisterous new ball of cuteness may well have taken your older cat by surprise, and left them with ruffled fur either metaphorically or literally! The invasion of their territory will have been most unwelcome, hence the struggle to get the two cats to bond. Separate the kitten into its own area, which is completely cut off from your older cat, for example in a spare room. This may seem counter-productive to getting them more used to each other, but your older cat will need time to settle down and re-establish their comfort level in their own home.

Allowing the kitten to occupy a room will also allow the kitten to establish some territory of their own. Include a litter tray, food and water so that the kitten has their own resources. Their scent will soon be covering the room, marking it as definitely theirs. This clear boundary of territory can help both parties to have their own comfort zones with their own resources, reducing the need to clash and compete.

At the same time as the kitten is settling into their new area, your older cat can reset their territory, calm down and replenish their comfort level. Introductions are best done calmly and slowly. So making sure your older cat has had time to unruffle after a bad first encounter is useful. Pheromone sprays or diffusers can help some cats if they seem unsettled.

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Nine Signs Of Depression In Cats

Most cats dont live very active lives and easily sleep for twelve to sixteen hours a day. Their personalities are temperamental, disinterested, and aloof for a majority of their waking hours. But sooner or later, youll take notice of changes in their cat behavior that could signal depression. Here are signs of depression that you can look out for:

  • Lethargy and inactivity
  • Aggressive behavior, such as hissing, biting, or signs of fear and sadness
  • Vocal cues, yowling or purring excessively even when it seems a usual time to be doing so
  • Bedraggled appearance from lack of grooming
  • Body language, such as crouching positions, tail tucked, ears held back
  • Litter box misuse or spraying in unusual areas around the home
  • Withdrawn behavior, no more head bumping or kneading your lap
  • Weight loss or gain
  • Loss of appetite or disinterest in cat treats
  • How To Prevent Cat Depression After A New Kitten

    Mother Cat Was So Depressed After Losing Her Kittens. Then She Was ...

    You can do a few things to prevent cat depression after bringing a new kitten home. One of the most important things is to ensure you continue giving your older cat attention.

    Spend time playing with them, petting them, and talking to them. Its also important to give them plenty of opportunities to socialize with the new kitten. Give them both time to adjust and get used to each others presence. Finally, ensure you provide plenty of food, water, and separate litter boxes. A comfortable environment will help your cats adjust to the new addition to the family.

    Spend some extra time playing with and petting your older cat, and give them their own unique toys and spots in the house. With a little patience and love, you can help your cats adjust to their new life together and enjoy all the benefits of being part of a multi-cat household.

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    How Do You Settle A New Kitten

    Given below are 10 tips that may help you to settle and welcome a new kitten into your house!

    • Designated Room: Firstly, make sure you give them their own designated room so they can explore and get familiar in peace. Dont forget to put some clean cat litter there regularly!
    • Provide them with healthy meals. Dont give them milk as it may risk allergies and diarrhea. Moreover, make sure you have fixed meal times and the food bowl is away from the litter box.
    • Collar: For identification and restraint purposes, consider having a collar for your kitten after some time.
    • Give them some time and attention to earn their love and trust. However, dont over spoil them by feeding them extra food or letting them sleep on your bed.

    Follow these tips and your kitten will be well settled in!

    Withdrawn Or Clingy Behavior

    My cat follows me everywhere when she feels depressed, and this is often the case if you have a new kitten in your home. Your cat is after your love and attention which is now being divided between the two of them. Besides, as the person they love the most, they will want to be around you when they are feeling down to seek reassurance.

    On the other hand, some cats will become withdrawn rather than clingy. Just as humans that suffer from depression may become socially withdrawn, the same is true for cats. They give up on having fun and lose interest in socializing completely. As such, if your cat is hiding and acting weird this can be an indication theyre depressed.

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    Final Thoughts On Cat Depression

    Do you love to hear your cat purr? Its in your ability to help your cat out of a depressive slump. You may be able to do this with some changes in the home or find a treatment for an underlying cause.

    Dealing with their problem can help them become the affectionate and purrfect kitty you know them to be. When your furry friend is in tiptop shape, then theyre able to support your mental wellness too.

    Changes In Physical Health

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    If an active cat starts to develop arthritis and can no longer jump up to their comfy spot on the couch, bed, or window, it can be depressing and lead to a loss of enrichment. As a result, your cat can become depressed.

    In situations when a cat experiences a sudden loss of a limb or an eye, or they start losing their sight, that would totally affect how they navigate in the world. Some cats may adjust really well, but an older cat may take longer to adjust and may become depressed.

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    How To Make Your Cat Happy

    There are several ways you can help make your sad cat happy. They include:

    Having playtime. Depressed cats will be relieved of aggression if you play with them.

    Petting your cat. Cats love to interact with their caretakers. A gentle hand on the back of the head and behind the jaw may stabilize a worried cat without restricting its movement.

    Using catnip. Catnip is a plant in the mint family that contains a natural oil called nepetalactone that has a unique effect on cats. When cats rub on or chew catnip, it produces a mild natural high that is both harmless and temporary, but that is pleasurable to cats.

    Consulting an expert. A board-certified animal behaviorist may be your best bet to cheer up your pet, as they have the knowledge and experience to treat depressed pets.

    When to call the vet. If you notice that your cat is showing signs of chronic depression, stress, or illness, you should call your vet. The vet may recommend medical intervention or just a change of routine.

    Signs of a sick cat include:

    • Loss of appetite
    • A need for extra attention
    • A generally sad demeanor

    Train Them To Be Together

    Remember, I said to train not to force.

    Once in a week get some time to train them to be together, where you put it clear that aggressive is forbidden.

    You strictly are in charge of noticing what are points that trigger them when they are around each other.

    And the things they can develop an interest in.

    These should be the points where you need to work in the next session.

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    What Are The Signs Your Cat Is Depressed

    If you have a new kitten, there is a good chance that your cat is depressed. There are many reasons why cats might become depressed, including changes in their environment or other pets in the home, being separated from their family, or experiencing health problems. If you notice any of the following signs in your cat, its important to take action: your cat isnt eating or drinking enough, is constantly licking its fur or body, has lost weight, seems withdrawn and apathetic, or has stopped using the litter box. If you think your cat may be depressed, consult a veterinarian for help.

    How Do I Get My Cat To Accept A New Kitten

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    One of the best ways to prevent your old cat from feeling depressed is to introduce your new kitten the right way. This requires some preparation, as well as perfecting their initial meeting and encouraging your cats to interact gradually in the days and weeks that follow. Here are my top tips on introducing a kitten and an older cat to cause the least upset possible!

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    Introduce Your Cat To The New Kitten

    When you bring your kitten home, allow your cat to sniff it while the kitten is in a carrier. Go directly to the room previously designated and set up for your new kitten and allow the kitten to explore. The litter box, food bowls, bed, and some toys should all be easily accessible. Do not let your older cat have immediate access to the kitten.

    At night, when you are not home, and whenever you are unable to supervise the kitten and your older cat, keep the kitten in its designated room with the door closed. As your cat gets curious, it may stick its paw under the door, sniff under the door, and listen to the kitten. Do this for about a week, depending on how your cat is acting with the changes. Dont forget to provide a lot of attention to your older cat after playing with your kitten. Just wash your hands between play sessions to avoid spread of infections at first.Itll need your attention and support and the scent of the kitten on your clothing will help it get used to the newcomer.

    Tips To Handle Cat Depression After New Kitten

    Learn symptoms & tips to deal with your old cat depression after new kitten comes in.

    When you have a new kitten and your existing cat appears to be depressed, its not always simple. Hence, you may wonder how to handle cat depression after a new kitten. There are some tips to help out!

    If youve recently welcomed a new kitten into your home, your older cat might feel down. Youre not alone, so dont worry. After a new pet moves into the house, cats may become envious and depressed.

    Many cats suffer from this sort of depression . Here are something you should know about this problem.

    What You’ll Learn

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    Help My Cat Is Stressed By New

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  • Keep the cats apart. Make sure to keep the cats separated for a least a few weeks or more if your older cat feels stressed. Provide some supervised interactions to get them used to each other’s scents and movements. Provide some hiding places for the senior cat to retreat to.

    Spend one-on-one time. Your older cat might feel lonely and displaced by your new kitten, so it’s important to show her that you still love her. Spend quality alone time with your older cat hold her, pet her, and play with her while your new kitten is safely shut away in another room.

    Get them involved in shared, positive activities. Try sitting down and placing a cat on either side of you. Give each cat a treat and praise them both. Pet them and talk to them while remaining calm and peaceful. If your older cat hisses or is aggressive with the new kitten, remove her from the situation and try again later.

    Move on to shared playtime. Cats love to play, but be careful to avoid competition. A game like blowing soap bubbles is a great idea as it allows for multiple targets, whereas a single laser point may create competition as cats go for the same spot.

    Try mealtimes. If shared human time works well, move on to shared mealtimes. Place their food bowls about a foot apart or more and encourage them to come eat. Dinner will keep them occupied, and the cats will be aware of each other’s presence in a positive environment.

    Article provided by Purina


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